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 ~ Welcome ~

~ February 2013:
Goodness, why has Angelfire not nuked this page yet? Anyway...

To my Fuckhead father:
I was working on a family tree and stumbled upon this page. I thought about how much it must suck to Google your own name and have this page pop up. Honestly, I find it kind of funny. Maybe one day I'll delete it, but for now it remains as a reminder to me and maybe a message to my half-sister. There is no more hate for what you did to me, there is nothing but a lingering sense of disappointment and betrayal, and perhaps a smoldering ember. Do not stoke that ember. However, there is plenty of anger for what you did to my brothers. They still suffer because of what you put them through, and I share in their suffering. I hope you have truly sought God's forgiveness, for you will get none from me.

If I ever have the misfortune to run across you in some grocery store, please just stay away. If you see my name in the paper or online for an event, please just stay away. If I'm in the hospital seriously hurt and maybe dying, please just stay away. If you want to meet any potential grandchildren someday you had better stay away or there will be god damned hell to pay. I will not allow you to mess up their lives. If you try, I will seek every legal avenue to protect my family and make your life miserable.

You once said I wouldn't go to college. Now I'm halfway done with an Ivy League law degree. I sincerely hope you are more supportive of your other children than you were with me. They don't have the same support system that I do.

To Christina:
If my math serves me right, and it never was my strong suit, you're 15. Wow. You're older than I was when CPS came and saved my brothers and I. Has your father ever told you that story? Probably only parts, but that's to be expected. I just want you to know that I didn't want to leave you, I had always wanted a sister and you were so beautiful as a baby. I couldn't wait to see the person that you would grow up to be. You were just starting to walk and it was so cool to watch you learn. But I never got to really hold you. I never got to play with you. Your parents made me feel like I wasn't good enough to even touch you. Like I was dirty trash and you were clean white silk. Please know that I don't blame you for anything. I don't even blame you for loving your parents. I wish things could have been different, I wish I could have could have gotten to know you. Your father used to tell me that you would talk about me when you were little. I wonder if that was true. I hope only for the best for you.

~ 2004:
TeeHee! I've removed everything useful from this site. Por que? Mi Padre... I don't like him to have access to my web pages. Do you hear me? Sterling Jack Murray. Yea, SCREW YOU!! I never want to see your face again. Never. You say you'll help me pay for college... wait... never mind you just went back on that promise too. I really feel sorry for your other children... YOU created this rift, this hate, between your children and you. We don't need you. Leave us alone. Don't you even dare to continue playing head games with us. Remember, you are NOT our "Dad"... you're just the pathetic sperm donor. There is no love in my heart for you. Just anger and pity. Have a good rest of your life asshole.
