Day One: The Never-Ending Flight Schedule

You know your day of flying is gonna be hellish when it starts at 5'o clock Saturday morning and ends on Sunday 3'o clock in the afternoon.  My parents were there to see me off,so that took some of the bite out of gettin up so early. Dad tried to warn me about every little danger that he thought I didn't know already. Mom was quiet and collected as usual, but I know deep down she was worried about me being safe. She has confidence in me,but a mother will stay a mother. My father is a little more vocal with his thoughts. I left Cleveland at 5 in the morning only to go to Detroit.

Side note, I HATE commuter planes. The plane to Detroit had propellers. Remember there is a huge difference between planes and jets. Those things ain't nuthin but toys....

Motown receives me around 5:40AM thier time. I then run like the wind to the plane that will then take me to New York City. That's right all you country bumpkins afraid of the metro, Neww Yawwk Citteeaa!!!


The Big Apple, the great toilet bowl, the city that never sleeps, Frank Sintra's hang out, home of Brick City, the city where all them Puerto Ricans was terrorizing half naked women after the parade. My flight was leaving about 3:00PM; I arrived 8:30AM. So that gave me sometime to venture through the illustrious town. Only one problem with all this. I wasn't in NY to party; I was there to just wait for a jet.

Let me tell you somethin', New York has a lot to offer. I didn't venture no damn where cause I was going to Japan. I was not gonna risk losin my luggage, gettin mugged, catchin a buckshot from some crazy ass Jamaican. I was trying to have fun on my vacation and if I wasn't careful it was gonna suck because I did something stupid like go siteseeing in New York and miss my damn jet ride. Not gonna happen folks, I was by myself, so I was runnin the show 100%. That Statue of Liberty aint goin' no damn where. So, I bought myself a little book, X-Men The Movie in novel form, sat my ass in the terminal and started to read. I will visit the NY at a later date.

Before I knew it 2:00PM rolled around and the plane was getting boarded. And there was all kinds of people. There was Germans, French, Chinese, East Indians, Pakistani, and Japanese people going home. <FACE MORPH GIF or Flash not sure yet....>

The only time I heard English was when the stewardess(Airplane Assistant), asked me if I wanted chicken or beef for my meal. I'm joking lightly, but that's half the truth, everything became American on a minimal level. For instance the magazines go the opposite direction, left to right. Japanese people read thier magazines in a fashion we would consider back to front. Incidentally, they also drive on the opposite side of the rode, I'll indulge in that subject later. From then on I knew what was in store. .Think about it, I haven't even left the damn ground and the inside of the plane is gettin' international. I even made a pact that I would not eat any American cuisine from beginning to end.

The girl I was sitting next to me never even looked in my direction. She was a cute;Japanese girl in her twenties,but would not even shift her head my way. I thought to myself:

Ohh, you can't look at me huh?? Well f**k you then, I ain't gotta speak to you neither. Don't be so afraid of the one they call the Misfit. Darling I am not scary.  Eliminate your confusion with the look on my face, the sterness of my eyes. My mentals made things difficult long ago, but that no longer is the case now, my dear. If you look my way, I can tell you about how the sun shines in my direction. That I will no longer speak of the days when shinola was shit and everyday was rain regardless of weather....
I've got issues I know. My thoughts go in strange directions. Anyway, I learned later that Japanese people aren't real big on eye contact or speaking to strangers; especially foreigners, not just Black people. I had to disregard my previous thoughts.

Outside of the non-social passenger clientele and 13 hour plane ride, the flight was fairly pleasant. It wasn't bumby, the food was good. I even fininshed the X-Men book in between dozing off and daydreamin about screwin some geisha girls (that never happened by the way..).

Did you know that when you fly from New York to Japan, you fly over Alaska then come south to the island? Apparently, we would have been in the air an extra three hours if went that fat way around. So we land safely, not a single complication. first looking at Japan from the plane it reminds you of Hawaii. There are pretty trees, exotic looking birds, and -  Click for Day One continued...

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