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(Sir Bunbury’s Journal)-Continued

24 February-As we were on our search for the creature, a rather incredible and shocking sight would befold upon us both. Just when it appeared, that the snow was to ablend our dear vision; impaired with the cluster of snow, there laying ahead in the forefront of our eyes, laid the bodies of one rather odd, and uncouth fellow indeed. “By Jove, I believe I see something; or I believe an object which I am afraid I can not distinguish there laying ahead in what seems to be a heap of deep snow, my lord!” I ejaculated to Sir Cromwell. As for the enigmatic Sir Cromwell, he in a deep feeze as well then uttered, “See, Good God, I believe I can see something up there ahead!” He quickly then sought to adjust his binoculars correctly, and there through the comfort of the lens of his binoculars, he spotted a rather so daunting and chilling discovery; the figure of what appeared to be lo in behold nothing else, than the body of two men. Sir Cromwell then at once, proceeded to head off into the general vicinity of the body which to us meant seeing what had happened and if this body was indeed, the dead body of once a man, than to be able to prove that was of utmost importance to us both. When we managed to arrive at the area, the reality of our omen, was truly a bitter reality to swallow. It was Sir Cromwell himself, who discovered the ghastly sight of a body of a dead man but what was so aguing was the fact, that he had frozen to death. But what would be even more shocking to so discover, was the gruesome reality, that the wretch who laid frozen amid the snow and ice, was the body of dear Professor Walters himself. I happened to be behind Sir Cromwell, when the discovery was known. As I slowly and whistedly, made it to the body itself I then, stumbled upon the macabre and ghastly sight of the dead body of the professor laying stiff, and with the most terrifying expression on his face. He looked but to me such a chilling guise upon his face, for his eyes were wide opened and his frozen mouth, was completely opened as well. It was a haunting reminder, to what dearly laid amidst this so frigid wasteland and of what could have become of us? Or what was to become of us, if we were to meet the same fate, as the good professor? “Do you recognise, this chap?” Sir Cromwell thus inquired. I paused for an eyeblink, as to absorb without a shadow of a doubt the reality that laid before me. “Good God, I am afraid that I do!” I solemnly so retorted. Sir Cromwell, pothered with his inquiry, “You say my boy, that you know who this chap is?” I then chuntered, “Indeed so my lord! That man standing there before you frozen to death, was one of the men, from the original foray Professor Walters, an American professor from San Francisco. What great woe and perdition. He was a very bright chap, who shall be dearly missed by his fellow colleagues!” I was so sad indeed to see my fellow compeer, and fellow crew member from the original expedition itself. Distraught was the word, but yet there was still laying closeby, another moment of distraught; and this one would be, even much more unbearable. Sir Cromwell gently put his hand on my shoulder, as if to soothe the pall inside of me. “My boy it is indeed, such great woe to endure; but nevertheless, we must go on with this expedition, at least for the sake now of our fallen comrade himself, Professor Walters!” If there was ever a moment to forget a but living phantasmagoria then, it was truly that ugsome sight of such a macabre discovery of the dead body of Professor Jack Walters himself. Just as I was there wallowing, over the revelation of the dead body of the professors, dear Sir Cromwell would stumble onto the fading groans of a much badgered and truly desperate soul who was pleading and entreating, for assistance and help. His sick condition and situation, was easily to be seen by the professors.

Within a rash, the body of another man would be discovered and this time, it was no other, than the body of Sir Wellington. I soon heard the calls of Sir Cromwell from just nearby, but several meters away. “Bunbury, Bunbury, come at once!” I then scurried and scampered my way over toward the vicinity in which the good Sir Cromwell, was calling from. When I arrived at the location in where good Sir Cromwell was standing, I caught the glimpse of a rather more than disturbing and roiling sight. I caught eye of no other, than the body of my beloved good mentor himself Sir Wellington, there laying stiff and still like a rock; amidst the tormented snow and ice that laid over him, like a swath or thraw of grass. Upon descrying him, I could not help, but be literally mortified and shocked to see him, in such dire and bleak conditions indeed. In a brusque I scurried to him, like a fellow soldier caught in the rhapsody of war itself. “Good God Sir Wellington, what has happened to you?” Unlike Professor Walters, who was frozen in the tundra of snow and ice Sir Wellington, was not that far under; nor for that matter dead. But for some miraculous reason, or a blessing of God’s wonder, that my mentor Sir Wellington was still alive; however incredible or uncleave, it seemed to be. By the grace of God as well it appeared Sir Wellington, was at least muttering or chuntering words be them brief and incomprehensible. “Sir Wellington, Sir Wellington, what happened to you old boy?” I emoted, as I assayed invainly to illicit some means of response from him. But unfortunately, he was not able to say much clearly anything truly in the way, of efficacious chatter. After a minute or so Sir Cromwell told me, that it was best that I refrain and halt my attempt of astirring him; and instead to much concentrate more on trying to revive him, and that meant letting him rest and repose. “It is best if we let him rest now dear Bunbury; for it is feckless and useless, if we persist on our stubborn indulgence to know details of his predicament!” Sir Cromwell was correct, and I realised that there was no other recourse, but to thole. “Yes, your indeed right old boy!” I could not bare the horrific sight of seeing my poor mentor and fellow compeer, ail and writhe in such pain and such dissipation; for he was near death, more than he was near living. But for some odd reason, he was still living but the question that entered into my mind was only, but for how long? That night we camped once again, out in the open space; but luckily for us, it appeared to be quite clandestine and well hidden enough, due to the ridge nearby to thwart at least for nonce, the clawing claws, of the devils themselves.

7:08 p.m.-Just a little pass by the hour of sunset, and the night is but looming thraw all over the landscape of the mountains, and even past yonder as well. Whilst Sir Wellington remained in his current status and condition, which besoldefully, was not much to be amenable towards, and one which was less than stellar. His condition is much dour and devastating for me to thig, but truly notwithstanding that, I could not come to bear with lorn forbearance, the thought of his passing or lingering death there infront of me, to serve as a shadow of his former self. “I can see in your eyes Bunbury, how deeply affected and moved you are; anent the status of your fellow mentor, Sir Wellington!” I could not help but be more than extemporaneous in my rebuttal; for it would be less than self-indulgent, if I would not truly come to reflect my gushful feelings to him. “Sir Cromwell, you are indeed a master of seeing one’s own personal woes, and such brooding dear thoughts as well! I must be very candid and frank when I say, that I feel somewhat guilty, that dear Sir Wellington is nearly dying and that Professor Walters, that poor American chap is dead, on the account of me it would seem!” I could not help, but to wonder so deeply in the marrow of my mind the fact, that I had not met the same bad fate, as either of my fellow scientists or my feres.

Sir Cromwell would not let me indulge myself, in an act of self-deprecation and much of an indulgent diatribe neither, “Come now Bunbury, why you’ve got nothing so to hold your head down neither to blame yourself, for the louch with your dear compeers. For what happened to them, was nothing of your doing at all my boy!” Despite his soothing words of comfort yet I felt, so culpable indeed. “Thanks for the words of comfort my lord, but nevertheless, I can’t refrain from this dubious thought of remorse and billowing repine, that I have inside of me truly, at this very moment my lord!” Sir Cromwell once again, became the arbitrator; and mighty good indeed for that matter, “Look now Bunbury, if you so seek to indulge yourself in senseless rubbish like that then by all means, let yourself be the executor then, and forever be intertwined, in the tripe guilt of your unweetingness instead. For trust me when I say, that you will not get far in this old world, if you so dearly cling to the practicalities of your uncertainties and human emotions. For you see my boy, that they will come only to devour you so, like a blinning bacteria does eating away at you, until you can’t even come to feel it anymore. You pother on the way that your going in my dear Bunbury, you shall not as my dear father once said, see the light of day again!” I understood his diatribe, but still I persisted in my uncertainty, “But what if I could have been with them both still, and had not awried myself from them then, still perhaps they would have been alive instead of in the sad outcome, that they so unfortunately, were confronted with?” Sir Cromwell then perfervidly emoted, “Surely now Bunbury, I do admire greatly your dear and precious unity; but surely you must know, that if you would have let us say for the sake of argument been at the side of both of the professors then, certainly you would have been either dead or near death, like Sir Wellington is now. Look Bunbury for good God, the Yank would have still been dead as for Sir Wellington, he would have still been in the same quandary or the same predicament that he is currently now. Bloody be as for yourself, you would have been truly either dead or near death and mind me saying but neither option, looks too enticing if I should say so!” At last he hit home with his words, for they thirled me like a whetted arrow. I have seen I attest now, the sight of such woe and fellow sorrow that accompanies it and I must confess, that it is not a jolly indeed! If this is what man’s sense of adventure must so curtail to then, what have we achieved so, if the lessons of the past and previous expeditions, have not lended us a lending hand nor been so much, of a precursor to our faults and faddities as well?

25 February-I was awakened by the nightmare of the night, early in the morning. Perhaps more out of my billowing necessity to know, what had betided upon my dearest Sir Wellington. The night was dearly fastidious and chary indeed, for I stayed up the whole night, like an avast corpse indeed. But notwithstanding, I still had enough adrenaline and filg, to awaken quickly a rand in me. When I realised that I was up and alert, I immediately then sought at once, to see how my dear Sir Wellington was coping. When I arrived toward him, he was still moping in his wrell and in his dissipated condition which to me, did seem to be truly irreversible. I found good old Sir Cromwell asleep, for he must have so rolled and slumbered like a log. I do suppose that I can’t blame the old man, for at his age to be so spry and bustling is, but a tall task to indulge oneself, within the measures of his own physiognomy. “Sir Wellington, how do you feel today my boy?” I queried. Sir Wellington, did not look well at all for he was rapidly slipping away, to the great effects of pneumonia, which was dearly ascertaining his faculties, within any passing minute that he breathed. He made signs and gestures that told me, that he could hear me; but yet amid his lingering pall of writhe he remained mummed mostly, and only whispered a casual utterance.

5:28 p.m.-Time was becoming of the essence, and the reality of my situation was slowly, but a dear bitter feeling to swallow. The search, I say was forced to be halted for nonce; for truly the status of Sir Wellington, was but so an endeavouring hindrance to the search. But nathless, I or neither the good Sir Cromwell, could come to forsake nor lorn, one of our fellow compeers at all! If there was ever, a rather more than daunting and gloomy hindrance of pall that was indeed bestowed upon us then it was by far this most harsh predicament in which, we had found truly ourselves dwelled and enmeshed within. Aught I say, must transpire for our benefit or we shall be in the forecoming, seeing our demise as well! “I must query my lord, what are your thoughts anent that in which, we are found intertwined in? Is there hope, for not only Sir Wellington but also I say hope, for us in the end as well?” Sir Wellington’s glaup, was rather one which seem much to glower a more than daunting and harsh reality upon me. “My dear Bunbury, to be thus honest my boy, we have the most bleakest chance out of the most bleakest but notwithstanding, we must not dirl and shiver with wrell and fright; for surely then that will come dearly, to forsake us even more than we are for nonce!” Indeed glowering was the correct word to suppose, but if our situation was dire than mere suppositions, were not soothing to thig.

10:08 p.m.-All has not much changed for the worst or for the best, but unless the stath with dear Sir Wellington did not fange much then, surely the prospects of his recovery, would be little or none. And that itself, was truly the damnable reality that laid before us. We gave the body of the late Professor Walters, a proper Christian burial; for it was the least that we could do for him. The night is cold, and the temperature as well up here is, but hellish indeed! I can’t seem to truly wonder whether or not, I shall die first of coldness, than that of any other troubling effect of dire death. Even that comparable to, that of a death suffered under the hands of the yeti. To dree and dreay, I wonder how fitting the saying was, when it came to the daunting louch, that we found ourselves at the present time. If the hectoring cold and the whistling wind of the night did not bring discomfort unto one I say then, what other form of despair, would one fancy dearly to be occupied with? The toils and travails of the night and day, brought a glimpse of a drudgery like no other so desirable. I along with Sir Cromwell and the dreeing Sir Wellington, who resembled a stiff unmoveable log all gathered, around the pleasure of the warmth of the campfire of the old encampment of this night. “I wonder Sir Cromwell!” I rejoined. “What is that, Bunbury?” Sir Cromwell, inquired. I mustered some courage to impose upon him, a series of ackward questions indeed. “My lord, if with your permission I may ask, is it not time for the sake of saving our lives and the life of dear Sir Wellington also to abandon this for good and attempt to return at once, back to the Sherpa village that we embarked from?” Sir Cromwell as I expected, would concur with that notion, since it appeared hopeless to resume the search but on the other hand he did indeed, quell any type of mirth in that answer of his, “Indeed so Bunbury, but certainly you must know as well, that there is my boy I say something, which is much more important but yet much daunting to yet fathom. And that is Bunbury, we can’t go back for we do not know first where we are, and thus secondly, how to get back since we are lost, like a needle in a haystack my boy! That however unfathomable it may be to fancy is but the weary reality, that we do face my dear professor!” His words, left me brooding in my own complications of thought. But despite my old gloss of good thoughts, there was not much so, that I could divulge in the way of reasoning. My only utterance of the night was, “My I suppose, that it does a disservice to one to fancy, when only speculations serve, to promulgate the negativity of one’s quandary. “Indeed so my lord!” A mighty thought of what was to become of us in the coming days, was a frightful thought to bear.

26 February-Woke up and found that the weather at least for the time being, was much to our favour and propitious as well. It was an advantage at least for nonce, and it did soothe my pains and ails for the day. The radiance of the sun, did shine on our countenances, and it did so gleam a rather candescent ray of comfort. It felt like heaven or paradise at least for nonce; for it at least gave us the comfort of feeling the natural heat and warmth. And one in which, was to our most heeding request and fancy. I yode with a feeze, and with the burning sensation and curiosity as well to see what had befallen, upon dear Sir Wellington himself. As for Sir Cromwell, he was wide awake already in fact, he was strolling about making plans in the depths of his mind truly, to find a way to reach the confines of a nearby Sherpa village. It was of course a most, than hard and difficult endeavour to partake in not to say, accomplish! When I scurried to see on the status and condition of the enigmatic Sir Wellington I saw at once, that he did not look much changed and improved at all. He seemed stiff and rigid, and the effects of pneumonia itself, were quickly consuming him by the minute. From what I could attest, he appeared to have in my most best opinion and observation nothing more, than several days to say the least. He was gaunt so wan as well, and he was listless and very avast also. I cringed in sadness and glowered in regret, when I stared at him profoundly, for I could only come to blame myself for his rather decrepit countenance bestowed above all, the whole and barren truth to the situation, that had betided upon him. His dear eulogy seemed much more foreseeable, than his immediate return to London for that matter. How I so wished I could have afrecked dearly his status and condition, but unfortunately only a miracle and the grace of God can be the one to save and spare him, from the whond and bereavement of his torture. Truly I was so fallow to see him suffer and dree so dourly. Never once has he uttered a true word of understanding and comprehension; for what he does mutter and chunter is only vague and so less, than contrived in meaning. Through this daunting predicament of Sir Wellington and that of ours as well, I sought to shirk from the hectic rambles of the situation and thus, I kindly left Sir Wellington to dwell in his misery. For it seemed to be prolonged and so continuous. Outside, I caught up with Sir Cromwell, who was outside surveying and conveying as well his thoughts for nonce, and for the future perhaps also. I could see and detect in his eyes and in the motion of his body as well, a very stern and serious mindset on him. “Good morning my lord, my God, I never thought that I would live another day, to see the radiance of the sun anew! Why it is indeed at least for nonce, a blessing!” Sir Cromwell thence, sarcastically responded, “Even the warmth and grace of God, does not shelter us my boy; for the Devil himself who I must say Bunbury, is but a waiting for us to come to him, in a bloody rash I say!” How his words, epitomised the lingering and skulking predicament in which, was indeed confronting us daily by the minute and consuming us, by the second. I was at my most volatile and so hectic situation, that I had thought to ever confront. This day does seem fitting for a most, dim and sullen time in my life. “How does Sir Wellington appear so to be today my boy?” Sir Cromwell inquired to me. I could only offer a flimsy token of response, or good tidings for that matter. “To be honest and frank my dear lord, unless we can find a nearby village soon then, I am afraid that sufficed to say, he will not make it to live more than two days the maximum!” Sir Cromwell was flaccid for a moment, for I thought I saw, the most saddest expression expressed by him ever. “Deuce be the devil I say; for he won’t get the best of me! I tell you good Bunbury, I think we might still have a good chance indeed my boy, in finding a village nearby!” Amid the lingering wretchedness of our dear predicament, laid the possibility of actually, saving our very own lives not to mention that of my dear good mentor, Sir Wellington himself.

“By Jove, what do you mean by that?” I queried. He simply replied, in earnest, “My my dear Bunbury, there are at times in one’s own very life, the event that most causes one, to revert to his proper instinct and that my dear boy comes, when one finds himself, amongst the most dreary and biggest obstacle and challenge, that he is befallen with!” Amid the intellectual words of his laid the bitter truth, that no man could fathom nor forbear but yet, I withdrew with the thought that hitherto our fate, was but a dauting one indeed to accept. I bethought of my poor and dear father, who once said to me as a boy, “To be alone in the depths of one’s own mind, was a damnable condemnation indeed my boy!” If there was ever a moment in my life to illicit and invoke the pages of the yore then, it was surely above all to arrive so unannoucing. The whole day, was spent on realising the predicament and assaying to come to forbearance, with the daunting reality, that laid as a devil in disguise indeed! We were mercifully capable, to make some stride back to the remnants of the gait and I pray and hope for our sake, that we shall find it to be still, advantageous to us. If there is a God so, existing somewhere out there past yonder he could grants some morsel of lenity at least, for nonce. If not then, do forget my request then!

27 February-My God, we are faced with an utmost certain death and a cataclysm as well; for though we have arrived at the clags there has arrived, an even more dreaded and dreary fact to cope and fert with the heap of fallen snow, that has come to be a cluster of never-ending hell. It would not take long, for the realisation of our hindrance laid so dearly evident before us, like a tonnage of impenetrable mass of slob. My expression, was least than gay for it seemed that the devil himself had pronged me, with a bloody prong itself. As for the reaction of Sir Cromwell, it was not to be truly, much different than mine except for the fact, that he so appeared to languish much more in expression than myself. “Dear Bunbury, it looks that we shall not be dancing the waltz soon, for it shall court us unlikely I say!” I could only concur and concede, to the grim and direful analogy, “My lord, indeed so!” There infront of our clear vision, and sight laid the most indelible sight to witness, for it was dearly a hindrance indeed. There was enough snow indeed, to cover the whole landscape of a garth back in Yorkshire. But what was more daunting, was the fact, that around the edges of the gait that was once ere accessible to us, was now covered with icy ice and slippery damp frost. What was even more daunting and consequential was the louch, anent my dear mentor Sir Wellington himself. If it seemed indelible and preternatural to return back, it was even more to my dearest overhuddy mentor. The immediate thought soon entered dearly our minds, and as fast as we could blink, indulgently as fast came our swivels. “Sir Cromwell, what are we to do next, for the prospects of our return seem hitherto even more now, quite unlikely?” I anxiously inquired. Sir Cromwell could only take a deep breath before he dared to utter a slight utterance, “If there is ever a wry moment in this expedition then, it has stooped up upon us, like a blinning jackal!” I saw in the eyes of my dear Sir Cromwell, the look of dear resignation. Never ere, had I seen I daresay, that such frangible expression, emoted on his countenance. But never ere, had such a deep rife betided, upon such a once worthy man. “Sir Cromwell, how are we to cope with our sullen predicament? I can’t see how we could ever conceive of passing through that forsaken gait, for the slopes and crags, are but a lingering devil!” I whurredly emoted. He Sir Cromwell simply retorted, “Indeed so Bunbury, for there is no possible nor feasible way in which, we could ever come to pass through the gates of hell it seems!” It was indeed ironic, that the forces of dear Mother Nature, would come to forsake us, instead of the wretched yeti itself.

With the whistling wind soon approaching and the bittering nightfall soon to come, and with it the feeze of wretched coldness it did come to belabour our point of doubt. It was as dear Sir Cromwell paraphrased, “The lingering hands of the devil was quite so evident, and the most wretched haven of hell, was but consuming us by the day!” Despair and wrell, was the dearest epitome of our bereavement, and skulking reality indeed. “What are we to do next then my lord? I dare ask, where are we to go next as well?” I imposed upon the enigmatic explorer himself. He only simply, just muttered and mumbled, “I am afraid, that the cat’s got my tongue on that one. I truly don’t know, nor have a bloody answer to that question of yours Bunbury!” If Sir Cromwell himself seemed listless and inept to answer that question of mine then witterly I myself, was just as lorn and astray as him. What was apparent, tydly was the fact, that we could not stay much longer in the bitter cold that was billowing by the minutes of the oncoming night for we needed to find shelter a hovel in which, we could spend the night at least in. “We best find some shelter Sir Cromwell?” I commented. Sir Cromwell was quick to see my point, and there was no other option, but to abate with any thought of returning home again, at least for nonce. By the grace of God, we were able to make it back to the previous encampment, that we had but a day ere. The only problem with that was the fact, that it meant exposure and risk on our part in being found or worse discovered, by the ghastly monsters themselves. All in all, it was to both Sir Cromwell and myself, a rather unoptionable choice. It was truly a hell in itself, that we had to fight and plough our way through. When we made it back we did at the lenity, of our blistering feet and swollen toes, and our frozen fingers and wan cheeks. But there was something that was much more pending and burdening on my mind, and that was that my dear poor mentor, was so worser than us. This night, I pondered and pondered whether or not, he would ever regain true consciousness. Unfortunately, the devil’s wrath would wreak havoc on him; for he appeared to regressed, into a form of deep unconsciousness. I stood aside him, abreast to him, like a fervent soldier in war. I tried and assayed arduously, to firk him on but notwithstanding it was but to no success at all. “How is he doing, at the present moment Bunbury?” I could not offer much of a token of good tidings. “No change at all. So dim is his prospects of recovering sir for I must say, that he is quickly regressing into a form of coma, and I fear unless we can come to find a nearby village then, he will surely die in a day or two!” I could detect in his eyes the same confirmation as mine, and it was grim assuetude. As we gathered around the campfire, which was the only soothing comfort that was bestowed upon us, we tried feverishly to devise and design a plan, a way in which, we could find our exit. “I do suppose that if we go to the other side of the ridge, we could perhaps just perhaps, locate a soft and feasible gait to pass through.” Sir Cromwell ejaculated. Although his idea was rather limber and flexible it still, was daunting in it’s consequence. “But sir, truly the ramifications of that idea of yours does rankled me in thought, for the prospect of heading toward the other side of the ridge or mountains themselves, could be perilous and hazardous to us both. Not only for dear Sir Wellington, but as well as for us. Why we could be setting ducks, for the bohemian monsters I say that dwell out there waiting, for us to submerge!” Indeed my point was well merited and so justified, but so would Sir Cromwell’s be also. “Come now Bunbury, apply yourself here! You do understand that if we are to stay here, we shall be doomed. Either way we are faced, with the mulish bull himself who I daresay will not offer any token of lenity nor ruth upon us, not at all my dear boy!” “It did seem to slip my mind there!” I drawled. That night I sensed, that I had reached a rock under a pebble for there death was staring at my face, and it wasn’t at all that cordial nor amenable in it’s welcome.

28 February-Today it was agreed and consented, that we would embark on the idea, that was suggested by Sir Cromwell. Since we could not partake in the journey the both of us it, was determined that only one of us, would set off for the task or endeavour at hand. And it was thus determined, that it would be Sir Cromwell who would partake in that endeavour. I was there to wish him luck indeed, “Good luck sir, and I hope that for all of our sakes you do find, as once my father used to say to when I was but a tyke, “Go off and find the gates of heaven my boy, for there you shall truly, find your salvation!” How so appropriate, how truly risenlick, were his great and prophetic words to ring upon this very day, upon this very wintry day of February. My dear Sir Cromwell chuckled mildly and slightly, as if he himself had heard that very saying also. He then became somewhat sombre and dour in his enacture and expression, “My dear Bunbury if it is the gates of heaven that I find on the other side of the ridge then surely I hope, that the old fellow in the sky can, at least offer me some good old English sherry!” He thence paused as if to mull over that prospects, “Good God, I can taste it now Bunbury!” It was not uncommon for any sane man reputable or not, to come to savour a little fantasy from time to time; for when a man is thousands of feet up in altitude and lorn and abandoned in the wretched cold and snow then, I dare ask it is insane for him to fancy, even a childish whim? “Sir I shall hope, that if you find the gates of heaven, and are so offered some good old sherry then, you could at least although I am not much of a drinking man, save and spare a glass and sib for me?” I emoted. It brought out a rousing guffaw in Sir Cromwell, who jesterly and so jokingly exclaimed, “By all means Bunbury, why like my old dear father said, “If you are to have a ball then, you must have invitees! For what is a ball without them?” I must admit, despite my pall and wrell, I at least found measures of acceptance, “Indeed so sir!” He then soon left, but not before he shook my hand and brought a jolly of endearing words, to forsooth my concerns, “My Bunbury cheer up now old boy, look at it this way if I find the salvation then, we are saved but either way, we are so doomed if we stay here and freeze to death, and die of hunger and of thirst. I rather die a manly and heroic death, at the hands of those wretched creatures then, to die such a cowardly death, in parched thirst and unbearable hunger!” I took to solace his heeding words of counsel, but as I saw him depart I could not wonder if it was to be the last time, that I was to see of him afresh. “Goodbye Sir Cromwell and good luck, I shall attempt to do my very best; concerning Sir Wellington. And if it is our destiny to both die here, in this forsaken place or wasteland then, do me the honour of at least, giving us a good proper Christian burial and to tell the rest of the world, that we did not die invain!” I could see this moroseness in his eyes, as I chuntered back, “You bet you!” He then left, and I was left to withstand the bittering cold with my good mentor Sir Wellington who the more that I saw and thought of him the more, that the thought quickly entered into my mind, how long was it before I was to be like him, and die such an agonising miserable death? One in which, I neither fancy, nor brook that thought of it’s betiding. But as for Sir Cromwell he, was not much guaranteed a very safe passage out of the hell that we were in. For the scoundrel of the devil himself, was not about to so easily go away! If this is what hell on earth is or worse if this is what hell anywhere is like then, I shall not dear to fancy to forbear, the opportunity to meet it’s caretaker in person. Notwithstanding, there was not much ado, but to so drench one in his own privy thoughts which whilomly condemned him and bonded him in a so preternatural fashion. I was a muster of clay, a slob of porcelain moulded and shaped to the cards that I was dealt with; the ace of spade! It is rather daunting is it not? But when one is forced only, to confront his greatest and his haunting frightening fears and frights then surely I ask, how can a man find solace amid his bad misery? I spent the night by the side of my noble mentor, who was quickly by the hour I say, seeing his last gasps of air. As I descried at his feeble and blanched countenance, I can wonder only will his death be hastened, and at the expense of my abandonment of the search? I could not help but feel aguilted, that I had been selfish and cowardice in leaving the search the very first time. I sought to be cloyed and satisfied, with the specimen that I had, but I wonder truly if that is all that I will claim as victory in the end? To what extent, will it cost me dearly my dearest prestige and honour? If with only that as my only accomplishment then, surely I must dearly ask, how can it outweigh the suffrage in death of that of my fellow compeers and those who were as well, my dear and fellow human beings? It was at the side with Sir Wellington, that I began so truly to ponder and cudgel, what this forsaken expedition all meant in the end, for anyone of us? I had come here like the others on these expeditions in the grandiose search and trove of the greatest unknown creature roaming this very earth of us, the yeti! How indeed the chapters of desolation seem to be so apparent and real, when one is only surrounded by it’s four dark walls daily. Reality was a hell in itself, and evidently so. It was not hasty to show us it’s whole-hearty welcome. If the Devil be damned then, we would be damned even more I say! I tended to Sir Wellington, ever mindful of his dismal status feeling, that in whatsoever moment he could slip away in his conscience for good.

Indeed the chance of him seeing morrow and pass the marflat, was but highly improbable! But I shall stay with him at least for the night be I dread to utter, that I can hear the sounds of the eerie and howling winds, and the den of those damnable creatures, hovering about somewhere out there, in the midst of hell itself. This night is rather lonely, and so lorn for I yearn, for Sir Cromwell’s return. I fancy to have his company for to be alone and lorn, and without no one to share a token conversation, is but frightening especially when all that he hears is the fearful sounds of the lingering night itself! I shall pray on this night diligently, for a prayer is what Sir Cromwell will need if he is to return in tact, and with all his faculties that he acclaims to. Perhaps the night shall pass without incident, and I can as least rest assure. But as far as dear Sir Cromwell was concerned, there was little in the way of appraisal, that he could aspire to.

29 February-Sir Cromwell is still astray, but at least there is some comfort in the fact that truly astoundingly, God had spared the life of Sir Wellington, for another day at least. Today is truly a great sign to be taken, for Sir Wellington strangely enough came out of his dear comma and a soothing stage of unconsciousness. But amid all the pain and suffrage laid the façade, of a warm man. A man, who has given through the decades and years, a dear contribution and devotion in the dear name of science itself. When I heard him coughing and then mumbling I but scurried to him rashly and swiftly. “Sir Wellington, can you hear me so sir?” He managed indeed somehow, by the grace of God to see me, and he diligently and arduously then saw me and he then, began to chunter, mutter to me, some baffling words of his, “ that you! Where am I?” I then in a rash replied, “Indeed so sir, it is I Professor Bunbury, and you are here presently with me sir. Here still in the Himalayas!” I then sought to query, about what had indeed betided truly, to both him and Professor Walters. “Sir Wellington what happened? What happened between you and dear Professor Walters?” He then started to rave on incoherently, about the events or details anent the situation, with that one memorable day.

