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Ok, this is a conversation of me and wary talkin it up. Now this is fuckin hilarious because this so called 32 year old (virgin fucktard) which what he says then denys it after i say people that are 32 have No life (playing quake 2). But I think he is 32. Now He keeps harassing me about his BoNE clan is better then akadeaths BoNE clan and that his is the real one cause it lasted longer. But ya know why keep bringing the subject up? Wary, are you sure you have a life? it hink not. Read and Laugh it up. Wary is one retarded newb. and keeps proving it to the world by showing how he is so naive and self centered.  He thinks he owns, but he don't own shit. Well he does own at keeping a horrible reputation for his so called clan "Wary's BoNE" After reading this you can say pwned!!! I think I said that also when We finished this conversation. good games fucktard, oops I mean wary...

-Enjoy (BoNE)-N1ghTmAr3 aka MaTriX

(04/16/2002 @ 6:10pm EST)


BoNE-Wary> mastrix?

BoNE-Wary> 'er matrix? (I'm a fucktard I can't spell)

phx-MaTriX> ?

phx-MaTriX> yea?

BoNE-Wary> nitemare?  (spelling my other name wrong again, fucktard.)

phx-MaTriX> yea

BoNE-Wary> haha

BoNE-Wary> u'r not in fake bone anymore? :)

phx-MaTriX> no still am

BoNE-Wary> o ya?

phx-MaTriX> I'm still in it

BoNE-Wary> with who?

phx-MaTriX> for q2

phx-MaTriX> I dunno

phx-MaTriX> hehe

BoNE-Wary> so u gonna maake a 3rd bone?  (fucktard can't type [make])

phx-MaTriX> what do u mean?

BoNE-Wary> maybe u should look into what u'r saying

phx-MaTriX> o haha

phx-MaTriX> bone die?

phx-MaTriX> died*

BoNE-Wary> find out for u'rself

BoNE-Wary> u mean fake bone btw.

phx-MaTriX> i see

BoNE-Wary> i'm still wearin it

phx-MaTriX> good for you?

phx-MaTriX> well me too but ya know things move on i guess

phx-MaTriX> :)

BoNE-Wary> bad things..

BoNE-Wary> most good things stay the same if they are truely good

phx-MaTriX> well im gettin tired of q2

phx-MaTriX> but i might or will be gettin back into it soon

BoNE-Wary> itz fun

phx-MaTriX> ill miss it after awhile

phx-MaTriX> but

phx-MaTriX> bone isn't dead

phx-MaTriX> well death's bone

phx-MaTriX> as in said here.

phx-MaTriX> | Mon: N/A | Tues: N/A | Wed: N/A | Thurs: Match Today | Fri: N/A | Sat: N/A | No guys BoNE isnt dead ..just chill for a bit ..go play some lithium :P

BoNE-Wary> i will be talking with aka

phx-MaTriX> okie

phx-MaTriX> about what?

BoNE-Wary> and i didn't say it was dead

phx-MaTriX> i thought it was

phx-MaTriX> hehe

phx-MaTriX> for a second

phx-MaTriX> what r u going to say

phx-MaTriX> to deathy?

BoNE-Wary> i'v already talked to him

phx-MaTriX> that's nice.. good 2 know

BoNE-Wary> u guyz like fag jericho say "BoNE is now fully mine" but u act like it was never totally mine in the first place

BoNE-Wary> it wouldn't concern u

phx-MaTriX> jericho is cool man why is he a fag? your the fag..

BoNE-Wary> all of u are fags

BoNE-Wary> why?

phx-MaTriX> Jericho never seemed to disappoint me, unlike you.

BoNE-Wary> cuss u all talked shit to me at the start (Cuss? lmao, am I cussing? or did that mean cause? fucktard)

phx-MaTriX> hah

BoNE-Wary> telling me to take my tag off

phx-MaTriX> how old are you?

BoNE-Wary> shit like that

BoNE-Wary> just shit talking

BoNE-Wary> now u don't say anything to me anymore

BoNE-Wary> why? cuss u found out the truth (Cuss again? Take an english class homo, that isn't even talking proper in IRC, newb.)

BoNE-Wary> how old are u?

BoNE-Wary> older than u (Great comeback)

phx-MaTriX> how old are you?

phx-MaTriX> thats what im asking

BoNE-Wary> 32

phx-MaTriX> ok well im 17

BoNE-Wary> i can tell

phx-MaTriX> and people that are 32 should be done with childish games.. ur a immature fuck that has no life and no social life. probably u got a social life but u got no life. your on playing 24/7 and u dont live your life, what a waste. ur gonna be regreting it.

phx-MaTriX> 32 lol i would be done gaming when im like 21 or 22

BoNE-Wary> the funny thing, i say i'm 32, u believe it :)

BoNE-Wary> no u'r not

phx-MaTriX> but 32 haha

BoNE-Wary> u'r gonna be gaming for awhile

phx-MaTriX> nah..

phx-MaTriX> i kinda got to go to college

BoNE-Wary> i have no life?

phx-MaTriX> and i cant play

BoNE-Wary> no social life?

