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Heather's Odd little page that she tries to think is actually somewhat entertaining....

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Quote Page!! (last updated: 4/12/09)

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Hey, that's me (Heather) and this is my wonderful lil page or whatever you make of it. just to fill you in on a little background/explanation: I've been working at Clean Water Action, an environmental non-profit, for the past two years. Still inching my way to grad school for education/a teaching career. This has been since graduating as a Physics major from Hamilton C. (Clinton NY), and for previous schools I went to George School (Newtown, PA) boarding school, and used to go to Cherry Hill East in New Jersey(yea!). I'm completely in love with metal and music in general {hosted a radio show during college - The Hard and the Heavy every Monday 10-12 midnight (DJ for 2007-8 schoolyear: Carlos) on WHCL 88.7 FM around Clinton/Utica NY, or tune in at ... concerts too, and other interests are nature, archery, sketching, RPing, cars (mostly just firebirds *drool*), skateboarding, and the guitar (might be picking up piano again). <;) Now I'm living in south Philly, working, hanging out, trying to figure out the next step in life and keeping a nocturnal schedule. There's lots more random stuff you'll probably be able to find out through the rest of the page, so feel free to roam.

4/12/09: Happy Easter! so long-time-no-work-on-this-page.... but i'm slowly weaning myself back into the online world. Just created a facebook and myspace to reconnect with old friends, and even put up a new quote!! ok so it's only one, but i just found my Little Quote Book again recently and so it shall accompany me henceforth and collect new quotes for everyone's viewing pleasure.

5/23/07: graduated college and i've opened up a new chapter of my life - the one where i sit despondant and wonder how the hell i'm going to get a job. with new life comes new change! i chopped off my hair after 14 years of growing it out, and here's the result. yay. been able to get in contact with some old friends too, which has been refreshing. best of luck to job-searchers and party-goers alike, i'm off to enjoy some more of that good ol' jersey summer life. note: new quotes as usual.

5/13/07: new quoteage up. it's the end of the school year, and as of tomorrow (holy crap, technically today >_> ) i'm practically done with college. have to go work on this exam now, and hope to pass this course, and then it's smooth sailing for a week that i will most likely not remember. Ciao!

4/05/07: end of the year senior shit sucks for the record. senioritis piled on life-changing period in my life piled on depression about not finding a job. Hey if you work for nasa, and happened to have an open position that has NOTHING to do with nuclear engineering... wanna give me a call? >_>

3/01/07: okay, it's been a while. i got sick. :P since i've haven't updated in forever, here's a special pic. the snow fort of DOOM!!!

Yes that is the 2nd floor bathroom window, and yes i can stand inside of it. I hope you liked.

12/15/06: so may more than one of those was correct, huh? hehe.. anyway. new quotes up (the only real reason i update this page :P) and thesis is done and done! no longer can it torture me! besides that, i've just got to pull another all nighter to finish this exam, and then have the next one, and the billion other things i have to do before heading to NYC. If it weren't for the Amon Amarth concert at the end of this tunnel i don't think i could survive. Death in fire, here i come.

11/30/06: And thus begins a 1 week long stint of crazy adventures, love sagas, and metaphorical hell. Okay only one of those is true, and i'll give you a hint: it's the metaphorical hell. Got the thesis due in a week, and it will downright murder me. In other news, new quote up.

11/13/06: new quotes. thesis. death. PS - i hate sr. year.

11/1/06: Happy belated Halloween! I made a kid cry, but besides that it was one of the more mediocre ones. Hopefully pics up when people send them to me, so you can see freaky costumes in all their glory. + 2 new quotes up on the page. In other news, I have a renewed appreciation for suicide X_x; Senior year is ridiculously hard, and lets just see if Heather makes it through the next couples weeks. So far on the menu, i'm behind on a midterm, paper/poster... all stuff i need to get done by midnext week which just happens to be when i have the pleasure of taking the Physics subject GRE! Yay!!! *runs off crying* I guess there's a reason that not everyone tries to go for a Masters/PhD. Go figure.