I had dearly sought to inquire more thoroughly but I realised, that it was quite futile and useless to insist. I would be forced, to accept the small talk that he offered. At least, I took to great solace and succour the idea, that he was at least alive for this day. But his fever was still so high, that it did not truly offer much hope of being abated soon. A most than incredible and yet indelible event happened upon this day one in which, presented a dear faddity in itself. But yet I daresay, that I welcomed at least to a small measure, it’s occurrence. The event betided, all so quickly and all so twarely also. It happened sometime in the midday, whilst I was feeding Sir Wellington. There was a din, that betided from outside so outwardly it seemed. At first my first approach it was less than whisted, but instead more non-chalant; for through the eerie and the whistling wind I could not surmise the sound from afar to be much, of a pending thought. But nevertheless after a while it brusquely then, changed within an instance. As the sound grew so nearer, and it became much more audible to hear. When I realised the strange sound, I thence immediately sought to see what it could be; for all I knew was, that it was coming from but just outside the hovel itself. I gently then walked toward the entrance and anticipated, for the guise of the stranger who was to approach and encroach inwardly. There was a cluster of thoughts penetrating me, for the haunting notion of the beast it loomed and hanged over me, as a constant precursor of anxiety. With my pistol at hand and my eyes attentive to every step that was taken, I tholed like a prancing tiger. As the noise began to grow even more and billow in proximity, my finger neared the trigger even so dodderful and all too fretful as well. My hands were pouring dew drops of sweat as well, for the anxiety was even a small task to handle. Five minutes would elapse and the sound sounded, like deep breathing as if the intruder, was human. I quickly hearken to the cleave, that it could have been Sir Cromwell himself returning anew. but in a rash the thought soon then switched to the skulking thought of the yeti. My heart throbbed and pulsated like no other, for the thought of being mauled to death by the creature, was but inconceivable of me to thig. Not only was the responsibility that of just preserving myself, but I had the responsibility of preserving whatever could be spared and saved of the life of my dear mentor Sir Wellington. The wind bustled even more, and it brought such a wary and eerie sound with it. As it seemed conflict was in the near distance the stranger’s guise, was made partially known to me. As I caught glimpse of the stranger from behind, I jumped out or lashed out at it knocking the stranger down onto the ground, whereupon I wrestled with the stranger like a mulish bull. It seemed human from behind, but notwithstanding that appearance, I could not afford to merely dawdle my concepts of figures, by just mere whim and speculation. I had to take the only recourse that applied in this louch and that was to react or not react. And unfortunately for me, if the latter was applied then most likely, I would have found myself burdened, with it’s dire and grim consequences. The individual appeared to be well put, but he seemed quite so passive in his resistance at least for the moment. It soon daunted on me, when I heard the stranger blurt out in plain English, “My God, get off me, I am Lord Alfred Whitmore, the Earl of Kensington!” When his words became adjusted to my ears I then realised when I turned him around, that he indeed was the honourable Earl of Kensington himself. The thought of abashment and repine entered so my mind, that I quickly got off him and sought to naturally apologise at once, “My lord, I am so afraid, that I mistook you for being a yeti!” I could see in his priggish guise, the expression and the reaction, of a less than amenable fellow. Although, he was not keen on my action he did not at least for nonce reflect bitter hostility toward me. Perhaps the situation at hand, was much of a burden to him, than a nagging insolence of which inconvenient him at will.

When he rose to his feet slowly, and quite slovenly he started to immediately ask, for the recourse of water and food. From his gaunt and wan face and from the rest of his somaticality, I bethought of him just, as desolate and emaciated as myself. The consternation was written so in his countenance, “Thank God, my dear fellow for giving me water. I was parched and quite ever famish as well, for I have been trekking through this damnable frigid wasteland, for aeons it thus seems! I shall make sure that if you can somehow get me out of here, I shall come so, to pay you handsomely and you shall be appraised, a mighty worthy man for your deed!” My impression of the nobleman was not that fair nor that amenable, for I was not much fond of very smutty and snobbish fellows, who were vain and conceited like a dandy for that matter. Though he did truly share the blood of nobility in some way and was an aristocrat like myself there, was such a so considerable difference betwixt us both and that was merely the fact, that he was self-indulgent and selfish as a coxcomb. Despite all those objections now, was not the time besoldefully so to dawdle on selfish observations and opinions. He then asked, “Where are we at professor?” I then responded, “I am afraid, that we are in no man’s land my good earl!” He then mustered enough strength to inquire, “What do you mean by that?” I then perused in my response, “What I mean is simply, that I don’t quite know where in a map we are except to say, that we are thousands of feet high in altitude; and that we are at the most rigid and prickly clags of mountains, that exist in these cursed Himalayas!” I then inquired, “Excuse me my lord as you see, I am not much better than you, as far as physiognomy is much concerned; and neither shall it be so, if we can not somehow get out of this bloody hellhole, that we both in sequence find ourselves confronted with! There is something of importance my lord, that I must know from you!” He then proceeded, to give permission to my inquiry, “You may so proceed in your inquiry professor!” I hawed somewhat, simply because I assayed in me a way in which, I could best present my basic question. But I devised and designed a manner in which, I could at best contrive to exhort my curiosity.

“My lord I must know, how on earth mind the dear expression, were you able to survive and from what I recall, were you not on the very same good expedition, that Sir Wellington and Professor Walters, were both themselves along with the few Sherpas involved on my lord?” I could see a sense of bewilderment in the reflection of his eyes, for they showed the look dearly of a man, who was somewhat unable to arreche his very own circumstances and involvements. I could tell that he was a drama student, and theatrical protégé proned for the art of dear bravura, to say the least. In lament terms he, was one to embellish a story indeed. “I tell you I did yode like a fervent soldier, wrapped in a sullen rhapsody indeed my dear professor. Back to your question, I was indeed so on the very expedition that both Sir Wellington and Professor Walters, were on! But tragedy and fate, would betide my dear professor. You see it happened back say I some time ago, that there was a blizzarding and hectic snowstorm that befell, and it caused this rift or separation between the members of the expedition. And unfortunately, it would be definite by all means! You see professor, I was with two of the Sherpas, when the tragedy befell to me. We had been on reconnaissance, looking for any sign of the creature whilst Professor Walters and Sir Wellington, were both back at the hovel gathering up data about the creature!” He soon then, talked at length about his struggle and plight to survive and at the same time, find the dear creatures. “That is all I have to confess, old chap!” At times he seemed credible and at times, he seemed indefatigable in conveying his point. But nevertheless, I was not to deem judgement onto him at all, for he did show his wear and tear of the journey. I did find something about his mien, to be a bit rather uncanny.

And that was the fact, that he happened to inquire, about the persistence in the yeti itself, when I made mention to him, that about the danger of the illusive ones and the fact, that there in this landscape around us, was the exact place in which, Professor Hanson himself, had alluded to when he spoke about the din of the creatures, he ejaculated! The feeze in his eyes, seem to be so encroaching in him. It was so apparent and enough, to inurgorate him somewhat. “Deuce be the devil, if there was only more men with me then I would be surely able, to wrestle up one of those cursed devils! I tell you they are everywhere, for I can hear them nightly and daily I tell so you professor!” He was quite swaying and convincing, in his words. But I had to ask if he had truly actually, seen one of the creatures, “My lord, have you seen one of the creatures!” His response was, “Nay not really, but I tell you, that they are nearby hovering about like a pack of wolves!” He seemed to savour that idea, “To have one of those creature’s heads on my mantel, it would be, worth a million pounds in sum!” I refrained from making commentary, and instead, I thought to be, much more cordial and receptive with him after all, there was little option of company that I could be truly bestowed with. And I thought it wise and prudent, to not have him, as another foe; for the wretch that was the weather and the creatures, was enough to thwart off any concept of further cadness. Lord Whitmore made mention, of an apparent passage or a gait, that laid ahead upfront a couple of miles on the other side for he had spotted, a nearby village. But the wretchedness of the weather, made him seek shelter for nonce; and the dreaded presence of the beasts, made him seek shelter as well. The thought of Sir Wellington’s condition then resurfaced into me, and it made me remember him. “My God, I have forgotten to tend to Sir Wellington!” I emoted. Lord Whitmore appeared to be shock and quite startled, with the dear revelation of Sir Wellington still being alive. “What, that old codger is still alive. But how?” he ejaculated. I ejaculated, “Indeed so my lord!” We then headed toward him, but the most sullen tragedies of all upon this wretched expedition, had befallen upon me the death of my dearest mentor himself, Sir Wellington! From afar, I could not tell that he was gone for when I made my way toward him so, he had his back against me. It unabled me, to not see his listless countenance. “Sir Wellington I have got indeed, good tidings sir!”

But when I faced him, I then realised that he was gone, he had passed onto the sherry of immortality. So peaceful and tranquil his face reflected, for despite his intolerable and his dear gaunt countenance and guise, his suffrage had abated. “Dree and dreay no further sir, for your vim and verve, shall not lorn you to solitude. May God preserve your soul, and may you rest in peace old chap!” I emoted, as tears rolled down my eyes. If my body had not been so badly torn in pieces then, I would mustered enough energy, to mourn his death respectably and indeed, in the proper manner of due course of mourning, a love one. I cried like no other; for he was like a father to me. And more importantly, he became a dear friend to me; and the epitome and symbol of what science and this expedition was envisioned to be. But I suppose, that in fancying and in wishing when it came to life itself, not even the influence of greater hest, could thwart off the legions of death. “I am sorry to have lost a great man, like Sir Wellington. England and science itself, shall dearly come, to miss and grieve tremendously, the contributions made by this great man!” Dear Lord Whitmore solemnly bespoke. This night shall be the most grievous and dour of all for I do wonder now, as the devil encroaches as my shadow what have I achieved, or what has science achieved in the end if from amongst us all, there were be perhaps, not one witness from amongst the great expedition that was taken alive to tell of the yeti. I must go now truly, for the burial of a very dear fellow compeer incumbents me, to seek his succour!

(Sir Bunbury’s Journal)-Continued

1 March-I felt a ton of lead so fall on me when I rose today, for the night was not dearly at all, rather pleasing, nor comfortable for that matter. As I awoke, and my eyes as a testimony to the day that laid ahead, I could not help, but be numb and all too sullen, to the daunting event, that laid before me on this day. I could feel listless but yet strangely enough, time did not allow me dearly the liberty to grieve much for the wretched reality stood before me so dearly, as a good haunting testimony! I soon found myself, with the harshly task, and endeavour of having to come to bury, my dear mentor Sir Wellington himself. There I was, abreast with Lord Whitmore the both of us, standing soon over the hollow tomb of rocks, that was imposed upon the corpse of the honourable, and indelible man of Great Britannia! I mourned and lamented his death, like a wailing son does, of his beloved father. “My dear sir, sherry if freely, in the realm of solitude and heaven itself. Sherry old boy, like never ere!” I ejaculated whurredly. Lord Whitmore, saw the moroseness and sulleness in my lachrymose eyes, as I stood ever mindful of his presence. He solemnly then rejoined, “Indeed so professor; for he shall be dearly miss, and I am afraid, that I must attest to a dear saying that is attributed to fallen men. Where the seeds of the earth are but sprewed in vastness, and where the endless souls venture to and fro. May there past yonder, rest the spirit, of a hero’s essence!” If there was ever a suitable eulogy then, it was Lord Whitmore’s words, which clanged a uncouth epiphany. He then patted me on my back, as if to forsooth my pain and anguish. I could only wonder in the depth of my heart and soul as I looked at him, which of us, was to be next? And was there to be any of the two alive, to bury one another? For the lull of the time that I spent hovering over the grave of Sir Wellington, I was impervious and inconceivable to the joys and jollies of mirth. The wind blew strongly across my face, as the cold wretched me unyieldingly. God it seemed, had not been rather amenable; nor propitious at all to us! The lord himself, must have not bore us favourbility. The gall of the wind, and the thrust of cold, did seem to be rather less than conspicuous in it’s oncoming arrival.

“Blimey, but it does appear, that there is a dear blinning snowstorm on the forefront dear boy!” Lord Whitmore forebode, whilst I looked on rather whistedly. “Indeed so my lord!” I slovenly retorted. Indeed, the signs of a good bloody snowstorm, was but a prophetic and vaticin omen. If the wrath of the vengeance of the weather, could be thwarted off swiftly then, I would have sought it’s measures, by all means! But to abate to it’s feasibility, would only eschew without a doubt, it’s blistering reality. I dread truly to dare imagine, what shall become of my lingering pall in the end, and then upto now in the skulking shortcoming? “I daresay, that the expedition is no more but if it is the case then, I shall take the luxury of knowing, that I lived a rather commodious and yet, adventurous life professor!” Lord Whitmore professed. I saw in him, a rather shrilling look of dejection. My dear earl, appeared to be still mordent, about failing in his endeavour in tracking down the beast. I detected a sense of flaw in him, one which was rather similar to the audacious Austin Fuller who I say truly, is not a complimentary fellow to blandish at all. The night does not seem gracious toward us. I must be frank when I state equivocally, that unless Sir Cromwell is inside the comfort of a hovel, he shall not be venturing much at all! We found ourselves amid the bitter night, as if enthralled in utmost displeasure. I wonder how long will it be, until my body, shall no longer endure the tormented ails of my haggardness? “Professor, I fancy that we are instored, for a very rough welcoming!”

8 March-A week passed, and at last, the last fallen rummage of snow had so subsided; and the thrust of bittering cold, had at least abated in it’s thrust. But it did not leave so, without a telling sign of evidence. The snowstorm, had thrown and left behind on the ground outside, four feet of wintry blanched snow, which could not be so abacted, at a whimsical fancy. It was so theurg and, very abrious was our quandary; for to be trifled or to be tricacious by it, would be a disservice to not acknowledge at all! It was in lament terms, a daunting sight to descry at! To be so sluggish, and to be so ocherous here is merely, a death sentence to one and a precursor, to it’s inevitable arrival. We took the day in stride though hitherto, nothing could be conceived to be to our fancy. I tell you, that my fingers are slowly numbing and I fear, that frostbite shall endure upon them, sooner than later. My ears are reaching the point of inaudibility somewhat, and my toes are stiff and so rigid and my cheeks, are slowly forming the hue of madder red. There is but, no form of communication whatsoever uphere nay. No comfort whatsoever, except that only of the good company that we share. I fear that death is nearing, and reaching us by the daily and like a wild predator, is on our trail. We are but only a few days, until all of our food shall be gone and all of our canteens, shall be empty as well. “I fear my dear professor unless, we come to find game and a brook uphere, we shall be seeing indeed, our last days on this earth!” Lord Whitmore, was rather emphatic and frank with his words. But unfortunately for me, it did not take the gracious Earl of Kensington, to point that out to me. I could see the same wear and tear in him, as I portrayed likewise. He did he most, to dole and hide his woe, “It is rather becoming more chilly than ever, is that not so professor?” Did I feel on the contrary, nay! I felt the same indeed, “Sir quite so!” Contusions, and phlasms, were exerting more ail onto the both of us. There was no question whatsoever, that the only road that laid ahead, was an abrious and less than felicious one to endeavour. Being sphriguous now only meant, being sophious. The more that our prospects of being isolated, meant the more that our despair, would be fugacious. We both were growing gracile and emaciated, and signs of thence even much more wretchedness, was so on the marflat. Dysentery, diarrhoea, or another known ailment or illness, was but feasible to betide. We knew that in time in order to survive, we would be much so dependent, on the recourse of our environs and that meant, hunting and eating, for our food and for our embibing. Of course the thought of consuming raw food, and also drinking unpotable water, was but a dire quandary to bethink of. We were quickly hitting to the point of quick desperation, and our only hope if one could assume it to be was, that our emissary of sort Sir Cromwell, had reached at last the auspices of a remote Sherpa village and had set off with men, to find and locate us. “I shall come to utter my dear professor, a token of my memories rather fond ones indeed!” There we were, around the shadow of the campfire, with Lord Whitmore indulging himself quite freely, in talking about childish memories but in particular, reverting to his aphroneous enacture. “I can still, remember with clarity about the time in which, I first took my hunt with Father, when I was but ten years of age!” He then proceeded to endeavour me so, with the rather tard details. “As I was saying professor, I was with Father, in the great woods up in the Highlands of Scotland. I was partaking naturally in a hunt, with the hounds on the forefront, we were on hot pursuit of a rather rare kind of fox a white Siberian fox of which, somehow migrated from Siberia, into the Highlands of Scotland. It took us a stroke of luck I tell you professor, but we were able enough, to trapped that scoundrel down and take home with us, a mighty good prize to hang up. I must say that I was the one, to catch that little fury creature!” I didn’t know whether or not to remonstrate his story for I felt that it was truly, rather indelible and highly unlikely that a Siberian fox, would be found roaming about willingly, in the Highlands of Scotland.

But in the end, I was mummed; and refrained from commenting. If there was at least, one small token of relief, it was that his preternatural tales were at least enough, to thwart temporarily, my discomfort and wrell. Notwithstanding he raved on, as the night went on as well. “And there was the time when, I went on this hunt overseas when I was but twenty in India; hunting the Great Bengal Tiger. The jungle was viscious, and the temperature was as well, unbearable!” And so he went on, with one story after another. He began to impose his charm on me but at the same time, he was as fiddly and irksome, like another fellow hunter, that I knew of, The Great Austin Fuller himself. At the strike of midnight, we were soon both tired, weary of conversation, so we headed to bed. But not before we heard in the distance, the rumbling of the yeti, echoing across the mountains. It was enough I say to sway each one of us, to keep one eye awake and our artillery, near our pillow. “Our good friends, have not forgotten in being, amiable hosts indeed!” Lord Whitmore sarcastically drawled. I could only concur with the anacteous earl, and hope for our sake, that we were not to be so fortunate, to be paid a cordial visit by the yeti.

9 March-Several days have betided since, Sir Cromwell first departed in the search, for a Sherpa village. Unfortunately for us, our rashents, were soon contaminated with maggots as well with the threat of decomposure. What it compelled us to do and so confront, was the dire reality of having to scamper and hunt for the next morsel, or modicum of nourishment. We began our dear jaunt, sometime in the midday. There was of course, the skulking danger of the creatures. It was indeed, enough to thwart off any rational man but the necessity of food and water, was but more urgent then, the threat of the creatures. With the ever mindful presence of the creatures nearby, and with no clear knowledge of where we were to find our golden pot of gold, we traipsed like soldiers in a march, across the stegious mountains. Fortunately for us, we were able to locate this small brook nearby the hovel; and we were able as well to trap, a pair of hares to take back with us to the hovel. But when we returned, a telling reminder of the creature’s roving presence, was left there by the naked eye to descry at. As we returned to the hovel, Lord Whitmore and myself, would see the sight of the cluster of rocks of which, we had piled up to form the grave of my late dear mentor, Sir Wellington. It was apparent, that his grave was sacriledged and dishevelled as well. If that was not so convincing, that the creatures had been here priorly then, what we then encountered next, among the inside of the hovel, would definitely point to the direction of the yeti. “Deuce be the devil, I believe that we have intruders! Perhaps enemies, men!” He then ventured inside to see the area from inside. When he ventured inside, he summoned me so, “Professor, come at once!” When I went inside then, I discovered the ghastly sight of all of our materials, gone. They, were literally taken! But by who? It would not take long before the evidence of the culprit, would bestow it’s identity to us both. The shred of fury hair that was found, was enough to sway us indeed. “The creatures, have been here before. For it looks too improbable that the culprit, be anyone else but the creature!” I ejaculated. Lord Whitmore without a doubt, came to believe the same as I did. It was indeed, not merely a supposition or just theory of mine. The thought of the creature’s return, was enough to convince us that it was not safe, to be here no longer. “How did the creatures I say, come to know of our abditorium?” I inquired so bemusely, for I was baffled and bemuddled in my thoughts.

Lord Whitmore the hunter that he was, soon made it quite clear and obvious to me, “My dear professor it is probable, that the creatures either caught wind of us, whilst we were on our hunt or I dread to say, that they knew of us all along!” He hawed an eyeblink as if to absorb, the consequences. But I quickly realised, the ramifications on my own. “If that is true then, there is risk and extreme danger for us, if we choose to remain here my lord!” Lord Whitmore, needed no translation; for he was quite adaptable to understanding that, on his own. “But where shall we go then?” I queried. Lord Whitmore, was as much baffled and unkennt as myself, “I am afraid, that I quite don’t know but what I do know professor is, that if we stay here any longer, we shall fall victims at the hands, of those wretched creatures!” So, we left the hovel at once and set off, for the comfort of another hovel, to dwell upon. We ploughed and traipsed our way, through the hardened landscape, and steepy mountains. We were whisted, and always wary as we walked forth; mindful of the presence of the hazard of the mountains on one side, whilst the hazard of the creatures, on the other side. Either way, it was not a fancy at all nor a quandary, to delight from as well. The swits of the altitude was truly taking great effect on us both; for we were to be running short of breath and our ears, were quickly aside from numbing, become deafened by the hour, by the pressure of the altitude itself! The temperature was blisteing cold, and it felt I swore sub-zero. Infact I say that I felt as I ploughed through the snow and land, I was on that fatal march and campaign to Russia by dear Napoleon. The objective, was to make it to the supposed ridge in which, Lord Whitmore had mentioned; and of the very same other side of the ridge that Sir Cromwell, had set off to locate. Racing against the elapse of time, we sought to venture toward knowing, that the last hope and salvation we had to survive, was to find this remote Sherpa village. If not we were surely infact, doomed to death; and the question was as we ganged through, were we to die a wretched death out here in the cold, or to die I dare not come utter, a wretched death under the hands of those bastards? There was little that was afforded to us, and there was no returning back. There was only going forward but of what laid ahead, did make me muse that thought quite considerably. I tell you, that even the dear sound of the whistling wind, does make a man shiver and dirl in his pants for when one is faced, with the prospects of death itself be it here or there, he quickly finds himself all alone, in his own thoughts. Barren and desolate, where the only escape is inevitably, death itself! We travelled for a mile it seemed, but soon the falling snow anew, along with the rising temperature, soon thwarted our advance for nonce. So, we settled in much to our disliking, in a open patch of land, where we made encampment. We had prayed to find another hovel or cave, but unfortunately for us, we found none. And the more up we were the more less, we were to truly find or locate, another hovel or cave as shelter. The canvass of our made-shift tents, were to be our dear shelter, at least for the night. The only problem with that was the fact, that being out in the open meant being visible and overt, to the creatures that lurked past yonder and from to and fro. “I suppose that I shall take the first watch my dear professor, since I am the excellent marksmen here! No offence my dear boy, but in these matters expertise of this nature, must be to our advantage!” If we had not been in the louch that we were in, I would have bethought of him, a prentitious coxcomb, and a caddish dandy. But since he was right I could only come, to drawl the words, “Naturally by all means my lord!” It roiled me so, to have to address him, as my lord; for in doing that it meant, that I was inferior to him. And I was not the least, shoddy to him at all! If it was so easy to fall asleep and to slumber like a log then, I would entertain that thought, so joyfully.

But the thought of dying out here, in the midst of the den of those clotty monsters, was not a soothing consideration to fathom at all. Although I attempted to rest, and I did close my eyes, I did not slumber nor dare to sleep a bloody wink at all! Although I was not fond of the Earl of Kensington himself, I did have respect and reverence toward him; mostly due in part to, my gentlemanly English upbringing. Besides I realised, that I had to confide and have trow in another fellow human beings, and since it was only him and I, what better to execute one’s own hypothesis of correlation. The night appeared dreary, and quite so eerie as well. For it appeared, almost too real, to believe. Serene, tranquil, acacious it daunted but yet there, was even more daunting adjectives that would be applied at the end of the night and that was fearful, uncertain, and above all, unknown! Those would be the adjectives that would best, come to describe the night at night’s end. As it appeared peaceful, and opportune for us, a loud roar, uprooted both Lord Whitmore, and myself. The stentorian clamour was enough to jilt our attention, and as it became apparent to us audibly we reacted accordingly, in awl of the sound itself. “By Jove, I believe, that those wretched scoundrels are perhaps, on the hunt and prowl.” Lord Whitmore solemnly rejoined. When I ask him unweetingly of whom they were seeking, he simply smiled, and gave me a whole-hearted answer, “I am afraid professor it is us, who they are seeking so my dear boy!” His words did drive home the message, and it was quite clear in it’s contexts as well. “I hate to fathom that, to come to betide so!” We quickly were on our feet, and with our rifles at our side, as we whistedly tholed. “Steady now professor, you bet that they have spotted us and are looking at us, with hawkish eyes indeed!” “How far do you calculate their presence my lord?” I queried. The Earl of Kensington, mused that question over somewhat, “I fancy that perhaps thus some twenty meters away or more. But, I can’t be for sure professor!” “If that be so then, shall we stay here and be sitting ducks for them?” I anxiously so entreated. Lord Whitmore, pulled his trigger back, as if to assert his reply, “Nay, I shall not come to let those barbarians, put a hand on me so!” “I my lord!” I concurred. Waiting like two dedicated soldiers aligned we stood, amidst the aversity of not only the wretched elements of our environs but more embrithious in nature, the possible attack of the creatures themselves. Five minutes went by then soon, ten fifteen minutes went by, but no sign nor any growling ogre on the arrival.

10 March-Not much of a sleep at all, for we spent the whee hours of the night until dawn but, waiting atwitterly for the peril of the creatures, kept us morose and fretful all through the night. I felt restless, fatigue, and mentally drained also. Lord Whitmore, was not that far off. It was so quite clear to the both of us of what the objective was for us, reaching the other side of the cliff whereupon, we could perhaps reach the supposed, Sherpa village that was believed, to be just on the other side of the ridge. “We best be getting on our way now professor, for we haven’t got much time to waste. If we are to survive somehow this ordeal then I suggest, that we best be on our way now!” “By all means my lord!” I replied anxiously. Breakfast was non-existent truly, at this moment. With no food and with nothing to drink, we set off for the destination, that we had desperately sought to find. Perhaps our fortunes, will come to forsake us. But I shall pray that it not be so! On we went, and like afflicted and tromacious men, we wooed and ailed, with hopes of marching home anew. The weather was not to our advantage at all, for it stumped and irked us so, with content and malice written on it’s forehead. The wind echoes, and then reverberates at will, for it does not seem to favour us much at all. And the blistering cold and snow, is much of a dear ally as well!

9:45 p.m.-We trekked miles and yet, our feet were still quite some miles afleith from actually, reaching our appointed destination. Even though, we had walked quite a considerable distance, we still had at least, another day’s journey instored. For the hardened landscape, and the perilous steepy mountains, did throttled our advancement quite dearly. Like hell itself, it is indeed very impressive to say the least. At day’s end, we camped along the side of a crag and it was not to be, much shelter or comfort at all. Why in bloody hell, it was no Royal Lancaster at all. It was neither the Ritz for that matter so. But notwithstanding my quarrelsome whining, it was home for the nonce. And, if I had to choose dying at the lenity of those damn creatures, or even freeze to death instead dying of cold, at least is much more pleasing then, the prospects of being shreds of meat; minced by the lurking claws and teeth of he who roamed about nearby, the yeti! One could not take the liberty of dawdling in leisure, or frockling in jolly old memories of the past. I at least for my part, was not in the leisure of endeavouring myself, with such insipid prodigality indeed. Nightfall was not really that different than daylight, for the threats of those cursed creatures, was a twenty-four hour consumption. “I suppose, that I shall be the one to take first watch my lord!” I ejaculated. As ere, Lord Whitmore concurred; for it was now becoming customary since our rather strange union for me to monitor the first watch, and him naturally the second watch. The jaunt itself, had grown me weary and dreary at the same time I could sense in Lord Whitmore, a very mutual feeling as well. Although he was not the man to express such profound emotion, he was human deep inside and I dearsay, when one finds himself amidst the most harsh, severe quandary that he be indulged in then to say, that he feared not the devil, was simply nonsense! “I wonder professor, since your are the scientist here and not me, what is your dear perception about these creatures, and also about interestedly enough, the pattern of the weather? Shall it be rather much propitious to us, in oncoming days?

For I fear unless we can rid ourselves of this wasteland, I fear that we shall come to meet the fate of a wretch. And we shall be so seeing the face of death, come so swiftly my dear professor!” It did not take much to utter for I concurred so, as well. “I must share the sentiment as well my lord!” I hawed for a moment, as if to be rather pensive with the questions of the earl. “If I may say my lord as far as the weather is concerned, from what I was able to study about this region, the blistering winter, usually tends to abate, sometime in this month of March!” Anon I hawed for the question of the yeti, was much more intricate, and hard to arreche with simplicity. But like a trow, and dedicated scholar I indulged myself, with assaying to locate a manner in which, I could best describe the physiognomy of the creatures themselves. Truly it was a challenge in itself! But one, which I took tremendous delight in. “As far as my perception of the creatures, I must be candid and rather frank my lord, when I say to you, that these bloody creatures that we speak of are rather difficult; and to be honest, indescribable! You see, despite all that science professes to know about this missing link, modsthatolly, it knows, very little I tell you, about these enigmatic creatures of the Himalayas. Infact, I know as much to say about these creatures, as you do my lord!” Lord Whitmore found my admission, much too indelible to come to believe or fathom. He was baffled by my confession, but he was much more intrigued with the nature of the creature in general. “Tell me something professor, I must come to ask you, exactly what can you tell me, about these creatures that we seek?” It almost felt gunt-wrentching to have belabour myself with such self-indulgence, but since it dealt with the matter of science and with the matter in particular of the beasts themselves I brushed up my recollection of study, that dealt with the creatures in general, and I sought to convey my hindsight and analogy as well. “Well I shall attempt my best, at presenting a worthy conveyance my lord, of the beasts themselves. Let me start with the yeti himself, is a rather conspicuous and uncouth creature. He did not seek the comfort of others and much prefers, the solitary way of life. He is in features, a rather indelible creature to describe. He is perhaps Neanderthal, Australopithecus, or even this Pithecanthropus; for I have even heard of in a case in 1891, where there was a Pithecanthropus, found in Java!” Lord Whitmore was unkennt, to the terminology that I used and in particular this Pithecanthropus I mentioned, before. “Pithe, good God whatever you said, what exactly is that professor?” I naturally proceeded to divulge to him indeed, the general description of the good Pithecanthropus. “Well my lord Pithecanthropus, is a primate with big-jaws with a small brain, medium height generally!” “I must say that I am not an erudite, when it comes to science itself professor. I am afraid that I know very little, about all of this you mention!”

