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I Welcome you to
"DBZ ... BANG!!"

RUN GOHAN .. RUUUUUUNNN!!Welcome to "DBZ .. BANG!" ! By now, your wondering, "Why did he name it 'DBZ ... Bang'!?" Well, I don't know ... hehe. So just forget the name and enjoy the information and pics. I hope to get make this site one of the most popular sites ever created of its kind, Dragon Ball.I relieaze accomplishing this goal will be indeed hard to do, so if ANYONE would like to help me in the creation or just finding some pics to help out, its okay with me ^^. If you ever want to e-mail me or talk to me, go on ahead just, "Click here". Thank you and hope you find my new site to look good, 'cause thuer isn't much info or pics ... yet.-.- ^^

Latest Updates n' Stuff

  - 08 January 2001, 6:29 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta -

I wrote an editorial on Funimation Music and such. You can find it in the Editorials Section on the site. Well, if you can't already tell, Funimation started the episodes over ... once again ^_^; ... ahh well.I'm sorry I can't provide ou guys with more stuff on DBZ, but it's hard by yourself and I am concentration on the site more, now. Well TTYL later - Vegeta   - 07 January 2001, 3:05 pm EST; SSJ4Vegeta -

Hey guys!! .. I was on vacation in Vegas, it was fun. Welp, now I'm back and ready to update, update, UPDATE!! bwuh ha haha ^_^ I'm gonna try and do some work on some sections today and tommorow. Still no Staff forms sent in =( ... but ah well.   - 21 December 2000, 4:53 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta - I got the Lycos Top 10 List posted below, Take a look and see where DBZ stands ... ::sigh::

1. Britney Spears (2)
2. Dragonball (4)
3. Pokemon (1)
4. WWF (3)
5. 'N Sync (14)
6. Pamela Anderson (5)
7. Tattoos (11)
8. Napster (-)
9. Jennifer Lopez (18)
10. Summer Olympics (-)

Britney Spears?! ... I hope that is none of you out there, I mean come on. And, It looks like Pokemon is making a pretty good come back. Oh well, At least DBZ is the number one fad(according to Lycos). Anyways, I posted a new Poll to you left. -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 21 December 2000, 4:53 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta - I updated the Images section. Also, Bid for Power has posted some new images, but it also seems there server is crap ... like mine -.- There new gohan model is almost done check it out Here Anyways, Thanks to PN for the Gohan pic. Now, Off to watch DBZ I go ^.^ -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 19 December 2000, 10:05 pm EST; SSJ4Vegeta - I apologize for the inconvience of an almost empty web site and am sorry for the recent lack of updates, guys. I know the site ain't much to look at yet. But, I'm working my butt off, and the only reason I haven't been completing sections recenlty is because of Finals @ school. They will finally be over Thursday, I can't wait ^.^ Welp, got to study ... again Au Revoir(Good-bye in French -- one of my Finals =( ) -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 14 December 2000, 9:54 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta - I added the Images section today, well I started it. I'm not really . Really, Im not even close to being done with that section. I added some new Links today as well. Did you all see DBZ? ... Today's was a good episode I thought. Gohan was kicking some butt. That was like one of the only episodes I missed in the Jap. subtitled. *.* -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 13 December 2000, 9:54 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta - I missed part of DBZ today, but that's okay ... I've already seen it ^.^. Anyways, guess I could start and do some sections for the site. I still want some staff members here badly. PLEASE contact me if you think you are "fit" for the job ^-^ later - SSJ4Vegeta

  - 12 December 2000, 9:54 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta - Welp ... Gohan went SSJ2 today. I'd say Funimation did a pretty good job with it. Music still sucks. Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I had some family promblems. But, that didn't keep me from DBZ ^.^ . I still need some updaters and/or staff members ... PLEASE SIGN UP TO BE ONE!! I depsratelly need one! -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 8 December 2000, 9:54 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta - Hey, Hey! ... I'm working on the site, looking real good. I've started the SOTM section and the POTM section. Also, I completed the Links Links section. If anyone would like for me to link them and there site then just send me some mail My only requirement is that You link me, excluding my Personal Faviortes list, cause there my Personal Faviortes ^_^ -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 5 December 2000, 8:43 pm EST; SSJ4Vegeta - Hello Everyone! ^^ - This is my new site, just started last month, November 3. I will be bringing the newest information, multimedia, misc. and a bucha other crap! ^_^ - I also am working on a FLASH INTRO for the site. I currently don't have any information or pics at all, on the site. None of the links work just yet. But, dont worry, The Best is yet to come. And, soon I might actually quit workiing on the layout and do the actual sections -.- ... ^.^ -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 25 November 2000, 6:52 pm EST; SSJ4Vegeta - Hey ... I'm trying to find DBZ News, as soon as it happens, and post it , but that doesn't leave me much time for the other things on the site, so I may need someone who can specialize in DBZ and possibly other anime news. They will be able to post news and such so I will have time to work on the actual site. E-mail ME for info on becoming the DBZ and other anime News "broadcaster". Also, I need someone who can scan or find me original Multimedia. AN Info guy would be good also, he can create sections on character bios and such. Well, If you are qualified for any of these jobs E-mail ME -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 13 November 2000, 10:18 pm EST; SSJ4Vegeta - Hey everyone! I am mostly consintrating on better designing the layout. I need to make some adjustments to it. Anyways, None of the sections actually exsist ... yet, I haven't had time to work on the actual content of the site, but please be patient. Also, If you are interested I still nedd GOOD updaters to help me with this site. I know It'll be hard but you'll get credit where it is due and you will be able to post messages on the site, and update, etc. It would help if you knew HTML abit, so then you wouldnt just be "down the river without a pattle". Eric here ... signing off ^_^ -SSJ4Vegeta

  - 02 November 2000, 4:43 pm EST; SSJ4Vegeta - THEY DID IT!! ... Funimation actually added an attack name ... FINAL FLASH!! It's in English in the original , so it was translated correctly if you didnt know. Perfect Cell's voice is pretty good, thought it's too early to determine if it's good or not this early, it has a less British version of King Cold's voice. And, the music still sucks. I really think funimation should do something it SUCKS! - SSJ4Vegeta

  - 01 Novermber 2000, 12:03 am EST; SSJ4Vegeta - Hello ...Toonami has posted their promo for Blue Submarine No. 6 on their website. I stumbled across this, about 15 minutes ago and here take a look. It's the preview for the new mini series "Blue Sub No.6" Looks pretty cool. I found it on CN's toonami section pages. I saved you the hassle of finding it and clicking on it so all you have to do is click on the link above, and i set it up for the mov itself to appear in one large page. have fun sayinmg that 5X fast... :P. And I can't believe I neglected to post this until now, but Gundam Endless Waltz will be playing this upcoming Friday. It is supposively going to be pretty good, has some new chick in it ... so that'll be cool. - SSJ4Vegeta

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