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Welcome to Bound In Red Leather, a fanfic site dedicated to the pretty boys, TV shows, musicians and movies that we love. (We being Chagrin and Anakin). On this site you will find a collection of fan fiction about  pretty much anything we enjoy. Mostly a lot of Harry Potter, BtVS, Velvet Goldmine, etc. We accept anything though, so please don't hesitate to send your stories our way!

Please take note that while we accept general fan fiction, this site is, for the most part, a slash site. Meaning m/m, homosexual relationships, etc. RPS ::real people slash:: is also posted on here, mostly about Placebo and HIM. Occasionally there will also be violence, S&M, and whipped cream with chocolate. All the authors on this site are asked to post a rating at the beginning of their story. If you are homophobic or just can't stomach certain things, leave now to a place where your innocence will not be destroyed. You can't say you haven't been warned.

All the works on Bound In Red Leather are the property of the respected authors. Email them with questions, comments, and flames ::although we don't recommend the latter::.

These stories are all works of fiction and no harm was meant to any individual involved with the person/characters while writing them. We just wanted to have a bit of fun, but we'll clean them up and put them back in their boxes when we're done, we promise. Seriously though, don't sue us. We don't have money so all you'd get was a shirt that said "I sued a few writers and all I got was this lousy t-shirt".

So I think that's it. You've been warned. So...continue on with this site and enjoy! Happy reading.

Anakin and Chagrin