9/17/06: Fixed! New pic up on the pic page! (zomg i know, right?) + new quote added thanks to Mark

9/17/06: Well the good news is the poison ivy is gone!!! the bad news is that my thesis is wtfpwning me into submission. Hence no updates, hence me being a complete losing and spending whole weekends in my lab. yay. Like i wasn't enough of a dork as is. Anyway I can't wait for fall recess ^_~ and having tons of fun, you know.. give me a taste of freedom before shoving me back into my little dark hole. I'll say I'm gonna put pics up soon, though they may not all be what you expect.

8/22/06: Bad news: I have poison ivy, i'm back at school -> have work again -> will have a crappy semester... good news: maine rocked, just got my stuff unpacked, and i got a digital camera! (which means that unlike usual, when i promise tons of pictures and fail to scan them in, i will be able to instantly transfer them over to my pc, and voila! up on the site.) Expect pics up soon!

8/09/06: Going to Maine today, and i'm frigging excited!! we're renewing the annual boatin/camping trip and now that we've all grown and matured (ie can drink legally) it should be quite the blast. On other notes, more quotes. yay. Oh and that rigorous 6 hour study period everyday that would ensure me a better chance at the GRE's?..... ehh.... hehh... yea...........
PS - zomg my guest book got hit by spammers!! lolol

6/24/06: Still at school >_< only now instead of classes i'm down to the 9-5 research with Mr. Miller (who is the man). fancy type stuff with astronomy, like looking at asteroids and variable star clusters, and i actually have to pay attention cause this is what my thesis is gonna be on. Oh well! I know i haven't been keeping this page up cause i suck, but quotes will continue to flow in as always. ~Heather

4/24/06: lets see.. new quote up, and roleplaying page is being slowly updated! I'll be staying here at Hamilton for summer research (it'll be cool stuff at the observatory, and calculating meteor orbits) tons of fun! Then of course, there's potential plans for NYC, amsterdam, maine, etc... this will be one crazy year.

4/19/06: tons of work. This is pretty much my hell week of the semester, but oh well. did a lil bit of updating and posted a hot new pic (of vensha) so check it out here

3/29/06: So... back from Japan (and yes it was amazing) and i'll get some pics posted up as soon as i get them back!! but for now i'm already swamped with work, as my professors have not skipped a beat in their assignments. Off to my fate.

lol.. the best part is about teaming up with dragons to burninate shit >)
The Evil Princess
You are drawn to the sinister side of life and
gravitate towards darker things. You are
quite proud of your dark side and often
flaunt it. Your sinister nature and your
willingness to be cutthroat often result in
you playing the villainess.

Role Model: Snow White's Stepmother

You are most likely to: Team up with an evil dragon
to spread terror across the countryside.

What Kind of Princess are You? - Beautiful Artwork (Original Music is BACK!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

24 hour film fest = lots of tired people, and some really funny footage. I got to be the soap opera star, and the whole school gets to see it >_< hehe (we happened to pick the genre of "melodrama") so if you go to Hamilton, go see the screenings of all the movies 1/28 at 8(?) in the annex

Hoorah! i got geek of the week!! i guess i'll have to post that somewhere. I put up a new pic of me, i think some new quotes, and i bleached my bangs! eventually i'll get around to dying them, but we'll see how long it takes :)

only about a week till back to school, fixed the pics link, and a couple new quotes up. oh and ding 60 on vensha, plus the epic mount :) i'm a dork.