I then elaborated, “Well there is first Australopithecus then, there was the Simian, Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon; and finally there was what we call, the Modern Man. According to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Oxford, this is being refuted somewhat. You see my dear Lord Whitmore the yeti, falls under the theory of evolution!” It seemed that the good Lord Whitmore, had at least knowledge of thee acclaimable, theory of evolution of which, Darwin imposed. “Great Scot, you are referring to this outlandish hypothesis dredged up, by this Charles Darwin are you not?” I sought immediately, to perhaps make his opinion of the theory of evolution, much more favourable then before. “My dear Lord Whitmore, I understand your hesitance; and your hawness toward accepting so, such an odd analogy, but let me confide to you, that I myself trouble with this very issue. But, much like the great scientists of this century, Fuhlrott, Schaaffhausen, Lyell, King, Virchow, they have come to all overcome, the resentment and diatribes of the zoiluses, that dwell in our so-called Victorian society that we live in. If I may impose another analogy here my lord, Jean Lamarck, the great Frenchmen of the past, mentioned before in his thesis, that reproduction and origins of the cycle of plants were contributed, to the alteration process of it’s growth and of it’s continuance also!” Lord Whitmore still was adamant about his bewilderment, but the lingering rand in knowing the origins of the yeti, was much more compelling to him, “Tell me professor, where does this yeti creature, fall into this category of evolution?” His question, was indeed a good one, “Good question my lord, but perhaps the reply that you seek, is one that might not be completely satisfactory to hear. You see, from what I truly can tell you it is most likely, that it falls under the category of Pithecanthropus. And if my analogy is correct then Pithecanthropus, has somewhat miraculously survived, the elapse of time itself. The Ice Age, and through the Palaeozoic Era, and the Precambrian Time as well. And if that is so, it would be the greatest discovery in modern science ever!” I hawed next, for the feeze in my eyes, excluded the fact of what came to be dredged up, in my mind afterwards. Lord Whitmore then noticed my sudden hawness, “What is it professor? You appear to be mum?” I sighed then, came the mesmerising reply, “Well, if this analogy of mine and more importantly this great theory of evolution and supposition of Darwin’s is accurate then, this suppose yeti that we seek for, is in the end my lord, the very living ancestor of modern man. And what that means, in lament terms my lord is, that the yeti if it truly exists as we believe now it does, is our very own ancestor my lord!” My affirmation, made the haughty earl’s eyes swell up in complete shock; for there was this ashen-white reflection on his countenance. He scoffed and frowned at my acclamation, “My professor, that is incredible professor. But surely you can’t expect me, to believe that farce?”

I realised his objection, but notwithstanding that, I sought to elucidate perhaps much more efficaciously and simplify my point? And make it much more, so facile to understand. “My lord, I understand wholly, your doubt and scepticism but rest assure, let me attempt to make my analogy, much more simplistic. For example, it is known that a plant is not a plant, without seeds for that matter. And when the seeds are implanted onto the soil of the ground then it grows and becomes, a full fledged plant. A better example my lord, is the butterfly. We know my lord that a butterfly, is not merely a butterfly at birth. For you see my lord, it is a caterpillar at birth then, it goes through this metamorphic stage and naturally becomes, what we all know it today to be, a beautiful and magnificent butterfly!” It appeared, that although he still maintained his conviction and his resistance my analogy, did make much more sense to him. “Good God, I see, and if that be so then, it is rather extraordinary to fathom my dear professor!” We spent the night, in deep conversation and our parlays, were rather interesting and fascinating. I mostly served as the dear teacher and my good earl, the pupil. If there was the danger and the peril of the yeti around us, it was virtually, at least for this night indeed overcome, by the conversation that we had indulged ourselves with. We abated in the end like before, with one eye asleep and another quite opened. 11 March-The anxiety to reach the other side of the mountains, was prevailing on me; and it did at least for nonce, raise a mighty damn good feeze in me. Lord Whitmore, was much more sublte and restrictive in his mien and attitude toward the perhaps location, of this remote local Sherpa village? “Well, I suppose we should be on our way now professor!” he emoted. We both thence gathered up the little equipment that we had, and went forth with the journey but the deprivation and scarcity of food and water, did belabour us tremendously. It did not take for us to be a real genius to know, that if there was to be no Sherpa village found then we were surely, doomed to death! The snow was somewhat melted, and the cold gale appeared to be indeed, soothing and calming down a bit. “I see that the weather at least, is favourable to us today!” Lord Whitmore commented to me along the way. The pattern of the seasons was changeable, and the season of spring was betiding by every single day.

4:45 p.m.-With our stomachs growling and our throats parched, we went on the hunt for some prey, and for a perhaps ravine nearby? “The canteens I say, are rather getting empty professor. I fancy, that we are reaching a very critical moment in this endeavour of ours!” It was agreed by the both of us mutually of course that one of us, would go in search for water; and the other, for food. Since the menacing threat of the creatures, lurked rather obvious in our minds, we did not seek to venture, far from each other. Several kilometres or miles, was the preference chosen by the both of us. Although we had our rifles in hand, and carried them like a big stick, nevertheless I say we weren’t about, to get cocky nor that afastened, to our little friends. The thought of the beasts skulking about perspicaciously, did not escape my mind at all. For to be, so sphriguous meant to be, rather providuous in the end. The area had indeed, it’s fair share of small pointed clags gampsious and at times it’s icelence, was rather grophous. But at the same time, in some macabre way it did not eschew to be, habrious in it’s own natural way. Perhaps a foolish and aphroneous thought arrogated? But it was quite agapous in gesture. And, it would be mendacious and apateous if, I did not endeavour myself, to offer some token of human emotion. I stumbled myself in search of any feasible ravine, and per chance out of a strike of luck, I found what could only be described as perhaps, the last source of water to be found.

It was a small little gulch, and it was dainty but yet so perfect, for the occasion. I swelled up in a feeze, for my lips had yearn to taste some fresh caenous water. But when I was to reach the gulch, I began to smell what appeared to be, a putrid stench of odour, coming near my dear vicinity. My feet stood so motionless, and the lation of my body, was as still as well. I could hear the rumbling about, of flies it seemed audible to my ears. The noise was so strange to hear, even from the high altitude of which, we were at. I was providuous, and quite wary in the steps, that I treaded forth with. So whistedly and so gingerly were my feet, for they were as light as a touch, of a feather. My heart beated and throbbed a whee bit faster, but when I arrived at last, at the carnage itself, my eyes would be bestowed, with the ghastly and macabre sight of a torn, and half-eaten yak! The sight was gruesome and so aegrious to bear, that it almost made me vomit; with despicable urge. The maggots did not help, nor did the bulging eyes of the carcass; for they almost appeared to be staring straight at me as if to serve as a reminder, to the harsh savagery of the incident, that befell the poor fallen animal. If looks were to deceive one then, the look on the wretched and decapitated animal, was foul enough to make one sick and so strong enough, to make a profound impression on one. Truly I have never seen such macabreness, and dissection all through this search for the beast, since my days in biology back, in my university days to be frank. “May famine or the dear bereavement of hunger, never come to compel me to be a cannibal; or force me, to abandon my civility and retreat, to being the most despicable human being ever!” I muttered to myself. The thought of consuming raw meat, and the carcass of a badly torn animal such as this, makes me question my sanity and does make me yearn to escape so, the deprivation of that thought itself. There was no doubt whatsoever, that the fallen yak had fallen victim, to the wrath of the beasts themselves. But what was so impressive was the fact, that how indelible the sight was to even fathom of the enormous capacity and sheer strength, that the creature possessed, in order to tear to shreds such a massive animal like the yak. I had spent so much time bethinking, of the fallen carcass of the yak, that I had forsaken my obligation, to search for water. But a startling thing, would betide upon me next. As I was bent over observing the rotten carcass, a familiar presence would hover behind me. “Poor devil, whatever begot this on him, surely is worser than the devil himself!” Lord Whitmore ejaculated. I rose in a rash to my feet, when I heard his voice. “My God my lord, you startle me so, that I did not even hear you approaching!” He apologised, “Pardon my intrusion professor, for it was not my intention at all, to spook you!” The carcass did serve so, as a haunting reality, to the grasp of the creature’s magnitude. “Do you truly suppose, that a yeti did this professor?” Lord Whitmore asked me. I promptly then rejoined, “I am afraid from the looks of it my lord, the only culprit here, is the yeti himself!” “Great Scot, the creature much have been bloody strong, and stealthy to have torn to shreds, this defenceless animal!” The harsh reality of that, was indeed so impressive. “I could only dread to imagine that my lord! I would dearly hate to think, that I truly would meet the same fate of this poor wretch!” I strongly uttered. The fremous roar of the dear creatures, roared like a fervent mad beast of the jungle. “The predators of hell, have come back it seems, to claim their prize my dear professor!” the earl emoted passionately.

“Perhaps it would be best, if we return back to our encampment my dear boy.” He prodded me. Indeed a buffoon, would correlate, the very same opinion. “By all means my lord!” I replied. The urgency to return was a very intelligent and wise adherence to, but yet the chance of seeing the creature anon, was such a magnificent impulse to me, that I durst to stay. “With all due respects my lord, perhaps if we stay, we could perhaps catch sight of one those bloody creatures? And it would allow you, to perhaps bring one of those creatures, back with you to England.” The idea, seemed to astir a mighty feeze in the eyes of the earl; for I could detect quite certainly the expression of a man, on the verge of the hunt! “By all means, my dear professor!” Like bekummered foxes, we tholed for the sign of the hare to spring like a springbok on the plain. We waited and waited until, there the clouds passed by so endlessly; and until our feet, were numbed and put to sleep, by our slumberness and slovenness. “Great Scot, but I am afraid that the blinning creature, had cold feet indeed professor!” Lord Whitmore ejaculated. “I believe so!” I rejoined. After our defeat, we thought it wiser to return to our previous camp, and have some lunch for Lord Whitmore had been able, to tramp a pair of blanched white hares. At least for nonce, we were able to taste some sumptuous meat for the day. After it was cooked over a lighted fire, it had sunken into the marrows of our paunches. “Quite delightful so indeed, is it not so my dear professor?” “Indeed so, although upto this point in one’s own desolation, he does fancy, for a nice succulent plate from a good expensive French little restaurant, at the corner of London! But I suppose, that hitherto I shall fancy the taste of hare every bloody day, from here on my lord!” “The weather does look rather propitious, does it not professor?” Lord Whitmore asked. As I looked up at the sky, and felt the draft of the air, I could sense that the days of spring, were but arriving sooner than I had anticipated. And per chance, or by mere coincidence, the sight of a few fledge of Nepalese birds, “It does look like that my lord, and if my calculations are correct, as my beloved grandmother once use to ejaculate to me, “My dearest little boy, you can tell that spring is around the corner, when the first sight of migrating birds, start to ramble anew, over the familiar skies!” Lord Whitmore found that saying, rather witty and wry as well. “English humour my dear fellow, does bring some comfort at least, to one!” Since time was of the essence, we did not belabour our quandary with parleys for the objective of the day, was to reach the so-called Sherpa village of which, Sir Cromwell had sought off in his quest to locate. “We best be on our merry way now professor!” Lord Whitmore chuntered. And so we went on, like two wandering nomads; traipsing through the chealm of wasteland it felt. The anxiety and eagerness in me, was rising and billowing, by the hour. With every step that I took, the one constant lingering thought was of what truly laid ahead once we were to reach, the other side of the mountains?

7:08 p.m.-At last we reached the other side of the mountains cliff, and I must report, that the tidings, were not favourable to us for indeed, they were to serve as merely, a haunting reminder of the quandary in which, we were intertwined and enmeshed in it seemed, forever. We were able to arrive miraculously, at our appointed destination but unfortunately for either the both of us Lord Whitmore and myself, it was simply apropos only. For what was awaiting for us both, was the terrible reality, of what stood as a phantasmagoriac nightmare for us to endure. When we arrived at the other side, stood the reality that there was truly, no Sherpa village to be seen within the distance at all! “I suppose, that we wouldn’t be soothing our rambling feet much, by the warmth of a hearth professor!” I could only concur, and exclaim the same in disgust, “It does seems, that we are doomed to meet our makers sooner than later it appears my lord!” We were abreast to each other like two frozen icicles, stiff and motionless for our lation, was completely at a still.

“What are we to do next then my lord?” I asked. Lord Whitmore who like myself, had scoffed, and frowned at the prospects of isolation could only offer, a small token of selection, “Well to be frank my dear professor, I don’t really know but there is truly one thing, that I am strongly convinced of, and that is that unless we can find soon a nearby village then, we are then looking at, the last days of our lives here on this earth!” It there was ever a prophecy or an omen to be fulfilled then, it was this vaticin moment in the expedition. There was no need at all, for us to sulk so in perpetual miss for in the position and in the location in which we were standing at, was enough to serve, as a lasting haunting reminder. “I believe the sun shall soon be setting my dear professor, thenceforth, I suggest that we go about finding, our next encampment for the old night!” I was under the perception that his heedful words, did not clang nor ring hollow for the torment of our quandary was as it seemed, a precursor to our wretchedness that was instored for us. “I must ask of you my lord, what are we to do next, in your opinion?” Lord Whitmore, was not, that eager to offer me a suggestive response. “To be honest my dear professor, since there is apparently no nearby Sherpa village then I suggest, that we put our two minds together, and seek another route!” “Where to Lord Whitmore?” I inquired. Lord Whitmore, was rather indiscreet, and frank in his reply, “Professor, I am afraid, that it is not rather advantageous to us to even dwell on that thought; but I see no other option hitherto professor!” “What exactly are you so referring to my lord?” I queried. He sighed then, he drawled slightly the words of, “The very same way in which, we both came from!” It was a revelation indeed, that I did not come to fathom nor comprehend, “But certainly my lord, you must know that, is rather improbable!” He took off his hunter’s hat, and then with a dringent conviction exclaimed, “I am afraid that professor, there is no other true genuine option, bestowed to us dear professor for nonce!” It was not a sobering thought to thig; for to dread on that unfavourable possibility, was a very fretful contemplation in itself. We then ganged around ahead, for there below the cliff, was the dreaded and looming peril of death of which at any minute, could find it’s lingering grasp on us willingly. “It is rather daunting, is that not so dearest professor?” Lord Whitmore rejoined, as we stood keeking at, the hollow gaze of refuge. Indeed the sight was not delous nor transparent at all, for it was as one would say truly, the pit of Hades itself. Especially when it was eminently, so alyscious to bear.

1:45 a.m.-Were both awakened by the roar of what appeared to be only that analogous, to the dreadful yeti. It was I who caught from my ears the most shrilling, and the most shrieking sound ever known to man. At first the thought that it was a hawk entered my mind, but once I was thus aware of the haunting sound and once the ream, was fully audible to my ears, there was not even a shadow of a doubt, of where it’s origins derived. Lord Whitmore was lively on his feet as well, for his reaction was swift and like a devoted hunter, his intuition and mentality, was truly just as lively as his feet. “Hold onto the trigger professor, for I feel that this time the creatures, are very much more closer than previously I am afraid!” Indeed Lord Whitmore was right, and it did not take his whidlauding words truly, to sway any hesitance in my part. Like two brave and valiant servicemen, we stood our ground waiting, anticipating, the incoming presence of the beast. But the question was would it be one or two or even I dread to speculate, a whole cluster of them approaching with long pointed fangs and sharp needle claws, like blood sucking vampires? The sound of footsteps approaching, and heavy breathing nearing, was like the sound of a locomotion passing us by. With such great awareness we tholed for our dear hearts throbbed mightily, and our fingers fretted and doddered, slightly as well. I could see Lord Whitmore rise to his feet, and with his lengthy rifle at his side his ears, were literally, attached to the echoes of the walls, that reverberated the echoes of the outward sounds itself. “Steady now professor, for I can feel them getting closer now! And by any minute now, they will be here. But let us pray and hope, that it is now, at the lenity of the barrel of our rifles!” I made certain of it, to adhere to his poignant heedful words of counsel. “Don’t worry about me my lord, for I am as ready as you are!” Minutes that passed by, seemed like endless hours; and with each and every encroaching footstep of the invader, seemed like traipsing ghosts. If it only had been a wraith then surely, I would have invited it, whole heartedly. But since it was most likely that it was one of those wretched creatures then, I dearly attest they will receive not, any welcome on my behalf. It was then that as Lord Whitmore and myself, were whispering to each other, that the appearance of a hirsute and hairy creature it appeared then, came charging at us. But luckily for me Lord Whitmore, was quick with his hands indeed then I was. From what it appeared he had shot the intruder, and apparently had scared away, the creature and any one else, who was accompanying it as well. “Good God professor, that was rather a hairy experience to say the least my boy!” he ejaculated fervently. “Do you believe that they were frightened away, and are gone my lord?” I asked him, a bit afflutterly. He did not eschew at all his afflutterness neither, “I don’t know professor, but I do have a feeling that at least for tonight, they will not be bothering us, whatsoever they may be!” It was unclear somewhat of the actual identity, of the intruders. “A yeti without a doubt!”

The Earl of Kensington replied. Unweetingly, I dared so to rebut, “Could it not be my lord, a pair of some wandering wolves, or any other kind of creatures, that we have not yet come in contact with after all, we are chartering unknown waters uphere?” Lord Whitmore nodded his head, and he thence disagreed strongly, “Perhaps, but I must attest to you professor, that what tried to attack us, was no pack of wolves or wandering nomadic animals nor persons!” “But it was I say, standing thus upright professor. Surely no apelike creature, stands on his toes, so easily!” I then paused, and then mulled over the prospects of the intruder being an actual living yeti. “Then that means, that we are closer than ever, at solving the mystery that science itself, has failed miserably to solve the missing link the yeti!” “You are correct my dear professor in your analogy, for it does not so take a good scientist to know, that what lurks out there waiting for us, is the most indelible prize waiting, a living yeti!”

12 March-When the next day arrived, we rose early to our feet but not until we made certain, that our sleep was abreast the campfire, that was our comforter and shelter. The day was not that cold, and the signs of spring arriving, were like the arrival of the next ship that was then docking at the port. Lord Whitmore had risened to his feet first, and I did afterwards also. I found Lord Whitmore outside surveying the area so, as if he was in search naturally of clews of what could belong, to the wounded creature itself. When I spotted him, he was hovering about what indeed appeared to be a clew, “What did you find there my lord?” I queried. He then indulged me with his discovery, “Look there on the ground trickles of blood, and something much more important, footprints!” He looked into my eyes, and then he exclaimed, “They are yeti footprints!” “Indeed, from the looks of them, they do seem like the footprints of the yeti. And they do appear to be heading in that general vicinity, northward!” “Northward it is so my dear professor!” But as we proceeded to follow the footprints, we would so stumbled onto the dead mangled corpse of Sir Cromwell himself, who apparently in an effort to avoid the attack of the creatures, shot himself. “Good God, poor Sir Cromwell, he never made it back. No wonder!” I emoted sombrely.

-Back in London, Lord Rutherford was urging the Academy of Science, and the board of trustees, to iniciate an expedition of their own.

12 March-Lord Rutherford had gathered upon the members of the academy, for what only thus appeared to be, a rather important discussion. “I have summoned all of the members, of the dear academy here, to discuss and indulge in the topic of promoting, an expedition of our own!” Lord Rutherford exclaimed. “What expedition are you exactly referring to, my dear lord!” Lord Carter inquired. It was then with the attention of the members grasped, that Lord Rutherford then said, “To the greatest known mountains ever, the Himalayas in Nepal!” There was this clamour in the room of men, “What are you implying Lord Rutherford, that we even spend, or dawdle more of our money, in an expedition that could so lead to be, senseless prodigality?” “Nay, it will not be as you say, senseless prodigality my lord! Trust me when I tell you, that the opportunity to come to explore the Himalayas will in the end, only be to our benefit and accredit our dear academy, to the possible discovery of a lifetime gentlemen!” “What exactly my dear lord, are we naturally searching for in the Himalayas?” Lord Carlton inquired. “Yes, I would love to know the answer to that question, my lord as well!” Lord Phillips insisted also. It was then, that dear good Lord Rutherford, mustered enough courage to invoke the name of the yeti! There was indeed enough commotion erupted, to astir the rumblings of the members present. “Surely now Lord Rutherford, yeti Lord Rutherford, you can’t expect the members of this academy, to be so easily compliant to the idea of wasting money, on senseless endeavours such like as you suggest!” The members of the Academy, seemed to be aroused by the feeze of the discussion. “The yeti my lord, is nothing more than a fictious character I tell you; and even if it was not, it would be quite senseless to waste the money and the time, on an expedition like this my lord?” Another attack, “My lord, how can you justify this academy, by mentioning that we spend money, on such an endeavour, to search for the so-called yeti?” Lord Rutherford sought to rectify his position, and elucidate his stand. “Please before you attack me it is not best, to permit me to explain my reasons and suppositions gentlemen?” The rumblings subsided for nonce, and the members, allowed the brave Lord Rutherford to proceed. “I do thank you, for allowing me to proceed, with my explanation!” He hawed for a moment, before he sought to convey in his mind, the thought of how, to apotheosise his position efficaciously, and clearly as well. He sighed then, he went forth, with his illustration, “Do listen gentlemen, let me assure you, that on the surface it may seen incredible to digest or fathom, the thought of an expedition of the yeti; but let me tell you this my fellow members, that if we only dare to indulge ourselves in simple endeavours then, we shall have failed miserably, in the name of science! And, we shall have failed miserably also, our dear fellow colleagues both, Sir Wellington, and Professor Bunbury!” The clamour appeared to be less than stentorian but pacified now, for although there was still objection toward the thought of an expedition to the Himalayas, the tone was much more of a calm and studious one, “I understand your intent my lord, but you must elucidate, your position to us the Academy, much more better for we are ignorant, to your argument!” exclaimed Lord Thacker, who was the head member of the Academy. There was no sense of intimidation at all, nor any feeling of intrepidation presented upon the good Lord Rutherford, by the question of the man who was at the head of the Academy, Lord Thacker. “I understand your pessimism my lord, but let me be honest and frank, it will profit the Academy indeed!”

“In what manner my lord?” Lord Thacker politely inquired. Lord Rutherford having a tall task to overcome, implored his dear wits; and instilled his charisma which it could have been so, his downfall. “Stay with me here gentlemen when I say that in the end, what could only be lost in an expedition like this is nothing more, than what has be lost already throughout many but many expeditions before. I invoke the men of the past, where would we be, if Newton had not indulged so with his laws of gravity? Or where would we be if, Edison did not proceed with electricity? Where would we be now if, Darwin did not set off to South America? I could rave on, with one example after another, but it would be feckless; for what is so important, and embritheous here gentlemen, is that we like our previous successors, be not so thwarted by uncertainty and doubt. Instead be yaulding and aroused to the idea of thriving in the name of science!” Lord Rutherford was much stealthy in his mien, and in his presentation. Why a man, could even say, that he was a diplomat, and a thamauthurge at the same time! The more and more, that he so expressed and elucidated his point, the more that it seemed probable, that his masterly persuasion, was thence appearing masterly in the sense of the word. Lord Thacker, who was an extremely intelligent and vulpine man as well, seemed to be acquiescent with the thought of a foray to the Himalayas and in the end, he came to approve of it despite the objections of several of the members present not to say the least Lord Carlton and Lord Philips, who were staunchly opposed to the idea and a bulwark to the concept of preservation of the reputation of the Academy. “I must attest Lord Rutherford, that I agree and in the end, shall consent to this so-called expedition to the Himalayas!” “But surely my lord, you must come to bethink of the honour and prestige of this academy, when you consent to this absurdity!” Lord Carlton ejaculated. “Indeed I second that objection!” Lord Philips then strongly emoted as well. Lord Thacker seemed to be not so thwarted, by the strong objections casted, by the two adamant members of the Academy. “Lord Carlton and Lord Philips, your objections are noble and good; but notwithstanding, I have come to believe in my analogy that in the end, it is to the betterment of this academy to go forth with this expedition then, to forsake it so hastily. It is true that in the end, the expedition perhaps, shall not be propitious to this academy.

But there is another issue here in which, the good Lord Rutherford has convincingly presented quite well indeed and that is, the fate of two of our most esteemed colleagues and fellow members, Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington of whom, we owe so much to, for the advancement of our studies!” Just when it seemed, that it was the argument for searching the yeti, that had swayed the appointed head member of the Academy Lord Thacker, it was instead, the human issue of two lost men, one who unbeknown to them, was dead already and the other one, lost and despaired, in the barren wastelands of the daunting mountains themselves. Though Lord Carlton and Lord Philips, were to become acquiescent in the end in their consent, they did not eschew from being disgruntled, in the midst of their silence. In the end the vote was tallied, and it was agreed upon, that the declared new expedition to the Himalayas, was to be taken. And leading in the forefront was to be no other than Lord Rutherford but not entirely, without a menacing reminder of those who stood, opposed to him. For amongst the selected members, who were to accompany him, were to be, the two most opposed members of the Academy itself, Lord Carlton and his fellow compeer, Lord Philips. The expedition, was to take place in two days for it was the appointed day in which, the expedition was to commenced. It was enough time proposed to allow all of the men to gather up sufficient data, and above all sufficient goods and materials, that were so very important and embritheous, to this new expedition. Incessant, was to be the time that was urged to prod, and it was vitally important as well that, the expedition came to overcome any presumed failures of the previous fording. Unlike the good Sir Wellington, and Sir Bunbury, Lord Rutherford had made it his issue, to be much more advanced and meticulous, in his studies and his investigation of the Great Himalayas it’s great cultures and people, and above all, the study of the yeti. Thoroughly, he did study, all that was known in books, museums, and in catalogues, about the enigmatic place itself. For indeed, there were sundry amounts of thoughts, plunging in him drop by drop but so little details, and not very much information, and evidence for him to make a precise accuracy, and above all, this precise analogy, and assumption of the creature itself. But it did not sway, nor did it truly deject the good Lord Rutherford; for he instead, was bent on making the journey to the great furtive place of the Himalayas, and onto the mysterious country, of Nepal! The journal of Lord Rutherford, is to be now interjected, into this ongoing saga, by Lord Rutherford himself.

(Lord Rutherford’s Journal)

l2 March-I have spent the better half of this day either quarrelling, with the members of the dear Academy or dawdling in one sort of research, upon another. But nathless, I must not be so mopis and so sluggish for I at least verily, did accomplish quite efficaciously the eventuality, of this one unbelievable expedition of which I shall indulge, to partake in. Clearly I say thus, I have seen the golden chance of a lifetime if it be much presumed, that any measure of success, shall without a doubt, befall upon our expedition. I retain high hopes, and I succumb not, to dwindling doubts of what uncertainty there shall betide. My vivacity and ésprit are as in tact, as my stride to success; and my will to justify, this expedition. But there is an issue much more important here, and that is the reputation of my dear fallen colleagues if there are so presumed, to be deceased! It’s with utmost devotion and with the affinity, that I do share with these great men of science that I shall indulge all of my allocated time and above all yes, intellect and effort, into this great endeavour, which shall be without a doubt, perhaps historic and yet, quite so risky as well. But if as a dear scientist I am to be thwarted off so, by doubt and uncertainty then, my cause and more critically, my plight, shall be minuscule. The thought of so many great wonders, that could betide upon this great expedition, has so engulfed me thoroughly, in great suspense and indeed, in a tremendous feeze already! The night was spent amongst fellow dear friends, and fellow scientists. All scholars and erudites of either biology, anthropology, or even psychology oddly enough. There we were, all of us, gathered in the living room of my home in Soho pondering, analysing, speculating and even, surmising, about the many strange intricacies, surrounding the upcoming expedition. I had there abreast to me, such great thinkers as Lord Tannerbaum, the greatest biologist in England, and then there was Lord Felix, who was the greatest anthropologist in England as well and if it had not be for the fact, that he had his dear duties to attend to then, he would have indeed, come to accompany me on this endeavour. And lastly, there was the great mind of Lord Beasley, who was the most knurled and famous psychologist in London. He was an odd chap, for he is rather short; but yet his intellect, was much more progressive than mine. But then again, if a man would come to study all day long, only the comportment and enacture of his fellow human beings then, truly I say, all that he would accomplish in the end, would be his insanity! And as I stood there listening to him, I felt obliged to say, that he was not! “Tell me something Lord Rutherford, what pratell if I may ask, possesses such a man as yourself, to go and scurry off to God knows where, to search for a creature, that most likely, does not exists at all?”

Lord Tannerbaum queried. “Why of course!” “My dear Lord Tannerbaum, it is the same feeze that you my lord, presumably I do imagine come to experience so exceedingly, when you dissect an animal, or study it’s physiognomy perhaps?” He concurred, “Yes I understand now!” I then heard, another sceptical question thrown at me; and this time it was so, from my good Lord Felix, who imposed the question onto me, “But really Lord Rutherford, what can be achieved by this expedition I wonder, if there is no clear cut evidence, that the bloody creature, even exists?” I understood his objection, but nahthless I strongly ejaculated, my own clear cut observation. “I understand your point, and it is well emphasised my dear Lord Felix; but let me say that my lord, in your line of biology, is there not at times I ask, a tremendous discrepancy among theories, and analogies, why if I am not remiss, I believe Limarck himself, who was a naturalist did explain in his own obversations the process of evolution, and you as a prominent anthropologist, and a man who from I recall was an admirer of him then, do you forsake his claim, that the process of dear evolution, is nothing more fraudulent? And by confessing that, do you not then so, challenge my lord the biology, of our human evolution as well? Do remember, that all in anthropology, deals so with the realm of the unknown, if I am not mistaken in my analogy my lord?” He took to ponder my point, and whilst he did, it was then the turn of Lord Beasley, who was seemingly, the most intellectual amongst the three men for he unlike the others, was so very much taller, thin, and a very observant man. “But, there is a fundamental question here, my good Lord Rutherford, certainly you can come to apotheosise in observation, about biology and about anthropology as well but when it comes to the question of psychology my boy, there is truly I say, much to indulge one’s mind toward, especially when it deals with the psychology of dear animals and species my lord!”

