The Dance Saga Index

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Book One        Angel of My Dreams
Read how Howie and Sarah meet and fall in love.
Written by Sarah D
Completed 7-23-01


Book Two        The Dark Side Trilogy
Howie loves Sarah with all his heart and will go to any lengths to make her dreams come true.

The Dark Side
Written By Becca O
Completed 6-24-01

Forbidden Dreams
Written By Becca O
Completed 6-26-01

Protection or Excitement
Written By Sarah D

Completed 7-3-01



Book Three    Prelude to a Dance
Will Howie and Sarah get back together? Read to see how Becca and Nick meet.
Written by Becca O and Sarah D
Completed 9-21-01


Book Four, The Diary    Bittersweet Interlude
Read the diary of Howie, Sarah, Nick, and Becca from January to May.
Written by Becca O and Sarah D
Completed 9-26-01


Book Five    The Dance
The second leg of the 'Black & Blue' Tour is getting started.
Will Nick and Becca get back together? If so, can they make it work?
Will Howie and Sarah ever get married? Will they face more heartache?
Read what happens with the Boys and the women in their lives.
Written by Becca O and Sarah D
Completed 10-21-03

Book Six    Forever & Ever, Amen
What does the future hold for the two couples?
Written by Sarah D
with Special Guest Writers Becca O. & Lynne Macaulay

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