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Hey guys! Thanks to each and every one of you for stopping by and hangin' with me today. I've been fortunate enough to be on the DBZ cast now for about a year, and I've made some great new friends here at FUNimation, and with many of you online. I've been waiting to actually "chat" with the DBZ fans for a few months, and now its finally time. So if you're ready, let's have some fun!

Q: Do you like your job?
A: Man, this job can't quite be called a "job". It's more of an adventure, to quote the old Army catch phrase. It's the most fun I've had at a "job".

Q: What episode are you working on now?
A: I just dubbed Gohan and the Narrator for episode #245, and recorded some Blue Gender as well.

Q: Kyle, I hear that you are a big fan of Scott McNeil and you even based your Pikkon voice on his Piccolo. I was wondering if you have his autograph?
A: I am indeed a big fan of Scott's, and was lucky enough to get his autograph courtesy of another DBZ fan, Daniel Kurland, from a recent convention.

Q: I know you have seen a great deal of anime, if Vash the Stampede, Gene Starwind, Spike Spiegal and Space Ghost were in a fight together, who would win?
A: Space Ghost hands down. He always has the best comebacks! Hopefully, Brak will be at his side.

Q: If you could do the voice of another character, who would it be and why?
A: Probably Piccolo, since he's my favorite character.

Q: Do you plan on being any other voices for any thing else?
A: Well, like I said I've recorded a small part for Blue Gender. A sergeant named Robert. I'm also Ox King on the new Dragonball dub, and some small bit parts.

Q: List your top 3 anime and why.
A: Akira, Cowboy Bebop, and of course, Dragonball Z. Why? Why not? They're awesome and we all know it.

Q: Kyle, what's it like being the voice of Gohan, is it hard on your voice?
A: Well, Gohan's voice is a bit higher than my normal voice, plus I add in some gruff to make him sound more "teenage"-like. But it comes easy for me.

Q: Do you prefer Super Saiyan 2 or Mystic Gohan?
A: Super Saiyan 2 by far. It's fun to scream and watch the whites of your eyes light up. Or it could just be bad gas.

Q: What's your favorite episode?
A: So far, its been a moment more than a episode...Gohan's transformation into Super Saiyan 2 at the World Tournament. It's just TOO COOL!

Q: Do you have any DBZ Anime cels?
A: Yes I do. I've got a Gohan cel from the Buu Saga, and I just got a set of 15 production sketches that are in sequence, so I basically have my own flip cartoon.

Q: What is the release date of the next set of tapes for Majin Buu epsiodes 217+...because I buy the vhs tapes from
A: We're looking around March of 2002.

Q: Narrator and Gohan - such different voices, how is it possible?
A: Lots of practice and imitating the King of voice-over, Mel Blanc (r.i.p.).

Q: What's it like working with the other voice actors?
A: I wouldn't know really, since we are recorded individually. But they're all a great bunch of people. Very funny and warped beyond belief. I feel right at home. Heh heh.

Q: What's your favorite Saga?
A: So far, I've been loving the Buu saga, which is Season 6. This is my first time seeing it, and Buu is my favorite DBZ villain.

Q: how did you get to be the voice of adult Gohan
A: I heard there were open auditions about a year ago, went in, tried out, and luckily, they called me back. I did some minor voices at first, like Pirozhski in the Cell saga. Eventually, after some more bit parts, I got cast as Gohan. THAT was an awesome day.

Q: What's it like being three characters?
A: It's a dream of mine to get to exercise my voice with such diverse characters as West Kai, Pikkon, and Gohan. West Kai has been my favorite character to voice thus far...a combination of Droopy and Cartman.

Q: Is it hard making your voice go from Gohan to Pikkon and back?
A: Usually, we only record one part at a time. Pikkon didn't have much to say anyway. He just looked cool.

Q: Are you a teenager?
A: Nope, but I play one on TV.

Q: Do you use the voices on a daily basis?
A: Only when I'm in the bathroom.

Q: Are you planning on visiting Australia anytime soon?
A: If they pay for my flight. Heh heh.

Q: What do YOU prefer, Pepsi or Coke??
A: Dr. Pepper, DUH!!!!

Q: So what's the stupidest question you've ever been asked?
A: "Anyone ever tell you that you look like Bluto?"

Q: Do you plan on being any other voices for anything else?
A: Well, I'd have to be cast first, but I always audition whenever parts are being cast.

Q: Were you forced to do this chat?
A: No....will someone please tell the guy with the gun to chill?

