Roleplay Title88
77Hey Kurt.. Your ass is mine, it's True, it's True.. I've got gold.. How 'bout you?!
Jackasses Mentioned88
77Kurt Angle; Shane McMahon; SMH; Paul Heyman
Rattlesnake's Record88
77000 || 000 || 000
Claim 2 Fame88
77None yet Jackass
Roleplay Number88
77# 001
I'm the new Austin in wMe (Former Rock). One of the reasons I left was cos' the new Rock (Old Angle) kept bugging me like every day for a whole month to trade and I eventually got sick of it. Anyway, I'm back now and in the form of "The Bionic Redneck" and I hope to have some success. First time ever as Stone Cold, but I hope to do well. Goodluck to everyone at L.O.D, especially Angle. Let's make this match Awesome. K.I.T - Peace.


Liberty or Death.. a Pay Per View named in rememberance of the 9/11 terrorists attacks. A Pay Per View named to remind us all of patriotism and what makes America so great. Independance, Spirit.. & Freedom. This Pay Per View however probably means more to one man than anyone else.. that man being Kurt Angle.. or so it would seem. Kurt has always claimed to be a patriotic American citizen. An "American Hero" if you will. He has always said that he bleeds red, white and blue. This Sunday, Kurt Angle will bleed.. but it won't be white or blue. His blood will be red, sent pouring from his head at the hand of "The Texas Rattlesnake", Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stone Cold has never said he was an American Hero.. He never claimed to be some sort of God, or a role-model for young children. But make no mistake about it, Steve Austin is just as American as everyone else. He's proud of his country, and the red, white & blue. But Steve Austin above all else, is one thing. A man. Kurt Angle is just a boy.. He drinks his milk, and cries when he loses. If Austin loses, he picks himself up, and he just keeps on going. He don't bitch and complain, he goes out and does something about it. Not once will you ever see Stone Cold back down from a fight, and at Liberty or Death.. Beleive me.. He won't back down.. he will not be denied his opportunity to shine by a Jackass like Kurt Angle. Kurt may have his Three I's, but Stone Cold has Three number.. "3:16", and you know something Kurt? .. When those numbers come up, you have but one thing to worry about.. one thing to pray for.. and that's the fact that Steve Austin shows you some mercy and you don't wake up at a Medical Facility. Liberty or Death is coming... and so is Austin to raise some hell!


]-[The scene opens up back in Victoria, Texas at a house on the outskirts. At the house we see an old 1967 Ute in perfect condition. There's a white dog running out the back, and a black Pick-Up truck in the drive, with a skull on the bonot. Another car pulls up into the drive. It's a white chamelotte, with red trims. The front door swings open, and out steps Good Ole' Jr with his 200x black risistol hat resting on his head. Jr closes the door of his car and then walks up to the front of the house. Jr knocks on the door and waits. After a few moments, Stone Cold walks up to the door and opens it, but... Austin is wearing a neckbrace]-[

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "Hey Jim"

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "Howdy Steve..."

]-[Jr tries not to draw attention to the brace on Steve's neck. Steve invites him in, and leads him into the kitchen. Austin pulls out a six-pack of beer from the fridge, and then leads Ross into his Trophy Room. Austin offers Ross a beer, which he declines. Steve grabs one for himself and opens it.. both men sit down, and Austin places his beer on the table and then looks at Jr]-[


{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "So, we gonna do this interview thing or what?"

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "Sure Steve, but.. before we get started on this interview, I gotta ask ya.. what's with the neck-brace? .. Did ya.. did ya hurt ya'self?"

]-[Austin Laughs]-[

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "Haha.. This? .. No, no.. I'm wearing this to examplify what Kurt Angle is gonna look like when I'm through whippin' his ass this Sunday night at Liberty or Death!"

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "Well, that's why we're here after all, to talk about Liberty or Death. But.. I can't help but wonder, why you'd even insinuate that's gonna happen to Kurt Angle on Sunday. I m..."

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "WHAT?! .. You can't help but wonder? what?! .. ponder? what?! .. think about? what?! .. toss the idea around? what?!. Jim, we've known each other for a long time, which means you know I don't joke around. When I step through those ropes, Steve Austin is all business. I'm telling you this is what Kurt Angle is gonna look like, because once I get done whippin' the man's ass on Sunday.. he's gonna be lookin' like this for a long, long time."


