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Welcome to my dark world...please keep hands and feet inside the roller coaster at all times.

Greetings. Welcome to my inner world, the place where no one often dwells too long. And for good reason. I would like to warn you now that some pictures that lie within this website invovle graphic imagery and nudity and I would not recommend it for the younger viewers/conservatives out there.

UPDATE(s):This page will be heavily under construction as of late as I am finally making this place look good with thumbnails and other such things. gar. i need help with all this stupid coding...any volunteers?... ...damn...

I hope you enjoy and please...please send me an email telling me how I can better improve this site or how much you liked/hated my artwork. One of the reasons for putting this website up is so I could get such commentary. I also enjoy looking at others' art so if you have any for me, send me the website. Perhaps one day i'll figure out how to put sections for commentary under the pictures themselves. If you can help me with that, it would be very much appreciated as well. you can email me at


Well, enough of my inane rabble. I have seperated my artwork into handy little sections. Please enjoy.

Anime page 1 2 3Under Construction

Gothic Art page 1 ~NEW~

By the way, did i mention i had another website? Visit my personal website Right here