Q: How long have you been working for FUNimation?
A: I've been lucky enough to do voices for FUNimation for about a year now.

Q: Do you play the DragonballZ card game?
A: Nope. I'm more of a video game and anime guy.

Q: Hey Kyle, who are you really good friends with from the cast of DBZ?
A: Chris Sabat. He lives about 5 minutes away from me. I chat with Sean sometimes. Everyone I've met has been super cool.

Q: Do you envy any of the other actors because of their part?
A: Chris is extraordinarily lucky to voice two of DBZ's most popular characters, Vegeta and Piccolo. I plot his death daily.

Q: Who's your favorite voice actor besides yourself?
A: I personally think I suck. Too many favorites in movies/tv/anime to narrow down to just one.

Q: Why are you a voice actor for DBZ? You look more like a wrestler
A: I actually LOOK like Pirozhski, whom I voiced. Kind-of creepy. I like to think of myself as a chubby Goldberg, but I'm not into wrestling. Can you smell what the Rock is cooking? Yeah, and it stinks.

Q: Do you do have an interest in Martial Arts at all?
A: I have a deep respect for the many who do martial arts. I'd get into it if martial arts could defy gravity aka Matrix style.

Q: Do you collect anything from Dragonball Z?
A: I've got a cel, production sketches, posters, action figures. I can't wait to get the mini-busts. And where are the Pez dispensers?

Q: Do you like Hawaiian shirt prints?
A: Yeah. So you noticed?

Q: What's your favorite food?
A: Just about any chicken entree, pizza, Cajun. If it's spicy, I'll give it a go.

Q: Have you ever tried Rogaine?
A: Nope. Got some?

Q: What is your favorite fight?
A: I like the fight between Gohan and Dabura, mainly because Dabura is so cool. Oh wait, I'm supposed to root for me. Oops.

Q: What kind of music do you like ?
A: I'm into electronica, heavy metal, and anything but country.

Q: What's your favorite source to get DBZ information from, other than FUNimation and
A: I frequent Planet Namek. What's up Mr. E and Jon Allen? Heh heh. And, Tim!

Q: What was your favorite show growing up?
A: Battle of the Planets and Star Blazers - two classic anime shows.

Q: Are you going to be at any autograph signing soon or is anyone DBZ Voice Actor?
A: If you're in Dallas, come hang with me on Saturday, Oct. 20th from 4p to 6p at the North Dallas Lone Star Comics location.

Q: Original music or dub music?
A: The original music sounds very dated to me, but its also a lot of fun and nostalgic. I dig a lot of the dub themes.

Q: What's your e-mail address?
A: Just drop me a line at, or wait for me to lurk into fan forums.

Q: How come you chose to voice act over, say, being a tax collector?
A: I'm bad at math, and people hate tax collectors. I wanted to be liked, or at least envied. You ever walk up to a tax collector and say "Dude, I wish I could have your job". No offense to tax collectors.

Q: How is it like to be the voice of Pikkon? Is it hard on your voice cause he has a deep voice.
A: I just gave Pikkon my imitation of Scott McNeil's Piccolo, which I worked on during the mid '90s. I wish he had more to say.

Q: Did you ever think you would be so famous when you got into voice acting?
A: I don't consider myself famous. Just VERY lucky to get do voices for animation, a lifelong dream come true.

Q: What's your favorite part of the job?
A: It's a toss up between recording the session, watching the finished episode, and interacting with all the fans. It's ALL good.

Q: Where were you born and raised?
A: Born in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Raised in Dallas, Texas. Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa! I don't have a southern accent, unless I'm asked to. Heh heh.

Q: Do you read Beckett DBZ because I saw you in there?
A: Well, they gave me a free subscription, so I definitely read it now. Those guys do a great job. Just wish the pictures didn't make me look so darn fat.

Q: Who is your idol?
A: Mel Blanc, the god of voice-over. For those who don't know who he is, think Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck/just about every other Warner Bros. character back in the day. All hail Blanc.

Q: Why do people in DBZ flip over when they see something funny?
A: Doesn't everybody do that in real life?

Q: When you are recording for a DBZ episode, do you do any motions with your body?
A: I do tend to get a bit animated when I'm recording. Although sometimes the microphone picks up the sounds of my movements, so I have to calm down. Chris Sabat, my director, sometimes has to use a tranquilizer gun.

Q: Who's your favorite female character on DBZ and why?
A: It's a toss up between Android 18 and Videl. Why? Isn't it obvious?