{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "Okay, but.. we'll get to the topic of Liberty or Death in just a moment. Right now though Steve, I would like to discuss your appearance on Smackdown this past Thursday Night, when you fooled Shane, Stephanie and even Paul Heyman into thinking you were defecting from Slam."

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "What?! .. Shane McMahon.. what?! .. Stephanie.. what?! .. Paul Heyman.. what?! .. Do you know what I did on Thursday Night? huh? .. do ya? .. plain and simple I walked down the ramp of a Smackdown arena, stepped into that ring.. popped open a couple of steve-weisers and raised me a little hell. Shane and Stephanie thought they had ole' Stone Cold on their side. What? ready to defect, what? switch sides, what? Slam to Smackdown. They thought I was gonna turn my back on Slam and walk away just like that? what? eh-eh! .. Stone Cold Steve Austin is Slam all the way.. as far as I'm concerned those 3 Jackasses from Smackdown better just stay the hell outta' my business from now on, or else I'm gonna take those sum-bitches back to school... better yet, if they screw with Stone Cold again.. I'll take all three of their sorry asses straight down to Stone Cold University and whoop their sorry little carcases, untill they can't be whooped no more!"


]-[Austin smirks as he looks at Jim Ross]-[

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "That's a fair enough explaination, and now that we have that out of the way, we can move onto more important topics. Liberty or Death. Steve, let me start off by asking you, what are your personal thoughts of this Pay Per View?"

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "My thoughts? what? .. idea's.. what? feelings.. what? .. Jim, it's quite simple. I may not be Captain America like my opponent, Kurt Angle. But I still bleed red, white & blue. Maybe I'm not some role-model for children. Maybe I'm not some American Gold Medalist, but what I am Jim is an American Citizen. I am an American Badass. What Liberty or Death means to me, is a chance to show the world my support for America. That's what this Pay Per View is all about. It's dedicated to the events of 9/11. Plain and simple, I may not take vitamins, and I may not drink a whole 'lotta milk either.. But one thing I do drink a helluva' lot of, is beer. Sunday Night, I'll roll into Liberty or Death the same way I would any other night, and that is.. alcohol feuled and ready to whoop some ass!"


]-[Stone Cold adjusts the neck brace he is wearing and then takes a sip of his beer. Jim Ross continues asking the questions]-[

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "Next question. How would you rate your chances against Kurt Angle on Sunday Night?"

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "What?!"

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "I said, how would you r.."


{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "What?! .. I heard what you said. But I don't understand why you need to ask the stupid question. Like I said before.. I'm wearing this ( Points to Neckbrace ) for a reason, and that reason is to show you and everyone else what Kurt Angle is gonna look like after Liberty or Death. I've said it once, I've said it a million times.. Stone Cold Steve Austin aint no push-over. Kurt Angle knows he's got an ass whoopin' comin' to him. It's just a matter of time. I'm counting down the days until I get my hands on that Olympic Jackass. He thinks he's so tough.. thinks he's so great, what?! .. He aint a damn thing to Stone Cold Steve Austin! Sunday night is gonna be the night of all nights for ole' Stone Cold, when he takes those gold medals of Kurt Angle's.. shines em' up real good, so he can see his reflection.. then I'm gonna tie those sum-bitches to my shoes, and stomp a mudhole in his ass so damn big, it'd take a heard of elephants to walk it dry! .. How do I rate my chances against Kurt Angle? It's like 2+2 Jim, it's that damn simple. I have no doubt in my mind, that come sunday night.. Kurt Angle is gonna step into the ring.. Steve Austin is gonna kick his ass, 1-2-3, it's as good as over, because Stone Cold don't take no crap from anybody.. especially some 3 year old Olympic Hero who walks around with a couple of chocolate medallions hanging from his neck. So in answer to your question Jim.. I rate my chances, very high!"

]-[Jr swallows hard, as he looks at Steve. Austin places his beer on the table and reaches for his neckbrace. He unclips it while he speaks]-[


{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "Ya see Jim, I could take this off right now, no problem. It wouldn't bother anyone watching at home, and I'm sure it wouldn't bother you. But it would bother me. I want Kurt Angle to live in fear for the rest of this week. Right up untill sunday night, that man is gonna suffer the fate of having to wait in anticipation.. counting the seconds on his clock untill the time comes for him to have his ass handed to him by Stone Cold. The man is a flat out jackass, no questions asked. American Hero? what?! .. Olympic Gold Medalist? what?! .. does that impess me? what? .. no it doesn't! .. My name is, what?! .. my name is Stone Cold (what?!) Steve Austin! .. I am a mans man! .. I a champion of champions! .. I may not have the gold that says so, but everyone knows it's a fact. This neck brace right here is like a personal remembrance card for Kurt Angle. It's to remind him, that when he see's this tape, the hour is only drawing closer. Kurt knows he doesn't have a chance against me, no matter how confident the lil' meedley mouth bastard is."

