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[The Basics]

Name- Natalie

Date of Birth- 14th of January 1982

Astrological Sign- Capricorn

Live- Sydney, Australia... well close to anyway

Hair Colour- Blonde

Eye Colour- Green

Family- Currently residing with my family. My parents and younger sister Felicity.

Education- Completed high school in 1999, through the public school system. Begun University in 2000.
Changed from a business management degree into a teaching degree, attended university part time
before taking a year off to work. Resumed attendance in 2002, and am currently studying for a Social
Science degree full time.

Work- Worked as a public servant in 2001 for the health department in Sydney as an accounts clerk.
Don't ask me why I cannot even add up ;-) Started as a contract worker doing administrative and reception
work until I was forced into a full time position with them. Contact workers make more money :-)
Didn't last too long after that due to unfortunate incidence of sexual harrassment against me but I
was ready to leave anyway.

Personality- To be honest I am a rather negative individual. I am a pessimist much like my father,
There are times where I have felt sometimes depressed. I tend to be quite serious and reserved but I have
a immature childlike side to me. I am not your average 20 something and never will be. I am prone to bouts
of lazyness. I alter between being clean or messy and seem to be made up of many contradictions. I am
very polite and have been brought up as such. I do not get along very well with extreme optimists believe
me I have tried but it never works out well. I cannot stand ignorant  people with blinders on to the problems
of the world and I hate rasist, egocentric people.
