AKA: After Death, Zombie 4, Zombie 4 : After Death, Oltre La Mort

Tag Line : The Dead Rise Again!

Zombie Flesh Eaters 3Probably better known by it's original title "After Death" (or Zombie 4 in some territories, see explanation in previous review to understand the lineage), Zombie Flesh-Eaters 3 takes place on a remote tropical island (the setting for most Italian zombie films) where a scientific research team have been studying the natives.

Unfortunately, they anger the local witch doctor who summons up an army of zombies to dispense with them. After which, only one five year old girl manages to survive the carnage. Flashing forward some 15-20 years later, the girl who survived the zombie massacre coincidentally just happens to get stranded on the island, along with some friends and a small group of mercenaries (how terribly convenient).

Also on the island is a small group of explorers, which includes Italian B-Movie regular Alex McBride (aka Massimo Vanni) and porn star Jeff Stryker (using his real name Chuck Peyton), who have come to find out what happened to the scientists that were stationed there (well they waited bloody long enough didn't they?). Anyway, it isn't too long before the two groups find themselves being chased around the island by zombies and so after teaming up together they attempt to fight them off with the aid of a stash of M16 assault rifles which were conveniently laying around in one of the old buildings.

Directed by Claudio Fagrasso, the guy who wrote and produced "Zombie Creeping Flesh" and "Zombie Flesh Eaters 2" (so you know what you're in for) this is basically just another cheesy Italian gut cruncher, one which bears no actual relation to its (supposed) predecessors and makes very little sense, but then that's the Italians for you.

But if it's gore your after, the film has more than it's fair share of blood and guts as zombie heads get blasted, peoples faces are ripped off, bodies are disembowelled and guts are munched upon. Another one that can only really be recommended to die hard zombie fans.

Overall marks 5/10.

Other Information.

  • Alex McBride is a regular in Italian films, his most notable inclusions being "Zombie Flesh Eaters 2" (Zombi 3), "Rats : Night of Terror" and "The Last Hunter".

  • Director Claudio Fagrasso filmed the movie entirely using camera's and equipment borrowed from the set of Bruno Mattei's "Strike Commando 2" which was filming nearby.

  • Jeff Stryker is actually an adult porn movie actor, and can be seen in starring in many of the titles on the US "Vivid" video label.

  • The special effects make up was by Franco Digirolamo, who also worked on Zombie Flesh-Eaters 2 (Zombi 3). His other credits include "Amazonia : The Catherine Miles Story" along with Lucio Fulci's "New York Ripper", "The Black Cat" and Umberto Lenzi's "Nightmare City".

  • Candice Daly went onto star in the US TV show "The Young and the Restless".

  • Apparently the director had no idea that leading actor Jeff Stryker (Chuck Peyton), was in fact an adult porn star. It wasn't until an interview conducted in 2002 that he found that out.

  • The intro scenes, where the missionaries confront the witch doctor, were filmed on the sets constructed for Michael Soavi's "The Sect" which was filming at the time.

  • Claudio Fragrasso is undoubtedly best known for his collaborations with Bruno Mattei, most notable "Zombie Creeping Flesh", "Rats : Night of Terror" and of course "Zombie Flesh-Eaters 2" (Zombi 3).

Extra Info.

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European theatrical trailer. (1.66MB)

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Other films (sort of) in the series.

Zombie Flesh-Eaters Zombie Flesh-Eaters 2

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