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News for 1-23-03: So, hi everyone. this page needs some major reworking, but i don't really have the time right now, so as soon as i do, i'm sure you'll see some big improvements. Most of my time has been going to my new webcomic and to my creative writing class. i also got a livejournal and althogh it's not as productive as the other two things, i'm sure it will be draining some of my time also. so yes. i'm sure you'll all be happy to know that although this page will contain some tommy stuff, there won't be much. i realized how annoying my constant babble about it was and have begun to contain it in my blurty journal and community. anyways, i actually have to go work on homework now. so, check back soon for possible developments. ~ Emily

? Shounen-ai orG # > Tommy Obsessed.

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