(Scene fades in as Night Stalker can be seen back at his place in Chicago, resting a bit after his flight from Boston Mass. He sits there for a second, and then gets up and puts a tape in the VCR. Since our last encounter with Stalker's domain, he has purchased a new television, this time the tv is surrounded in a cage, to prevent Stalker's cash flow from going down every time he gets a tempor tantrum! The tape begins and it can be easily deciphered that it is a tape of last night's Slaughterhouse. Stalker fast forwards is through the intro, and the boring interview at the front, and stops it and pushes play when his match can be seen.)

Night Stalker: Hold up, this will just take a minute!

(He watches it for about thirty seconds, with a huge, yet kind of distant smirk on his face, not to be confused with a smile, and then pushes stop as the match ends, and ejects the tape.)

Night Stalker: My bad! Shit...it was only thirty seconds long, not a minute!

(Stalker lets a loud scarcastic yet cynical laugh.)

Night Stalker: One victim down, many more to go! Last night, as I have told you ignorant people over and over, was just a preview of what is to be expected of the Night Stalker! Poor little Dubbs didn't even know what hit him! If you noticed, I didn't even break a sweat! It was too easy for me, thus; I expect next time to go against a more worthier opponent! And as I have been notified, I might...I might get that chance on the next Slaugterhouse against Vixen! I'll get her in just a bit, but first, I want to play another part of this tape back for you.)

(Stalker puts the tape back in, and plays the very end of the match, right when he executes the "Cutting Edge" for the 1, 2, 3! The part he is wanting to show, is the part where both Rupert Thorne and Vincent Cole are shell shocked at the tenasity and overall dominance of the Night Stalker.)

(Tape Playing:)

("Rupert Thorne - Nightstalker has won his first match in the XWC in quick succession. I've never seen anyone go through an opponent that quickly."

("Vince Cole: I'm sure that his first match here at Slaughterhouse has made quite a few people sit up and take notice of this guy and they'll be watching him very closely from now on.!")

Night Stalker: Did you hear that? As long as these two men have been in the business they have never seen a person destroy another human being in such a quick and deadly fashion! Like a said, the dumb son of a bitch didn't even know what hit him! And as far as me getting some notice from the other XWC so called superstars, I think it will be a cold day in hell before that happens! Or...until they are the next victim!

(Stalker then puts another tape in. The footage begins, and now it can be seen that it is Vixen's promo from earlier. He watches it for a second, then truns the sound down, but leaves it playing.)

Night Stalker: Vixen.....Vixen......sweet enticing Vixen! What is it? Uh......XWC Cruiserweight Champion, XWC Woman's Champion, XWC Tag Team Champion, UCW Woman's Champion, and let's not forget Hall of Fame Inductee! Nice resume sweetheart! I have to give recognition when it is due! You know the ropes rather well, and are a veteran, that's why it's going to be even more fun taking your little ass out! You see...most the women I have dealings with, can't let's just say defend themselves like you are capable of doing, but rest assure that when you face the Stalker at Slaughterhouse you will go down just as the rest have!

(Stalker kind of laughs with an evil look on his face like the one a little boy would have as if he just chopped off the head of his sister....'s doll!)

Night Stalker: So you like to paint, well I am what you might call an artist myself! I like the color crimson red especially, I don't know why, but it just seems to catch my eye! Also, I am a drawer's accomplice you might say! You see...whenever I do my, let's say dirty work...I setup the canvas for the artist. In this case the artist is usually a detective. And his drawing is used with chalk, if you catch my drift! See, I have already made that call, and you already have and appointment for me to setup the next drawing done by the dear detective. It is next week at Slaughterhouse, and what better kind of a canvas can he use, than the center of the ring apron! Until next time little girl, and by the way, your mind seems to be wandering a lot these days, you might want to stay focused on the upcoming match! I have always heard that the past will always haunt you, but if you disregard the present, the upcoming future is a bitch! Oh yeah...I almost forgot, make sure you lock up that big, huge mansion of yours, you wouldn't want a stranger to lurk in with you unaware! So, be advised little one, that when you step in the ring with the Stalker, You Are Stepping In The Ring With The Craziest Son Of A Bitch! Beware of the Stalker!

(Night Stalker turns the television and the VCR off, and then reaches in a generic briefcase. He pulls a folder out of a binder. He opens the folder, and a bio of Vixen can be seen. Stalker looks back up, and then closes the folder quickly! Scene fades to black.)