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The Page that has nothing to do with anything!

Well. As you can see. I havent had much time to work on this site. I dont like the fact that this site has no purpose. But... after all it is my site and thats what I made it for. If you want to get a kick out of my old site. (it isnt exactly "finished" nor does it have good graphics, they are from before i had my graphics card) Well, just Click Here

UPDATE: Well, i did it, i made a gallery, and an UPDATED allegaince page. Thanks to Psyco Orca who helped point out he wasnt on there.

I will hopefully redo this site so its more informal. Anyway, I gotta make more links and add more pictures. And add some quest tips.

My Allegaince

Do'hs Qoute of the Day!

My Image Gallery

If you want to swear allegaince to me, I am open for vassals!

Sign my Guestbook! Read my Guestbook!

Websites to Visit

Tosa's New Page
Crossroads of Dereth
Asherons Call Zone
Asherons Lore
