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Incense Recipes

Dream incense #1:

Camphor, Aloewood, Jasmine, Cucumber Seeds, White sandalwood, and White Rose.
Dream incense #2:
1/4 oz each of Bayberry, sandalwood, and Anise Seed;
1/2 oz Patchouli Oil;
1 oz each of Myrrh, Powdered Charcoal, and Benzoin.
Mix together well. Add enough bonding agent to firm cones and let dry.

Astral incense:

1/2 each of sandalwood, Lavender, and 1 dram Patchouli Oil;
1/4 each of Rose Petals, Gum Karaya and Bayberry;
1/3 oz Benzoin;
1/16 oz Saltpeter;
1/14 oz Powdered Charcoal;
and 1 oz Dram Frank Oil.

Scrying incense:

Violets, Parsley, Anise, Camphor, Dittany of Crete, and sandalwood.
Beauty & happiness:
Jasmine, White Rose, Lotus, Red sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang, Ambergris, and Benzoin.
Moon Goddess incense:
Storax, Poppy Seed, Aloe, Benzoin, Coriander Seed, Thyme, White Lily Petals, White Rose Petals, and Cinnamon.

Moon Goddess incense #2:

Aloe, White sandalwood, Storax, Pumpkin Seeds, Nasturtium Seed, Violets, Cucumber Seeds, Moonflowers (Osmunda Lunaria), and Wintergreen.

Cernunnos incense:

Musk, Patchouli, Pine, Juniper, Calamus Root, and Benzoin.

Sun God incense:

Frankincense, Balm of Gilead, Cardomon, Ambergris, Orris Root, Heliotrope, and Cinnamon.

Health incense:

Gum Karaya, Frankincense, White sandalwood, and Gum Damar.
Roman offering incense:
Olive Wood, Bay Leaves, Patchouli, Pine, Myrrh, and Saffron.

Divination incense #1:

Olibanum, Cloves, Camphor, Mastic, Wormwood, Bay Leaves, Cinquefoil, and Dittany of Crete.

Divination incense #2:

Damiana, Dittany of Crete, Jimson Weed Seeds, Saffron, Anise, Soloman's Seal, Psyllium Seed, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

All purpose ritual incense:

3 parts each of Orris Root, Patchouli, and Benzoin;
5 Parts each of Cinnamon, and Myrrh;
15 Parts each of sandalwood, and Frankincense.

Banishing incense:

Hyssop, Calamint, Peony, Rosemary and Mint.
Balance and harmony:
Orris Root, Cardomon, Red sandalwood, Gum Benzoin, and Rose.

Egyptian incense:

Camphor, Acacia, Pine Resin, Calumus, Myrrh and Sweet Rush.

Incense Recipies By Scott Cunningham

Circle Incense:

4 parts Frankincense
4 parts Myrrh
2 parts Benzion
1 part Sandlewood
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Rose Petals
1/4 part Vervain
1/4 part Rosemary
1/4 part Bay
Burn in the circle for all types of rituals and spells. The first three ingrediants constitute the bulk of the mixture.

Altar Inscense

3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cinnamon
Burn as a general incense on the altar to purify it and to promote ritual consciousness during rituals.

Full Moon Ritual Incense

2 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Frankincense
1/2 part Gardenia petals
1/4 part Rose petals
a few drops Ambergris oil
During Esabats or simply at any time of the Full Moon to attune to the Goddess.

Spring Sabbat Incense

3 part Frankincense
2 parts Sandlewood
1 part Benzion
1 part Cinnamon
A few drops of Patcholy oil
Burn during spring and summer Sabbat rituals.

Fall Sabbat Incense

3 part Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cedar
1 part Juniper
Burn during fall and winter Sabbat rituals.


Correspondences for Imbolc (Jasmine Galenorn)


Flowers: red and white carnations, red and white roses, baby's breath, fern

Incense: dragons blood, carnation, vanilla

Oils: carnation, vanilla, vanilla-musk

Crystals: garnet, clear quartz, pearls

Candles: red, white, black

Candlemas Ritual Potpourri

45 drops Myrrh Oil
1 cup Oak Moss
2 cups Dried Heather Flowers
2 cups Dried Wisteria
1 cup Dried Yellow Tulip Petals
1/2 cup Dried Basil
1/2 cup Dried and Chopped Bay Leaves

Mix the myrrh oil with the oak moss, and then add the remaining ingredients. Stir the potpourri well and then store in a tightly covered ceramic or glass container. A small cauldron filled with homemade potpourri can be used as a fragrant altar decoration, burned (outdoors) as an offering to the old gods during or after a Sabbat celebration, or wrapped in decorative paper and ribbons and given as a Sabbat gift.

from Gerina Dunwich's book: The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch's Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions and Recipes.



Imbolc Incense

3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1/2 part Red Sandalwood
1 part Cinnamon
a few drops Red Wine

To this mixture add a pinch of the first flower (dry it first) that is available in your area at the time of Imbolc (February 1st). Burn during ceremonies on Imbolc, or simply to attune with the symbolic rebirth of the Sun --- the fading of winter and the promise of Spring.

from Scott Cunningham's book: The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews.

Imbolc Incense

Ingredients (all equal parts):
Benzoin, Dragon's Blood, Storax or Myrrh

Blend all the Ingredients well. Keep in a magick bag, bottle or Jar.

