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My Writings

WARNING: Some of these stories contain certain explicit things and may not be suitable for children or people that do not wish to read short stories containing these aspects. Some of these aspects are rape, sexuality, love, and violence. These are all done tastefully to enhance the characters and the story line. I do not condone anything that is wrong such as rape and violence. These scenes and ideas are used purely to bring the characters to life. Some of these characters make very good bad guys, what they do is in character and not what I choose to do or what I condone for myself or anyone else in this world. If you do not wish to read such stories however, please leave this site. If you do not mind, or are curious about my writing please continue on. Thank You.

PLEASE DO NOT take my ideas, themes, characters, or settings. This makes you an uncreditable writer and dishonest. Your work is so much better if it is actually yours.

DISCLAIMER: I do not write for profit, these stories are made up for my own enjoyment. These are my ideas, if the characters sound like anyone you know or any ideas that you may have had they are just coincidence. Please write to me with any complaints that you may have.

These stories are mostly fantasy stories. So come on, sit back, relax, and enjoy stories brought to you by this Dark Angel.

Copywrite by Erica Rich, 2002. All rights reserved. Violaters will be towed.

All Suggestions, comments, complaints, and praise is welcome!

get this gear!

******If you find any typos/problems throughout this website please let me know! Thanks so much!- Erica*********

Poems by Me

1st Page
2nd Page
3rd Page