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Brolly 12\18\03 @ 11:15PM
Ok, please, oh please, tell me how is it, that I can update (Currently) once every year and a half, and still be rated to highly on DBZ list thingamajigger??? Doesn't make sense...

Brolly 06\12\02 @ 4:15PM
I started on the pic archive, got bored and forgot about it until now. I have a ton of pictures, all of which I would love to put up. But, I am just too horribly lazy. I have a semi-new counter. I like the way the one looks, but it no longer gives the full deal. Just hits. I will begin work on a new picture archive, hosted by my netfirms server, that will be better. I also moved the MP3's over to it. Angelfire is being gay and is restricting accounts back to 25 MB. At one point it was 50.

Brolly 03\14\02 @ 5:51PM
Okay, Probably around the scariest friggin thing happened today. My site was suspended due to too much Bandwidth consumption. I am starting to think that it is due to a really boring guy whose says I stole his website name. He also continually said his site if better. I won't say his site name cause he will probably just get more hits and try and brag some more so I will just forget it.

Brolly 02\14\02 @ 2:41PM
Hey all, Once again I have done absolutly no updating. I have noticed more than once that the Bad Guys/Gals Section isn't working but I have just been too lazy to fix it. I have just gotten my FORUM put up. I have, for just about as long as I have had a website, Wanted a half decent Forum. Well, I got it. You can use it at your pleasure by clicking on the link under Interactive. Thanx.

Brolly 12\29\01 @ 6:38PM
Hey everyone, This will be the last update of 2001. An interesting year it has been. I have done nearly no work on this site since around March. The only reason I am doing this update is just to tell you all that I now have a new banner up. Other than that I have nothing new to say. You may hear again from me later tonight but don't count on it. Happy New Year to all.

Brolly 11\2\01 @ 2:38PM
Hey everyone! Been a long time since I've updated my site but that should be about to change. So far all I have done is added a feedback button on the bottom left hand side of the page so you can send an email to me easier.

Brolly 07\19\01 @ 12:36PM
After a long time I have finally sat my lazy self down and did some work on this site. But today I am Proud to present that the Bad Guys/Gal Section is now open

Brolly 05\14\01 @ 2:11PM
Okay I have made a interesting decision about my Pic Archive. Since I am Lazy and don't wanna have to put in a big intro too my pics and everything I just made it so you will just go straight to a Parent Directory with all my pics. This way I can upload more pics without a big hassle. Thanks
Please disregard this

Brolly 04\26\01 @ 3:37PM
Hey Here's something really cool that I made with my Lego Cam thingy. I call It legoDurassic. Go Here....It's streaming so don't worry about a Long Download. Dino

Brolly 04\23\01 @ 4:03PM
Well I wouldn't really call this and update but Anyways... I Finally got my dumb Banner fixed(The one at the top of this page) so that it looks Much, Much better. I will now start working on the Bad Guy/Gals Section. Oh and if you can PLEASE click in the Dragon Ball Top 100 Logo at the top. It will help out my rating. Well Thanx anyways.

Brolly 04\23\01 @ 11:22AM
Hey Hey Hey, I have finally got around to getting an update. I posted a couple more vids in the movie section. One is really cool. I have anouther One that is currently uploading and willl be up soon. Unfortunatly is a wopping 43MB so..........It's probably best for the high bandwidth people to download that. Awww Crap. Or never mind. The Damned Server wouldn't let my after a half an hour. Well. I'll leave it at this.. See Ya.

Brolly 03\11\01 @ 2:09PM
Hello I havn't been updating at all lately. But here's a fair update. I have just sighned up with Yahoo® Geocities® So now I should have about twice or triple mabe even quadruple the amount of hits(good for me but not you as it clog the server). So things mabe a little screwy(Links not working). Oh and the URL is and I have a no right click script now. Well. See Ya

Brolly 02\04\01 @ 7:50PM
I'm going back to my old updating schedule by also adding the date and time. I have also gotten my counter back. I have also shrunken the link area so there is more space over here for me to type in my updates. And last but Definatly not least I have finished to Good Guy/Gals Bio section. Now I can move onto the Bad Guy/Gals. and eventually mabe tonight I will have the poll and Guestbook Working again. Or mabe not. Until then or again. Buh Bye

Hi again.
I am starting to regret changing my site design as I lost a huge bunch of stuff........Such as my counter. And I can't get it back. I don't have much to update.

Days until I hope to have this Site Mainly completed
Here it is Mr. Overloop