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Welcome To Loony Bin Productions.
Posted on 01/26/03

-Hello and Welcome to the Wonderful World of Loony Bin Productions. The new layout and web address for the great company. We at Loony Bin Productions would like to thank the people at IIIspades for allowing me this web space. At this website you can check out some of Loony Bin Productions other designs as well as order designs from us. We have a dedicated staff of 3 people to help keep this place up and running. at all times. This site is going to be up and fully operational in a few short days.

Site Updates
Posted on 02/25/03

-I have been asked to help make three more sites for three other companies. At this time I can not release the names of the companies but as we work on them I will show you all some of my ideas. Until then keep on checking back.







We at Loony Bin Productions would also like to annoucne that there are also sponsering an local author and his book is a only a few pages complete. He states that the book is a book of poetry and is also one of the founding fathers of Loony Bin Productions, so we will be getting infomation.


Related Link(s)
Lone Poet's Corner



DESIGN CREATED BY Loony Bin Productions poll#1
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Sucks @ss

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