“Kudos to you Lord Beasley, for posing such an intricate question and obdurate challenge upon me. True it is quite difficult, to surmise or even grasp a very precise observation, about non-human species; but let me indulge you so with a thought here my lord. It may perhaps be singular in thought, but if I shall endeavour it will abate itself to be, a rather odd but yet, accurate surmisal!” I hawed only for an eyeblink, enough to grasp the overhuddy mind of my dear, knurled psychologist. “Is it not so my good Lord Beasley, that the mind itself is a rather powerful instrument but yet, a rather uncharted study?” He nodded his head then, in some sense of compliance. “I believe so!” I then continued, “Since the field of psychology, is still rather new. Is not feasible that all human brains are rather unfulfilled, in the aspect of completion of study?” Anew, he agreed so. “Then by what standards, are we so to determine, and judge, the standards between man and human being, if in the psychology of one, there is no definite clarification! Shall it not be so then my dear Lord Beasley that in the certain case, the psychology of the yeti, is one with important significance in the manner, that by coming to find the creature, we could only come to perhaps in the end, evaluate our own broader thinking especially when it deals with such topics, as dear aggression, savagery amongst others. We could in the end come to learn a great deal, about the yeti my lord?” Never did I come to believe that I could truly, mum the three intellects, gathered all around me. Or neither did I think, that I could outwit the most thewed and tharmed man in all of the Academy of Science but I did, and kudos to me! After a lull, he then retorted quite clearly to me, “I suppose fair is fair my lord, and since in the joust of intellects, one must succumb to be defeated. Why not let it be to a fair man, such as yourself my lord!” I had indeed, come to make my point, quite efficaciously. He then smiled, and thence replied to me the following, “I do hope that my lord, you are rather successful in your endeavour for I shall like to study this creature, once you have come to succeed in bringing back, a yeti!” The others, soon offered the same token of bulwark support.

Lord Tannerbaum patted me on the back, and rejoined, “I must commend you my dear lord for your devotion and desire to strive, is rather noticeable and impressive!” Lord Felix, likewise was quite amenable toward me as well, “I second that motion Lord Rutherford!” We soon afterwards, abated the jovial parley amongst each other, and instead, had one last good old toast of wine; for the sake of tomorrow’s expedition of which, I was to partake in. With our glasses in tact, and the vim and verve so in our veins, we took our toast to commence the campaign itself. “I shall be so hearty to say my good gentlemen, that the last toast shall be in behalf of the expedition, and so may it be, a successful one indeed!” Lord Taunnerbaum emoted. Lord Beasley, and Lord Felix were not that far away, in their acclamations. “I second, that gesture!” “And naturally, so do I!” The wine, and sherry that was drunk, was as soothing as the gesture of the toast itself. I would have not really come to chose, any other set of characters, to share an amiable toast then, those of whom, I was gathered around for nonce. The night was soon to come to an end, and as each of my fellow guests and friends, were departing, I was there, to escort them on their way. The most of out the most loyal compeers of mine Lord Tannerbaum the biologist, upon his departure offered me so, some soothing words of heedful advice, “My good Lord Rutherford, how many years have we known each other?” He asked me as he put his hand on my shoulder. I then in return replied, “Why for fifteen years I do believe my lord!” He then continued, “In all of those years my lord, I would come to value, each and every one of them. Listen to me my good friend, I must say that I do envy you, for having the opportunity, to explore what could be considered the true missing link itself. And if you come to find this supposed creature, you shall come to profit mightily! Not only I dear say, in the behalf of science but more importantly in the behalf, of all those scientists of yester, who have strided so in the plight, and the cause of the advancement of further expeditions!” “I whole-heartedly so must agree with you Lord Tannerbaum!” It was then, that a light-bulb then, rung in my head, and the ideal of having all of my fellow compeers from the night, all join me upon the expedition. “It has quickly prevailed upon me my lord, that perhaps it would be better, to have all of my dear friends join me, upon this great expedition that I shall embark on.” I could see the feeze in the old codger’s eyes, and it swelled up in modblyssendhood. “I don’t know, what to say my lord!” I only looked at him, and proceeded to reiterate my proposal to him anew, in clarity, “What I was simply referring to my good friend, is for all of you three to join me, in the great expedition of mine! Why the feeze is written in your eyes, my lord; and just imagine, the chance of a lifetime is upon you!” Indeed Lord Tannerbaum’s eyes, billowed in this feeze, that was suddenly, spry. It did not take long before his feeze, overcame his hesitance or his hawiness, “Indeed it is rather enticing my lord, and the prospects of finding the creature, is much indeed aguing as well. And as you say, it would dearly be, the chance of a lifetime!” Indeed the night, ended up with a new challenge on the horizon and by morning, all the members of this one seemingly tenuous jaunt would be in order and the story from here, would include a couple of more bold and audacious seekers of the yeti. And it would as well invite, more visitors into the fold, of the haunting Himalayas themselves. I must say that, tomorrow I shall be looking forward to the day’s coming, and the thought of commencing it brings a rand in me, like no other ere. I must rest now, for the day shall be long and arduous as well. What excitement the days holds, for me indeed!

13 March-The day of the expedition has befallen upon me and I take to heart indeed, the strong measures of seeing it come to fruition and success; not so much in the case of the yeti, but in the case, that is so much more compelling and urgent, the dear need to find Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury; along with the others who embarked, on the initial expedition itself. I must hearken so back, to the words once elicited, by the great Sir Wellington, “It is with the noble interest in the advancement of science itself that we scientist partake, in such daunting endeavours, for we are now the new navigators, and explorers of the world. The world gentleman, is beckoning at us to come at it’s doors and gates!” Such emphatic, and astirring words that he bespoke, infront of the Academy, not so long ago. With all my gear and goods so intact, I was completely ready, for the seemingly task with two objectives at hand, one to find our fellow dear compeers, and the other, to find dearly only what could be categorised, as the greatest wonder of the world, or in lament terms such, the missing link! The tidings of the illness of Lord Philips, was rather shocking news to hear and to know, that it came just before we were to embark to Nepal. But no malady would withhold, the determination and conviction, to be a part of this expedition of my dear good Lord Carlton who as my antagoniser in the Academy, would serve I imagine to be, my antagoniser on this journey or trek. It was scheduled, that we were to meet each other at the local train station, leaving from Charring Cross whereupon, we were to venture through the heart of Eastern Europe, and then we were to take a ship to Egypt and ultimately, arrive in India soon afterwards. There was taken to consideration the thought of travelling instead, extensively and merely on ship, and deviate from the monotonous process of train schedules, and customs. But in the end, the thought of passing our time entirely, aboard a ship was so distressing and a less, than tolerable thought to fathom. It was so determined in the end that the voyage would be mostly, taken by train. Mr. Stokes, would take me immediately by carriage to Charring Cross whereupon, I was scheduled to meet there no later, than one o’clock in the midday. And much to my delight, I would be there but fifteen minutes before the clock struck midday. When I arrived I could see, all the expedition members all gathered about; including Lord Carlton himself, who oddly enough, was the biggest and the most sceptic out of all of us. “Shall that be all, you be needing my lord?” Mr. Stokes kindly then asked. I looked at the middle age man and retorted, “Yes that shall be all, but do remember to tell all of the servants about my orders and by the way, let me say before I forget, do remember to inform Mr. Edwards about the arrangements and affairs, whilst I am gone then afterwards, my dearest boy!” He quickly nodded his head in compliance, “By all means my lord, do not wherret I shall see, that he comes to get the message clear!” I was then saluted and greeted, by the four noble dear men of whom, my company was to serve and to be an asset as well. “I am glad to see you have arrived Lord Rutherford!” Mr. Carlton shrewdly said.

I could see that he was a bit thence fastidious with me, and I was quite chary about that as well as he was I suppose. But I in return, came to mock him in a civil manner, “I must say, that I do regret tremendously, the absence of Lord Philips of whom I would have loved, to share the time conversing in matters of theory and analogy! It is so terrible, that he could not endeavour himself so, to be here today!” Lord Carlton, eloquent in the knowledge of English humour, or ill-miff then commented wryly, “Indeed it is so such sad tidings. It is a tragedy he could not come but I suppose, that I shall be his eyes and ears, upon this journey for nonce!” We stood face to face like a pair of two old codgers, preparing for a duel on the hills, of the Pennine Crags in Yorkshire. “After you my lord!” Lord Carlton politely inferred, as he had like myself, a brand new polished walking stick. I naturally acquiesced the gesture, “Thank you so my lord! One can not say, that you are not a gentlemen!” Returning to our apparel and our guise, we all were quite so well dressed with elegant suits, and top hats, brimmed from the top. But surely, it was not to be our apparel for long, for not even the Prince of Wales, would dare to venture up the Himalayas, in aristocratic attire. For it would mean, suicide to say the least. Nay, we had our clothing in tact, and our goods and materials that were brought upon this journey, were also well prepared. Like the five musketeers, we departed from Charring Cross in London, and headed at once, to Dover from whereupon there afterwards, we were to naturally cross the English Channel; and reach the shores of Calais in France and from there, head through the viscous and thick turrain of Europe itself. If one envisions or does imagine, his supposed first day on the expedition then, I believe it would be one, so mired in deep thought and above all, deep imagination! But there is one thing I do fancy, that is rather commodious and pleasant; and that is the scenery in which, we would be bestowed with. The locomotive, soon rang it’s chimes of strident melodies and with it’s chute, I knew that the train was about to leave, Charring Cross at once. 14 March-After a day’s journey, the train arrived into the train station of Paris, sometime during the eventide. Paris, the place of many wonders of art and of extravagance; but it was to be only a precursor, to the several stops along the way to the ultimate destination of the strangest place on earth, the Great Himalayas themselves.

We stayed at the hotel called the Ritz, which was a newly renovated hotel which was located, in the heart of downtown Paris. I do suppose, that if one was fancying to set his eyes on grandeur itself then by all means, it was here in Paris, that one would iniciate his wonderful jaunt. But as Sir Carlton would say, “Such a shame, to be wasting one’s time tracking a senseless creature, and not having the leisure of so profiting from being a tourist in Paris!” Credulous and gullible was it dearly for good Lord Carlton, a man who was the most sceptical member of this expedition? Nay, for he had his right to be, doubtful of the success of the expedition. The night in Paris, was spent playing chest and backgammon as well; for I feel, that in our leisure time during our trek to Nepal, we shall indeed endeavour ourselves, with the simplicity of jousting each other’s intellect.

15 March-We arrived into the train station of Bern, sometime in the evening or so. And I must attest, that the more that I venture from one European country to another, it does come to bestow me, with the grand and regal sights of tradition and galore. We indulged ourselves, with seeing a performance by the Royal English Theatre, who were passing by through Europe, on their way back to London. Since we were to spend the night in Bern, we did do what others in Bern did, see the old theatre! As grumpy old men, we did enjoy each other’s company even in situations when we were at times, at odds with each other. We were quite certain, to make it back to the hotel in reasonable time, to gain our needed rest for the train, leaving out of Bern.

16 March-Short entry, for not much to say on this night except, that we arrived late within the night into Vienna, and spent the remaining of the night, but slumbering like old pair of but hoary logs! My only regret was, that I did not have much time allocated to me, to descry at the sights of Vienna itself. Perhaps the next time, I shall be granted that leisure or fancy. Or at least I shall be wonted enough, to seek delight from imagining. To and fro I fear, that this journey shall be so; and the truth to be told, we have only travelled, half the distance of the entire journey itself!

19 March-By passed the enigmatic cities of Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia, reached instead, the great city of Ancient Olympia and Greece, Athens, the very heart of the first, Olympic games ever. Southern eastern Europe, was Turkish country and although it was a part of the continent of Europe, it was entering the Middle East indeed for the atmosphere passing through those two cities, was like a chapter of Arabian Nights so. The Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid the secondth, does I fear, know how to govern accordingly, his empire. The Great Ottoman Empire, and the dear Turks themselves, are to be admired so and respected. But on the otherhand, there was no certainty at all for us, that we would be guaranteed so much of a safe passage, through the heart of the empire itself. We did see from a distance, the outer reaches of Serbia, from where great history began. Infact, there was much history in this seemingly isolated part of Europe. I do not hasten nor do I quicken to say, that this is not Europe at all! But the most ironic thing to me was, that in reaching Athens, I noticed that the Turkish influence and inflood, was not that prevalent and rife at all. It was somewhat debated, on aboard the train afterwards; for Lord Tannerbaum thought that the reason for that, was simply because, the Greeks were always so mulish in their customs, and wonts. Lord Felix stated, that since the Greeks had come to resist so mightily the Turks, that they did not see the need, of conquering the Greeks in the end with their culture, and religion. Lord Felix was correct in one hand, once across the border it was re-entering, into the kingdom of Christianity afresh. There were no mosques, no minuets, no turbans, no darken veils across the face. Although it was a paradox to Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia, it was indeed, such a soothing sight to see. Lord Carlton a man who loathed the Turks, and branded them, the Infidels of the earth, was quite swift to avow, that the heathens as he called them as well, were nothing more, than ruthless thugs and that the Turks, were indeed inferior people to Englishman, living backwardly in centuries ere. “Those bloody Turks, they are as salvage as the Arabs are. And I tell you my dear fellow compeers, that we should be glad we have left Bucharest, and Budapest! I fear that another day spent in their company, would have caused me, to revolt so in disguise!” I could see the intolerable hatred and loathing, in the eyes of the dear Lord Carlton.

Something in my perception of him told me, that he had had his fair share of bad experiences, and run ins with the Turks himself. When Lord Beasley inquired, about his such disliking and distaste for them he only replied, an insufficient response, “I have my reasons trust me!” The matter of the Turks yet, was best left to be put to the side for nonce; but it would have to be drudge up anew, for in the morrow that was to come, we were to travel to Egypt, a place in which although the majority of the people were Arabs. The country itself, was under the rule of as Lord Carlton would say, the detestable Turks!

(Rem-must find a little Greek deli for the Gyros here, are rashly delectable!)

20 March-Reached the sea port of Alexandria, the great city of Cleopathra, and Mark Anthony. The haven and Shangri-La to the Great Pyramids of Egypt, and the home to the Great Mamuluks of olden times of yester. It was from there, that we were to venture to India, following the very same path that I imagine, that Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington and the others, all came to embark upon. It was not long before Lord Carlton upon seeing the inhabitants, including the so dreaded Turks, came to voice his opinion quite flinty as ever. “Gentlemen, you best be much prudent in your actions, and especially in your provisions; for the bloody Arabs and Turks, all of those but bloody Muslims will not hesitate, to steal from you so! For they are miscreants, and great rogues indeed!” If there was as manner in which I could thwart off his insupportable outburst, it would have be sought! I wonder if there is a hidden truth behind, the contempt in Lord Carlton?

We did not venture far from the hotel, at least in one small measure of heeding, the dear Lord Carlton, was correct in one thing Alexandria, was a harbour for thieves and scoundrels. I can only imagine the severity of this problem, but since it is not of my urgency, I shall truly leave all the speculation to the locals and in this case, to the Turks themselves! We gathered all of us, around the table in the local tea shop which although was Egyptian in locality, it was English in nature. The niece little tea shop was called properly enough, Bennington’s. The taste of tea, was sipping at the edge of our parched lips. It was not rare to see Englishmen, or English companies in Egypt; for the British had a rather satisfactory relationship, with the Turks in Egypt. “Good tea indeed I must say!” Lord Beasley confessed. Lord Felix, and Lord Tannerbaum agreed, “It is quite tasty and delectable as well!” “Why it is the best tea, that I have tasted in ages it seems!” I replied emphatically. But ever to be one to cast shadow and warling, over everything in this one expedition my good Lord Carlton, found an inducement indeed to be negative, and pessimistic. “I don’t know how all of you can, come to say that this tea, is better than the tea, we so usually come so to taste in London. For to me, it lacks a few lumps of sugar!” A bottle of elegant sherry, would be then served as a gift, by the owner of the place who he himself, was British as well. Oddly enough that in itself, was found unfavourable by the feisty Lord Carlton, who after a sip, would be still disgruntled in enacture. “Nay, it lacks the taste of true English sherry!” Was it unfair to say that he was merely a grouchy and flinty man, nay for his bravura, is as genuine as his commentary.

“Come now Lord Carlton, if you pother with your negativity; and your constant whining then so, I am afraid that perhaps, pleasant days upon this journey at day’s end shall not come to be, many to you my lord!” “Humbug!” he muttered. I suppose, that if one was to insert opinion here, about this matter dealing with Lord Carlton then, he would suggestively I say truly, come to see highly likely, a child then over him! The night was spent listening mostly, to a most than rare treat indeed, belly-dancing! All the gentlemen of the expedition, came to partake in this endeavour; including of course, Lord Carlton but as wontly, he spent the night warling and being argumentative, toward the vulgarity of the procession. “Tell me something Lord Rutherford, how can you justify this art as you say as nothing more, than plain vulgarity and rubbish?” Lord Felix then interjected, “Loosen up my dear boy, you’ve to be less rigid and stiff, and more swab I say!” Lord Carlton then said, “I see that your English grooming, has been forgotten my lord!” Perhaps more by such pure coincidence it was, that at that very moment in time, a young girl bustling and quite so bosomed then, began to dance infront of Lord Carlton. Wiggling and moving like a dear vivacious and sybaritic woman, she danced in such flowing movements of grace, and of an aura so pleasant.

21 March-We were quite lucky and fortunate indeed, to have contracted the service of, a rather crafty Arab Egyptian to kindly enough so, escort us to the port itself and inform us of when the next ship leaving to India, was leaving the port of Alexandria. “It is but wonders indeed, that this gracious chap, was able to speak English to us, and rather quite eloquent if I should say!” Lord Tannerbaum thus confessed. As always, Lord Carlton has his two-pences to add into the talk, “Ruffians, all of those wretched Arabs; why we should be quite fortunate, that he didn’t attempt to steal from us!” I felt, that all hope was lost with Lord Carlton; and that he was, never to be so easily swayed in his beliefs. Such a fiddly and so irksome man in nature, how could he I daresay, come to be ever so less than partisan, and less than so judgmental? Perhaps in time, there was a small measure of hope; but only time I feel can be the judge of that particular question. But in the end bygones, must be dearly only bygones at least, for the sake of this expedition.

“I must say with all due respect my lord, if it had not been for the kind amiability of this wretched Arab of whom, it has bestowed upon you the liberty of demonising then, we would have never been able, to know mind me saying when the next ship leaving to India, was to be heading out! Knowing that, I do suggest that it would be wise, not to cast aspersion over the locals; since we are but foreigners in their land!” Lord Carlton merely grinned, as if he found my reply much to his disliking, and a smidge of dear sarcasm. In the end it would be so, the Royal English Navy, that would be our host for this voyage. It would be the ship, that would be taking the expedition toward India and toward the seaport, of Bombay itself. It was I who approached the kind captain on aboard, for a kind lift to Bombay. When I found him, he was standing on the deck, preparing the ship to leave. He was a well mannered gentlemen, despite the fact that he did have a rather interesting appearance. His moustache pointed out, some two inches out from what could be called his face. They did resembled more, whiskers of a Cheshire cat than anything else moreover, he was roughly a small petit man and his resemblance and guise, was that of a great Napoleon carbon-copy. I dared not interject that analogy of mine to him for after all, if was not my objective nor intention, to be coarse at all! “Good afternoon captain, my name is Lord Thomas Rutherford; and I along with my dear fellow colleagues, were wondering if out of your kindness, we could kindly bord your ship which is heading toward, India captain?” He hawed for a moment, before he ascertained the thought of accepting our plight. He soon then, gave me his reply, “Why I believe, that it shall be of no great burden or strain on us. It should be my pleasure my lord, and it is a service for us, to escort such great brilliant minds, from England as the men of whom, you stand abreast to!” He then cordially stretched his hand out, and we shook hands in a civil gesture of civility, amongst Englishmen. It was a gesture in which I whole-heartedly, complied to. In a matter of an hour, the ship called the Victoria, which naturally was named after the great queen herself, soon then afterwards, was on the waters around the Arabian Peninsula heading through the Red Sea. The ship was a majesty itself; for the fleet of the queen’s Royal Navy, looked impressive and quite prodigious as well, as the flag of the Union Jack, flew and waved mightily. “Such a haughty, and mighty sight, it is to see, is it not Lord Felix!” I queried. He simply looked in amazement, and in stupor, “Quite so indeed, Lord Rutherford!” “I wonder if the queen herself her majesty, ever grows weary of her royal fleet!” Lord Tannerbaum inquired. Lord Carlton then interjected emphatically, “Nonsense Lord Tannerbaum, for the queen never grows weary of her loyal servants!” “I shall imagine not then Lord Carlton, for our beloved queen, must press urgency on descrying the colours of the flag, bestowed upon her daily!” My response was one which was ambiguous, but yet it was direct in it’s rebuttal. And it did drive home, the point to Lord Carlton that again his prunish mien, was one that only in the end, came to be a deterrence or hindrance toward, his prospective rationality. With the setting of the sun, and the coming of the soon to arrive moon, we sailed across the waters of Africa; and were soon to be in a matter of days in the seaport of India one step closer, to reaching the next appointed destination, the country of Nepal. We had travelled from Alexandria to Suez, in order to reach the waters. All through the sailing of the ship, as the masts were soon to blew onwardly, I could not help but to think about, the central issue of which, truly came to prod me upon this expedition. Not so much the search, for the enigmatic and illusive one instead, for the behoveful search of the original expedition, which left London, some three to four months ago. The thought of what luck, has come to betide upon my dear fellow compeers, both the Great Sir Wellington; and also my dear Sir Bunbury of whom, this expedition hinges on in the end.

23 March-Two days since we left the port of the Suez, and at last by God, we have arrived at Bombay itself. With much feeze and stir in our eyes all we then, thus descended off the Great Victoria and said our goodbyes to the dear captain, and his fleet of royal sailors. Indeed what laid ahead of us, was the sight of a country and a world, which from here on, would truly be a world mired in poverty and in deep desolation. India itself, was a huge mass of poverty and of mystery. As we soon found out, though this was a part of the empire of Great Britannia, it is not of much resemblance, of a colony for that matter. Infact the commodities, and especially that of the dear transportation system here, is of grief comparison. The earth, would come tumbling down upon us from the very beginning, for as we tholed eagerly for a carriage to arrive, instead it was what could only be equated to be a run-down cart which was half the comfort of a hansom, in London. There infront of it to steer it, was a lonely wretched young man who’s skin, was dark; and his clothing or garment itself, was dishevelled and squalid, to say the least. There was some fraught in this young man, but the concept of riding in chariot, which though could come to fill the good capacity of three men, meant cramping together so, like a school of flounders. Lord Carlton, was the first to object, and quite adamantly so! In spite of the fact, that the stroll through chariot, was rather uncomforting and uncozy, it did at least serve it’s purpose, in reaching a local downtown hotel, in Bombay. We all were quite weary, and tired from the jaunt on ship but our need to have tea, and a niece sumptuous plate or meal, was rather prodding the marrow of our stomachs all. So, we took in some midday lunch at a local English diner nearby the hotel and whose patron, was naturally English as well. It was at this particular diner, that we stumbled onto a fellow scientist and one of whom, my days back at the university, would bring a bundle of jolly memories, back to the forefront. As I was sipping a niece cup of tea, whilst the others around me did as well, I was confronted by lo in behold, Lord Guntry himself, “Lord Rutherford, Thomas Rutherford, if I am not mistaken at all here!”

When I heard the voice it sounded familiar, and when I turned around to greet him, it was without one doubt at all, the guise of the enigmatic Lord Charles Guntry himself my dear fellow chum from my old days, at the university, “Great Scot, is that you my boy, Charles Guntry?” I swiftly came to ask. He naturally gave me, his firm response as always, “Indeed so my boy, for I may be an old codger like yourself now but nevertheless, I am still the Lord Charles Guntry, that you came to know ere, my dear friend!” My eyebrows rose and my upper lip curled, as if to demonstrate, my sudden expression toward the question. I rose to my feet so, and with this firm and trenchant grip, I would naturally then haughtily reply, “By Jove, I am Lord Thomas Rutherford my dear old chap!” We looked at each other then, with a jovial embrace; and mirth in our eyes we then greeted each other, like a pair of old drunken hollers, at the docks. “Great Scot, it is good to see you afresh my dear boy; for I would come to imagine that after all of these years, we would come to see each other anew, lo in behold, in such a afar place, as India itself my boy!” Lord Guntry ejaculated. “Indeed, it is a rather odd and coincidental faddity indeed!” After our thus sudden jocularity, and festive reunion betwixt good old university chaps, we soon then directed our attention to the matter at hand; our arrival into Bombay, as we were all seated around at one of the tables. “So tell me something my dear Lord Rutherford, what pratell may I ask, brings you and my fellow colleagues, here to India at this moment in time?” Lord Guntry, inquisitively queried. “My dear Lord Guntry, I shall be the one to speak for the behalf of the expedition itself, when I say to you, that we have come to this rather strange continent of Asia, on a rather important, and vital mission my lord!” Eschewed his intrigue and bemusing expression, he did not withhold from expressing at all.

“Important mission, expedition you said? Great Scot my lord do carry on, for this talk of yours, does sway my interest and feeze!” With his ears close to me, and his attention, drawn ever so more whistedly, I then proceeded to inform my noble good old chum from my university days, about the quest in which we sought, to embark on from whence, the commencement of our cause and noble journey, was to see it’s first day of action. “As I was saying to you before my good old chum of yester, we gentlemen, the elite and the members of the Academy of Science, back in old England have come here to India, on an important mission indeed. What that mission curtails to, is such an intriguing one but yet, one which has complexities and urgency as well!” Lord Guntry himself appeared to be intrigued and his rand, billowed by each and other word, that I bespoke to him. “Complexities, urgency you say, do carry on!” he retorted a riposte. And so I did, “Well it is a matter as you see, very difficult and arduous to apotheosise and elucidate, but nevertheless I shall assay to do exactly that! Our expedition deals with the strange but yet modblyssend issue of the so-called yeti!” As my utterance of the yeti, became audible to his ears, he seemed to be one man with a puzzled look, “Yeti you said, my dear boy? Why what in heaven’s name, could such a supposed creature as the yeti, cause such grand interest, in the Academy itself?” “Simply for the purpose that inspires mostly all scientists my lord, the drive and thrust to seek out all forms of life; even though of which, are only suppositions and of hunches. At first I must attest, that the approval from the Academy, was a tall task to overcome; but in the end my lord, with such great effort and diligence, they were able to thig, to the concept and idea of the expedition!” He then queried, about the other inducement, in coming to Asia. “There was, this other important reason, that you stated before my lord!”

Naturally, I proceeded to tell the good Lord Guntry, about the previous expedition involving, Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington. It was difficult indeed to drudge up, such ambiguity for to speak of the two without knowing one single thing about their whereabouts, was discomforting, and quite chilling also, “There was my lord, a previous expedition that came before us!” “You don’t say!” he mused over that thought. I then mentioned the names of both Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington, and it seemed that one of those names, triggered an inurgorating feeze in Lord Guntry. “Great Scot, Professor Bunbury you say my boy!” It quickly made me curious and interested, “By Jove yes my lord! This man do you know him, well?” Lord Guntry then emoted, “Well not really, except that I did come to meet him whilst he was here in India!” I then anxiously continued the inquiry, “By Jove, do please tell me when this meeting took place? Was it recent at all, my lord?” He then responded, “Great Scot indeed so!” I then immediately, ask him when, “When my lord?” He then mused over that response, before he gave me one, “I believe that it took place, a couple of weeks erstwhile!” With the rest of the expedition looking on, I then inquired so about the details, “Please tell me my lord, what exactly came about your encounter with Sir Bunbury?” Once again, he seemed to muse and mull over, that particular question. He then seem to recall the details however limited they were in the end, “I do recall, that he was in Bombay simply for the reason, of leaving the country!” I continued, the line of questions, “Leaving the country you say? But, for what reason?” “I believe, that he was in a rush to return to London anew for he had said, that he had recently been on a recent expedition in Nepal; and that he had enough of the expedition, and was returning to London. For he seemed dejected, and quick weary of being on the expedition. But, he did show me truly, a rather interesting object!” I quickly inquired about, the interesting object that was found, by the good Sir Bunbury, “What certain object, are you so referring to my lord?” He then said a rather startling revelation, as he looked at us, “A specimen of the creature!” (Lord Rutherford’s Journal)-Continued

24 March-We have been in seclusion somewhat, in the company of Lord Guntry, talking about the issue of the specimen and about the state of mind of Sir Bunbury. But he would soon offer us, the most interesting piece of information yet, a supposed Nepalese doctor or scientist, who as well met the gracious Sir Bunbury as well as Professor Kham. At around midday after a niece cup of tea so, we soon embarked on planning our adventure to Nepal and for that matter, to the furtive mountains of the Himalayas. We were gathered around the table at the old mansion of Lord Guntry, contemplating the action in which, we were all to partake in. There the four of us were seated, like loyal members of the board of trustees in London. “So tell me if you can Lord Guntry, all about this rather odd character Professor Kham. What do you know about this one enigmatic Nepalese doctor?” I inquisitively inquired. Lord Guntry, was willing to prate to us, and divulge as well, all that he knew about the enigmatic, Professor Kham, “Truly I say, there is not much to say except, he is a rather astute and intelligent man. But his strongest quality, and it is I am afraid, his more hectoring characteristic to many is, his candour. Verbose and glib, he is not; but intelligent and vulpine, he is indeed my lord!” “You say that he is Nepalese, my lord? How interesting!” Lord Carlton interjected. Lord Guntry nodded his head, and then replied, “That is correct Lord Carlton!” He then pothered, “I find that hard to believe!” “Hard to believe what?” Lord Felix queried. Lord Carlton then, proceeded to vociferate his opinion; and it was one rather scathing and reviling. “Simply, I was referring that it was rather incredible, that such a backward nation as this obscured Nepal I say, come to produce such a doctor as, Lord Guntry had mentioned before!” Again my dearest Lord Carlton, found it relatively with such succour, to denigrate and asperse another shoddy set of people.

“My good Lord Carlton, surely you yourself must attest, that some of the finest pair of doctors in history, have derived from inferior positions or recourses. Is it not so?” I boldly asked the fastidious prig. “I was simply denoting my lord, a certain revelence to the matter. That was all I was merely stating my lord!” Not much to my surprise, Lord Guntry would put Lord Carlton in his place, “Not so, my good Lord Carlton. For it is true, that generally we Englishmen, who come from civilise societies back in Europe are in nature indeed, much more reputable men of science, and medicine. But, I must correct you when I say, that in the case of Professor Kham, I have never seen such a diligent and arduous doctor, ever before even, in jolly old England. For he is rather intelligent, and a devoted man toward his people!” “If I may ask my lord, what good people exactly are you alluding to?” Lord Tannerbaum then interjected. Naturally, Lord Guntry acquiesced, “He is from a rather nomadic breed, or clan of people called the Sherpas who live in a remote area adjacent to the area in which I do believe, Professor Bunbury mentioned before!” “Sherpas you say my lord? But, what in heaven’s name, are these heathens?” Lord Guntry did not appear to take offence, toward the continual insultive mien of Lord Carlton but he did seem in the end in what was his affirmative reply, to mock somewhat slightly, the irksome Lord Carlton. “Perhaps, it is true that they are not Christians in nature. But I say, that the Sherpas are these very intelligent, breed of people! Why they may seem backward to many Europeans, but they do cope quite nicely I must attest to their environs. And Lord Carlton, I am afraid I must be candid when I say to you, that if I had to depend on an Englishman or a Sherpa, I would follow the shoddy Sherpa, than the bumbling Englishman, who knows nothing about this area!”

