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La Lune Trop Rousse Werewolves *RPG*

The La Lune Trop Rousse Werewolves, or Lalutrrowe, are a pack of weres in Rome during the 1900’s. Though we are not a restricted pack, we are open to all weres, or creatures of the night. This page is a guide to the RPG, the following links are self-explanatory... (though I explain them anyway), so feel free to paw around, and I hope to see you soon....

History: A history of how our particular breed of weres came about, and also a history of our tribe.
Dictionary: Some words may be a bit confusing in the way they’re used, so I’ve written up a dictionary for your reading enjoyment! (Up, but not finished. :))
Breeds: In this particular RPG, there are different kinds of weres and night creatures. Here you’ll be able to read about them, learn their strengths... their weaknesses.
Rules: Self-explanatory. Every RPG has rules, and you must read and agree to ours before joining the RPG.
The Pack Rules: These rules are rules that the pack itself must follow. These are not rules for the player, but the character.
The Pack & Others: This is the list of all the characters in the RPG.
Joining: If you are still interested in joining our little RPG, here is how to do so.
Story Line: Here, in summarized form, I will have the complete story line for the RPG, including summaries of every post.
Rules Of Hallowing: Hallowing is one of the three ways weres can reproduce. Here are all the rules, exceptions, and anything else concerning this unusual happening.
Fiction: MoonShards, as this little 'story' will be called, is currently being written by non-other than Tycho herself. As she beats the damned writer's block demon, and gives me what she's done, I'll give it to you here.
Thank you again for visiting my humble abode....
Oh, yes, and on a really random note, if any of you are Harry Potter fans, I have a fiction up Here, thank you.
And for all you Elfquest fans! Skywise's Tree
