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Last updated: May 6th, 2003
"Go here for information"
My Info:
Name: Mike (Original isn't it?)
Occupation: Student at William Paterson University and slave at Shoprite
Hobbies: Playing bass, Final Fantasy VII&X, hanging/talking with my friends (Ashley, Sean, Erica, Ryan, Cheri, Amanda, Carissa), movies: old horror, action, adventure, sci-fi, and of course Disney can't you shed a tear when mufasa dies sniff sniff, listening to music: metal, rock, hardcore, industrial, and classic rock.
Favorite Bands: White/Rob Zombie, Fear Factory, Mudvayne, Nothing Face, Disturbed, Static-x, MushroomHead, Godsmack, Metallica, Black Sabath, Slipknot, The Doors, Pink Floyd, System of a Down, Hatebreed, incubus, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Rolling Stones, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Late October, Intake, Stone Sour, NIN, ect...
Movies: Blade Runner, Fight Club, Texas Chainsaw Masacre, The Omen, The Exorcist, The Lion King, The Crow (the first one), The Land Before Time, The Matrix, The never ending story, Austin Powers, Spaceballs, Jaws, A Clockwork Orange (the most fucked up movie I have ever seen), The Shinning, 12 Monkeys, and others that I cant think of right now
My short story: "The Fairy Princess"

Walk into splintered sunlight, inch your way
through dead dreams into another land 
A dream is like a river, ever changing as it flows. 
And a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes 
The siren sings a lonely song - of all the wants and hungers 
The lust of love a brute desire - the ledge of life goes under 
Divide the dream into the flesh - kaleidoscope and candle eyes 
Empty winds scrape on the soul - but never stop to realize 
My favorite Poem
"The Raven"

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And all that Could of Been
breeze still carries the sound
maybe i'll disappear
tracks will fade in the snow
you won't find me here
ice is starting to form
ending what had begun
I am locked in my head
with what i've done
I know you tried to rescue me
didn't let anyone get in
left with a trace of all that was
and all that could have been
please take this
and run far away far away from me
I am tainted the two of us
were never meant to be all these pieces
and promises and left behinds
if only I could see in my nothing
you meant everything, everything to me
gone fading everything
and all that could have been
please take this and run far away
far as you can see I am tainted
and happiness and peace of mind
were never meant for me
all these pieces
and promises and left behinds
if only I could see in my nothing
you meant everything everything to me

my mind is self-destructing
all is lost and i am nothing
all alone but my fists are clenched
beat myself till the fear is dead
"it's always the same
and nothing will change
i'm alone and detained
to feel my pain
and i'll take out my rage
cause i've gone insane
i've got nothing to gain
i'll never understand why i feel this way
i'll never arise to a better day
pain lives in me and it's never gonna vacate
pounding, stabbing,
consumed with straight hate
driven in like a rusty nail
this mind's train of hate can never fail
the noose around my neck is reality
psychosis like a virus is taking hold of me
Living in me and breeding within
Infiltrating my insides the pain is setting in
What little hope i have left is fading
you try to understand but you can't


Falling victim from neglect
Designed thoughts and intellect
Forgotten and displaced The crux of my dismay
I feel nothing
I am nothing
I feel nothing

How deep I descend? Until I reach my end?
How deep I descend?
Deeper into this abyss Weighted down and sinking fast
Life did not offer me More than false destiny
I feel nothing
I am nothing
I feel nothing

How deep I descend? Until I reach my end?
How deep I descend?
I am nothing
I feel nothing
I am nothing
I feel nothing

Nothing . . .

How deep I descend? Until I reach my end?
How deep I descend? 

My compassion is broken now
My will is eroded
and my desire stolen
and it makes me feel ugly
Im on my knees and burning
My piss and moans are the fuel
that set my head on fire
So smell my soul burning.
I'm broken, looking up to see the enemy.
I have swallowed the poison you feed me ...
but I survive on it,
and it leaves me guilt fed, 
hatred fed, weakness fed..
and I feel ugly, and dead inside.
Sh*t adds up at the bottom.
You've left me no choice 
but to go inside and rebuild what's broken.
Too much, too far,
too late to lie down now.
I must arm myself to fight you
by making weapons out of my imperfections.
It's all I have left. There's no other choice.
I'm shameless, nameless, nothing,
and noone now.
But my soul must be iron
for my fear is naked.
I'm naked and fearless.
But I'm dead inside.
You see.. sh*t adds up,
now Im dead inside
Hatred, weakness, and guilt
keep me alive at the bottom

Diary of a Love Song
screaming at the window
watch me die another day
hopeless situation
endless price i'll have to pay
diary of a madman
walk the line again today
entries of confusion
dear diary, i'm here to stay
sanity now and beyond me
i will always love you
however long i stay
i will always love you
whatever words i say
i will always love you there's no choice
whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel whole again
voices in the darkness
scream away my mental health
can i ask a question
to help me save me from myself
sanity now and beyond me
i will always love you
however long i stay
i will always love you
whatever words i say
i will always love you there's no choice
i will always love you
whenever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i'm whole again
whevever i'm alone with you
you make me feel like i'm whole again
i will always love you, there's no choice

The penguins taunt me, but they are really nice they just like to pretend they are mean

