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Mundus here..

Not sure if anyone actually knows of this page and comes here... the adress got suspended and untill the new saiyanime opens im not going to get it reinstated.

Yep...i am working on a new Saiyanime. The layout has been PARTIALLY done already but im going to take quite a bit of time on it as i want it to be 100% perfect.

I think around the end of march we will be opening up again but it may be longer as april will be our last month of ed and so w may have to concentrate on that till we finish.

Animeguy had made his own temp webpage called the Majin Chamber which can be visited at but the page only says coming soon so go to either or theres abit more stuff put on the index.html site but its still being created so not much.

There will be an IzanamI page coming along with the new Saiyanime...we got a new manga artist who is also the person who provided us many of the episodes and movies to put up "Abz" , he's pretty great at drawing,not sure how much he has doen yet but he drew one of the main characters before my very eyes and it fitted perfectly how i wanted it to look... IzanamI should be something to look forward to its got a great storyline to it and is real twisted im sure you all will like it ^o^

Guess thats all for now ill cya everyone.