finals are over!! woot. so i guess now i'm pretty much back to the normal life of wowing at home. Took this really fun quiz today so i figured i'd share it :) (<3 dragons..) (note: i thought i should point out though... dragons and faeries are a bit different, but 59% angel, and 58% demon? i must be one very confused person..)
You scored as Dragon. Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with

currently stuck in the middle of finals week. it sucks. For those of you who may not understand/remember what this feels like: step 1) procrastinate all/most studying until the week itself is upon you, when you realize you have x finals to take (in my case x=4), step 2) find out the times and places, and exactly how many hours you must put into studying (which has no corrolation to how many hours you now have available for said studying, step 3) cry. alot., step 4) calculate how low you can score on these finals to still retain a B or C final grade in the class.
So by this point, i've gotten 2 finals done, and all that's left is to write a java program that will generate haiku's at my very command, and then the dreadful, enormous, infamous physics final. (for non physics majors, understand that most of us quake with fear at the mere thought of it... which usually takes about 6 hours to complete, though in this case my professor is limiting us to 3 hours :( ) Wish me luck, i'm off to un-fry my brain from today's studying!
i'm beginning to realize that computer science (along with physics) is a great place to find new quotes. woot
almost done! so close! today is the last radio show of the semester, and all the work is really piling up to oodles of fun. well i FINALLY got the WoW page done... okay not done, but at least updated now with text and pictures and fun stuff, so go check it out! New quote up too.
note: having no computer (or rather one lying in several pieces across my desk and floor) can be detrimental to both updating websites and keeping mental health steady. new quote up, back to class :)
well i've made it about 2 weeks or so without WoW *gasp*, cause it turns out Demon (my computer) has fetched himself a very nasty virus. so now i've gotta back up all my stuff on my extra harddrive, reformat, reinstall OS, progs... *sigh* been a very busy couple of weeks with demon, class, and social life. but enough of my blabbing, not like you care anyway. <3
agghhh! 2 days without WoW, and i'm starting to lose my grip on reality O_o. lets see if i can survive the next 2 days or so before i can get my addicted hands onto some reinstall discs. anyway. a couple more quotes are up now and i've split the quote page into 2 so its a bit more manageable, vs. the single page of a billion lines :)
school pwns me. but anyway, i've just put up a couple new quotes, and hopefully will get another rant up soon, b/c i know its been an age and a half since the last one (but i did just like leaving that one up, i'll admit). but i'm late for a date with real life.
Back in Jersey now and LOVING IT. I put up a new lyric on the scriptures page, a funny song named "I hate my girlfriend's mom" by PBS (a highschool band i knew at Cherry Hill East). Don't let their standing in the musical world misguide you. They deserve a listen or to. Umm... Ding 60 on Talgorather btw, but i must get back off now to finish cleaning up/unpacking all my junk.
New Poem up on the Scriptures Page
Hey! well what better way to procrastinate then updating the ol website! Sitting here listening to Tenacious D (Tribute!) and pining for a release from the grasps of my physics exam, which i'm to take in 2 hours... which i should be studying for. which i'll do later (or soon...) I had a semi-uneventful birthday 2 days ago, so i'm finally out of my teens now (dear God) and just getting ready to finish up school. what have i been up to?: Tim (my boyfriend), Electromagnetism (good riddance), Talgoratha (Ding 56!), physics partays (the best kind there are), and procrastinating the move back to jersey. Another week and a half about and i'll be back to the garden state in all it's glory, and how i've missed it so. But for now, i still have Faraday's Integral E.dl = -d/dt integral B.ds to work on. *mutters* wish me luck and send maxwell over to help me out during the exam.
Back at school now an in the process of working on a WoW page in the RPing section.. hopefully up in a week or so. <3 Tim
Back sitting at home again, mostly hanging out w/ the b/f, and i'm almost done my blanket!!! I will definitely post pics when that's all ready and done. Up to lvl 38 with Talgoratha, for those of you WoW nerds who either care of have a clue of what i'm talking about. For now though, Happy St. Patty's day! oh yea and new quote ^_^
Will have to update the RPing section next, as i've acquired the newest addiction of world of warcrack. i've gotta some screen shots. sorta have 2 mains right now, on Thunderlord server, so i'll get all the details up on that one later... but now is probably not the right time to do so as it's 6:11 am and just had this convo:
ElvenSorceress: alright majorly have to go.. class in 12 hours
ElvenSorceress: er 6
ElvenSorceress: at 23
ElvenSorceress: er 12
ElvenSorceress: *sigh*
ElvenSorceress: i give up
On that note, more to come soon, i promise this time (i have to, it has to do with WoW afterall, right???)
Happy friggin New Years everybody (oh i missed Xmas too huh? well, merry xmas/kwanzaa/chanukah or whatever other random holiday you choose to celebrate). Hope you all got A) sufficient presents, B) sufficient sleep, C) sufficiently drunk, or D) all of the above). Only a few days left until i jet off back to school, and oh how i am sooo pleased about that. Missed the GS reunion, and how i look forward to 8 hour physics problem sets again ^_^. i know i've been a lazy slacker, and i'm surprised anyone is reading this at all, but maybe (*just maybe!!*) if you're lucky or if i have no life at school then i'll finally hook up the scanner, and write some stuff up. my life certainly has moved on a bit from the alignment of this page. new quote
This news update is for Tim. Hi Tim!!!! (Happy? ^_^)
put more quotes in, and started putting date (if known) next to it. fun stuffs. :) i worked 15.5 hours today so going to sleep now.

