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my new site is located here: all updates will be done there.


  • Skindred @ Tavastia
  • POSTI-Vaasassa
  • POSTI-Vaasassa pt 2
  • Juhannus 2002 | mirror
  • Juhannus 2001
  • Denmark
  • Julefrokost i DK 6.12

  • Estonia
  • Tallinn 25-26.7
  • France
  • Normandy and Paris 8-12.5.2002
  • Italy
  • Trip to Italy with Jaakko 26.4-3.5.2003
  • Spain
  • Madrid 15-17.2.2002 | 75 pics
  • Salamanca 21-24.3.2002 | 17 pics
  • Scotland
  • Glasgow 9-11.2.2002 | 40 pics
  • Germany:
  • Bavaria / München 5-7.7.2002
  • McLaughlins 4.5.2002
  • Japanese day 25.5.2002
  • Farewell party 19.5.2002
  • Hangaround @ timå's place 26.4.2002
  • Newyear evening 31.12.2001 @ Laura's place
  • Easter 2002 Lübeck/Hamburg
  • Cologne | Ice hockey world championship Finland-Sweden. 5-4 :) | 44 pics
  • Frankfurt 15-17.3.2002 | 32 pics
  • Berlin 6-8.7.2001 | 47 pics
  • Möhnedamm 4.6.2001 | 11 pics
  • Sachsenhausen KZ 8.7.2001 | 12 pics
  • Heidelberg/Strassbourg [France] | 35 pics
  • Holland [&Belgium]:
  • Amsterdam pride 2002 | mirror
  • Moving Ian's stuff to Amsterdam 13.7.02
  • Sleep in a wine barrel? Stavoren 7.6.02
  • Amsterdam and afsluitdijk in north with Tiia, Soili and Linus 31.10-4.11.2001 | 40 pics
  • Bryssel [B] & Den Haag [NL] 8-10.3.2002 | 34 pics
  • Nijmegen/Arnhem 19-20.1.2002 | 1-2.2.2002
  • Zeeland 25-27.5.2001
  • Miscellaneous
  • Hangover poll closed with 101 votes. click here to check the winner
  • HL & DOD & CS pics
  • Jackrabbit has made a cool logo :) POIKA
  • Linus kollaashi
  • Parent's visit 13-16.6.2001 | 80 files
  • Misc pics
  • T4 | 4 pics
  • pictures
  • IL2 pics
  • more IL2 pics
  • links