Lord Carlton seemed to be moderately, staid and quiet for the moment. We then came to converse, about the matter at hand, the planning of the expedition to Nepal. But unfortunately for us, who were a part of this recent expedition, it was a dear gloomy aspect of bitter reality. “You seem to know this area quite well Lord Guntry? What route do you suggest that we take in order, to arrive safely and in reasonable time, to Nepal my lord?” Lord Beasley anxiously queried. Lord Guntry then gave us, the harsh news indeed, “Just for the sake of saying so, heading from here to Patna, would be the most effective route but I am afraid, that there is bad news indeed, I must inform you all of!” Quickly I inquired, “Of what bad news are you referring to, Lord Guntry?” It was then, that Lord Guntry then replied, “I must regrettably inform you, that there are skirmishes along the area of the country!” “Skirmishes in the area, but of whom, do you speak of my lord!” Lord Felix asked. Lord Guntry then divulged to us, “It is a bloody ongoing battle, between the local Hindus, and the local Muslims who both are feuding and squabbling among one another!” “Squabbling you say, Lord Guntry?” Lord Carlton, responded. “About some themes, and same issues, religious intolerance toward each other; and religious claims, of sanctuary also!” “Bloody heathens as I said to you all before. Why backward civilisations, would come to bicker among themselves without the fact, that they are impeding themselves with their endless feuding, is so astonishing I daresay!” Lord Carlton followed up. “Perhaps so, my dear Lord Carlton; but nevertheless, it does bring upon this expedition, a rather strong impediment on it!” Lord Tannerbaum emoted. “Is there no other way, Lord Guntry? Surely, there must be another route in which, could be best afforded to us, and to this campaign I ask?” Lord Felix, interrupted. Lord Guntry was pensive, as he mulled over, the particulars to our inquisitive inquiry. After thinking it over anon, Lord Guntry concluded the same so, “I am afraid not unless, there is another clear route but in my opinion, there is not!” It seemed, that there was for us no other choice, but to put this expedition, on hold for the nonce.

“Tell me something my good Lord Guntry, how long do you suppose in your estimation, will it take us to reach Nepal, if we headed in another route? And, if we were to be patient and wait for the local skirmishes that you have mentioned happening than how long do you believe truly, shall we have to wait until, we could go through that route to Patna?” Again, he became pensive in his thoughts; for it did truly require deep concentration, and remembrance of the situation itself. After several minutes he finally, came up with a general estimation, “I must confess that in my deep estimation, if you were to head toward another route, it would take you much more time, to reach Nepal and Pokhara. But then again, if you were to thole for the louch to clear up with the Muslims and the Hindus then, you could be looking at waiting, for aeons it so appears! Either way it is a rather dicey quandary to be in, my good gentlemen!” His advice, rede, were indeed well taken but at the same time, there was of course, the situation with the deadline of which was imposed on us, by the Academy of Science back in England. And also, the good predicament with the previous fording, the lives of both Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury. “I say the situation is rather chaotic, and rather cut-throat at the seems my fellow compeers!” Lord Beasley soberly ejaculated. I on the other hand, held onto an optimistic point of view, that all was not so indeed, lost! “All may not be lost here, gentlemen!” Lord Felix inquired, “What exactly are you getting at, my dear Lord Rutherford?” I naturally so rejoined, and with much conviction, “If we were to take another route, perhaps by pass Patna then, we could besoldefully, still reach the borders of Nepal and somehow reach Pokhara, the appointed destination?” Lord Tannerbaum inquired, “But by how are we to arrive there, my lord?”

I sought to justify my opinion, by beseeching upon my dear old Lord Guntry, for his help. “Lord Guntry, since you know this country, perhaps you could inform us here, or provide a clear route on a map my lord?” He was quite clewy, in the end, “Ah, I shall indeed take the liberty, to help my dear colleagues in at least, that endeavour!” He offered to us, not only his much needed assistance; but as well, his expertise of the landscape of the country. We all gathered around his study, and began in earnest, to design and devise a plan in which, we could reach the country of Nepal without any hazardous risk but in the end, it was suggested by Lord Guntry, that it was best, to wait at least for a week or two in order to let the situation play itself out, along the area. It was not exactly news to our ears, but in the end, it was best to whidlaud, to the suggestion of a man of whom our knowledge of the region, paled in comparison. “I do regret, that we must have to thole; but notwithstanding I suppose, that it is best to be chary in the end after all, it is best in the end to arrive there, with all our faculties in tact. Is it not so gentlemen?” It was rather odd for me to have said that for as I said that, there was in the marrow of my mind, a lingering necessity and uncertainty, to what was happening with the good Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury. It is at times in one’s own life, that he must confront, his deeper fears, along with his intellect. Was the stay to be fastidious, I pray not. Since we are here, we are to endeavour ourselves, with the time, that we were to spent here in Bombay in sharing the time in the company, of the gracious Lord Guntry himself.

26 March-So far our wait, has not thwarted our time in preparations for the journey, nor has it enabled our thoughts. Although, it has stifled our advancement for nonce it is I do hope, only a momentary lull! Today the day was spent aside from our preparations and planning, once again in the company, of Lord Guntry himself. It was quite an interesting day to say the least, for all of us were treated to a hunt; a hunt for another illusive creature, the Great Bengal tiger of India. I was not much of a hunter, and it was rather ackward and splay, to spend the time leisurely; but I suppose, that the chance to capture and observe one of these creatures, would be rather exciting, and desirable. There we were all of us, including lo in behold, the most abstruse member of this expedition, Lord Carlton. We were truly, in the marrow of the jungles of India with one cautious eye on the area, and the other on the animal itself. We had our rifles in tact, and accompanied I must say, along with several local Hindis who were naturally, like hawkish predators, quite well aware of the animal and it’s movements as well. “Such a viscous area so do you think, that we shall find the animal lingering about nearby, Lord Guntry?” Lord Carlton, inquired.

“Perhaps?” Lord Guntry rejoined. “Tell me Lord Guntry, is this animal as ferocious as it is advertised?” Lord Carlton pothered. Lord Guntry then swiftly replied as he stared into the eyes of the pompous Lord Carlton, “Look Lord Guntry, this creature, has taken the lives of many men, women, and children of Greater India and these men here that you see abreast to me, can attest I tell you for whatever statement, I shall make!” It appeared, that Lord Guntry was not swayed nor convinced, for that matter. But as he was walking forward so unbeknown to us, including Lord Carlton himself, the animal would spring then, from the bushes nearby and like a hawk, pounce on him so. With such agility and such thrust, the creature would pull down Lord Carlton; but as it did Lord Carlton’s scream, would be quickly heard by us and immediately, with one shot of a rifle the animal, would be shot dead. But although the ferocious animal was killed, it did leave in the end, a tremendous gash and wound, on the left shoulder of Lord Carlton; who laid there like a wounded prey on the ground, in such pain and anguish. Quickly he was attended to, and just as quickly as well, he was escorted back to the city of Bombay; which was but half and hour away. But in the meantime his wound, was to be tended to, and it was naturally, but the profusion of blood that was bleeding and lost, was of the essence here. Luckily enough, we were able to tend to his wound along the way but there was without a doubt the fact, that he needed to be tended to, in a hospital as soon as possible. And fortunately for us and for the good Lord Carlton, we were able to reach a local hospital in Bombay, and he was quickly treated to.

Along the way he moaned and groaned like a wounded mutt, but he was courageous enough to make it to the hospital in tact despite the anguish, that was written on his face. We were informed, once the good Lord Carlton was submitted, he was to be there, in the hospital for a matter of days. But fortunate for us, and for Lord Carlton, he was to be spared and saved. “I can only imagine, how much pain Lord Carlton must be in; for it is unbearable I dare to fathom!” Lord Felix thence, replied. “I do believe that it must be unbearable indeed, for my good old Lord Carlton!” Lord Tannerbaum retorted. “I do wonder how that wretched animal, was not seen or detected? He must be a bloody wraith I attest, to not be seen by us at all!” Lord Beasley replied. I soon joined in the conversation, “Indeed, such an agile and spray animal, he must be; for he must be never, taken lightly anon!” I commented. Lord Guntry then interjected, “Agile and spray indeed but you left out, ferocious and he is rather silent in his approach, my dear fellow colleagues! For I have seen so, and heard indeed, many reported cases of attacks of this beast and let me tell you that they are all, quite so very convincing and impressive!” His statement was indeed convincing and telling, and indeed the animal, was to be taken seriously. “Perhaps it is best if, we leave Lord Carlton in the care of the medics here. I must say, that he shall be well treated here for I know of the local doctor, who is tending to him indeed!” He then smiled before he replied, “Don’t worry, the doctor is indeed a good friend of mine, and he is British as well!”

We all looked, quite pleased to know that; and since there was of little assistance of what we could do, we decided to leave, and return back to the auspices of the good Lord Guntry’s mansion. Once, we arrived back to the home of Lord Guntry we then began, to dwell in serious thought, about the delay that was presented, by the condition of Lord Carlton. “It appears that there is another impediment, that has been bestowed upon us besides the hectic turbulence between the Muslims and the Hindus my boy!” I replied. We shared a glass of sherry, between all of us studious scholars and also, shared a good cordial parley, about the matter of the yeti; which persisted in our conversations daily. “I wish to ask of you my good Lord Guntry, a matter of which, is rather pressing on me to ask!” The good Lord Beasley inquired, “What, go ahead my dear lord, do tell me!” He was rather pensive, was Lord Beasley; but so where the others, including myself. Lord Guntry was to serve, as our good arbitrator. “It is rather telling on me, but I must ask you a rather interesting question my lord. If I can be so bold to inquire, what has kept you, here in this wretched squalor for so many years I wonder?” Lord Guntry after pondering that question, for a minute then gave his reply, “It is truly indeed, a rather good question to pose Lord Beasley but if you must know, I have grown to like this wretched squalor you mention, and it does allow me the leisure, to be a good representative for our country and above all, for our beloved Queen Victoria herself!” “How many years have you come to spend her in India, my lord?” Lord Felix inquired. Lord Guntry then replied, “It has been off and on, some twenty years or so I believe!” “And what has become of your family my lord?”

Lord Tannerbaum then, imposed the question. Lord Guntry took a long sip of sherry, and then replied, “My family, I was once married several years ago to a local Indian girl of whom, I came to meet whilst I was here, on my first endeavour to India!” He then paused, as if to recall the sobering moment that pursued next, “Unfortunately, it was destiny and fate, who took her away from me!” “What happened to her?” Lord Felix queried next. Lord Guntry once again, took a good sip of his sherry and then, he proceeded to explain to us the sad truth behind, the death of his beloved wife. His tale of grief, was enough to cast only a sullen sadness in our eyes including myself. The day was spent only, on reliving moments of the yore. It was indeed, such a repertoire of old foolish men who despite their ageing, were trying to relive such grandeur in their past. Never have I, relived grandiose moments before or should I say never ere, have I spent the day, reminiscing my days of old infancy as well. I must attest if it shall be known, I do cherish so, my days as a lad. The token moment, was dearly appreciated and well taken by me for it at least, gave me the luxury of endeavouring myself in old company, as that of my fellow compeers. The times of the past indeed, are such appropriate, and so risenlick times.

27 March-Woke upon this day, and took a leisurely stroll, outside of the mansion of dear Lord Guntry; and assayed to ponder a bit, about the oncoming days that laid ahead, on this expedition of ours. It was indeed to be challenging, but it was indeed as well, to be one in which, all factors in this expedition, were to be taken seriously indeed. All along the way, the constant thought of what had betided, upon my dear and fellow colleagues of the previous fording, was pending on me truly. But so was the matter anent, to the condition of Lord Carlton; who had been injured on this escapade, for the Bengal tiger. Lord Guntry himself, had seen me strolling about in the front lawn of his mansion, and soon made his way toward me, “Thinking are you my good friend?” “I was only thinking about, something that’s all my fellow compeer!” He smiled at me, “Thinking about what my old friend?” I then replied solemnly, “About only the situation, with my old dear friends, Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington. And naturally of course, with the pending and present situation, with Lord Carlton as well!” He attempted to soothe my concerns, “I do believe I can understand your concern and worry my dear good friend, but I must confess, that the dear two situations of yours, are rather equal in it’s concerns for it is natural, that one be concerned with his fellow compeers of science!” “That is true indeed my lord but yet, I can not help but to worry about whether or not truly, it was appropriate to indulge ourselves as scientists, on such a whim of one!” Lord Guntry quickly then, quelled any condescending self-deprecating diatribe of doubt or uncertainty. “Come now my dear old friend, you need not to spend your time, upbraiding nor questioning your integrity for the sake of others; especially those, who knew in advanced, all the hazards and perils of this sort, of adventure my friend!” I could only grumble, “Perhaps so good old friend, perhaps so.” We soon abated the conversation, and went off to the hospital, to visit good old Lord Carlton himself. When we arrived at the hospital, Lord Carlton was coping very well, much better than expected but yet, he was groggy, and quite so sedated as well. I did not speak to him, nor did Lord Guntry for he was not in the liberty much, of speaking much for that matter. I say though he did not say much, he was doing remarkably the better than worse. From what it would seem Lord Carlton’s wound, had not been badly infected, and it was spared any tragic thought of amputation. After our visit to the hospital, Lord Guntry myself and the others, soon then returned anon, to the old Guntry mansion in Bombay. Whilst we were there, we spent the time there doing as what we old English codgers do best play chess, and sip some good old sherry for tea was out of the question, for nonce.

The duel of intellectual minds was betwixt, two of the best chess players ever, my dear Lord Felix, and dear Lord Tannerbaum the physiologist against the biologist, a fitting match indeed. There they sat like two bitter rivals, or strident competitors glaring into the eyes of one another. The game was as competitive as they were, and it did bring out the best of intellect in both of these brilliant geniuses. The game at hand was at the point of finalisation, and appeared that there was a stalemate between the two marvels of intelligence. I could see and detect that it was to neither of their advantage and so, the game ended in a stalemate in the end. “I do believe, that the game has ended as a stalemate my dear Lord Tannerbaum!” Lord Felix ejaculated. As for Lord Tannerbaum, he echoed that sentiment, “Indeed so my lord!” I patted them both on the back of their shoulders, and then saluted them for their gallantry, “Good game my boys, for you both were masterful, in your strategies!” The night was soon spent on once again, planning and studying our plan as we sat around the escritoire, mulling over the details of the plan. “So how it must be pestering, to have to wait for other factors to unfold!” Lord Beasley commented.

“I must attest that unfortunately it is a rather uncontrollable quandary, to find oneself so intertwined in!” Lord Guntry confessed. “What tidings are there to report, pertaining to the religious skirmish betwixt, the Hindus and the Muslims Lord Guntry?” Lord Guntry seemed to be enthusiastic about the tiding, that he had received anent those religious skirmishes, between the two fanatical sides, “By Jove it must have slipped my mind!” “Are there tidings on that louch, my dear lord?” I inquired. Lord Guntry would then, immediately inform me of the news, that he had been informed of, “Indeed there is, the skirmishes have quelled for nonce but there is the problem of course of Lord Carlton, who I am afraid perhaps, might not be upto par, for the jaunt to Nepal!” “Indeed, it is indeed a rather unavoidable issue, to overcome hitherto!” “How long you suppose we must wait, for the wound of the good Lord Carlton to heal, or warish my lord?” He swiftly, gave me his response, “A pair of weeks I am afraid!” “Regrettably, there is little we can do; except to thole, and hope that his wound or wounds, heal so!” Lord Felix replied. “It should heal completely in a matter of days. Trust me I have seen these type of wounds before many times previously here, in India!” “This so-called Bengal tiger of whom we encountered, must be a ferocious predator here in India my lord?” My good Lord Tannerbaum queried. “Indeed so my good Lord Tannerbaum, for he is the most ferocious predator here in all of India. He is like the great lion of the plains, or the great white shark of the oceans!” “He is such a rather marvell of a creature this Bengal tiger of yours, Lord Guntry!” Lord Felix professed. I too, came to share that particular sentiment, “Indeed, I shall fear another encounter shall not be, very propitious indeed!”

“Just out of mere curiosity my lord, since you are an expert of this great and grand predator you must know, of it’s weaknesses or shall I dare utter, it’s worthy reputation?” I looked on feverishly for his response. And much to my thinking good Lord Guntry, would not at all deceive me in chicanery for he would boast and brag, about the killer’s reputation as if, he had come to share quite a few chilling encounters, with this great beast of the jungle. “Indeed he is a worthy adversary to any hunter, and his reputation my good compeers, is so well-known throughout this area. And infact, throughout all of Asia for that matter!” He paused and then told us of a tale tall, that he had been told of just whilerely, “It was about several months ago, when I was told a great tale of adventure which was mired in chilling details, and truly as well, aguing circumstances! “Do tell us, my lord!” Lord Beasley, anxiously prodded. And thus, the gracious Lord Guntry, told us of this one great chilling adventure that he was told of and he was, rather dramatic and rather convincing, in his portrayal of the event.

“Very well, I shall proceed to tell this tale but it was very hard I must say, to believe it. But yet it did betide, for the man who spoke this tale to me, was a man who verified his tale with his very own wound which was left, as a bitter reminder of his brutal encounter with this deadly ferocious, and predacious animal!” He hawed as if, to absorb his recollection of the story. Then he continued with the story leaving us all, to be randed in his feeze. “As I was mentioning or as I was saying before, this man called Tariq which is a Muslim name; a mere villager from a nearby village nearby the city, was indeed on a hunt for the illusive tiger, along with four other villagers. He along with the others, had seen and encountered a Bengal tiger before but never had they come to meet, this one grand Bengal tiger ere, my friends!” Lord Beasley then interjected, “Do go on my dear friend!” And naturally he did, “This Tariq fellow, claimed in his story, which I must say, did seem veritable and actual!” “How can you verify that, my lord?” Lord Tannerbaum came to ask. Lord Guntry then, proceeded to give him a worthy reply, “Simple, I came to meet this dear fellow my lord!” “Do continue with the story my lord!” Lord Beasley again supplicated. I on the meantime, merely like the others, observed. “Back to the story, Tariq and the others, had been deep inside the jungle itself, in search of this one Bengal tiger; who had claimed, a mighty daunting reputation with the villagers. For he was the cause of numerous abductions and deaths reported, in the area itself. “You don’t say!” Lord Tannerbaum said. “Quite indeed!” Lord Guntry reciprocated. He then continued with his tale, “As I was saying, Tariq along with the others, were in search of this one killer, who had been terrorising the village and other nearby villages, as well. Well as I said before, it was clear that they had strayed far into the depth of the jungle itself there perhaps, at the lenity or ruth of the predacious monster himself.” Lord Guntry, was so excellent, at eliciting suspense. “What did happen next, my lord?” an anxious Lord Beasley, inquired. Lord Guntry, naturally complied, “Well what happened next was simply the fact, that the hunt went on Lord Beasley!” He then hawed for a moment, as if to catch his breath and then continued, with the story, “There at the domain of the ruthless creature, they found themselves truly engulfed; and enmeshed around the environs, which only benefited their foe. Whistedly and wary, they soon approached more, into the depth of the jungle itself and only, with their primitive old muskets in their hands and along with a sense of instinct, to accompany them along the journey. They were reputable hunters known indeed; but even their own reputation, would forsake them miserably, on this day!”

Lord Tannerbaum then inquired, “Did they all incur the same wrath, as this Tariq?” Lord Guntry then replied, “Patient my lord, I will not rob you of the details indeed!” “Do proceed then my lord!” Lord Tannerbaum, retorted. “All appeared so to be eminent, and yet unforeseeable to them for although, they knew the jungle well and this predator as well, they knew that the tiger, by all means indeed, had the advantage now! They went on forward, looking for any sign of the beast of the night. It was then that!” he hawed, and it caused Lord Beasley to inquire, “It was then that what betided, my lord?” Lord Guntry then quickly, quelled his suspicion, “Patient my lord, for I shall continue! As I was saying before, the men were getting more deeper, into the jungle and as well their suspicion, was growing by the minute. The beast indeed was silent, and mute in his steps completely. It was then that the men, heard a noise coming nearby, they thence remained still and halted their advance. They all came to the conclusion, that the noise was an indicator that he the beast was nearby, lurking and waiting to spring at them!” Once again, Lord Beasley would come to interject, “Was it the tiger after all, my lord?” And as before, dear Lord Guntry, would seek patience from him.

He then continued, “Well, returning to the story, the men had thought that the sound, or noise that they had heard so audibly, was the oncoming presence of the Bengal tiger himself. It would be, an erroneous perception indeed! You see gentlemen, the sound they had heard from nearby, was not the tiger making the noise but instead, a nearby monkey cackling about. But it was indeed, a sound of warning! They let down their vanguard, and failed miserably, to come to understand the heeded warning made by the monkey nearby in a tree. It was then, that a sudden figure, would spring from the bushes nearby and leap onto one of the men in the end, dragging him out into the midst of the jungle. The action happened so fast, that the others did not have the appropriate time, to react. Now there were only three men on the search, and they all knew that the tiger was lurking about and likely, to return! They had engulfed themselves, much too deep into the jungle itself to so easily return, without complication. They all knew that the tiger, was probably still on the prowl. Much to their dissatisfaction, the beast would indeed return; and take another victim, into the fold. Anew, the beast would strike again, swiftly and rapidly, taking the life of one of the other men. And then there were only two, Tariq and another man, by the name of Mustafa!” He took a sip of sherry, and then continued, “As I aforementioned said gentlemen, and then there were only two, Tariq and Mustafa! The two quickly realised, that the predator would once again, return. But they knew as well, that it was best to forsake the search for the beast; and return back alive to the village.

But Tariq insisted that the search go on, and that it was important n the end, that they came face to face, with the dreaded killer now then to wait afterwards and permit another innocent villager, to be mauled to death. Mustafa refused, and he quickly tried to return to the village but as he was returning, he would be intercepted so, by the predacious one himself. A loud, and obstreperous clamour, could be heard nearby and it was indeed, the sound of a man in agony. It quickly dwelled on the mind of Tariq, that his beloved friend Mustafa had indeed, met the same fate that the other villager who had accompanied him, had met. Whistedly and wary, he approached the environs of his hell. His blood was fuming, and his heart was also pounding; throbbing to the core of a thump. His hands were sweating with sweat, and his legs were numb it seemed, to the movement that he took. His beady eyes, were fixed and gazed into the area, that encompassed him. He proceeded forward ever mindful of the danger, that skulked around him truly. With a firm and trenchant grasp of the musket, he surveyed the area cautiously. Once again, the noise of the cackling monkey, could be heard audibly by his ears. This time he was ready, and prepared to heed and whidlaud, the warning entirely. Seconds passed, and soon minutes it would seem as well. Then it happened, the creature sprang, from the bushes nearby but quickly Tariq, would grab a sword from his waist, and plunge it into the heart of the beast itself. But not before the beast, would tear a wound with his colossal teeth, in the shoulder of Tariq. The beast would be killed in the end, but it would leave a massive wound, as a token sign of it’s wrath. The roar of the beast of the jungle, could be heard all throughout the jungle itself. Suddenly it was all over. It ended as it began, but it quickly entered the mind of Tariq, that although the tiger was killed, he was badly wounded in the shoulder; and needed medical attention promptly, at once! He seemed to be delirious, and swooned in a dizzy condition as well. But yet, he knew that he had to reach the village and seek aid quickly, if he was to survive the wound. So delirious, dizzy, he rose to his feet, and attempted to reach the village anon. Practically falling to his feet, and near death it would seem he eagerly and effortly, made his way back to the village!”

Lord Guntry again, took another sip of his sherry, before he continued, “By the grace of God, he made it back to the village and was able to be spared. In a matter of days, he was able to once again recover himself from the wound, that he had been so afflicted with. What was even more miraculously was the fact, that he was able to point out, the tracks that would lead, to the fallen beast himself! That gentlemen, is the end of this tale!” Lord Tannerbaum then asked how could it be that the man was quickly attended to, “Great Scot my lord, but am I to assume, that this man Tariq, was quickly attended to by mere villagers?” He then nodded his head, and then he replied, “Nay, it was I who attended to his wound my lord; for it was by mere coincidence and only that, that I was there at the village!” “Doing what if I may ask?” Lord Beasley then inquired. Lord Guntry then rejoined, “Simple my lord, I had stopped by, to do physical examinations, on the villagers as wonted! You see I wontedly, would stop by the local nearby villages, around the city of Bombay, to examine the locals!” “I understand now, my lord!” Lord Beasely replied. “It is quite a tale indeed, my lord!” I responded. “What became of this Tariq, my lord?” I followed up. Lord Guntry then replied, “I believe, that he is still hunting down Bengal tigers, why I even have heard, that he has gained quite a famous reputation, as a fierce Bengal tiger killer indeed!” “Perhaps this man, could be an asset to our search for the yeti.” Lord Tannerbaum commented. Lord Guntry marvelled over that suggestion, “Perhaps, but that shall be an arduous task indeed my dear Lord Tannerbaum. For you see, unless he is properly enticed, he will not leave this area; for he is breeded well here in Bombay, and he makes a fortunate now selling European merchandise, that I bring to his village. And besides, it would have be alot for him, to leave his dear family behind!” “Perhaps in time, we shall come to depend on him, or brave men such as him my lord.” I quietly then confessed. He on the other hand merely chuckled as if, to echo that sentiment of mine. We spent the remainder of the day, either at the hospital visiting Lord Carlton who was to be release tomorrow or we managed as well, to endeavour ourselves, with a good game each of poker which was a fancy of all of us. Morrow, was to be the day not only when, our good friend Lord Carlton, was to be released but it was also to be the day in which luck which had seemed to abandon us, was to be our good ally. We soon afterwards, retired for the night, after sharing a few glasses of sherry and several rounds of poker, to enliven the night. All in all it was at least for nonce, a good distraction to endeavour oneself in. And even much more importantly, to eschew from the harsh days, that laid ahead for us all!

28 March-Went on this day, to bring good old jolly Lord Carlton again, back to the mansion whereupon he could at least, acquiesce for the day without much clamouring for that matter. I had awakened with such lively spirits and hope, and I took to consideration of the fact, that it was to be soon then afterwards, when this trek of ours to Nepal, and this search for the yeti was to commence in earnest. With Lord Carlton kindly reposing in one of the rooms upstairs of the Guntry mansion, whilst we on the other hand, entertained ourselves with the proceeding, and oncoming plan of which, we were to embark ourselves from whence. We had all of us, gathered around the study of Lord Guntry our kind and noble host, and began to as one would say, go over the details of the plan. “I see my lord, but how will it be feasible, if we are not allowed the much access nor the passage to pass, through this hectic area that you said there were religious eternal feuding?” Lord Beasley imposed that question, onto my good Lord Guntry. The master, that he was Lord Guntry, would only offer a respectable reply, “My good Lord Beasley, you must come to confide in me much better, my lord. You see, there is another route in which, we could take!” It was then, that I interjected, “But where my lord, since you suggested before, that any other route, would be much too arduous, and cumbersome!” Lord Guntry a shrewd man indeed he was, had an even better reply to my question, “Elementary Bunbury, but there is always a way as one say!” “But where, which route my lord?” I inquired. My lord then proceeded to respond to my question, with an indellible answer.

“Through Calcutta, and then onto Darbbanga nearby the border of Nepal!” He then pointed to me on the map, the route in which he was suggesting. “But that shall mean that we must traipse, even more distance in the end my lord. Is that not so?” Lord Tannerbaum queried. “Then that means so, that we must journey across one side of India, to the other side my lord!” “Indeed so!” Lord Guntry regrettably, replied. “Tell me then my lord, what exactly do you know about that region? Are we to expect a welcome by the locals there?” Lord Guntry then replied, “That I hope, and do pray for!” “What do you mean by that, my lord?” Lord Beasley would then ask. “My good Lord Beasley, I see that you have not had the liberty to know much, about this vast country! There is much to study and to observe, but I fear that the situation, that shall come to bear for us shall be propitious and quite advantageous to us, once we arrive there!” “If I can ask upon you my lord, what other means of danger, lays ahead for us all, once we arrive there?” Lord Guntry then was swift, to give an answer, “I shall hope not, my lord!” We soon then afterwards, resumed the strategy and had a cup of tee; and then as customly, a sip of good old sherry as it was the custom now, for all of us to indulge ourselves with. We shared as before, old university days, with each and every one of us; endeavouring ourselves with personal stories of our own to tell. “I recall one day as a young man, recently graduated, from the dear university, when I had first had my formal chat of encouragement, with the old head master, Lord Tritchew! How times of the yore were like, hectic rambles indeed! As I can recall the story, thee gracious head master himself, was awaiting me in his office, with such a studious stare as ever. He was armed to the tee with such ingenuity, at the brass of his mien. “Come in my dear boy, come now. Do not fret, for it is not an admirable trait of one especially of a proper Englishmen, much like yourself!” I hawed for a moment, for I was a bit in awl of his presence for after all, he was the head master of the dear university itself!” Lord Tannerbaum paused as he told his story, and it allowed Lord Beasley, to inquire, “And what happened next, when you came face to face, with the head master my lord?” Lord Tannerbaum then replied, “Patience, is the best virtue my lord, I shall endeavour you all, with the proceeding of this story of mine!” He then continued, “As I was saying, I had found myself inside of the office of the head master himself face to face with the one man of whom, chills brought, into my spine. Of course I was aflutter, and doddering about! But nevertheless, I did have the nerve to proceed and so I did, but cautiously as ever. “I have summoned you into my office my dear boy, to speak to you about a matter, very much important!” I looked on, with hesitance and with a bit of reluctance in me to be bold and austere. “Yes my lord, what pleasure shall I have, in coming to speak to you my lord?” I kindly answered. Lord Tritchew then, asked me to be seated whereupon, I promptly sat myself down; with my shoulder erected, as well as my chin up. “You bear good posture indeed my boy, and for that I must commend you on! But it is not because of that, I have had you but summoned to the office my boy but instead, for another matter entirely different!” “If, it is all so possible to inquire from you my lord, what exactly have you so summoned me for?” If I thought that my intelligence and superiority in knowledge, was that eruditious and so scholarly then, I was to pale in comparison to the head master himself. We looked eye to eye into each other, like one foe to another. But just when it seemed, that I was to be at the lenity of his rank and superiority, I was to be erroneous; and errant in my observation, and perception of him. You see in the end, he was to be quite so pleasant, in his enacture toward me. “I summoned you here, because I only wanted to commend you my boy on being within the top ten percent of your class. And for that, I want to shake your hand! You are well deserving indeed, of this acclamation my boy! I see a very bright future, for you indeed good boy. Cheer up, my boy!” He let out an obstreperous guffaw, and it would leave me in stupidity. I could only offer, a token of a schoolboy’s chuckle!” In the end my good Lord Tannerbaum finished with his story. And in the end, we soon shared other university days singing as well, old university rotes as if, we were young afresh. We shared our singing all of us, accompanied with some niece English brandy. It was indeed apropos the occasion, and it was quite refreshing indeed, to share such festive memories, with such grand men of science all; and those of Great Britannia as well.

