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Welcome to a miscellaneous website

This is just a site I've created to put my graphic creations, my poetry, or just general pictures that I found entertaining onto. Eventually I'd like to transfer my LJ into a blog here, but we'll see. I know its not a fancy website, and I don't care about that, I intend to put more work into it IF and WHEN I find the time to do so. Enjoy.

So, lets start of the list

Second, we have my attempts at humor with Image Editing, using Adobe Photoshop 5.5

2000 image edits button(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Then, 2001 projects

2001 Edit Button

Ever heard of a fancy little program named Bryce 4? well, these are my projects i've completed with this 3d world creator from Corel

Bryce 4 images button

Contact me:

All images and documents are the sole property of Marcus Beardsly;

The recreation, duplication, or selling of the files located in this server; is completely illegal. Theft of any or all media shall result in the full extent of penalty by law.