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Magic Spell Leveling
Offensive Spells:1 magic exp point per hit on a enemy
Defensive Spells:3 magic exp point per spell except
earth and remedy.only 1 for them
Level 2 50 magic exp
Level 3 150 magic exp

Fire Crystals
Fireball given to you by Lynn Genne when you give a rock of life to her mother,Sharyl Genne
Firewall availible in a room in the forge after you beat the fire genie and earth king
FlameBreath availible after you kill the fire lord. it will be on a pedestal in the same area
Immolate dropped by the widda queen when defeated
Flame Strike Check the middle torch in the room with 3 huge spiders in the ancient city ,level 1,east

Light Crystals
Divine Light found near mista fopa the first time you see him. its inside a hole in the wall on top of spider web
Flash inside a statue on the ceiling in a dark room near the kings throne area
Retribution in a room guarded by malices in the ancient city,level 2,south
Invoke Lightning dropped by the ancient king when defeated
Judgement on a pedestal after the passage of light

Earth Crystals
Earth Heal found behind a stone guardian in the 2nd guardian area
Upheavel found in the cavern of the earth,inside the holy forest
Earth Leech Dropped by the Giant Beetle when defeated
Volcannon in the snakes den,guarded by huge acid snakes
Meteor Cascade inside the treasury,on a flame statue

Wind Crystals
Life Shield located in a barrel in the ancient city,level 3,south,widda area
Wind Cutter david bunch the merchant,sells this to you
Ice Clad located behind a secret door in the ancient city,level 2 south. a flame statue is holding and guarding this crystal.
Tornado located in the central part of the egg mines
Freeze located outside the mansion of the howling winds in the cavern of the wind

Water Crystals
Purity dropped by the spider boss
Endure Fire located inside a well
Vortex located in the seabed cave,behind a carved statue
Remedy inside the cavern of water on the very bottom floor of the central tower,north side
Hydrosphere dropped by a giant genean when defeated

Dark Crystals
Shadow Skin located in the east catacombs of the ancient city,level 3
Eclipse in a chest inside the ocean fortress
Reckless Strength located in the dark ruins
Drifting Death behind a secret door in the underground jail
Dark Matter dropped by a greater demon in the middle of the old battlefield when defeated