As Lord Guntry said in his last toast, “So for the betterment of all England, and for our beloved Queen Victoria, let science never die invain!” It was perhaps to be seen as a selfish knave boisterous claim by a pair old codgers gathered, about with only the urge of nostalgia, to prod their memories. 1 April-Much to report on this day, for we were to embark at last from Bombay and try to but continue our search, for the yeti. Lord Carlton, had managed to gain full strength or at least, he appeared to be there. And we were now all of us ready, to resume the quest in which compelled us to come to Asia in the first place the search for the yeti and but of course, the search for those dear colleagues of ours, Sir Bunbury, and Sir Wellington both. Lord Guntry had managed to but obtain the services of the infamous Tarik of whom, he had spoke to great length of heroism to us before. When I came face to face with this enigmatic man, he seemed to be rather nothing out of the peculiar or ordinary. But, I suppose that such heroes, are not always shaped nor moulded to be, as we do imagine them to be. Nathless, it did not impede, my amiability toward him; and his toward me. Infact the man, who had a thicker moustache than mine, and bore only saddles and a haggard kuffi with him, was more amenable toward me, than I was. One can say that to a great Englishman like myself an Indian, he is a rather, ruttish looking devil indeed! But his keen sense of instinct, was to be admired besoldefully. “Great Scot, I almost forgot about, the most important thing on this journey of ours, the map!” After I had retrieved the map along with the compass that was to be used, we were all set in the end now. We had spent our welcome here in Nepal, although it was only a couple of days. I felt a sense of relief to be at last, on track with the expedition and such oddly enough, that the wound of Lord Carlton had healed, and that for that matter, he was coping well. That previous night was only spent, rolling from one side of the bed, onto the other thinking about the fate of my dearest colleagues from the first expedition. I could not help but to worry, whether or not, our delay had condemned them or whether or not, it was simply feckless to attempt the search for them since perhaps, they had perished already? Either at the hands of the blistering winter, or perhaps, just perhaps at the hands, of one of those foul creatures. It was enough, to spook me in the end, to cause me to be awakened, from my phantasmagoria. The plan was as aforementioned, to go from Bombay to Calcutta, and onto the border area of Darbhanga. With our gear and goods and rest of the necessities, that were needed completely in tact, we set off for this expedition of ours. It was now clear, all was set for this resumption, of this expedition that had seen us, depart from our beloved England some time ago. I must once I arrive in Nepal, come to chronicle the events of this journey, in my journal much more thoroughly if possible!

(Rem-I must remember the route they shall be taken, for it shall be critical perhaps to us, in our return to India!)

We were to travel in our means of transportation, in train to Calcutta and to Darbbanga; but unfortunately for us, the way Darbhanga to Kathmandu, which was the great capital of Nepal, was to be by horse or even, by mule! I dare imagine the expression that was to be expressed by Lord Carlton, at the mere mentioning of travelling by mule, over such a harsh mountainous region, as Nepal. But I suppose in the end, like the rest of us, there was little truly he could do except to accept, that inevitability. At around midday, we left the city of Bombay; and we headed for another known city of India, Calcutta! With Lord Guntry’s guidance and with Tarik’s expertise at hand, we were in good company to embark this journey indeed. The trip to Calcutta, was to be a long one indeed for after all, we were as I mentioned before, trekking from one side of the country, onto the other side of it. Plus the fact, that there was less to be desired, when it came to expectations here! I have taken the liberty to bring with me on this journey, alot of paper and ink for my writings shall be much more meticulous and chary from this point on. I also take the liberty, of having experienced such endeavours as writings, that I shall feel much at ease truly to indulge myself, thoroughly in my writings. Although, there is always the possibility one in which I must come to factor, that there might not be efficacious time allocated to me, to be much thorough in my writings. I suppose that suppositions, are much like supplications, they do not corroborate much ado, than extrinsic colloraries.

(Professor Bunbury’s Journal)

16 March-Have obtained at least, shelter for the night. The cold seems to be shifting from one day onto another. Winter by God seems to be passing us by, but it does leave at times, it’s one remnants of wintry cold. Though, it is gladly I must report, not as devilish nor as harsh, as it was before. Like endless rovers, we wander only from one area to another with only our feet to thus support us, and our hunches and speculations, to kindly steer and guide us forward. I can not but help to pity in my soul, the lost of another fallen comrade in this case my friend on this foray, Sir Cromwell! Such waste, such perdition to have to lose their lives in such a barren and wretched wasteland, as this forsaken pit of hell is! Four days has elapsed, since the discovery of the dead body of dear Sir Cromwell. We buried him, in accordance to Christian burial; and it was indeed, a sombre occasion. The moment as well, was sullen and quite tristful as it was, with the death of my good old friend, Sir Wellington! I had come to be fond, and a warm admirer of Sir Cromwell as was I, with Sir Wellington. “I must confess Professor Bunbury, though I did not personally so know of Lord Cromwell, I do sympathise his lost!” We stood abreast from each other, there in the midst of the mountainous ridge, which laid behind us both. “What shall become of us, now?” I replied. Lord Whitmore then uttered, “We must do, what must be done!” His statement bewildered me, but I waited until the sun set and once we had sheltered to ask him, that particular question of mine. With nowhere to go it appeared, and with every and all directions now appearing to be the same, we decided to camp around the area in which, we had found Lord Cromwell’s deceased body. It was rather morbid, the feeling that I carried inside of me, as I gazed over my shoulder, and saw the nearby tombstone of my dear Sir Cromwell. It would seem to be, a rather uncouth feeling truly. The weather showed signs of winter’s ending, but perhaps it was too soon, to count my blessings? Although spring had arrived, and April was around the corner, being up in this aloof and high pit of hell could quickly, make any reasonable predictions of the weather, moot for that matter!

Luckily for us, there were no rumblings of yetis for the night at least, for this night! As we were gathered around the both of us, aside the warm and soothing campfire, I proceeded to indulge myself, with asking the question that I had saved to ask later, “Lord Whitmore, you said before early in the day, as we stood infront of my good Lord Cromwell’s tombstone, that we must do as you said, what must be done!” He eschewed not, my interesting inquiry. Instead, he was direct and to the point, “Quite simple professor, you see, there is no way of getting back unless by the grace of God, we find our path back. And I must say to you professor, I cannot see that happening without the interference!” He then hawed, allowing me to interject, “Without the interference of whom, my lord?” He then stared into my eyes, and then he dared to utter, “The yeti, my dear professor! You see, we shall certainly die uphere and if not from the cold than by hunger, thirst, or whatever wretched malady, shall befall upon us!” He was so right, and I knew deep inside of me, that I shared the same sentiment of presage. “Indeed, my lord!” I then imposed the obvious question, “Then what shall we do then, my lord?” He smiled, then he said to me, “Since the cold is subsiding, and since we are doomed. Is it not best to abate our lives, in the hunt professor? Can you imagine professor, the feeze of the hunt for the yeti?” I thought he was becoming mad, and had so regressed into a stage of delirium. “But are you certain my lord, that that is prudent after all, are we certain that there is no true way back?” “Professor, do you believe that? If so, tell me of how that is to be?”

I felt hopeless to respond, for I did not have a definite answer, to that exact question. “I am afraid, that I must confess, that I do not know of how, to get back truly!” We looked at each other, with a deep feeling of uncertainty and lingering doubt. The night was somewhat soothing, but it would soon be dismissed, by the howling echoes of the yeti, in the background. It was one would imagine, enough to make one rattled and edgy. And with us, it was indeed to be the case; for Lord Whitmore and myself, stood with our rifles in our hands. Both ready, for whatever dear encounter would so befall, with the infamous one. But fortunately for us, the echoes of the beast, were to be merely, distant echoes the best. At least the sweat or perspiration for nonce, was to be spent on the flames of the fire, and not the sweat of fear. I shall hope and pray, for our dear sake indeed, we shall not see the likes of the yeti soon!

18 March-We have not gained much ground I am afraid, yet we traipsed ahead, but we are truly heading where? North we pray, but the more we tread through the hardened mountains, the more that I come to believe, that we are heading anywhere, but north. Food is capturing a hare or even an occasional yak. Water is struggling to find, a nearby ravine. But I fear, that sooner or later, we shall not be bestowed with the liberty of much game, nor much gulches neither. But for today, it was not a thought to fathom for we were able to find, a yak! There it was, standing but a foot or two, from our presence. Perhaps it was, impervious to our presence. Or perhaps, it was blind to see us. “Steady now professor, if we get closer, we shall be able to strike at the beast, with a fury indeed! A bullet shall be sufficient, if my dear marksmanship, is precise!” I decided that it would be best, to leave the shooting in the hands of the earl after all, he was the hunter and not I. The animal, seemed to be impervious indeed of our presence; and it was to pay the consequence of it’s ineptitude. In a flash of a minute, the creature would be shot and it would quickly, fall onto the ground in a rash. “By Jove, I grounded that animal, with a single shot!” He then turned to me as if, to seek approval, “What do you think professor, am I not a master marksman?” He seemed to be more interested in the kill, than in the provision of it’s flesh. In an instance, he so reminded me indeed of the boisterous and haughty Texan, Austin Fuller.

Soon, the excitement of the kill that was committed would be overshadowed by, the discovery of the macabre decaying body of a man. Apparently at first it was not seen, nor was it visible to us. But a stench of malodorous odour would then, catch our olfactory senses. “I must commend myself for the kill, was rather excellent indeed!” Lord Whitmore gloated about failing to sense the putrid flesh of a depraved man. For it was I, who stumbled onto the terrifying trove. Whilst the good Lord Whitmore, was busy with his kill, I began to pick up amid the wind, the scent of a dead body. Slowly, and ever quite so whistedly, I came across there around the corner behind a thick boulder, but the half remains of a dead person of whom my eyes, could not dare forget it’s image. It was so ghastly, and so ever sickening, that I felt compelled, to turn my head away in disgust. I thought I had seen a macabre sight before, but I was wrong for this sight, was much too repulsive and repugnant to bear. Lord Whitmore soon found me hovering infront, the decapitated body. His feeze would swiftly I so attest, turn into a rather less than audacious gesture. “Good God, what in the bloody hell, is this professor?” he queried. I was so compelled to indulge him with the truth after all, it was dearly much unavoidable. “My good Lord Whitmore, it is the dead remains of but, a poor wretch, who met the sad fate of meeting the yeti!” “Are you certain, that it was a yeti professor, and not a mountain lion or some other creature?” To be certain I had to see for myself, and so I did. I checked what little remained of his body, and searched for a wound that could only be accredited to the yeti! But whatever skulked in doubt, was rapidly dispelled, by the marks that were encountered. The marks, of the infamous one himself. I cringed and cowered with the ghastly sight of, such a poor wretch as this poor man met! It was obviously to attest to by the naked eye, and it was obviously clear, to the gazing eyes of Lord Whitmore, that such a powerful and so trenchant animal, would have had to committed, this barbaric act of cruelty upon one. “We best be on our way now professor, for the day is short; and surely the bloody stench of this poor chap, shall surely overwhelm us thenceforth!” Indeed it was more, than a trifle to swallow. For the days ahead, were to be days of dear uncertainty; and above all, with such bewilderment. But as I departed the body, I noticed that there was a bullet in the body of the man. But I thought nothing of it! With such a hastened necessity, and urge to go forth we anew found ourselves, alone in the barren wasteland of the mountains that encompassed us, like the palisades of a mansion. Evening befell, and the eventide thus ushered in the fullness of the moon and the brink of another encroaching gloomy pall, over the hardened landscape of the mountains. As wontedly around the campfire of our daily sojourning, we so found ourselves the both of us, like two devoted soldiers, amidst the battle that laid ahead. If there was anything that was to be fond of, it was at least, the conversation of another fellow man. I fear that platitude much like solitary, is not much to be envious of when one truly I say, is thousands of feet up in altitude. I dread to fathom, how much of this inconvenience shall I come to bear more of for it is not a comfortable thought to dwell, this lingering woe upon! The conversation for this night, dealt mainly once again, with rehashing old memories of the yore.

It was to be an ordinary night but then again, surrounded by the hellish environs, that we truly find ourselves intertwined in, it is incumbent of me to daresay, that even a hut of the Sherpas, is quite sufficient. For it is much better than that of which, we find ourselves, imprisoned inside of. Thus I must confess, that as the days past, and the days become weeks, I found myself more and more compelled to confide in the betterment of my sincerity to utter that death is quickly approaching; but it is as well, encroaching upon my every thoughts, day and night! Normalcy, is truly such a forsaken intricacy indeed, for it is such a blatant faddity in itself. On one hand is it poignant, but on the other hand, it is as devilish as the fiend in which, eyes us, like a gazing hawk! The beast, the bloody beast of hell, is always so close and also so observant of our every move. I fear that they are but close at hand, like a bird of prey, waiting for us to wither away, like a hare! I do fear that I shall go mad, yonk perhaps if I wallow only in perpetual obfuscation. Another night passed by so, and the sounds and echoes of the creatures lingering about could be heard quite, so plainly and quite so efficaciously by our audible ears. But it was such a wonted thing, that we no longer were quite so edgy and aflutter by the sounds for it was simply, a mere familiarence. But to be safe we kept our rifles nearby, and close at hand, for although we were quite wonted to the noises, it did not mean that we were a pair of ignoramuses, or of stupe dolts for that matter!

Lord Whitmore spends his talk, anent his hunting days, more than anything else. It grows weary and chary upon the mind of one, but on the other hand, is it better to have a close affinity in conversation with a fellow human being, than the bottomless pit of one’s mind! I come to reminisce much about my beloved Martha, and about what I left behind. Perhaps truly, it is pointless to dawdle one’s own time, in such foolish minutiaes when after all it is, but a mere trifling prodigality. I shall procure to be much more resistant to my negativity, but if one indeed is confronted with the inevitability of the grasping hand of death then what shall a man do wait, accept it’s inevitability as a mere conclusion of one’s life? Deuce be, the devil!

20 March-Two agonising days have passed us by, from whence hitherto, there truly is no such breakthrough; nor any sign of God’s guiding hand, to escort us to the heavens! The weather, is much to our benefit for spring is here, but I shall refrain by all means, to forsake it entirely! Our day is spent hunting, and searching, like a pair of wandering nomads, brethren of Neanderthalic men! The more that we tread, and traipse ahead and go forth the more, that we go in circles; as a pair of lost sheep, lost from the herd, or from the flock itself! We seem to be heading nowhere indeed, for our jubilation to reach one corner of the mountain to the other, is quickly so thwarted by the daunting reality, that only pointed crags and steep crevices lay infront, and beneath us! It can not be more emphasised than to say that without a blim of hesitance, death is indeed such a oncoming reality to accept! I scribble at times in my journal, with such agonising expression on my face; but yet, it is becalming at times, for it does bestows upon me the leisure, to at least be reminiscent of one’s own life, indeed! I believe that Lord Whitmore as well, is quickly cracking at the edges of his sanity. The days I say, are not quite different from those past by already and it quickens on one to know, that time as well as the environs that he founds himself surrounded by, is not so kind to him.

22 March-I woke up, to a mighty stir indeed for the trail ahead, and the footprints found, led to the suspicion, and brought upon the conclusion, that there was someone somebody, or it was perhaps something, that had justt recently made those footprints? From Lord Whitmore’s own personal suggestion, it appeared that a man a human being had indeed, made these fresh marks. After glancing thoroughly at the footprints, Lord Whitmore, made the exclamation, “By Jove, it does seem, to be man made indeed professor!” I looked at him having concluded the same, but nevertheless the odd truth was, that until the tracks could be definitely traced then, it was indeed uncertain that it was strictly a man, who had made those tracks. But there was another important and pending question to query and that was simply, where in the bloody hell, did these recently made footprints, lead toward? Unfortunately, it was to be a search left for another day for there was hunger in our paunches and so thenceforth, the search for the unknown person, would be thwarted by the necessity of food itself! The intrigue to know where the footprints derived from, was quite lingering in the depth of my mind for I could not help but to wonder, if just perhaps, it was left by someone of a different expedition? Perhaps an expedition, searching for us. 24 March-Anon the footprints appeared, and they seemed to entice us to track them down. Lord Whitmore seemed to be, rather interested and enthralled, by the newly fresh footprints that were found. “I believe that the tracks lead westward, my lord!” I answered. He rashly, concurred in the end, with my opinion. “Indeed so, my good professor!” And we embarked on our attempt, to but locate and find, this mysterious stranger. But the one constant skulking uncertainty so, that came into the mind of each, was the uncertain identity of this mysterious stranger, indeed! From what was my calculations, the footprints seemed to be rather endless and yet, mysterious as well. In a matter of an hour, we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere, it seemed. And the winds came to be, rather brusque and whurred. Infact although winter had subdued, the hewing winds, did not seize to be brutal upon us for they were not kind to us, on this day. And so unfortunately it was, that the search was to be thwarted for the day and best left, for tomorrow. Deuce be the devil indeed, for I am quickly running out of words to mutter and to write! At least I take to the greatest comfort in knowing, that one day perhaps this journal of mine, shall serve the purpose of enlightening one about my plight!

25 March-Left the campfire, early and yaulded by the urge to track down, this so anonymous fellow. The yeti, much like the night unmiraculously, was quiet. Perhaps the mulish bulls dearly, were much occupied, with another forlorn wretch. The faddity of that was simply, it could have easily had been, one of us! At around sunset, we arrived at the end of the trail it seemed and it appeared that the endless tracks, had subsided! With the fact that we were thwarted by the end of the tracks, and compound it with the coming of the night it left us in quite, a quandary indeed! We had decided to suspend the search for the tracks, but a rather odd and queer thing, would befall upon us consequently. What betided was simply the fact, that as we reached a cave nearby; which was quite rare in itself we came upon, newly fresh made tracks. It was enough, to arouse the feeze of curiosity and intrigue, in both Lord Whitmore and myself. “By Jove, I believe, that we’ve stumbled onto a gem all right professor! Why these tracks appear, to have been made, rather whilerely indeed!” I quickly concurred with him, “By all means, it seems my lord!” I felt though the tracks were indeed of importance to us nevertheless, we remained whisted, and very wary about proceeding forth. “Let us proceed with caution, my dear professor!” Lord Whitmore professed. “I agree Lord Whitmore!” I replied. With that in mind, we both approached with extreme caution, and hesitance. The prevailing thought, that the yeti or yetis for that matter were nearby us; and perhaps the fabricator of those discovered tracks. More worser was the thought of that perhaps as well, the yeti was inside waiting for us to enter? And so, we proceeded inside, with caution and mindful of the danger, that lurked perhaps inside. “Steady professor!” the ever eager Earl of Kensington replied, as he went ahead of me. I walked behind him, with the most sturdy look ever. As we got more inside we could see, a flickering light shine from afar. It was perhaps a signal, of what laid ahead for us? “Good God, what could that light be professor?” queried my good dear Lord Whitmore. “It seems, that we have a host my lord and one I hope, is rather much more amenable to us, than the devil of the creature!” Neither of us, were quite receptive to that thought much for in fact, it was quite visible indeed, in the expression of Lord Whitmore. Wary as before we approached, but with the rifle of the nobleman, to lead the way. I felt queasy and a bit weary, about what we were to find, once we arrived in the vicinity of the shimmering light. It was then as we arrived at the vicinity, that we came to bear, that there were signs that there had been someone, dwelling about. “From what it appears, there is indeed, somebody brewing about this place!” good Lord Whitmore uttered.

“Yes indeed my lord, but the question is who and more importantly, where is he now?” I queried. As for Lord Whitmore, he seemed to muse that question over thus, “It is indeed, a good question to ask professor!” We immediately, began to look around the objects laying about; and from what I could digest it seemed, that the objects belonged, to a rather dear important man. But the identity of the man, would soon be discovered and made known to me, as well. As I was searching through, the scarce objects that were laying about, Lord Whitmore happened to come across, a written journal. “Perhaps the answers could be found, in this dear journal professor.” “Journal you say!” My expression was of excitement, and my intrigue soon then billowed. As I began to read the journal, I began to look for the author of the journal but it would not take long before, I would come across the author in flesh. As I was reading the journal itself, not only did the handwriting strike me familiar but the voice that I would hear nearby, it would, more than match the handwriting. Infact, the voice would clang, with such familiarence. ‘Wondering about the author, well there is no need to wonder no more!” When I turned around, I thought I had seen a ghost in flesh, or a bloody wraith for that matter.

“Professor Hansen good God it is you! You are alive professor!” I emoted. “Yes, it I indeed, Professor Bunbury. And I am alive indeed!” It was indeed miraculously it would seem, the presence of Professor Hansen of whom, I had thought dead and perished, long ago! “How in the bloody hell, were you able to survive professor? Why we took you, to be dead already my dear professor!” I had not casted eye upon him for several weeks indeed, and since our split way back during the infancy of this expedition. “I also, took you to be dead Professor Bunbury!” He said to me, whilst I looked on bewildered. “Professor Hansen you say, the very same Professor Hansen of whom, so much laudation and so much talk was mentioned about?” Lord Whitmore came to ask. As for dear Professor Hansen, he would come to rebut, “Indeed I am! And I am to believe, that sir you are, the Earl of Kensington himself, Lord Albert Whitmore?” If I had to so brook the modesty, and vanity of the haughty Lord Whitmore again then surely, I would have yearned, to seek refuge with the flamboyant Texan Austin Fuller himself. That is of course, that he is still alive somewhere out there. “By all means my dear Professor Hansen, I am thee Earl of Kensington himself!” His smile was indeed a striking familiarence, of the austere Texan himself. But unfortunately formalities, were best left for the social gatherings of balls, than the mountains in which, surrounded us at will. The situation of our quandary, was more direful, than rather cushy to indulge one in, with such a cordial parley. “You must tell us professor definitively, about the details of your rather miraculous survival and how you have managed hitherto, to live and at the same time deal with the danger of the beast of the yeti itself!” Professor Hansen, was quite anxious to indulge us in a cordial parley indeed since after all, nightfall had fallen henceforth. The drama of the tale that he told was rather indelible and incredible as well. It did indeed, leave both Lord Whitmore and myself, rather amazed and bestorted in the end. “Dear Professor Hansen, you are rather lucky indeed and quite fortunate enough, to have survived uptil now. Why your tale, is quite a daring and bold one indeed!” Lord Whitmore confessed. “Ja, it is Lord Whitmore!” Professor Hansen replied. “And I must attest and confess to you both, that it has not been easy at all for the damn creatures, have been lurking about, from one place until another!” I swiftly interjected, “You do not say professor, but how recently have you had unfortunate encounters, with the beasts?” The good professor then was kind enough to tell us, that he had come to had a recent encounter with the infamous, yeti himself. “But only a few days ago I tell you, for I am quite lucky indeed, in the first place but to have escaped the creatures! Again, I was rather crafty!” “If I may inquire professor, but how were you able to achieve that without those bloody wretches, knowing of your whereabouts?” He seemed to be anxious to explain, and to reveal to us his capacities. “With much intelligence, and above all my good Lord Whitmore, with luck. You see I have been able to dodge the creatures, simply because I have had the fortune of coming across the aid of several Sherpa men of whom, I must confess dearly, were able to sustain me alive!” “What do you mean, by that professor?” Lord Whitmore would ask. In return the Danishman, was quite so willing, to explain to the earl, “It is quite simple my good earl, you see, when I was at the brink of desuetude, and death itself my lord, I so stumbled across the path of two wandering nomadic Sherpas, who were in the vicinity. They were amiable fellows indeed, and they so offered me food and supplies that they had with them, for they came from a village nearby!” “Village you do say Professor Hansen, but by God where?” I interrupted. He then replied, “Somewhere past the other side of these, mountains I suppose!” “Is that on the northwest side, or the northeast side professor?” I queried. He seemed to be afflutered and evasive, with his words that I interpreted them to be, bemusing.

“Frankly, I don’t really know professor for there was not much, I could make out of his gibberish talk except to say, that he made mention of his village being nearby!” “We professor, both Professor Bunbury and myself, were on a search for that so-called village but we were not able, to locate it much to our chagrin!” Lord Whitmore, explained. There was so much mystery behind, the tale of Hansen, that I felt that there was something indeed bizarre about his tale. But at this moment, I really can not be certain of that, with such definite clarity! “You talk about two kind Sherpas who gave you food and so on, what exactly befell, their fate professor?” I asked Professor Hansen. Hansen, appeared to be quite precise and meticulous in his words, that it did seem to be quite convincing, and swaying. But yet, I detected something in his eyes that told me otherwise. “The two Sherpas, well they stayed for a night then, they both took off in the day so following but they had promised to return in a day, to lead me toward their village. Regrettably, they did not return, and I was never to see them again!” “How long ago was this occurrence with the Sherpas, my good professor?” I continued. He scratched his head before he replied, “About a week ago I say!” Lord Whitmore, decided to change the subject, “Tell me something professor, have you been able to find a way or route, to escape from this lorn and isolated place?” Hansen then responded, “Unfortunately, there is not any way nor route Lord Whitmore to escape this place!” “What do you mean by that?” Lord Whitmore persisted. Hansen merely told the good Lord Whitmore the following, “The Sherpas told me, that there is truly no other nearby village except theirs. I am afraid that we are abandoned here all gentlemen!” I did not seem to be amenable to that idea, “Why are you certain of that, Professor Hansen?” “Yes I am afraid so, my good Professor Bunbury!” Lord Whitmore, appeared to concur with that notion, “I must agree in the end with Professor Hansen, my dear Sir Bunbury!” It would appear that both of them, had a good point when I myself, had been there along the side of Lord Whitmore, when we could not find nor locate, the so-called nearby Sherpa village. Hansen then, next proceeded to ask us about the fate of the others in particular, Sir Wellington and Professor Walters who were part of the original expedition, “Tell me Sir Bunbury, what news do you have of either Professor Walters or Sir Wellington? Have they, made it back indeed?” A more sobering and solemn look, personified across my face for my expression, was more than joyeous indeed, “I am afraid I must inform you dear Professor Hansen, that both Professor Walters and Sir Wellington are dead, and they are buried six feet under, by now!” Hansen appeared to be moved by that news, but yet I could not tell indeed, if he was truly mournful and doleful, about the tidings. But I felt, that it was quite disingenuous of my part to be so judgmental about his behaviour or enacture. Instead, I took to face value, his yomerful look and expression. “Mitt Gud, Jei kan tror inte detta!” He professed in Danish. Indeed just like my dear Professor Hansen, the death of such great friends and men, especially that of my mentor Sir Wellington, was extremely harsh for me to bear as well. “I wonder if it was indeed appropriate to even bring, Professor Walters and Sir Wellington, on this forsaken expedition in the first place!” Hansen emoted. I too, came to share that same sentiment of his and hearing Hansen’s utterance, it made me recall their sadden deaths and fates. “You seem to have been by the side of both of the men, as they perished Sir Bunbury?” Hansen so inquired. I stood there in forbearance as I pondered that question of his, seeking to grind my teeth, and gnawing at the lingering memory of their deaths. I had wished those memories away, but Hansen only contributed in rehashing them again, “Yes and no. You see when we found Professor Walters, Sir Cromwell and myself, he was much dead already. As for Sir Wellington, I was there at his side, when he perished but just a day after Walters, perished!”

“Sir Cromwell, thee great Sir Cromwell of England Professor Bunbury?” Hansen asked me. “Yes, the very exact Sir Cromwell himself!” “And what happened to him, where is he at my good Professor Bunbury?” Hansen persisted. Once again there was bad tidings to report, “Sir Cromwell unfortunately, met the same fate as the others!” Hansen regretted the lost, “It is such a shame indeed, professor!” I echoed his statement, “It is indeed, such a shame so. But losing the others, is just as well, a shame!” We spent the night conversing, and sharing our adventure uptil now. It is at least comforting to know, that there is another person to talk with, and share mild parleys with. Seeing Hansen again has brought for the nonce, some relieved comfort in knowing, that I have a familiar face to surround myself with. But yet, I feel this strange feeling that comes to overwhelm me. I do not know quite yet what it can be, but I feel more astray to the professor than before. Perhaps it is just a mere fancy of mine. Or perhaps the strain of the toils and the thracks have made my mind, completely so weary and much too waggish as well. There was sufficient food for at least a couple of days, and water was sufficient as well. But the question was, what was to become of the following days afterwards? That would have to be a question itself, that we would have to grapple, with when the time was indicative of it’s need. 26 March-The ending of March is soon approaching, and spring indeed has arrived but yet it has not fully arrived, with it’s brunt of force for wintry snow, is still so evident across the entirety of the mountains which at times, seldom thaw. Professor Hansen woke up quite early today, for he appeared to have ventured outside with Lord Whitmore, to catch some fresh air it thus seemed. I woke up soon afterwards, and started to head outside for I could hear truly the pair, but chatting away outside of the hovel.

