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Sedona Pix


Sedona is a place in Arizona(duh!), up kinda by Flagstaff and is full of red rocks and stuff. Red rocks, not red rum, lol. It's like supercool. It's my favorite part of Arizona. So, pictures are not my expertise in html. It seems like I always have problems with pictures and images, even if my coding is right. Aiyyyy! Well, I'ma try and make this cool with like thumbnails and all, but we'll see what happens. My rants page will probably be very full by the end of this section; that or my news! Ok, hold you cursor over the pictures(and any other link on my site) to find out the title of it. Click on the picture to see a larger version, and if you do a cursor hover on THAT one, it'll tell you more info.

Snow in Cottonwood

View at Cottonwood

Fog and clouds in Sedona

Hiking Trail in Sedona

Hotel in Sedona

Hotel in Sedona2

Hotel in Sedona3

Inside of Church in Sedona

Me, Amy and Ashley in Sedona

Looking out from Cheers in Sedona


Sedona2 1-6-02