Q: Do you spend much time on the internet?
A: I go on for a few hours every night, check email, surf sites, and get Instant Messenger bombed.

Q: Do you hang out with other voice actors between takes?
A: I wish I could, but we record everyone individually. The most likely situation to run into other actors would be if we all went to lunch with the FUNimation staff.

Q: Do you have any advice for me if I want to be a voice actor?
A: Practice imitations as well as develop original voices. Work on improvisation skills. Listen to different kinds of dialog delivery in commercials and movies. Eat more bean dip.

Q: I've seen your name in the credits for Dragonball. What voices do you do in that?
A: I've done Ox King and some bit parts.

Q: Do you ever get real emotional during intense scenes?
A: It's hard to get too emotional, since we don't actually watch the episode as its recorded. The tape is cued up only to the parts for my lines to be dubbed. Chris Sabat, the director, tells me the context of the scene and I do my best to make it work. Otherwise I stare into space and drool a lot.

Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: Stare into space and drool a lot.

Q: What is your favorite movie/book?
A: I'm a huge Star Wars nut. Don't have a favorite book, since I have many, but my favorite comic book series is Neil Gaiman's Sandman.

Q: Are you taking any part in Blue Gender?
A: I'm playing a Sergeant named Robert. He looks like GI Joe and has no sense of humor. I'd say he could use a hug.

Q: Do you think that Great Saiyaman's poses are stupid?
A: Well, they're not going to get him dates any time soon.

Q: Can you relate to any of the characters personality or interests?
A: Not really. I don't have any hair that could turn blonde and I can't fly. But I can compete with Gohan's dorkiness level.

Q: Do you watch DragonballZ on t.v. and hear yourself?
A: Yep, and I'll tell you it's the weirdest feeling. It's cool, just strange. Knowing that it's going out across America. Now everyone knows who to blame for Gohan's voice. Heh heh.

Q: If you could change anything on DBZ what would it be and why?
A: I would make it longer, so we could have more episodes. We're chugging along in the final season's recording.

Q: How nice is FUNimation's studio?
A: They've got some pretty fancy equipment and a nice set up. (hides payoff check from Chris Sabat)

Q: Do you have any say in the plots of any of the episodes?
A: Nope. They were written ten years ago.

Q: What in the world is a cel?
A: A cel is a clear sheet with a painted drawing of the character on it. There are basically 24 cels per second of screen time, when projected in sequence.

Q: How long does it take to say all your lines for just one episode?
A: Usually a couple hours. Unless the lines are just reactions (for example, Gohan looking up at the sky and going "Uuuh?"), then that goes by much quicker.

Q: Are you ever noticed on the streets?
A: Only by the police.

Q: I was wondering how a fan who can't make it to a signing can get an autograph from one of the voice actors.
A: Bribery, payola, and Chris Sabat is making me say this as he stands over my shoulder.

Q: Did your parents encourage you to do what you do?
A: They've always been supportive of whatever I chose to do when I grew up. Oh wait, I haven't grown up yet.

Q: Do you play an instrument?
A: I play drums, whether or not I actually have drums in front of me. (taps his feet maniacally as he types this)

Q: Did you go to college?
A: Yep. Didn't do me any good.

Q: do you ever add in your own lines instead of using the script
A: In between takes. Heh heh.

Q: What was the funniest blooper that you can remember?
A: The day that a 1000 pound anvil landed on the booth. Oh, happy times.

Q: Kyle, it's Jon. Where'd you hide the remote?
A: It's in my shoes. I don't know why.

Q: Where are you now? At FUNimation Studio or at your house?
A: A deep, dark cave hidden within the confines of some abandoned well. HEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!

Q: Who is your favorite band?
A: Nine Inch Nails and the Bee Gees.

Q: Any other characters you wanted to be instead of the three you have now?
A: Bugs Bunny, Darth Vader, and Chris Sabat.

Q: If you could re record any of the episodes that you've already done, is there anything you'd go back and change or improve?
A: Every single bit of my performance. (proceeds to whip himself)

Q: Is it hard to speak like West Kai?
A: Only with my mouth full.

Q: Do you watch the Japanese version of DBZ?
A: Yes. Since getting cast I've learned that Goku is a woman. Hmmmm. Those wacky animators.

Well, Chronos the Time God has spoken. I've gotta bail, but thanks to everybody for hangin' in here with me. My sincerest apologies if I didn't get to your questions. I'll be posting on fan forums soon. Thanks for watching DBZ. Be sure to check out Blue Gender on Oct. 16th, and eat more bean dip. See ya later, gang!