But a most than interesting development, would betide upon me as I started to make my way outside. I happened to stumble along the way, onto the dearest journal of Professor Hansen and it was too much of an overbearing temptation, to pass. I made sure, that I was sly in my approach. Stilly, was the exact word indeed! When, I picked up the journal of the dear professor’s, I began to skim through the pages and contents of the journal. As I was reading the contents of the journal I stumbled onto, a most than bizarre detail indeed and entry. It indeed depicted what seemed, to be a detailed plan from the start of the expedition, and of it’s design. And from what it would seem to me, though I did not have the chance to read it entirely, the old good professor had known indeed of the den of the creature. If that was true then, he had lied to us before even when, the expedition had begun! But Hansen had made mention of where he was told it might be, so if that was true then, it was logical that he would pass judgement. Perhaps it was merely a supposition in his part. But what if he knew where the den of the creatures was, and more importantly, he knew so that there was indeed, no real exit nor escape from this place? And he had sacrificed not only my life, but the lives of others including, those who have passed away such as Professor Walters, and thee Sir Wellington as well? Could he have led them into their deaths beforehand? Uncertainty, was quite fitting indeed, but yet it was not enough to prove nor make any succinct analogy about his weird character! Hansen happened to stumble upon my presence, and he did not seem rather amused by my discovery of his journal but he immediately eschewed from being angry, or affected by my intrusion, “I thought the code of ethics, applied even here Professor Bunbury. Why it is not polite for a fellow scientist to read of another, when he is still alive and above all amongst him. Do you not believe so?” I quickly sought to dispense my culpability, and to excuse my poor ethics, “Do forgive me Professor Hansen, indeed you are correct!”

I paused then I said, “I was foolish in reading it, but perhaps my curiosity, got the best of me as I happened to see it laying about, as I was heading toward the exit of the cave, to meet the both of you, Lord Whitmore and yourself!” He seemed to be quite receptive to my apology, and instead of castigating me more, he patted me on my back and then said ironically, “Perhaps one day professor, you shall come to read, the entirety of my journal that is if, I am to never make it back to civilisation, or vice-versa. Perhaps I shall come to read yours, if you shall never make it back, to civilisation!” I could see this rather extemporaneous, and casual expression on his face; as he said those words to me. We headed outside and chatted with Lord Whitmore, for rather graciously, the day appeared to be calm and gentle, and the wind blew mildly on this spring day. But that truly would change, in the course of the day. As we were traipsing so, along the roughed turrain of the mountains, we were surveying the area looking for the perhaps direction of perhaps this suppose village nearby or perhaps, an exit or escape to this wretched land. But, as I stood there aside from the good Professor Hansen, I could not help but yet, to dispel or thwart off the possibility of Hansen’s own words, that the den of the creature was here where we, were indeed presently at! What if Hansen was indeed correct, and we were truly in the center of the den itself, and we had found at last the wretched den of the creatures? Hansen seemed to sense, my bemusement, “You seem rather astray today professor!” I quickly dispelled his intrigue, “Nay, I was simply pondering about, the whole mess in which we were in that’s all professor!” Lord Whitmore then interjected, “Do you happen to know in what direction of the mountains, we are presently in Professor Hansen?” Hansen then replied, “I really do not know that question Lord Whitmore!” “Do you happen to recall, in what direction the good Sherpas, were coming from professor?” Lord Whitmore, continued. “Nej!” Hansen, responded. Was he telling the truth or was he, being mendacious I thought perhaps? “There seems very little possibility hence gentleman, we will not be able to leave this wretched place!” The earl said.

He was rather solemn in his expression but so was I, but yet there appeared to be, a sign of pleasure in knowing that possibility. I had forgotten that he was a hunter, and much like Austin Fuller, he had the killer instinct to kill. “If we are to be barren in this wasteland, than I shall indulge myself at least with the comfort, of taking as a worthy prize indeed, the head of a bloody yeti!” Hansen appeared to be agreeable, with that suggestion of the earl’s, “I suppose, that shall be indeed of great comfort to you, my dear earl!” I felt a twinge of bravura in the eyes of Danishman, but I was adamant in my urgency, to return to London with my own life; even if that meant really, without the token prize of the yeti. “Surely my good gentleman, you can not simply give up, why there is always the chance truly of locating this so-called nearby Sherpa village!” Lord Whitmore was not convinced, for I could see or sense, that the hunter instinct in him, was prevailing more than the rational thinking man. “My good professor, unless we can locate perhaps, a villager from that cursed village then, we are so forsaken professor. And if that shall be the case, I shall not die out here in this wretched place so merely! Instead I shall die in the one thing that most thrives me, the urge of the hunter in me!” If I had thought that grime perception of the earl’s was perhaps doubtful then, his comments would soon, impact his words deeply into the physic of my mind. But now was not the time, to indulge him, with quarrelling or bickering. A feud amongst each other was not needed but instead, the collaboration of our intellectual minds. Hansen and Lord Whitmore, indulged themselves with a talk about the turrain itself and with the direction, of the creatures existence. “Do you suppose professor, that the creatures could be coming from that direction?” He pointed, westwardly.

Hansen seemed to believe, that the creatures were mostly coming, from the north, “Nay my good earl, I think that the creatures, mostly come from the north!” “Are you positive of that professor?” Lord Whitmore inquired. Hansen seemed to be confident and quite sanguine of that, “Yes I am confident of that!” “Then we must not underestimate the creatures at all professor!” I sarcastically replied. “What do you mean by that professor?” the earl inquired. Hansen was quick to agree with my statement, “Yes indeed, we must not underestimate at all, the presence of these creatures at all for they are much adept, and crafty in their mien!” Hansen then anew, sensed my odd behaviour, “You seem to be occupied in thought again, professor?” “I was simply wondering my good Professor Hansen, whether or not if proved that this village exists, if by mere chance it is that another pair of villagers, shall make their way pass us so!” I replied. “If that shall happen then, we shall be rather fortunate indeed!” Hansen retorted. But just as we returned back to the hovel anon, we would discover that the hovel from inside would be ransacked and so quickly it was discovered, that the one precious commodity to us was stolen, was the food itself! And it quickly daunted on us as we searched the rummage. “I suppose, that we shall be hunting indeed tomorrow, my dear gentlemen!” “I am afraid my gentlemen, that the hands of the yeti, have befallen upon us!” my dear Hansen would reply. “We must certainly then, find another hovel or cave to stay in!” I rejoined. But Hansen quickly would dispel that possibility, “I must regrettably tell you gentlemen that this hovel, is the only one within miles!” “Are you certain of that professor?” I asked the Danishman. He would nod his head and then say, “Yes indeed! You see that I have made the journey from here within the perimeter of two miles around, and no sign of any cave was detected!” His words seem, to imply that we were without a shadow of a doubt, marooned in this wasted place of a hovel, and wasted place of the mountains. “Surely, we must attempt to find, another means of escape my good gentlemen!” I emoted. But Lord Whitmore, was much more complacent to the idea given by Hansen, “I must regrettably agree, with the good Professor Hansen professor!” It would seem that I was at the odds, outside looking from the inside of this argument or warling itself. “I pray that the truth, does not forsake us in the end gentlemen!” My statement was indeed, directed to both of them. Lord Whitmore sighed, before he replied, “I suppose that since there is no food left for the remainder of the day, we must go hunting for some. Luckily, the sun is still to our advantage!” Hansen and myself, agreed with the earl, “By all means!” we both replied. “I suggest then gentlemen that we commence at once!” Lord Whitmore commented. Unfortunately for us, one of us had to stay behind and see rather or not, any feasible help in the form of a human, would pass by the hovel or better, stumble onto the hovel whilst one of us, remained behind. It was decided that Professor Hansen, was to be left behind. “I am the logical one to stay behind, since I know the hovel very well and am well accustomed, to the creature’s intrusions!” For once Hansen was right and for once, I was not sceptical of his words. Lord Whitmore patted the Danishman on his back, and wished him well. “We shall not be long professor, and do keep your rifle close to you my boy!” Hansen did not appear to be intimidated by his words, instead he merely replied, “Do not worry about me Lord Whitmore, for I have become well experienced throughout this whole expedition and perhaps you have not be informed, I have made a previous expedition to Nepal before my good earl?” The Earl of Kensington, did not seem to be affronted by the Danishman’s words at all, “Feisty you are indeed Professor Hansen! You are quite an admirable man, and like my dear father once said to me before being feisty, as an admirable characteristic besoldefully!”

I tried to fully understand those words of Lord Whitmore, but perhaps I did not share his prestigious lineage in the end well? Lord Whitmore and myself then departed for the hunt, and from what Hansen had informed us about, there were some closeby hares, although they were not much in size, nearby the vicinity. Hares were to be on the menu on this day, and as long as it was plump and full then, I shall be at least content with that. I fathom that Lord Whitmore, shall be quite as fain as me, to know that tid bit of detail. We soon returned afterwards with luckily, enough pair of hares, which were to serve as our dear morsel of food. “It may not be a mouthful gentlemen but nevertheless, it is dinner for tonight. And notwithstanding that, though it may pale truly to a niece sumptuous dinner back in London, it is dinner indeed!” Hansen was not so easily dissuaded by the dinner, that was to be eaten on this night for as Hansen would acknowledge, “Food is food, my dear gentlemen!” The hares would be cooked by the fire around us, and they were quite delectable and tasty. “I never thought that one could find hares uphere, especially in such a high altitude as we are in presently gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore commented. “I must also admit as well, neither did I Lord Whitmore!” I exclaimed. But Hansen, was quick to dispel our uncertainty, “It is not so dear gentlemen for despite the frigid landscape and the altitude itself, there are several type of animals living amongst us, aside for hares. The yak, and the Nepalese leopard, forms of birds and mountain lions, amongst others!” “Then there is, much game here professor?” Lord Whitmore inquired. Professor Hansen, would reply in return, “Not much, but sufficient enough, Lord Whitmore!” “Leopard you said my good professor, I did not know that! For I have not seen one since the expedition commenced?” I asked Hansen. But it would be the audacity of Lord Whitmore, that would supersede our words, “There is but one creature of whom the both of you gentlemen, have forgotten indeed, the yeti himself!” His words, left both Hansen and myself in awl, for we had forgotten the infamous one indeed. “I did forget, to mention the dreaded yeti!” Hansen replied. “It is obvious, that the yeti has been here already now the question is, when will he return?” Lord Whitmore had a perfect point there, and it was one in which, could not be dispelled at all. “Indeed, that is a rather good question of yours my good earl but it is one, that I can not answer!” Hansen replied. “Perhaps, I shall indulge you my good Lord Whitmore with a reply, as long as the creature knows that we have food it will I say, return! But the question should be asked, will we be the next morsel for the creature?” “Let us pray, that shall not betide or eventuate upon, us my gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore responded. We soon retired for the night, but the night would not be stilly nor quite still at all for that matter. At around midnight a commotion, or a clamour was heard hovering about, from just outside of the hovel itself. Lord Whitmore seemed to be the first, to detect the strange noise that was brewing about outside. With his rifle at hand, he soon reached for the trigger as we Hansen and myself, reached to our feet as well. “I believe that we’ve got ourselves, a stranger gentlemen. It must be one who I do not believe, is a proper guest from Buckingham Palace!” Lord Whitmore answered. Rashly, we were ready and steady with our rifles at hand. We waited and waited for about several minutes, before the intruder entered into the hovel, and with such a force. We had no other choice, but to shoot and kill the creature unfortunately for us it was only in the end, a mountain lion that was killed, and not a yeti at all!” There was relief on one hand to know, that it was not a yeti that had stumbled and entered into the cave but on the other hand, it was most of a close call in the end. “I hope that it does not become an usual occurrence here gentlemen, for I hate to fathom, that we be at the mercy of any wretched creature, during the night!” said Lord Whitmore.

“I hope that is does not as well, Lord Whitmore!” I retorted. Hansen seemed, to be much reserved in his thoughts, “I fear that the worse my good gentlemen, is yet to come!” The earl and myself, seemed to thig that observation of Hansen’s. “Well there is at least food, for tomorrow!” I amusedly replied. “Yes there is at least food for tomorrow, but I must admit, I have never eaten before, the meat of a leopard!” Lord Whitmore, replied. I as well, had not come to eat ere, the flesh or meat, of a leopard.

27 March-After the ordeal with the leopard, the urgency for security was but of indeed extreme importance to us but in the end, there was little one could do to avoid any other incidences from happening. The meat from the leopard, was enough to sustain us, for the day. So, there was no need to hunt for today and all our concentration and effort was to be concentrated, on how to survive amidst the torment that we found ourselves intertwined in. And about indeed, the faint possibility of finding a nearby village or escape route. There was the old urgency on my part, to locate this supposed route or nearby village. And at this point the search for the yeti, was moot and it was of little importance by now. Upon this day, we concentrated the majority of the day, making out a map of the area in which, it was known to us around the general vicinity in which, we were in. Although none of us were experts of this region nor where in the hell we were literally engulfed in, we did have some general knowledge of what surrounded us. We had made our perimeters around the area, about a couple miles in radiance and had calculated from the previous places in which, we had treaded at least from. The map was made out of, some of the skin that was peeled off the leopard by a sharp whetted knife, that the good Lord Whitmore had with him. Perhaps it was better to have done it, with a piece of paper. For it would be much more efficaciously clear to read, one would think. But the prevailing thought, was the preservation of the designed map then, it’s reading. It was indeed, a great and brilliant idea and it served at least, to detail our environs and purlieus. We soon gathered around the campfire outside, since the day permitted us to, and began to so talk about, the quandary in which we were in and the topic of the yeti, did not eschew to be mostly, the general topic discussed. One would of thought that the urgency in finding a route, out of this hell hole was of top priority but instead capturing the yeti, was of more urgency! “From the map that we made out, I believe that if we still head westward, we could truly and possibly, locate a way out of these mountains even if it means, not locating a Sherpa village nearby!” “What are you referring to, professor?” Lord Whitmore inquired, as if he did not truly understand my words clearly.

I then proceeded to elucidate more thoroughly my words, “What I was alluding to my good Lord Whitmore, was simply a supposition of mine. One which if truly my calculations are correct, are more than a mere whim of mine!” Once again, Lord Whitmore was baffled by my words, “I am afraid, that I still do not follow your analogy much professor!” I tried to put my words, even much more effectively, “Let me put in into simplicity here my lord, I have observed this landscape and this area including the areas in which we have traipsed through this part of the mountains. And what I have estimated and gleaned, with my observation is, that we are nearer to edge of the border of Nepal and China, my dear gentlemen!” “Are you, quite certain of that professor?” Lord Whitmore inquired. I then continued, “From what I can surmise, we have treaded since we left Pokhara several months ago, and have reached a surmountable distance. Thenceforth, I calculate that we are but several hundred kilometres, from the border itself!” “Perhaps you are correct professor, but what you have not calculated without certainty is the fact, that we are indeed close to the border, and not far from it!” Hansen remarked.

(Lord Rutherford’s Journal)

3 April-Arrived at Calcutta at last, and with much feeze and astir in my eyes but the trip from Bombay to Calcutta itself, was rather arduous and weary. I must attest, that this region of the world, is much unknown than I thought previously for it is skewed with such poverty and it is engulfed, with such harsh and extreme conditions! I marvel at the manner in which these poor wretched people live under for London’s East End, pales considerably to the poor wretches of this country. Nevertheless, I did not come for a charity ball nor for the benefit, of collecting thus handsome donations for the queen! I must stay steadfast to the course of which, brought me here in search of the enigmatic Sir Wellington and my fellow compeer as well, Sir Bunbury! It was designed that from here, we were to travel to Darbhanga then, to the border town of dearest Birganj. Upon arrival at Calcutta, Lord Guntry’s keen influence was sufficed to say, enough to get a rather cozy hotel down, in the heart of the city. Though, it was not the Royal Lancaster in London, it was still nevertheless, much better than nothing for the nonce! I was told by the good Lord Guntry, that it was most probable, that Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington, stood here in this very same hotel, when they commenced on the search for the yeti having left England. That was a much eerie detail, of an oddity to fathom. That night, we were invited by a good friend of Lord Guntry, a fellow compeer of his by the name of Professor Nirav, a local Hindi professor from the region. His manor, was somewhat European in fashion and in style since from what I came to see with my very own eyes, it was a fitting republica of one of the prodigious mansions in Chelsea, with the exception of it’s dearest antiquity.

I found him, to be a rather amiable host, and dear compeer as well, “I must attest dear Professor Nirav, you have a quite a charming house here, in Calcutta. I truly can witness indeed, the European influence of the architectural fashion of the house. Why I can even say, that it is if I can say, quite English!” My response, brought a slight chortle in the soul of Professor Nirav, “I am rather flattered Lord Rutherford for if I have learned something from the British, it is indeed appreciation, for taste and culture!” “I wonder if I can ask my good professor, what does such a brilliant mind as yours, do here in such an obscure remote area of the world, and not in beloved England?” I queried. He was swift, to answer the question, “That is an interesting question so to pose my good Lord Rutherford. But if you must know, though my country is a impoverish one, and it lacks the prestige and pelf of England, I shall never so abandon the land, that gave me life. You see, mine is but a humble origin!” He paused, before he continued, “As I was saying to you before Lord Rutherford, I had but a humble origin. I grew up as an orphan, in the slums of Calcutta. Just when my fate seemed to be doom, and so mired in perpetual wretchedness, I was taken in by an Englishmen, who took me to an orphanage of where, I was able to prosper and grow up in the shadow of education, and a good upbringing as well! There is so much to give credit to the British, but I must never forget at all, that I am Hindi. And India is my country, and Calcutta, is my home my lord!” As I stood by his side, I came to so admire his devotion to his country, and his most humblest background. There is much to admire about India and it’s people, for it bears a rather old history, and such a broad range of cultures. Lord Carlton was not that impressed, nor was he fully to be admirable of the city. But yet he was, enthralled by the architectural moulding of the house. Moreover, after a torbulent train ride from one side of the country to the other, he was yearning for a bed!

4 April-The day was spent today, on awaiting on our arrangement, to reach Darbhanga. I was told by Lord Guntry, that the trip to Darbhanga, would have to wait, until two days. In order to arrange the arrangements for the trip itself. As aforementioned, the trip from Calcutta to dear Darbhanga, was to be a deviated route instead of Patna, which we had sought to pass through. I must say that the trip from Calcutta to Darbhanga is to be arduous, but what laids ahead once we reach Darbhanga and Birganj, shall be much more arduous in the end. I had sent a letter back to England from here in Calcutta, informing the Academy, about the progress of the expedition. In my letter I had made issue, about the duration of this trip and more importantly, the delays of this expedition as well. In my letter, I made my regrets about the delays of the foray, known to Lord Thacker the head member of the Academy. I durst not to be belabour the point to my dear Lord Thacker for although I knew that he was quite propitious to my cause, I did not want to be rather frangible in his eyes. Lord Carlton, was eager to know of my letter and thus, he was quick to query, about the contents of the letter. “I imagine so that as required, you made known to the dear academy, of our present situation! Am I to take it as well, that you made mention as well to the dear delays that thwarts us, on this expedition my lord?” As wontedly, I was to feel the brunt of suspicion and flak, from my dear Lord Carlton. He was mostly, much to be not underestimated at all. For he bore inside of him, much more than the extemporaneous guise of a haughty huckster. Instead he was a man selfish to his greed, and I felt since the beginning a critic, and obstacle to this expedition. Though, I would have preferred not to have his presence in the expedition, there was so little I could do to thwart, that fancy of mine, “My good Lord Carlton, rest assure my lord that in my letter, I have made mention of our delays to the dear Academy and rest assure as well my lord, that the Academy would come to naturally understand thus these delays, without any criticism!” I made my point, quite clear to good Lord Carlton a bit overt but yet, not that much egregious in my rebuttal. He appeared to be so slightly churled, clotty by my dear bold, austere innuendo. But in the end, he thought to be rather much surreptitious, and particular in his words, “I see Lord Rutherford, and I appreciate your sincerity my lord!” We left our haughty exchange for another day and instead, we concentrated as well as the others, in how we were to endeavour ourselves for the remaining two days, that we were to be hampered by. It was quite interesting was our stay in Calcutta, but yet the lingering feeze to reach Nepal, was but a modblyssend urge in me. Lord Carlton, was still mildly against the idea of travelling from Calcutta to Darbhanga. I fear that his objections at time, do stifle his judgement; and more importantly as a contributor to this expedition. “I still feel that the best course, is to reach Nepal, by route of Patna as the good Lord Guntry had mentioned originally!” “You are not serious Lord Carlton, after all that was told by the good Lord Guntry, about the dangerous skirmishes between the factions of different clans of people! Surely you must understand the adherence that was mentioned to us, by Lord Guntry himself?” Lord Carlton, was swift to reply, “Why of course I understand the adherence that was made by Lord Guntry, but surely you must concede to the fact, that the route to Nepal from dear Patna, is much more advantageous than the supposed route of Darbhanga!” “Advantageous you say Lord Carlton, but surely you could indulge us all in informing us, how advantageous can this suggestion of yours be, to our benefit?” Lord Beasley anxiously queried. If there was a man who was not to be underestimated at all it was certainly Lord Carlton, who was a man who was much thewed and had gain a reputable name throughout the scientific community not only in England, but as well, in the continent of Europe.

“Yes my good Lord Beasley, I fully understand your dear argument and inquiry but let me state equivocally, that our days are but of necessity. For we have lingered truly in delay quite much, than to be expected. And we must reach Nepal, at once! That gentleman, is the objective of our mission!” Lord Tannerbaum then, interposed into the argument, “But what about the risk my dear Lord Carlton, have you not forgotten about the risk that the good Lord Guntry, made mentioned to us ere?” Lord Carlton did not eschew any sense of unweetingness, for like a Jack of all dear trades, he had an answer to all matters of inquiries, “Of course not, I have not indeed forgotten at all the risk factor mentioned, by the good Lord Guntry! But nathless, he did say, that the skirmishes were to possibly abate, in a matter of time I believe. Thus if that be so then why, I don’t see why we do not at least make an attempt to pass through there? Why not first, send a telegram to Patna, to check on whether or not truly, the quandary has abated since then?” Lord Carlton despite his haughty mien, was much a rather intelligent man. And his point, was quite so relevant in the end. “I must say that I thus agree with the good Lord Carlton myself, gentlemen!” Lord Beasley commented. “I too say, agree with Lord Carlton!” said Lord Felix. Then, Lord Tannerbaum, was as swayed as well, “I must say, that I in the end, agree as well!” I found myself in the end at the other end of the argument, and thus, the only one aside from Lord Guntry to object. Since Lord Guntry was not a part of the academy, and one who had to capitulate to the higher authority of the expedition, I was the only one left to respond. Though I was adamantly opposed to the idea of shifting the path that was chosen in the end, I felt that it was not my place to be in such discordance, with the others. Thus, I reluctantly agreed though I did not make my disgruntling forefeeling, known to the others. “What do you say about this good proposal being made by Lord Carlton, my good Lord Rutherford?” I sighed before I responded, “I must concord, with Lord Carlton’s suggestion as well!” It was a rather bitter pill to swallow. I was conceding to the haughty Lord Carlton, and he seemed to gloat in my submissive mien, “It’s agreed thenceforth, we shall send a telegram to Patna and see whether or not the situation there, has cleared up or not!” It was such an irony to see me, be in agreement or consonance with Lord Carlton for we are always on opposite side of the argument, back at the halls of the Academy. I found that tid bit of faddity, to be rather more than just odd. He then addressed Lord Guntry, “I must inquire Lord Guntry, since you are naturally the most indicated one here to know the good region, I was wondering whether or not you be so kind to endeavour us, with that gracious task my dear lord!” Lord Guntry naturally, acquiesce to the demand of the good Lord Carlton, “Of course my good Lord Carlton, I shall be delighted to endeavour myself, in that such task!”

Our next action, was simply to thole and await for a correspondence, from Patna. In the meanwhile, we spent the night once again, in the amiability offered, by the good Professor Nirav. We indulged in an array of interesting subjects, down from biology, anthropology, psychology, and even to Hindi customs for that matter! Professor Nirav was quite feath of a docent, and he did bear the teaching of good English influence. But the night was to be stolen, by dearest Tarik, who endeavour all of us, with another randing tale of his. This time, the tale was the following, “Tarik, was hunting in the good woods by himself, searching for the illusive cobra of India. The cogent snake had gained a good reputation for being a deadly killer in the area, and had been blamed for the deaths of some of the villagers nearby, including a relative of dear Tarik. It was mere coincidence that he happened to stumble, onto the deadly serpent. As he was walking about, searching for the illusive serpent, he thus unbeknowingly to him, as he entered the thick bushland near the river, was closer that to the serpent than he imagined or dared to fathom. He held only a machete in his hands, perhaps he sought to embellish his story, by dearly portraying himself, in such heroism. Like the Great David seeking to slay the Great Goliath, thus he proceeded. He bore in him, the martyrdom of martyrs and bravery of warriors. Perhaps as I stated aforementioned, his tale was much to be desired as grandeur. I would have scoffed at such an overwhelming broadening of details, but notwithstanding, I did allow him to continue his tale. As he proceeded, I listened. Back to the story, as he was in the midst of the bushy jungle nearby a river, he did not known at the time, that the dreaded serpent of hell, was lurking closer, than what he had thought previously. As he was walking about the serpent, was lurking awaiting for him to encroach. So eerie and thus, so creeping was the atmosphere and ambience of the area, that one would be utmost, aflutter by the surroundings in which, he would be enmeshed in. Then a sound from nearby could be heard the cackle, clocking of a baboon, perhaps to warn of the supposed danger, that skulked within the proximity. As he nearer the heartbeat of Tarik quobbed and throbbed, swiftly than ere. It was then, that there was complete silence, between as they say, the predator and the prey. It was then that just behind him, stood the devilish cobra impressive, and imposing as ever! There was no hissing at first from the cobra, as there was no lation in dear Tarik. It was as if either was impressed by each other, and as if, they both admired each other. It was such a daunting but yet, aguing sense of thrill and chill, ran down the blood of both of them. So colossal was the posturing stance of the cobra, that it stood eye to eye to Tarik or so he said to us. And as Tarik would say, so prow and heroic was his own stance as well. Motionless were the two, and for two minutes, they remained at a glance only. The cobra sought to perhaps with it’s hawkish stare to bedazzle, mesmerise the Muslim. But the Muslim, was not that so easily to be thwarted nor threatened by the daunting serpent who stood before him, like a towering parity of an Egyptian pyramid or a Greek monolith. Thus he was the first to make the move, but it was one, much so whistedly and cautiously. With his right hand, he shaded his machete to shade his weapon, from the sight of the vaunting and swaggering serpent. Tarik then, rose his hand ever so gallantly; and like the Roman gladiator, slew his contricant with such forceful agility. The snake reacted, but he was much too late for in the end, it was to be defeated! Off went the head of the golden serpent, and off went it’s golden luster of threat.

The story abated and thus, it was to be understood, that as in the tale of before Tarik, had outmastered another devil in the midst. It almost seemed, that he was to be of the likes of great legends. But in the end, I thought it was at least telling of a story to hear and moreover, it did at least tamper the weariness of the waiting. I stood up tholing that night, about the days that were to lay ahead and in particular this thought dwelled in me, about the time that was lost already in this expedition. Lord Felix saw me in the terrace looking out of the great city of Calcutta. “My good Lord Rutherford, what a good surprise to see you up this late my lord! What keeps you awake at this time my lord if I can ask thee?” “Lord Felix, what a pleasant surprise indeed my lord! I was merely observing from afar at the unique, and odd features of the sight of the city of Calcutta itself!” He then approached, “Yes I must say, that I marvel somewhat, at the sight of this rather odd city itself. But rest assure there is still an ever much more daunting, but yet indelible sight ahead of it my dear Lord Rutherford!” I wondered about what he was alluding to, “If I may query my lord, what exactly are you truly referring to?” I kindly asked. Lord Felix in return was kind enough, to give me his reply and in the end, it was to be one that would marvel and stupefy me as well. “It is quite elementary my dear Lord Rutherford, once we arrive if God grants us of course that liberty to Nepal, we shall come to envision an even more dauting sight, the Great Himalayan mountains my lord!”

His earnest reply, did make me envision myself, that certain oddity, “By Jove, I hope that you are right my lord for if it is as many dearsay it to be thus I shall be indeed, rather urgent and eager, to be bestowed by this impressive sight to bear!” “Indeed so, my dear Lord Rutherford!” I felt, that there was much depth to the words of dear Lord Felix for the challenge that laid ahead of us, was what consumed our feeze entirely. Before he departed, I dared to inquire, “My good Lord Felix, if I may query, what shall befall of us, once we arrive there? Shall the expedition thus be as satisfactory, as we imagine it to be?” He mused that question over, before he came to say to me, “Good question my lord, but yet, it is one that I can not truly answer for the expedition, is much still alot to unfold!” “What do you mean, my lord?” He hawed for a moment then, he said to me the following, “What I do mean simply is, that are we to find in the end once we reach our dear destination, what we are hoping to find?” He seemed to be as bemuddled as I was, “I shall truly hope so, for not only for our sake but also for the sake of the dear Academy my lord!” “Of course the dear Academy, always the sake of the dear Academy. But I wonder, what principles our those, that we endeavour ourselves with this expedition?” I responded. Lord Felix seemed to be just as baffled as before, “Principles my lord, but in what manner?” I attempted to elucidate my exclamation much more, thoroughly to my good Lord Felix, “My lord what I fear, is more than a mere whim. I want to confess something to you Lord Felix of which, does seem to haunt me at will!” “By God Lord Rutherford, what has truly troubled you my lord?” I was one to be surreptitious, and much furtive with my privy thoughts but there was this overwhelming urge, to so profess my thoughts to someone. And in particular, to one of dear fellow compeers. “I must confess my lord, that what troubles me, is the fact that there is much unknown about, the previous fording of Sir Wellington, and Professor Bunbury. My God, there is nothing at all, that we know about that previous expedition of theirs. I fear, that their expedition went astray. And to be frank, I fear that this expedition shall not accomplish much in the name of science unless, we can find them my lord, or what became of them at least!” It was such a dear shrive in my part and Lord Felix, seemed inwardly, to labour the same premonition or omen as I bore in me. “Cheer up my lord, we must stay steadfast in our thoughts, and not be mightily thus so thwarted by pessimism. For our sake let us hope, that Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury both, are thriving in the name of science, and not stranded in it’s cause!” He padded me on my shoulder as he said that to me, and when he departed, he left me quite pensive than before. Perhaps it was because what he said, was of utmost adherence to. It was wise to be cautious, but it was much more wiser, to be positive in one’s own thoughts. It is much prudent of one, to be much more receptive to kind thoughts, than to be so easily compelled to fancy mere speculative whims. Thus, I shall assay to be much more amenable to thinking that only, serves as a benefit to our plight, and not as a detriment at all! I soon left the confines of the terrace, and returned to the room and retired for the night. But not before I cudgelled thoroughly in my mind, the adventures of the days that laid ahead for us all. As the gale of the wind brushed the curtains of my room I could not help but to ponder as well, the dear fate of my compeers of whom, I had thought much of during the duration, of this endeavour of mine. I shall be eager for the correspondence that shall be arriving tomorrow if fortunate but if not, I shall be eager twice for it’s arrival. I wonder rather or not, my fellow compeers have not fully bend to compliance to my dear Lord Carlton. I fear that though, his savvy mien may have won the best of this quandary, I do not felt at ease that the others, confide in his reckless ways. Do not get me wrong, for I do not question the integrity of the others, in their consonance with Lord Carlton but I can not help but to feel uncertainty, that Patna in the end is above all, the safest route to execute!

