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The Grey Havens

Of the Passing of the Elves

Over sea and under sky, away into the west, that is where we shall go, though here our hearts shall rest. The night is long, but day will come, even as we pass. For we shall leave behind the sun, and be gone at last. Long is the journey we must take, but thither we must go, for the havens call us by our names, and bid us leave our home. Away over sea and under sky, away into the west, we shall take our grey ships yonder, and find a final place to rest. We shall leave this earth to mortal man, to govern and protect, and we soon shall be forgotten in the land where our hearts rest.

-A Poem or Song by Jordan Molnar

This is a website dedicated to elves, those in the Tolkien books. (Lord of the Rings mostly, LOTR) We will have a page for each of the main elven characters in the books. Also, you will be able to find the complete history of the Sundering (seperation) of the Elves, and the specifics of the elven race itself. Before we begin, however, here is a little information for you: A single elf is simply 'elf'. When plural, it becomes 'elves' not 'elfs'. Elfs are little green men who help Santy Claus. Elves, are tall (around 6'0), graceful creatures. Elves speak in elvish and common tounges, some can speak even more languages. Elves are also known as Quendi, which actually translates into 'elves'. To understand this site to the fullest, it may help to have some LOTR background. Such as if you did not know that Sauron created a Ring of Power to control all of Middle-Earth, you may be lost. Have fun, and enjoy learning about elves!

What You May Find Here:

The Sundering of the Elves
The Elven Rings of Power