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Hacky logo, that spins! Hacky logo, that spins!

Welcome to the Home page of the infamous organisation H.A.C.K.Y. Undivided

This is the new page dedicated to the H.A.C.K.Y. Undivided organisation. Some things that will be coming to this page very soon will be the Mafia Todd story, the MRS (we will also tell you what this actually is later on)and the return of El Presidenta Hacky. At this stage We would like to thank Invader Jim for starting this page which he assures us will be completed very soon

Things that are Here!

Things that are coming soon

Hey, Heres some links for you, with more to come I promise!

8 bit Theater
The home of the Mafia Todd Comic, wooo!
Another site dedicated to El Presidentae Hacky
This is where you can find how to get a hold of me

Read my guestbook! Sign my guestbook!


And now just a little reminder that everything contained within these pages is totally ficticious and in no way pertains to real life.

Hacky logo, that spins! Hacky logo, that spins!