From 'Celebrate the Earth' by Laurie Cabot

Imbolc Oil # 1

1/4 oz. almond oil
10 drops orange oil
9 drops Siberian fir oil
5 drops frankincense oil
5 drops carnation oil
5 drops primrose oil
5 drops ginger oil
5 drops lavender oil
4 drops nutmeg oil

To the bottle add: dried orange flowers, garnet.
from: "Cat"

Imbolc Oil # 2

2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops rose oil
2 drops chamomile oil
2 drops lemon oil
2 drops lavender oil
1/8 oz. base oil

*Imbolc Oil # 3

10 parts clove oil
20 parts dragon's blood oil
5 parts wisteria oil
5 parts lotus oil
5 parts musk oil

*Imbolc Oil # 4

3 cinnamon sticks, broken
1 tb. rowan berries
1 tb. saffron
2 pinches basil
Cover with oil and steep.


*Imbolc Oil # 6

6 drops frankincense oil
3 drops sandalwood oil
3 drops lavender oil
2 drops cinnamon oil

Candlemas Oil

1/2 dram pine oil
1/4 dram lavender oil
4 to 5 drops cinnamon oil
1/4 dram sandalwood oil
1/4 dram frankincense oil
1/4 dram myrrh oil

Imbolc Incense

1 part white willow
1 part rowan berries
2 parts benzoin
1/2 part lily of the valley
1/2 part periwinkle

Imbolc Oil

1/4 oz. almond oil
10 drops orange oil
9 drops Siberian Fir oil
5 drops frankincense oil
5 drops carnation oil
5 drops primrose oil
5 drops ginger oil
5 drops lavender oil
4 drops nutmeg oil
dried orange flowers
garnet, ruby added to bottle

Imbolc Oil

3 cinnamon sticks, broken
1 tb. rowan berries
1 tb. saffron (substitute safflower petals)
2 pinches basil
Cover with oil and let steep.

Imbolc Oil

10 parts clove oil
5 parts wisteria oil
5 parts lotus oil
5 parts musk oil
20 parts dragons blood oil

Imbolc Oil

2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops rose oil
2 drops chamomile oil
2 drops lemon oil
2 drops lavender oil

Imbolc Oil

6 drops frankincense
3 drops sandalwood oil
3 drops lavender oil
2 drops cinnamon oil

Imbolc PotPourri

1 cup oakmoss
2 cups dried heather
2 cups wisteria
1 cup yellow tulip petals
1/2 cup basil
1/2 cup chopped bay leaves
45 drops musk or myrrh oil

Imbolc Incense (Morgan)

5 parts wormwood
4 parts cinnamon
2 parts golden rod
3 parts acacia gum
10 ml musk oil per 8 oz. dry ingredients

Candlemas Oil

1/2 dram pine oil
1/4 dram lavender oil
4-5 drops cinnamon oil
1/4 dram sandalwood oil
1/4 dram frankincense oil
1/4 dram myrrh oil

Imbolc Oil (Llewellyn's Magickal Almanac)

5 drops frankincense
5 drops rosemary
3 drops cinnamon
2 drops sandalwood
1/2 oz. almond oil
rowan wood, hematite, garnet and clear quartz added to bottle


Yule Incense:

(Magical Herbalism by Cunningham)

Burn during all Winter rites and also to purify the home from November 1 to March 21

Equal parts of:

Yule Incense 2:

(Making Magickal Incenses by Keith Morgan)
Yule is the Sabbat that is celebrated on or around the 21st of December, with dates differing from year to year, as being when the sun enters the sign of Capricorn, to mark the Winter Solstice.

5 parts pine resin
4 parts mistletoe
3 parts spruce resin
5 ml musk oil per 8 oz. of dry mixture

Yule Incense:

loose only (Wylundt's Book of Incense)

1 1/2 part sandalwood
1/2 part benzoin
1/2 part frankincense
1/4 part myrrh
bayberry oil



(Incense, Oils and Brews by Cunningham)

2 parts frankincense
2 parts pine needles or resin
1 part cedar
1 part juniper berries



3 parts frankincense
1/2 part mistletoe
1 part juniper berries
few drops juniper oil
few drops orange oil



1 part cypress
1 part oak bark
1 part juniper berries



1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. cloves
1 tsp. allspice
1 tsp.nutmeg
1 tsp.pine
1 tsp. cedar
1 tsp. frankincense
1 tsp. myrrh, few
drops mulberry oil



2 drops cinnamon oil
2 drops clove oil
2 drops frankincense oil
2 drops myrrh oil
1 drop mandarin oil
1 drop pine oil



1 dram pine oil
1 dram balsam fir oil
5 drams almond oil
1 cinnamon stick
handful of cloves
1 drop musk oil, apple wood pieces;
Warm over low heat



One 6-8" branch fresh-cut spruce
One 6-8" branch fresh-cut short needle pine
One 6-8" branch fresh-cut cedar
2 tb. frankincense resin, ground,
1 tb. bayberry oil;
Cut branches into 1 inch pieces, put into a jar. Add remaining ingredients
and cover with base oil and steep.



1 dram pine oil
1 dram cinnamon oil
1 dram olive oil
1 tsp.ginger root, broken into small pieces
3 tsp. sea salt



(Incense, Oils and Brews by Cunningham)
7 parts juniper
4 parts cinnamon
4 parts allspice
4 parts ginger
4 parts caraway
2 parts nutmeg
2 parts rosemary
2 parts lemon peel
2 parts orange peel
1 part clove
1 part bay
2 pinches orris root
Tie up in green or red cloth and give as gifts on Yule.



(Gerena Dunwich)
1 cup oakmoss
2 cups dried mistletoe
1 cup dried pointsetta flowers
1 cup dried bayberries
1/2 cup rosemary
1/2 cup holly leaves and berries
3 crushed pinecones
20 drops musk oil
25 drops pine oil