Sending and receiving Sounds in MIRC: WARNING!!! some sounds are very loud, make it a habit of checking your volume level when MIRC'ing Setup: 1) In MIRC click on file, options, sounds, sound requests Check all boxes here except "Ignore if a sound is currently playing" Be sure that the Wave (*.wav) sound folder is set to your /mirc/sounds folder 2) Move down to DCC and click on "Auto-get file and minimize". Warning, make sure you have a good virus scanner and that it's up to date This setting is optional, you may wish to leave it off now, and only switch it on when a lot of sounds that you don't have are being played. 3) Move down to DCC, Folders, change "DCC Ignore" to "Disabled" and uncheck "turn back on in:" Click on the "*.wav,*.mid,*.mp3" item in the "DCC Get folders" pulldown If this option doesn't exist, add it. Click on the Edit button, and then on the In This Folder button and aim it at your /mirc/sounds folder 4) Click OK to save these settings. 5) Back in the main MIRC window, click on Tools, Remote Paste the following into the "remote" window (cut and paste to avoid typos): on 1:NOSOUND:/msg $nick ! $+ $nick $filename on 1:FILERCVD:*.mid,*.wav,*.rmi:/splay $filename Still in this window, click on Listen and make sure there's a check next to "Events" 5) Click OK to save these settings. 6) Exit MIRC and restart. Usage, when someone plays a sound in channel, or in private chat, MIRC will automatically request the sound file if you do not already have it, and play after it is received. The request (!nick file.wav) will be done in a pm message to the user playing the file to keep from clogging the channel. Don't worry, people playing sound files should be used to this, and if they are setup like you are, they'll hardly notice requests. If a long or annoying sound is playing, type /splay stop and the sound will stop playing in MIRC If you just want to play a sound so only you can hear it, type /splay file.wav If you want to play a sound to the channel you are currently in type /sound file.wav message the message part is optional For more info, consult MIRC help on these commands. Drag and drop. Optionally, you can drag and drop .wav files onto the channel of choice, or to play to just one person, onto their nick in the nicklist. You should only do this from your sounds folder since MIRC may not be able to dcc send a file from a different folder to those requesting it from you. To quickly enable and disable sounds, just click on file, options, sounds, requests and check or uncheck the top box. WARNING!!! some sounds are very loud, make it a habit of checking your volume level when MIRC'ing You've been warned twice :) Enjoy -DarkWing (Yes there are many typos in here, deal with it, or feel free to fix it and send it back repaired).