The adventurers of the Fury guild treaded through the swamps. There were many nasty serpents that never surfaced and left no corpse. After a time, they came upon dry land and were relieved until they found out what was causing that horrifying scream and making the huge wing flapping sounds. They came, in packs of 10, Swampbats, identical in looks with the hellbats, but bigger and they had a curious tail. They weren't too tough to kill, but each time they hit one of the adventurers, they were proned or flattened. It was a very tough fight. The corpses decayed very rapidly and the swampbats carried no treasure. Termin glancing at the spot where they had been fighting exclaimed, "You know, im not sure, but this GS i have is silver and every bat i killed has left a tail." Sure enough, there was a pile of curious looking swampbat tails at Termin's feet. Each tail was about 3 feet long and had a tuft of dark bristles at its end. The group collected the tails from the pile and pressed on. From time to time they found more bats, each time letting Termin get the killing blow so they could retrieve the tails. Grundeg smirked, "Only tail you'll ever get by flashing that fancy GS of yours around." Termin retorted, "Yeah yeah " Soon, they came upon a small hut, standing outside was a sorcress dressed in rags. She shrieked when she saw the adventurers. Don't kill me! I'm Claressa, I mean you no hard! Get out of my swamp! Please!!" Arkon clicked on Claressa and got the following message. "Swampbat tail makes excellent soup!" Arkon pulled a swampbat tail from his sack and gave it to Claressa. She howled in delight, "Oh! I can make great soup with this! Bring me 9 more and you can have my cloak!" It took a bit of time, but each guild member soon had enough tails to trade for the cloak. "Trashy looking cloak." remarked Flagg. Arkon sensed the cloak and found nothing unusual. Angeleyes put her cloak on and found that it made her eyes grow wider and she felt lighter on her feet. The rest had similar messages, but each a little different. Not to far past Claressa'ssmall hut was a sigh that simply read "this way" They followed the path leading past the sign and came upon a bridge. A message came upon their screens as they stepped on the bridge. "Oh no you dont! This is a Troll Bridge! You ain't gettin buy for nuttin! I like the looks of what you are wearing! I'll just take it! No sooner had they read the message, out of nowhere came 3 extremely large trolls wielding cruel morningstars." Salandair was the first to be hit and for the first time in a long while, he was combat stunned! The trolls hit hard and had more hits than graagh. "Phew!" exclaimed Wildchild, "Im glad that's over!" When they searched the corpses they found 100k gold bars and enormous diamonds. The vests the trolls were wearing were made of something called a hackal. It looked like dragon scales, but had the attributes for protection against fire, ice, acid, and earthcrush. Combat adds were 8. One of the trolls had a leather sash, studded with exotic metal. They decided that Bullseye should pick it up and Arkon sensed it. "12/12 sash" stated arkon, "Good find." They traveled a bit more and came upon a curious stone house. A sign hanging above the door read, "Armory - Enter Travellers." They entered.