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Hey Ladies and Gents the name's Mitch and this is my portfolio.Before we get started I would just like to say this work is my own so it's copyright by me and all the characer used in the wallpapers ar copyright of their owners.

If you look to the left the menu for the site is there each link will take you to a specific part of my work.

  • Poetry-This is where you will find all my poetry illustrations. I wrote all the poetry on them as well.
  • Anime Wallpapers- These are pictures I've creatd to use as backgrounds for yur desktops.
  • Artwork-This section holds all my other art that does fall into one of the other pages. It also holds many of my projects such as the logo for the Midtown Tunnel or the magazine cover.
  • About-Just some information about the one and only Mitch

To contact me you can e-mail me, with any questions or comments at the link below.....Have fun :)

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