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huh? where am i???


my deadjournal
my ujournal
english serial experiments lain music
some thing
anime pics
rpg webite
videogame code website
lain pics!!!
anime pics i have put here
wallpapers i have made
actor pics
anime cross overs fanfiction
stuff about me lol

things i like

make me sad
make me mad
make me feel alright?
hi,we are still under construcion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You answered all questions in a gay way. You must be gay. If not, you are extremely okay with gay people.

To take the quiz yourself, click here now!

I'm Dream!
Which Member of the Endless Are You?
Primary Ability:
Teknoguilders are the Misfits who are curious about the way the world works. They are fasinated by inventions and studying the old time. Teknoguilders also posess telekinetic powers, and can move things with thier minds. Teknoguilders are great to have around, as they think logically, and analytically working through problems to find a good solution for all.
Secondary Ability:
Coercers are by far, the most powerful Misfit, possessing the ability not only to read other peoples minds, but to affect them as well. While Coercers can sometimes tend to be stubborn, they will sacrifice anything for the happiness of a friend.
What is your Misfit Talent?


What's *Your* Sex Sign?