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My namez Justin, Hockey'z my life! This is me and Jordan gettin a break
during the AllStar Game.
He's my best friend on and off the ice.
I'm #17, Jordan is #10. JUST FOR YOU MEG!!! LOL

Thats me, Jordan, and Jake in the lineup. Jake is
the goalie. We were chosen to play in an exhibition game and had to wear our uniform to
represent the team we were from.
It was for charity and it was a blast! :-)
Me in NYC in front of Rockefeller Center
we took our family from Canada.

My big brother Jesse. We are originally from Canada.
He went back last fall for hockey.
He makes it home at least every 6 weeks.
AND YES WE SPEAK FRENCH! LOL Someday I hope I have his skill...
he comes home and kicks me and my friends ass all ova the ice! LOL
This is Marissa she has been goin out with Jesse since 9th Grade. I know they will get married.
She goes to OSU now.
She is going to be a psychiatrist...which could
only be a plus to this crew! LOL
The best times are when Jesse is home and the
crew is all here.
They talk bout their years playin together and the funniest hockey shit that happened.
Bonfires, shootin pool and good friends and it just don't get better than that!
Courtney - "buttafly".
Hidin from Jesse! LOL
She's the most awesome grl I kno!
They hang the stars just for you!

Meg, Beth, and Jenna otherwize known to the hockey
world as my stalkers!
We put them in a cage to control them during games! Ha!
Also my best friends, cuz they put up with me! ;-)
This is Meg!
Ummmm all I got to say is just cuz your short dosen't
mean you need that horn to b heard!!!!!
LOL J/K U know I luv ya!