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The Domain of the Faithless

Faithful is until you are proven otherwise. You can be faithless FOREVER. The angel hath fallen, the demon hath risen. This is the domain of the faithless, the time of Loki. Her minions have risen, Azrael hath come. Join us as the day falls and turns into permanent midnight. Hell fire rages in my eyes. Blood will fall like rain this night. The coming curse, the anti-Christ, I am the watcher's eye. Some people say I am the Anti-Christ. Others say I am the Angel of Death. Still others claim that I am a member of the Devil's ministry, a kind of Satan's Angel. Still others say I am the princess of darkness herself, and they will worship me until the day they join me in my fiery domain. lol disturbing isnt it? but im so small n luvable (haha yea right).....seems unfathomable duznt it? i'm gunna use this as a shouts section~ Azrael: you my sista fer life...heaven dont want us and hell knowz we'll take over! the bond between us will never be broken. ya been there for me time and time again when i needed ya. THANKS! if you ever need anything, i dont give a shit if its 2 a.m., im here for ya chica! risa yer my girl n i love you ferever k? becca: we usedta be so tight and it feels like we're getting back to the way it usedta be...which i love. ive missed having you around. yer my girl always love ya hun! will~ i love you will! i am yer bumchee forever. i miss you guys you should call me sometime. i wanna see yall as much as i did over the summer! (although maybe no alcohol this time kuz i got in big troublez) ben~ aww yer the sweetest person ever. maybe call me sometime or something aye? love you. anyways my last shout out usedta be to luke but we broke up two weeks ago so yea guess things change...well. not everything. anyways he was my heart and my everything. i dont feel the same without you, although ill always feel the same for you. i know you'll be back...i just dont know if things can ever be the same again.