Termin, "Welp, glad that fight with the gator is over. The blinding acidspray was bad enough, but getting bit by those earthcrush teeth was nasty!" Arkon, "Bah! At least you didn't have to fight off 5 hellbats whose bite gives the confusion disc!" Grundeg, "Okay gents, pay attention, we got a door here." A large oaken door engraved with a coat of arms depicting a scale and a sword is carved deeply into the wood. An inscription reads, enter only if you wish to find success and great riches. Beware to the unprepared! Termin says wryly, "I bet these boots we don't know what to do with will get us in." Arkon replies, "Your idea, you try it " Termin carefilly carries the boots in his right hand and steps twoard the door, a vortex of fire sprouts from the floor and disappears into the celing. Termin's lifeless body and the boots remain on the floor." Termin croaks from his recently deceased corpse, "Bad Idea!" Wildchild retorts, "I'm not so sure... Flagg... get that longbow out and hold the boots, see if that works." Flagg obediently tries the suggesstion. He disappears in a whisp of smoke, with only the longbow and the boots remaining. Sal, "Well that worked! Let's go!" Grundeg, "not so fast, let's hear from Flagg first." Flagg via ICQ.. "I'm in some sort of Guild Hall. Im no longer a pal, but a merchant! This is wierd, everything is grey in here. Wait, there's some sort of portal in the corner, I'm going in." Grundeg via ICQ, "Hold up! wait for the rest of us, this is a guild thing ya know." Each of the members enter the door in the same manner as Flagg. Upon entry, all are merchants. One by one, they enter the portal. As they step into the world beyond the portal, they notice that everyone is a merchant, and everyone is hawking wares or medicines of some kind. A small dwarf to their right yells at they in a crusty voice, "Welcome maties, care to adventure on the longship! Get your pass right here! Only 25000 coins. a steal!" To their left was a tired old hag, she was carrying a bottle marked "CureAll" 10 coins. In front of them stood an enormous bank building. It had many doors and dozens of merchants rushing in seemingly to conduct banking business. Arkon yawned, "Im gonna go check out the bank to see if i have anything here." Grundeg, "Good idea, everyone spread out, screen capture and write down everything, names of NPCs etc, we might need to know that later." Grundeg headed twoards the far north end of the merchant city. He smelled a dank smell that only a swamp gives. Near a darkened doorway, a small thief holding a cup stood. Grunded spoke to him and the thief replied, "You vile merchants, always wanting something for nothing! Go away!" Having no gold in the bank or on them, the Fury guild looked around town. They noticed that some rats had made their way into town. Asmodian kills a few and they find that they have some small gems and some coin. "Well, said Asmodian, "We are going to have to kill a bunch of these to get coin. Maybe something else will show up." No sooner than he said that, the sound of many doors closing could be heard. The merchants and the sellers had all disappeared and it was just the Fury Guild standing in the middle of an empty courtyard. They heard a low growl, then another, soon they were seemingly surrounded by something that did not sound very friendly. It went dark...