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All images © Gollum 2004
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          Hello there, I see you've managed to find your way to my cave! (pretty colourful for a cave, wouldn't you say?). My cave is located deep within the Misty Mountains in the land of Middle Earth where I reside. When im not sitting on my island talking to myself, I'm usually busy catching nice juicy fish to eat... raw and wriggling of course. You'd better watch out while you're here: I have terrific night vision and your flesh is oh so tempting...

          O.K: Enough fantasy for the time being. In reality I'm a very weird kid living in Ontario Canada; Gollum is the name by which I am known in various capacities around the 'net - a "cyber pseudonym" if you will. Anywho, browse around my cave using the links to the left and have yourself a jolly good time. If you need me for anything chances are I'm on MSN: feel free to add me.

          Added more poetry... Someone actually made a request for more! Can you believe that?
          The poetry section has been added! Enjoy.
          Well, I've added two new sub-sections to the "Personal" section. Now you can check out some of my musical preferences (250 best songs ever made, 10 best songs to perform live, and 10 best singers ever). In addition, you will also find a list of some of my favourite quotes that I've compiled. Coming soon is a poetry section, where I will post some of my poems. Until then.. Cheers!