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Links Currently Working: Site Updates, Video Stills, Fan Art, Guestbook, Links and Contact N.B.

+ 8/19/2002 +

Seems I got lazy again, eh? Maybe I should put this site on a higher priority or something.... I dunno. Finally fixed the release dates, I think. I also took off the counter. I might put one back up once I find a better one. More updates to come tonight! :)

+ 7/25/2002 +

I'm baaaack! Got the first inklings of a links page and two more of my fan art pieces up! Woo hoo! I might try and fix up those CD release dates too if I feel up to it! (But I'm tired, so emphasis on the "might".)

Later: Added the counter as an afterthought. Might take it off again later. Dunno, just checking to see if I want one for now.

+ 7/15/2002 +

Grr. I tried to do the release dates but I fucked up somewhere along the line and screwed half the dates. So now only This month is up and most of the bands I had were taken down due to my own incorrectness. Pfft. I'll fix it later. I'm gonna have to be gone to Boston for a week, sadly. I hate travel so I really don't want to go. Oh well, not much you can do.... Hey! Listen to this because it'll rock your socks! It's by The Murderdolls. Oooh yes. Enjoy!

+ 7/6/2002 +

I am sooo sorry for that update gap!! I got really busy so for the most part the only thing I did while at home was sleep. Again, I'm sorry! I think things will start to slow down around here now, thankfully. So let's see what I've got done so far today: Fan art section up! Cosmetic make-over to the links! More later....

+ 6/21/2002 +

Slowly but surely getting the video galleries back up! I also made two new ones (see: Deadsy and Coal Chamber) to go with the bunch! Huzzah! And.... In other news. I don't know what I was thinking, but I guess I kind of, um, deleted my CD reviews. I'm so very very mad, but I suppose I have no one to blame but myself. *Sigh*..... So I guess what I'm trying to say is fuck that! I'm not starting over with THOSE again, no way!! Expect to see that section out of the sidebar soon, and don't hold your breath about it coming back. To much work was lost and as far as re-doing them, I'm simply not inclined to do so. I guess that's it for today then, unless I feel like putting more galleries up. Dunno. Anyways, ciao.