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Kings Field Guide







Kings Field - The Ancient City


(In order)

Cecile Yeala A heladin soldier who stayed behind by faking a disease.He regrets lying as he thinks about his comrades
David Bunch A man who operates a shop near a dark graveyard
Duhrin Pathwarden An old man who takes care of miner's graves.his wife is...
Chad Breshers A thief who is trying to go beyond Zastari.What will he think when he is faced with Zastari's body?
Lynn Genne She came here to save her mother from a disease.Her father died while looking for a rock of life.
Sharyl Genne A woman who was sick in bed.she is well now,but shes's lost something even more valuable
Marcus Zan A miner who was completly absorbed in swinging his pickaxe. He died without paying his debts.
Lee Maynor An injured soldier who fled from the expedition.His friend seemed possessed by a monster.
Mista Fopa A mysterious old man who lives underground.Will his wish come true?
Ramirez Martin Supply soldier who was with the expedition.He was attacked by his comrades,possessed by monsters.
Aeaine Vigil The last priest of the Forest Folk.She has long since been destined to stay there.
Belric Psytar A retired Knight.He came to Ancient City in search of battle.
Arx Angelos Voice of the shapeless owner of the craftsman's workshop.He passes on knowledge of the ancients.
Harmurah Forgefirst A blacksmith of the Earthfolk.The Earth Folk had a strong friendship with a Forest Folk craftsman.
Shane Lloyd a renowned researcher who studies the forest folk.he stays in the ancient city by himself
Jamarc Neely He claims to be a traveling merchant.He says he is lost,but something is odd.Who is he?
Kyle Campbell A knight,part of the main expeditionary force.He fought along side of the Sword Master Septiego.
John Park An injured knight.A survivor of the expedition.
Joshua Griffin A scouting knight from the expedition.He escaped tragedy because he was patrolling ahead.
Lyle Kagada An expeditionary knight who was about to become a widda.He mourns his lost comrades.
Paul Hutchison A man who no longer wants to eat fish.He has memories of being a sailor but is confused.
Akryal Dark minister who is awaiting thw awakening.His will unchanged from the Queen's death.
Oagh Burleigh A guard who is forced into work by the Widdas.He wants a rare egg.
Will of the Dark Folk Old ruins on the outskirts of the Ancient City.A strangely chilling voice comes from an altar.
Serrak Rezmach A man of the Forest Folk sealed in stone.You sense his voice in your mind.
King of the Forest Folk A sad voice comes from out of the shadows.