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The Originals

How to tell if you like (or are obsessed with...) Gir:---Something I posted on It's cute, it's funny, ....just read it ^_^ please, if you haven't already. Rated G.

Family Affairs--- Aei Lynn Devasc's origin story. Part One Part Two

Kinsmen---The story of how Venom and Eisys Kayne met, as well as the truth behind her past. Rated PG-13.

The Mourning Night---Eyc reflects a bit. Pretty short and sweet, I wrote it for a school art project to go along with my plaster figure. Rated G. And if you're heart-sensitive and get easily teary eyed you might want to have a tissue ready.

The Young Xani Series: Mace VS Nair---A look into the Alternate Reality where Eyc came from before everything bad happened. First of the series, rated PG.