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Everything inside
Tormented by these emotions
Eating away at my insides
If only I can reveal everything to you
If only I can share my thoughts
If only I can share my feelings for you
If only I can say three simple words...
But the fear of loosing you altogether
is to great to withstand
You are forever in my heart and dreams but never more

Cant seem to escape these feelings
Feelings so deep it hurts to be around you
Your everything haunts and torments me
Cant even escape you in my dreams
To feel your tender touch, to taste your lips
just once and i might just die

Eternal Sleep
Eternally empty, A feeling that I cant
subdue, Tormenting loneliness, Cant seem to
escape it, Why wont it go away away AWAY!!!
Why cant I stop this feeling of love, a
cruel emotion. Every second of every day
spent thinking about you. A dream that will
never be. Perfect in everyway my love for
you grows. My fate, to be eternally alone. If
only it could be different. If only I where
worthy of you. I dont want to live like this
any more. Why wont it just end. I cant take
it any more. The feelings are eating away
inside. Nothing I do seems to help. Just
please please let it all go away. Going
threw life only thinking of you. I cant live
this way. Why cant I just die. Wishing it
can be different. But the truth is painfully
clear. In this reality you and I can never
be. I wanna dream, I dont wanna wake, Give me
my eternal dream. Give me my eternal sleep!!!

Life a endless cycle of pain and sorrow
No purpose no future
No happiness no love
Only loneness and despair
Full of hate and misery
Is there a point to it all?

A feeling of something missing
A longing for something more
Searching to be whole
A feeling long forgotten
Every passing moment I feel more like nothin
Giving up on yourself but still having to live....
A pain I feel everyday
As the Darkness engulfs my soul
The feeling of being dead inside ensues
What must I do to fill my void, I haven't a clue
If only there where a way to be whole again
If only I can find some meaning to this existence
A reason to go on, a reason to live
Something to take the emptiness away
Something to make me whole again.

My Life
Open my eyes
Show me the lies
Show me my entire life 
Nothing worth remembering
Nothing left in my soul
Always a failure...what a waste
If only i can disappear 
To have never existed
To have never breathed the accursed air of life
To never have felt hate
To never have felt the pain of love
Trapped in what seems like eternal damnation
I just want a release from it all

My One Wish 
Hear my screams, Slit my wrists
Watch me grin, Watch me bleed 
Watch me drift into an everlasting sleep
Cant seem to escape the nothingness of my life
What must I do, How will it end
I have lost my way
Hear my screams, Slit my wrists
Watch me grin, Watch me bleed 
Watch me drift into an everlasting sleep
Clawing helplessly inside the tomb of life
No escape, No where to turn
No where to run, Why must i go on
Hear my screams, Slit my wrists
Watch me grin, Watch me bleed 
Watch me drift into an everlasting sleep

Endless Forest
An endless forest,
Black with no end...
I try to see the light,
A glimmer of hope... 
The more I search, 
the deeper I wander into darkness... 
I am tired of searching,
Giving up on hope,
Giving up on seeing the light...
I sit here in the shadows, 
Lost, tired, and alone...
You see I tried and failed...
I can't see the light, 
Just the darkness 
I tried and failed...

Left With Nothing
Bitterness and rage is all I have left
My contempt cant be controlled
Ridiculed and scorned I am worthless 
Mar me with your words of hate
Iv grown cold inside
I can't see past it all
Iv grown to understand nothing will change
Nothing I do matters
I just wanted some acceptance 
But Iv grown to see my path is a dark and empty one
Forever alone left with nothing but pathetic self loathing
Abhorring my existence, I wait for my one wish, my demise

Coveting something you can never have
The pain of knowing we can never be
Always in my thoughts
Always in my heart
Never more then that
The feeling of happiness when I am around you
Bested only by the feeling of emptiness in my soul without you
If there where only a way to say how I feel
Wanting something that can never be

A Moment in Time
Isolation, a necessity....
To escape to a far off place to forget everything
To run off to a dream world
To observe the sky and watch it turn to night
To gaze at the stars and the moon
To drift away from everything for a brief moment
Wanting time to stop, only to realize it's an impossibility
That I must return to reality

When I close my eyes 
I can see that person I used to be 
who kept his heart so open 
fading away into the distance.
I try to find a reason to go on, 
anything that proves my life
hasn't been a total failure, 
that I had a purpose, that I
was important to someone, 
only to see that there is nothing for me. 
Life with no meaning is an empty existence...
I want a relief from it all. 

My Decent
Holding the knife, starring down,
I can see the blood dripping
So wet and thick I can feel it soaking
threw the bottom of my feet
Is it wrong to take a life? where so worthless 
What does it matter?
No one will remember you
No one will care
21 years of misery
i now free you...i now free myself
as i collapse bleeding, i drift away 
for one final sleep, to transcend all the rest

Your End
This is the beginning of your end 
I'll take you down in eternal flames
Ill take your life and your soul 
I'll take you into a hell you cant imagine
Torment and pain is what you shall receive
Burn like the bitch you are 
This is the beginning of your end 
I'll rip all you hold close apart 
I'll destroy all you love
I'll taste your blood and spit in your face
Torment and pain is what you shall receive
Burn like the bitch you are 
This is the beginning of your end 
I'll watch you crawl and kick you down again
I'll beat you till your choking on your own blood
I'll make you pay, ill have my revenge
Torment and pain is what you shall receive
Burn like the bitch you are 
This is the beginning of your end 
This is the beginning of the rest of your life