]-[Stone Cold puts the neck brace back on]-[

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "So I think I'll just leave this right here to keep him sweatin' it up until sunday night."

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "Well what about last monday night on Slam when you stole Kurt Angle's medals from him?"

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "Haha.. that was pretty funny, wasn't it? .. here, look.. I got his medals in a real safe place."

]-[Stone Cold gets up and walks over to his largest trophy cabinet. He reaches up top, right at the center and pulls down a glass case. Inside are Kurt Angle's medals. Austin carries them over and sits back down]-[

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "Ya know why I keep those there gold medals in this glass case? Because everytime I look at em' I see that lousy S.O.B Kurt Angle's face, and when I see that mans face I get pissed off. Kurt Angle may have wrestled in the 1996 Olympics.. but Stone Cold Steve Austin won the 1996 bar fight of the year. I drink beer, and I whip ass, it's as simple as that. I may not have medals that say I do.. but I don't need some cheap-ass slab of medal with gold paint. Many times in the past Jim, I have been called an alcoholic, and rightfully so. I'm not ashamed of what I am. I am many things Jr, but unlike my opponent at Liberty or Death I am not a cry baby. When I roll into L.O.D on sunday, Kurt Angle has 2 things to look forward to. Getting his medals back, forcefully when I shove em' up his ass! .. and number to, a first class, grade a can of whoop-ass! .. The other day, when I was down at the bar, I was talking to the bar tender, and he asked me the starngest question. He asked me if I was a drug addict. Well ya know what I told him? .. I sat long and hard, and stared straight into his eyes, and I said, 'Yes I am. My drug of choice? The wMe Heavyweight Championship!'. I've said it before Jr, that belt is my life.. getting through Kurt Angle is my first step back to getting it!"

]-[Stone Cold stands up and walks out the door, to his back yard as Jr follows. A white dog comes up to Austin and Jr as Steve speaks]-[


{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "Look around Jim. Everything you see here is the product of my life's work. I have worked longer and harder than anyone else in this business since day one! .. day one Jim! - All my life I have been training for my one obsession.. to be the Heavyweight Champion. I've accomplished that, but it's not enough. I need more. I need to do it, one last time. Wrestling is my life.. I eat, sleep and live wrestling. Kurt Angle is just some punk from the ameteures who thinks he can just step up into the big leagues.. and go toe to toe with Stone Cold Steve Austin, whenever he wants? EH-EH! .. That's not how it works. Ya see Jim, me and you have been freinds for a long time, and you know how hard I work every day to be number one, and this Sunday will be no different."

]-[Austin points out into the distance where he has a life-size cut-out of Kurt Angle and then picks up a rifle from beside him]-[


{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "And last of all, do you have any final words for Kurt Angle heading into L.O.D?"

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "You damn right I do. Kurt Angle, you wanna run your mouth off.. talking with Ozzy Osbourne, and feeding him your damn milk and cookies.. aint not one man who gives a damn about your stupid reccess son. Fact of the matter is this Kurt.. you claim to be the man.. you claim to be better than Stone Cold Steve Austin? what?! .. well on sunday night, you get your chance to prove it. If you can beat me, one on one, I will personally give you my congradulations, but it aint gonna happen. I'm going to be at Liberty or Death on sunday, alcohol feuled and ready to whip your ass Kurt! .. Bottom line is exactly this. You can talk all the trash, and drink all the milk you want, but when it boils down to it, your ass is as good as mine Kurt, you know it.. I know it, and everyone else knows it.. it's only a matter of time son."

]-[Austin aims the rifle and then shoots at the cut-out. He hits it right in the middle of Kurt's head as he smirks. Jr looks nervous a bit as Austin smirks turns to a psycotic look]-[

{{ Good Ole' }-{ Jim Ross }} "S.. so you're ready for sunday Steve?"

]-[Austin laughs psycotically, before stopping suddenly and putting on a serious face]-[

{{ Stone Cold }-{ Steve Austin }} "..Oh Hell Yeah!"

]-[With that said, Austin drops the rifle and rips off the neck brace. He throws it at the camera and walks off into the house as the scene fades out]-[