Rurouni Kenshin: Heart of the Sword

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About Me
Character Bios

UPDATE:Tuesday,July 30,2002 Hi! I'm Shari Thomas, but you can call me Moniku-Chan! I just want to honestly inform you that my site is sadly far from finished. So maybe you should come back another time ^_^x;. If you have any questions Email Me
UPDATE: Wedesday,July 31,2002 Hi! It's me Moniku-Chan! I have worked hard since........Yesterday! And I have added an About Me and and a Links Page. C'mon you've gotta give me a little credit.I'm workinh as fast as I can. Anyway, soon to come is an info page on Rurouni Kenshin,Character Bios, Image Gallery,and and adoption page. See that'll take awhile so be patient.
UPDATE:Wedesday,July 31,2002 I bet you've noticed that theres n About Me page anywhere. Thats because I have been having difficulties with that page, but who cares about me anyway! So lets move on the real update annoucements I'm working on the Character Bios instead of the About Me page. The Character Bios should be up within the day If I'm lucky.
UPDATE:Thursday,August 1,2002 I really did finish starting the Character Bios Page, within the day. I just posted this update at 12 somethin at night. Anyway let me tell you whats important. The Character Bios Page has been started and there are a few bios in there and more will be added of course. So help yourself! I'm still working the other pages so once again, be patient!
UPDATE:Thursday,August 1,2002 Ok I still don't have a GuestBook. I have to remember to get one. I should get one today so Its taken care of. Anyway I got bored of writing Character Bios and finally got the About Me Page to start working so thats the new page. I shouldbe starting the Rurouni Kenshin info page soon but not today, today I've got to get a Guestbok and finish the Character Bios.
UPDATE: Thursday, August 1,2002 I've finaly got a guestbook and counter, The character bios should be done by today. Then i'll start on the info page.

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