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| Hacking and Cracking Tools |


This program has a nice layout. It is like brutus but it is easier to use. It works but needs a password file, and a user file. This is defenitly a must have


Alright this is not the easiest program there is. This is not for average newbies. This can break any password if used properly and this is mainly for local machine passwords such as grade programs or ziped programs with passwords.

Ass Sniffer

This is a very popular program, and mostly seen in chat rooms. This changes a link that consists of numbers from your ip that is completely different. Once somebody clicks, you get their ip address.

Hotmail Hack

This is a dictionary attack program that mainly targets hotmail login names and passwords. This is a really cool program, but it can freeze if you load a huge wordlist so becareful kids!

Key logger 95

This keylog is for windows 95 and 98. It is a great key recorder that saves it to a hidden text file in your hard drive so that you can see what that person typed. It works pretty good and if you install it it auto starts with windows. Be warned if you delete it, it will still try to auto start. Thats the only bug.

Ghost Mailer

For all you stalker types, here is Ghost mailer. All you need is the server address of the e-mail service that it represents and you can send it pretending to be someone, or even a blank e-mail address.

Kitty Kat

Most people who post this on their sites don't know what this is, so let me fill you guys in! This is a rip off or emulator of Mirc the popular chat client. This displays the ip address automaticly while chatting, lets you have kick ass pictures in the chat room and more!


This is a cool program, but it doesnt usually work with some password fields that are layered so that makes this program a little crappy too. It decodes the **** in a password on a local machine and on SOME e-mail clients.

Netzero Patch

This is a patch that gets rid of the whole bar and stays connected. You then can play or anything you want without a bar!

Smart Pass. Generator

Yet again another password generator that makes random things. This one is better than the one on Virtual cracking utilities.


Alright this program KICKS ASS! This program can decode pwl files, get the screen saver password off your PC, plus it can view all local cached passwords including saved isp ones.

Snake Eyes

This is a fun little program. This gives you the password of the screen saver of the computer your on. You can patch it and change it all from this program.


This is one of the best Script Kiddie programs there is! This will crack pop3 e-mail, web password protected sites and more!

Hacker Utilities

This has a bunch of utilities in it. Including a 500 question hacker test. This has a brute force tool that can take out zip file passwords. This actually comes in handy from time to time

Fake IP

This tool is really cool! I put it in the cracking section, because if you are cracking a server or an ftp, your ip address is auto recorded. This can get many crackers and hackers caught. This tool with let you hide your ip address from a telnet or ftp server.

Fake Mailer

When you are trying to stalk somebody or try to do a domain name robbary, you will need this tool. It can send e-mail, as anyone, at any server, and to anyone with attached files. You can pretend to be anyone, even send somebody a virus.

Port Scanner

This is a hacker must have. This is a port scanner that can scan all the ports, for some specific ip or hosts. After you know the port, you can do anything:)

Dictionary or Wordlist

This is the best fucking word list ever! This has over 60000 words.

Credit Master

This is the coolest thing there is! This can generate ACCURATE info on credit cards and you can buy shit with this. This is for educational purposes and should not be used other wise.

Commonly used passwords

This is a dictionary that was designed for the dictionary attack. It is much smaller then the wordlist above, and should be used before that one.

Local Password Hacker

This program kicks ass. It is big enough to fit on a floppy disk, it has no install needs, and this will get ANY password that was typed into a password system, get screen saver passwords, and also decodes the **** like revelation.

Golden eye

This is a pretty cool program. It is very similar to web cracker 3.0, but this one is easier to use. I haven't tested wheather it works or not, because I myself have not tested it. I have heard good things about this tool though.

Digital CGI Scanner

This is a scanning tool, that will scan a cgi bin target, for specific exploits. This comes in handy when looking for a way to deface or "hack" something. 9/10

Hack Office 2k

This is a pretty cool tool.This is definitly not for your just starting out people. You can crack many of those adult age and adult check passwords with this. It has 3 preloaded parameters of those, and all you would have to do is define what you want to hack:)

Z Hacker

This is a long distence service hacker. This can hack alot of those AT&T extensions and everything. Just be prepared to go to jail if you get :)

Dasm Win32

This is a diisassembler for asm. It is a windows version so it should work from windoes 95 to 2k1. It is fully functional even though it reads off as a demo. You can edit alot with this and I suggest you do. Maybe I will get some assemblers in the future.