Finally the day is here, when the fate of a large majority of the world (seeing how Bush has a tendency to want to 'play in the sand with his toys' and so on and so forth) will rest on the elections. Usually i'm not into politics much, but in this case i think its effects will be a bit too monstrous to ignore. I suppose we'll see in an hour or two what the hell might happen to our country right? (Oh yea.. didn't i say a few months ago that i was going to book a plane ticket to the other side of the world if he wins again? man, it's a bit late to start saving up that $$ isn't it. :P please kerry!!!!!) Best of luck to our democrat, and even if you're republican..... COME ON for humanity's sake!!!! ~<3 me
Mm. Quotes. Busy, but i'll work on this later. Oh, and BUSH SUCK!! oh.. and sorry the format's all weird, for some reason my page just feels like being centered. ;p
New quotes in das book! (if you're too lazy to try and find the quote book link, here it is. Besides that life sucks, school sucks, and back to my work ! ^_^!
soo.... it's officially 3 days till i go back to school and the summer has flown by :( then again i suppose it always does. Well for those of you to whom this means anything: i'll be living in babbit 39c on the darkside of Hamilton College this year (and yes i have a single!) and will be there a weeks early for tech crew. I put up a few new or old quotes that i found including a sandro quote which is always fun, and a page long letter from Ralph (the IB god) !Go!. back to packing for now, and much love.
If i was a serial killer i would be Charles Manson.

Charles Manson... the only serial killer that faces life in prison, yet never actually killed anyone.

Manson believed that by starting a cult, and manipulating his followers with drugs and mental suggestion he would get them to think he was the next messiah, and force them into doing anything he said, he was right.

One night in the Hollywood hills, Manson set out his minions to attack the home of the head of a record label that rejected his work years back. That night they murdered 5 people one of which was Sharon Tate who was also eight months pregnant at the time. Shooting and stabbing their victims repeatedly and smearing the words "Die Pig Die", and "Helter Skelter" over the walls.

Manson thought that by doing these killings that it would start a race war between blacks and whites. He also believed that the Beatles wrote many of their songs for and about him.

kill count: 5
Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now!

Does this scare you?.... :P


USELESS THINGS & STUPID PPL (updated: 4/18/04)

Please remember, all my stuff content pics etc are �2004 to me, Heather Parker. If you want to use any of it then just ask, and i might let you, but otherwise, it's mine and not yours ;) *roar*
Please contact me if there are any broken links/pics etc so that the page can be optimal for you viewing!!! Thanks.

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