BoNE-Wary> i dont' even know me

phx-MaTriX> so like u know

BoNE-Wary> why do u say such things?

phx-MaTriX> thats right u dont even know yourself.

BoNE-Wary> u'r telling me who i am?

BoNE-Wary> lol

BoNE-Wary> u'r Matrix.. (He fuckin spelled it right that time, he must have read that book.. "English class for fucktards")

phx-MaTriX> im telling u who you are

BoNE-Wary> o ok

phx-MaTriX> u got no life and u msg me thinking that I care.

BoNE-Wary> i better listen then? haha

phx-MaTriX> about that bone clans

BoNE-Wary> no

phx-MaTriX> dude just stfu already, dont talk to me.

BoNE-Wary> i was wondering if u were same matrix

BoNE-Wary> i don't care to talk to u

BoNE-Wary> just curious

phx-MaTriX> ur curious cuz u got no life

BoNE-Wary> but u alwayz sound alright at the starting of conversationz

BoNE-Wary> then u freak out, lol

phx-MaTriX> me freak out? heh

phx-MaTriX> this is the internet ;P

BoNE-Wary> ya, i'm curious on who u are cuss i have no life?

BoNE-Wary> thatz for proving u'r stupid and immature

BoNE-Wary> ya man

BoNE-Wary> u freak out everytime

BoNE-Wary> u'r not in BoNE

phx-MaTriX> u been like harassing me ever since we got into that little arguement

BoNE-Wary> u'r in fake bone

BoNE-Wary> cuss u'r not good enough to be in BoNE

phx-MaTriX> hahahahaha

phx-MaTriX> hahahahhaah

BoNE-Wary> lol

BoNE-Wary> harassing u? i do believe u envy me

BoNE-Wary> which i know u do

BoNE-Wary> and u hate it

phx-MaTriX> LOL

phx-MaTriX> !

phx-MaTriX> LOL!!!!!

phx-MaTriX> LOL~!~~~~!~!~!~!~

BoNE-Wary> u just shouldn't start to shit u'r pants everytime i say something to u

BoNE-Wary> and feel so special

phx-MaTriX> haha ok look at " #phx " and look at ur clans channel

BoNE-Wary> cuss u'r not even a good gamer (need to read more.. book of English of fucktards)

BoNE-Wary> haha

phx-MaTriX> this is a new game, I've moved on.

phx-MaTriX> ur game is like 5 years old.

phx-MaTriX> no1 even competes in it.

BoNE-Wary> ya i'm lookin at my crewz chan

BoNE-Wary> what about it?

BoNE-Wary> so what, itz fun

BoNE-Wary> sorry, i'm not full fledged geek like u that has to play the gamez all the other geekz are playing

BoNE-Wary> lol

phx-MaTriX> dude all ur doing is runnning around shooting people.

BoNE-Wary> come to #clan_bone

phx-MaTriX> so?

phx-MaTriX> o ur kool now

BoNE-Wary> proving my point

BoNE-Wary> just wondering if u were the same fag

BoNE-Wary> thankz for proving me right again

phx-MaTriX> right buddy..

BoNE-Wary> u freaked out once again

BoNE-Wary> like a child

BoNE-Wary> haha

BoNE-Wary> hey princess

phx-MaTriX> any time man.

BoNE-Wary> dont' piss u'r pants

BoNE-Wary> itz only IRC

phx-MaTriX> its the internet i know that

phx-MaTriX> :)

BoNE-Wary> i dont' think u do

phx-MaTriX> but i dont think u know that

phx-MaTriX> heh uhh ok

phx-MaTriX> :)

BoNE-Wary> o ya, i think this is real life! YES!?

BoNE-Wary> idiot

phx-MaTriX> say hello to my other friends in bone clan and all of q2.

phx-MaTriX> since ur gonna be in that game for the next 10 years

phx-MaTriX> heh

BoNE-Wary> uhh...

BoNE-Wary> thatz so funny u make no sense

phx-MaTriX> uhhh lol thats cuz u got no brains.

BoNE-Wary> fuk u'r known as a huge geek

BoNE-Wary> and i'v seen u'r pic

phx-MaTriX> hahahahaha

BoNE-Wary> u look like a faggot

BoNE-Wary> lol

BoNE-Wary> hardcore geek

BoNE-Wary> sorry

phx-MaTriX> "hardcore geek?"

BoNE-Wary> but i think i'm done flattering u by talking to u

phx-MaTriX> wtf does that suppose to look like

phx-MaTriX> lol..

BoNE-Wary> u know who i am

phx-MaTriX> yea i know u want me in bed, you seem to harass me enough to try to give me a hint.

BoNE-Wary> thatz why u bow down in my presence

phx-MaTriX> you wanna fuck me hard don't ya buddy? your gay like that eh?

phx-MaTriX> i know but in ur dreams.. rofl.

BoNE-Wary> dude, u'r a geek

BoNE-Wary> omg

BoNE-Wary> bye

phx-MaTriX> quit msging me and stop stalking me

phx-MaTriX> hahaha peace brotha.

phx-MaTriX> :P