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As you have read the band is currently searching for a drummer and a basist.
Read the following requirments and if you are interested, give us a hit!
Below you can find this statement in Greek

We are looking for someone who:

  1. Lives in Athens
  2. Has worked in other groups/or has a good experience in drumming or in bass guitar
  3. Has his own gear and equipment
  4. Wants to work hard with the group in live gigs and in studios

If you think you are interested give us a call at:

093-2585082 George

Οπως διαβασες το συγκροτημα αυτο το καιρο ψαχνει για drummer και μπασιστα.
Διαβασε τις παρακατω προυποθεσεις και αν ενδιαφερεσε στειλε email η παρε τηλεφωνο.

Εαν λοιπον:

και στην τελικη ενδιαφερεσαι:

093-2585082 Γιωργος