6 April-Two days after the correspondence was sent to Patna, and strangely enough, we were to receive, rather mix tidings. But on one hand, we were told that the train heading toward Patna from Calcutta was still in operation and active as well. But the drawback to that was, but of relevance. What were we to do once we arrived there, after being told in this letter indeed that situation in Patna though somewhat reduced, was still quite hectic and torbulent? The wish was to arrive at Nepal at whatever cost, as long as we could arrive there, as soon as quickly! There was this overriding feeling in me that Patna, was not the correct course to take but in the end it was to be left, for a vote! When the correspondence from Patna was sent Lord Guntry, would be the indicated one, to give us the tidings. Thus, he arrived sometime around midday, to inform us all about the rather odd circumstances behind, the letter itself. We were all gathered about in the study of the house of Professor Nirav awaiting eagerly, for the correspondence from Patna. He was not that surreptitious with his tidings, nor with his forefeelings neither. He was frank, and he was candid with his words, “Good afternoon, my good gentlemen. I have news to tell you all my good friends!” He paused for a minute, allowing the others to fathom his thoughts. Then, he said to us all, “I received information in this correspondence informing me, that access from here to Patna is permissible but there is any matter, that must be addressed as well gentlemen!” “What are you inferring about, Lord Guntry?” Lord Beasley inquired. Lord Guntry then made his words, more clearer to not only Lord Beasley, but to the rest as well. “I understand your inquiry my lord and is justifiable but let me say, that we are at a double-edge sword here. You do see good gentlemen, though the trip from Calcutta to Patna is viable, there is still the danger of what has ravished the city itself, the local skirmishes!” “Are you alluding to what, you had rather mentioned to us before, my lord?” “Precisely!” Lord Guntry replied. “That’s does so hamper the spirits of one!” said Lord Felix. “Is there no other method of transporting, than the option that has been afforded to us from here to Patna, my lord?” Lord Tannerbaum so queried. But Lord Carlton was quick to give his opinion and vociferate it, quite so stentorianly as well, “My good gentlemen, surely the risk and the danger that laids ahead of us there in Patna, is not truly much different, than the dear danger we shall come to indeed encounter in the harsh, rigid landscape once we arrive in Nepal. Thenceforth, I suggest that we abandon the thought of deviating our course from here to Patna. Time my friends is of the good essence here. We can not afford to lose anymore time gentlemen. That, must be taken into the consideration here, and that must be of supreme priority always, my fellow compeers!” “I must disagree with you on this argument, my good Lord Carlton!” I emoted.

“Ah my good Lord Rutherford, how could you so easily, conclude to such notion without measuring, the importance of this argument? Is it not important that we arrive at Kathmandu promptly, than at whatever cost measured my dear Lord Rutherford?” “Yes I understand your point my lord, but yet, we must be prudent in our thoughts! If there is this lurking danger within the city, and much to our health, than I suggest that if our arrival is thus to be delayed a day or two, is it not much to our advantage to choose a route in which though it is longer in duration, still permits us to arrive there anyway?” I sought to elucidate my thoughts, but Lord Carlton was as feisty to object, “My good Lord Rutherford, I fully understand your concerns but yet must I point out to you, that this expedition has surpassed, it’s duration in time already. By God, we should be in Nepal already my dear gentlemen! And if we allow ourselves any more delays, tardiness in our part then I say, we shall be forsaking, not only the well-being of this expedition but also, the perhaps well-being of our dear compeers both, Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury?” Haughtiness, and vanity was much aligned to his conceit and self-adulation.

I did not think that he was to invoke the names of both Sir Wellington, and dearest Sir Bunbury at his advantage but then again, I knew that he was capable of anything, as long as he could achieve his objective. And that was to outwit and outmaster me! “Lord Rutherford, though you are in charge of this expedition, let me not make you forget, that in such an important matter as this matter, is it not best that we take a vote all of us members present here?” He then looked at all the members present, and addressed them each, “Lord Beasley, Lord Felix, and my dearest Lord Tannerbaum, surely gentlemen, you agree with me!” Though Lord Carlton’s point was one to argue about the selection of route to be taken, his point was well elaborated. Thus, I could not simply go against the suggestion that he had offered. So, I allowed him to proceed without a true objection for the nonce. In the end, I could surmise, that the others were much in favour of this supposed vote. One by one, they came to vociferate their opinion, “I have no objection!” My good Lord Felix said then, came Lord Tannerbaum, and Lord Beasley, “I have no objection at all neither!” “No objection in my part, as well!” I was the last to vociferate my consent, and much to my chagrin, I reluctantly consented to this vote, “And you Lord Rutherford, shall you consent in the end, to this vote?” I was forced to swallow my pride, and my objection, “Naturally, I have no objection thence!” “Hitherto, the vote shall be casted. And we shall each of us vote to see, what route shall be chosen!” Henceforth, it was decided that a vote was to be taken and in the end it was thence decided, that we were to take the route to Patna, instead toward Darbhanga. I would have desired otherwise, but there was no much I could do for I could not go against, the decision of the others especially when, it was overwhelmingly, against my own approval. I could tell, that Lord Carlton was gloating in his victory over me for he did not eschew, his satisfaction. It was decided that we were to thus leave early in the morning to Patna, where it was best suitable and idoneous for our satisfaction. But amidst the uncertainty of what laid ahead tomorrow, there was a good sense of optimism, seen in the eyes of the others including not to say the least Lord Carlton, who sought to be modest, amongst his impudence. I shall be more than anxious to know, what collorary shall befall upon our arrival to Patna? I hope, that it shall not be as hectic and torbulent as stated! For if so then there shall be more than a delay to be expected; a hearty welcome of chaos!

7 April-We left the great city of Calcutta, and found ourselves, on board of the train that was leaving from Calcutta, to Patna. I must confess, that I am not at ease at having to seek, this route over the route to Darbbanga; though it is the more swiftest route to take. But there was a sad piece of news, Lord Guntry had surprised us by informing us, that he was not to head to good Patna with us but instead, he was to head back to Bombay later on the day. “I suppose that this is farewell, my dear compeers. Regrettably, I must return back to Bombay for I must tend back to the matter, of my affairs there! It is regrettable as well, that I can not join you gentlemen but I do wish you all well!” He shook hands with the others, and then lastly with me. And before he left he said to me, “I pray, that you inded find Sir Wellington, Sir Bunbury, Professor Hansen, and Professor Walters, all alive my dear, Lord Rutherford!” “I shall hope for our sake, that they are alive Lord Guntry!” As for Tarik, he was to accompany us for he was paid handsomely to serve, as our protector. Since he was quite so handy with weaponry and with a rifle, he was best to be suited for the cause of protecting us from the possible dangers that skulked about so, in the high mountains of Nepal. Lord Carlton was eager to arrive at once at Patna, and more importantly as well to Kathmandu! “Well gentlemen, let us not keep Patna and then Kathmandu, awaiting! For the feeze is awaiting us there, upon arrival!”

His randing feeze, was easy to detect in his eyes but for how long I pondered. I was more concerned with the turbulence that was expecting us in Patna, more than the delays that were so, belabouring us. The journey from Calcutta to Patna in train, was to be two days in duration. Lord Carlton and the others occupied their time, with intellectual parleys, amongst discussing at great length, the expedition once it was to arrived at Kathmandu. As for myself, I occupied my thought at the time, on the unrest that was happening in Patna. Though I tried feverishly, to not have my thoughts so overtly known to the others my expression, was quite procint to be noticed. Dearest Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury, I do wonder if they are alive, somewhere out there in the harsh snowy mountains of the Himalayas! That is after all my greatest hope and desire. For it is the one objective of which, mainly concerns me. 9 April-Arrived at last, into the train station of Patna of which I must attest, was not much of a train station to enter. A most than dramatic occurrence, befell upon our entrance into the old city. As the train was entering into Patna, a mob of brigands, thieves, madmen, went aboard the train, and seized the train unfortunately, taking us as well, as hostages. It was precisely, what I feared could happen. Lord Carlton, sought to be bold and audacious in the midst of the hostage takers, “Excuse me my fellow gentlemen, but let me handle this matter!” Was he mad I thought, or was he trying to be cunning? Whatever it might be labelled, his capricious austerity, would be not adhere at all, by the dear brigands on board. “I wish to speak to your leader if I can!!” The rabble of men were mostly Muslims, and they did not truly seem to understand much English for that matter. They were all dressed so, in such rag tag clothing and their faces, were dishevelled and dingy; for they bore the need of proper bathing and grooming as well. They all had at least one distinctive feature about them and that was, that they had long thick beards and moustaches that did make one so remind them of ancient Islamic soldiers of Muhammad. They carried rifles, that bore the blades in the end of them of bayonets. They quickly gave their good response to Lord Carlton’s good offer of token fate. They pressed the bayonet of the rifle into the gullet, and then the craw of dear Lord Carlton. I thought it fitting to entreat upon Tarik, to speak to them; and tell them quite clearly of what our purpose was in coming to Patna. I was taking a risk, not only in being rather injurious risking my harm but as well, the well-being of the others in particular, my dear fellow compeers all! But nathless, though out of urgency it was in my view, the most prudent endeavour that was befitting of the situation in which, we were in at the time. I made certain, to employ this true endeavour of mine whilst the good Lord Carlton, was trying to reason with the brigands. Tarik fortunate enough spoke their tongue which was Urdu, along with Hindi and Punjabi. At first the men were leath, reluctant to hear him out for they thought it was a ploy used, to dissuade them in the end. But they acquiesced in the end, but not without one demand from them. And that would be vociferated by their leader, the only man who spoke proper English. His name was Rasoul, and was a fierce devilish man to barter with for he was tough on the exteriority, and surreptitious in his interior soul. From a glance, he did not seem the chap, to easily be impressed nor much to be dealt lightly with. He had thus then entered the train, “Good morning my dear gentlemen!” Then, he stared at our guises, and made the remark, “Englishmen, are you not gentlemen!” It was then that Lord Carlton thought it suitable of him to interject, and be the sponsor of our voices, “Good morning sir, it is good that at least, you do speak English. And above all, that you are a gentlemen at least!” So he thought, “Who are you sir?” he asked with a pleasant smile.

Lord Carlton then said to him, “Sir, my name is Lord George Carlton, and I am from the prestigious Carlton family from Kent. It is an honour to me, and let me say, that I speak for the rest in saying, that we come here indeed in goodwill sir!” If he thought, that would thwart off the mien of their leader, he was wrong! Instead his ingenuity, would cause the leader of the brigands to take advantage of him. “Lord Carlton, you said that your family is from Kent? Then, you are a wealthy man indeed is that not so, Lord Carlton?” Unweetingly Lord Carlton, would reply, “Yes of course, our family, is a highly aristocratic one from Kent, to be sure!” “Then you must excuse me when I say my lord that you and your friends, shall not be leaving this train but instead shall be taken, to a nearby place of ours!” “But surely sir with my influence, I could give you money sir and your men!” The man chortled, “That is precisely the reason why my good Lord Carlton, you and the others shall be my hostages or should I say, my dear guests!” It was then that dear Tarik then interrupted. He began to speak to the leader of the brigands in Urdu. The leader as said aforementioned, disregarded his noble gesture. Tarik had informed the leader, and the rest of the men, that it was impervious that we arrived at Nepal. I had told him also, that a battalion of the English Royal Army, was to be arriving at the train station there in Patna, within the time that we soon left beforehand. Was it going to work I bethought in me? Or was my bluff merely to be thwarted off, by a pair of vigilant eyes? Tarik had done his part in swaying the good leader, but it all came down to whether or not, the leader this Rasoul, believed in my hollow threat! At first there were signs that he was not to be thwarted off by my whurred threat. But in the end, he came to believe strongly in the threat. He told Tarik that we could depart but under the condition, that we gave him all of our valuables, jewellery, money, wallets, etc, etc. It was a bitter pill to swallow, and quite more a bitter reality to bear. Lord Carlton was the first to offer his precious valuables, “Here you go my good sir!”

The others were as eager to let go of their personal valuables, also. But, I stood apart from the others, though I was not a spry young man anymore I was a proud, and dignant man of whom pride and dignity, I bore within me. Perhaps it was mad, or senseless to resist. But truly I felt, what was to be lost in the end with this thievery, was much more important to forsake! Was I to forsake the well-being of the others in the end? It seemed that Tarik, was the only one who I felt, understood my posture and notion. I then interrupted the conversation between Rasoul and Tarik, interposing so daringly my voice, “Listen to me here sir, though you carry the rifles and the upperhand here at this moment, must I remind you that in the end, kidnapping or even killing governmental subjects of the king, is seen under English law here imposed in India, at a great crime! And the penalty sir is thus, but death!” It was now upto the daring leader of the brigands, to make the next move. Was he thus to comply, or thus to renege unwillingly? After several minutes of thorough thought, Rasoul, said to me the following, “My good Lord Rutherford, your brave words do not scare me. But, let us just say for the sake of argument, that you are quite fortunate to be, British sir!” I saw the birse in his eyes, as his eyebrows curled up so angrily. But nevertheless, he submitted to my threat. He called on his men to leave the train, but not before he stoled from the other poor, and wretched people or passengers, who were on board of the train. Including, some defenceless British folks! At last, I was able to breathe a great sigh of relief, and so were the others. But, they were quick to thank me, for my daring subterfuge, and chicanery. “Excellent job my boy!” Lord Felix said to me. The others likewise. All except Lord Carlton as to be wonted, was reluctant to thank me; for it meant truly accepting defeat, at my hand. “Nay, the thanks are to my dear Tarik, who was able to speak to their leader much more effectively, in their tongue than I!”

“Indeed so!” Lord Carlton so stalwartly replied. Crouching behind this false façade of his bravura was Lord Carlton I felt. Yet I did not seek to asperse, to be conflictive with him neither, for I let him gloat in his words, but the others were not that amenable toward his defiance. “How befitting it be that, Tarik be the one to be acclaimed after all, he spoke the heathen’s language!” Lord Tannerbaum strongly then, vociferated his anger toward him, “Bosh and bilge I say, for all of us do know, that if it had not been for the skill, and adroitness of Lord Rutherford then, must I dare to point out to you Lord Carlton, we would be at this moment, hostages of these heathens as you call them!” The others were quick, to chide Lord Carlton. And in the end, there was nothing that he could say to rebut except a cordial grin, and begrudging acceptance of my polished feat. He then said, “Now that we are here, let us thus then, find a good hotel within this city!” If there was something of which, I was in concordance with the haughty Lord Carlton then, it was that rather heedful suggestion of his. But if we thought the hectic turbulence was over then, we were afur to believe that. For the atmosphere of the city was still mired, in somewhat violence and of turbulence seen so uncommon, to most Englishmen from abroad. Though Lord Guntry, had told us that we could find a good acquaintance of his in Patna, a certain Lord Eaton. But unfortunate for us finding Lord Eaton, was not that difficult as what thus proceeded afterwards, upon our finding him. When we arrived at his estate, there was chaos for he seemed to be leaving the estate, in haste! “What is happening here my lord?” Lord Carlton asked. Lord Eaton then urgently responded, “There is much chaos happening in the city, for the Hindus are at the throat of the Muslims, whilst the Sinks against the Buddhists! Much danger in dead. I suggest gentlemen, that you get out of the city as fast as you can today for that matter!” “But where will we go my lord?” Lord Carlton queried. “I don’t know, but you must not stay here any longer! Do leave this place, as soon as you can!” I then interjected, “My good Lord Eaton, my name is Lord Rutherford and if I may ask my lord, where can we find a good hand to escort us to Birganj in Nepal?”

Mercifully, he was able to advise us about a perhaps certain person of whom, could assist us on our endeavour to reach Nepal? “I believe I have just the man!” He recommended such a fellow, a man by the name of Singh, and was the most indicated to help us. “Good luck!” was his last words uttered to me, and the rest. Lord Eaton then, left us. Therefore, we were on our own. But luckily for us thenceforth, it did not take much time in duration for us to locate this man, by the name of Singh. He was a local Hindu man, and did not much differentiate between, creed nor of religion. The only thing that was of importance and extreme significance, was the money, that was given to him for his noble services. He was a shrewd business man, and when we located him, he was truly glad to offer his services to us, but at a cost! “I will gladly assist you gentlemen, but I must be fair to say, that it will cost you a hundred shillings.” Lord Carlton was adamantly opposed to grant this man, a hundred shillings for his kind services, “Nonsense, for we shall not pay you sir that amount of money for fifty shillings, is appropriate for this service. Do you not think so sir?” Mr. Singh was rather baffled, and bemuddled with the brazen impudence of Lord Carlton, “It is sir, not enough! If you want my services, you will pay me a hundred shillings for my services!” I could tell, that he was not going to budge at all, with his mien. Thus I proceeded forthright, and so forthwith, in accomplishing his services at whatever cost in return. “Can you guarantee us, a safe passage to Birganj, Nepal sir?” Mr. Singh, was appreciative of my bold austerity and he did as well, appreciate my candour. “Yes, indeed so sir!” Lord Carlton, was not that amused at all, by my effrontery toward him. He appeared to be clotty and churnful with his mien, and his odd enacture that I could see it, quite clearly in his eyes! Thus he made his discontent made known to me, “Lord Rutherford I must say, that you are always the swashbuckling type are you not? You wish to be incessant thus, with your brazen impudence toward me, do you not my lord?” If it had not be for the fact that I respected him, as a dear member of the Academy, I would have remarked back with such vile and haste. But much on the contrary, I restrained from such great aspersion, “My lord, must I remind you, that it was you who did seek, to reach Nepal at once. Or was I errant in my supposition, of your previous remarks my lord?” I saw that my words, reached him for the nonce, “Clever you are my lord, but you are so correct in saying, that we must reach Nepal at once!” “Time is indeed of the essence my dear gentlemen. Let us not bicker and warl, but be cohesive in this great endeavour of ours. After all gentlemen, it is our mission!” Lord Tannerbaum responded. Fortunately, that was truly something of which Lord Carlton and myself, fully agreed with. “Of course my lord!” I rejoined. “Enough of talking, let us make the arrangements then gentlemen!” Lord Felix emoted. We soon made our arrangements with good Mr. Singh. And it was determined, that we were to leave dear Patna, within the hour. For nonce we were to shelter ourselves, in one of the downtown hotels. The dear skirmishes in the city of Patna, were growing so in one side of the city, than in another. The soldiers of the Royal English Army, had been sent in to quell the skirmishes. As we were in the confines of a raggy worn torn hotel, we were tholed for Mr. Singh to arrive. There was commotion, and turbulence happening just outside of the hotel. For there were feuds, fights, frays between the locals. “By Jove, I do hope that Mr. Singh arrives soon, for I hate to wish, what bad outcome can be awaiting us outside!” Lord Felix said. “Good God, I hope that we shall not succumb to the rabble of men outside, who perhaps are searching to lynch us all, at a will!” Lord Carlton, anxiously vociferated. “Let us be patient, and wait for Mr. Singh to arrive my dear gentlemen. We must not be haste, in our mien gentlemen!” All agreed, even dear Lord Carlton himself. Soon Mr. Singh at he pledged, arrived at the shabby, and careworn hotel, “Mr. Singh, it is good to see you again sir! Are we to leave now sir, for as you see the streets outside, are full of turbulence?”

Mr. Singh did not seem to be afluttered much, by the hectic disturbances of outside, but instead, he was calm, and much professional. “By all means gentlemen, we shall be leaving promptly at this exact moment!” Mr. Singh then proceeded to inform us, about the good details of the plan that was to be executed. He was to shovel us out of the back door, and into a carriage that was awaiting us to then escort us, to the train station, whereupon from there we were to be shuttled out of the station and toward the border town of Birganj. It was there, that we were to then travelled to Kathmandu. It was the objective to reach Nepal, where the danger of local tribal, religious, race skirmishes did not befall as much in Nepal. Carefully and whistedly, he escorted us all from the hotel, and then he took us to the train station whereupon, it seemed that there were many people as well seeking to depart. The Royal English Army, had thence arrived into the city. There was a sigh of relief in the eyes of all of us. But it seemed that Lord Carlton sought it fitting to dismiss the services and the need of Mr. Singh. “Now that we’ve got our boys here with us, we no longer shall be needing of your services, Mr. Singh!” I asked Mr. Singh to wait for us, and give us time to chat, and thus he did. “Lord Carlton, what exactly, are you doing my lord?” I asked. “Lord Rutherford, must I point it out to you!” Lord Carlton replied. “Indeed so my lord!” I retorted. “Lord Rutherford we shall no longer be needed the escortation of dear Mr. Singh, since we have our boys, to escort us there much willingly I believe!” “Lord Carlton, your idea is rather noble and worthy, but I must say my lord that, with all this hectic turbulence happening in the area of Patna, I do not think that the good officers of the queen, shall have much time to escort us to Nepal!”

Lord Carlton chuckled slightly, “We’ll soon see about that, Lord Rutherford!” The others, Lord Tannerbaum, Lord Felix, and Lord Beasley looked on, with somewhat of uncertainty and of doubt instilled in them. “I hope that Lord Carlton can indeed sway the men, to escort us!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. “I believe that Lord Rutherford is right, the men shall be much occupied to help us!” Lord Felix rejoined. “I must concur with you Lord Felix!” Lord Beasley solemnly then answered. When Lord Carlton approached one of the majors of the soldiers, he was confronted with the response of, “I am sorry my lord, but I am at the moment indispensable. For the queen had ordered, that we bring authority onto this place!” “But sir, I am an aristocrat and I know the dear queen. Surely, that should be sufficient cause, to render your escortation!” Apparently the good major, was not impressed by the haughtiness of Lord Carlton. “Regrettably my lord, unless you present an order directly from the queen then, I must unfortunately state equivocally, that it is impossible to escort you!” “Deuce be the devil! I shall report you to the queen!” Lord Carlton vociferated. Still the major was not impressed, “Do what you have to do my lord, for your dear threat, does not compel me my lord!” He then started to walk away from Lord Carlton, but not before Lord Carlton, tried to employ another tactic bribery, “My good major, perhaps if I came to recompense you, it would sway you.” He flashed before him, shillings mightily! But even that, was not enough to sway the dear major. “My lord, not even a thousand shillings, could come to sway me my lord. My duty is first to the queen and her orders, are to be obeyed with utmost respect my lord!” It was evident to Lord Carlton, that he could not rely on the assistance of the good major. Reluctantly, he would inform us of the earnest reply of the good major. “Regrettable, but nevertheless, we still have the services of dearest Mr. Singh!” I responded. “Good God, thankfully we still have the services of good Mr. Singh!” Lord Tannerbaum rejoined. Much to the chagrin of Lord Carlton, we had the good services at least still, of good Mr. Singh. “Can you still escort us to Birganj, Mr. Singh?” I asked him. He nodded his head in compliance, “Yes my lord, certainly I can! But we must leave at once before it gets too hectic here, at the train station!” He kindly escorted us, onto the train whereupon, we were all thence seated. The train thus departed from Patna, to the border limit of India; and there we were to cross onto Birganj, Nepal. On board of the train, we were capable of being idoneous in our seats for aside from us, there were few passengers on board, who dared to venture by train. The hectic turmoil of the religious skirmishes in Patna had brought fear and fright in the locals, mainly the British denizens of Patna. But mercifully, we were at last out of Patna and on our way to the border of India and Nepal. We were all glad to see ourselves leaving Patna, and heading for Nepal. “By Jove, after all of this hell that we have endured not only here; but in the duration of my voyage from England to India, we shall be at last, reaching the destination point of Nepal!” Lord Felix said. “Let us hope my dear gentlemen, that we shall not run into anymore troubling delays!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. “That I pray for our sakes gentlemen!” Dear Lord Beasley emoted. “Have you forgotten gentlemen that, there is still much danger to look forward to, once we arrive in Nepal. For though we are near our destination, we are still afar from exactly reaching the appointed place of the Himalayas!” said a pensive, and mindful Lord Carlton. I truly never thought that I would come to be, in such agreement with Lord Carlton about something but I suppose there was always, an exception to be made. “I must agree with Lord Carlton, for the journey is much ahead for us. We must not be complacent with the fact, that we are to arrive at our destination of Nepal but instead, we must remember, that until we have arrived in Pokhara thenceforth the journey is long, and the expedition gentlemen, has not even begun in earnest!”

(Lord Rutherford’s Journal)-Continued

10 April-Arrived finally at the border town in India, and were so fortunate enough to enter into Nepal though it was difficult for Nepal, was not that so receptive to foreigners, especially such Englishmen as ourselves. The skulking remembrance of the English dominion of India, had been easily seen by the keen eyes of the Nepalese, who mostly were of Indian descent mixed with a few clans of Tibetan and Sherpa origins. Mr. Singh was able to effectively allow us entrance, but not without utilising persuasive manners, mainly bribery! It was not a tactic to be jubilant about; for it was instead one to be scoffed, and frowned upon. But none the less, it did serve the dear purpose, of our entrance into the country itself. There is much uncertainty and doubt still within me for though we have reached Nepal, what is there to be awaiting ahead, down the road within this country? It was past midday when we arrived into the country of Nepal. Thus afterwards we travelled by train to the mysterious capital, of Kathmandu. The plan was then to head to Gurkha then finally, to Pokhara our final destination. But there was problem, a great impediment yet to overcome. The reality was that our trip thenceforth, was no longer to be on train but instead, by carriage to Pokhara and from Pokhara to the Himalayan mountains, it was to be journeyed by a mule.

The prospect of travelling by mule, was not an idea that either of us gentlemen fathom or desired much in enduring. Since, we were all pretty much old codgers and the rough and sturdy challenge that laid ahead, was something of which, we all were quite concerned with. The notion of trotting, and traipsing on hardened earth, was not exactly much of a fancy to attach a whim to at all! The trip from Birganj to Kathmandu, was in effect, an hour in duration. I must attest truly, that the train ride from Birganj to Kathmandu was much slower, and so languish in it’s plight. It was indeed a majestical but yet odd sight to bear, when we arrived into Kathmandu. For the dear great city of Kathmandu, was like venturing into another century an episode, of Marco Polo’s book of which, mentioned his allurement of the great city of the Mongol’s Karakorum. Indeed it did not have the glint, nor the luster of that such infamous city of the Great Khans. The city was so much smaller and much backward as well, than any European city of Europe or even than that of India itself. Mr. Singh was kind enough to find us some lodging, though it was crude and quite primitive nathless, it was better, than sleeping elsewhere on the floor. I could tell in the eyes of Lord Carlton, that he was not that pleased, nor elysian about the sleeping arrangements but yet, it was not a fancy awarded to you at all! It was so determined, that we were truly to stay here in Kathmandu, for a day at least for the night indeed. The question was now, who was to escort us to Gurkha and to Pokhara? It was indeed, a question that needed to be so answered. Although the services of Mr. Singh were thus rendered to us, how much would it cost hitherto, to extend his service? It was something that we all had to make a conscious decision toward. Mr. Singh had stated that he was to be in the dear capital of Kathmandu for the night, and then he was to return if not needed, back to India. There was to be conference among us members of the Academy on whether or not, we were to extend our services for the good Mr. Singh. At least the night was afforded to us, to dwell in our thoughts of consideration. “What shall we do, dear gentlemen?” I asked them all. Lord Carlton was the first to suggest, that we abandon the services of Mr. Singh and instead, hire a local Nepalese who’s labour, would be a much cheaper cost, “I do suggest gentlemen, we hire a local Nepalese here to escort us to Gurkha and Pokhara!”

Lord Beasley and Lord Felix, seemed to agree with that idea but yet, Lord Tannerbaum and myself, were opposed to that idea of Lord Carlton. Not merely, because I stood to oppose Lord Carlton himself, but because of the fact, that I felt that Mr. Singh, had done an excellent job in escorting us to Kathmandu. And since as well, he stated to me, that he knew how to reach the enigmatic towns of Gurkha, and Pokhara. I had conferred, and consulted my thoughts with dear Lord Tannerbaum, and then I made my objection, made known to the others who opposed me. “My dear gentlemen those who stand and oppose me, let just say gentlemen, that so far my good Mr. Singh, has been an asset to us. Thus, I implore reason here! Why gentlemen, would we then depart from the services of Mr. Singh if hitherto, he has served our purpose. Do not mistake me gentlemen, once we are to arrive at Pokhara then, it we employ the services of one of the locals who know the region of the mountains quite sufficient!” At first, there was this slight hesitation I could feel inside of the others. Lord Carlton was swift, was to reject my proposal, “Nay, it shall not be conducive to our cause at all gentlemen! Why should we pay more, when we could pay less my dear gentlemen?” I thought that Lord Carlton cunning shrewdness, would sway the dear others to his argument but in the end, I was wrong! On the contrary, the others were to stand abreast to him on this argument. “Lord Felix then vociferated, “I believe that Lord Rutherford is correct, we have much to be thankful for the services of Mr. Singh. Thenceforth, I must agree with Lord Rutherford Mr. Singh’s services, are to be extended and applauded, my dear gentlemen!” Lord Tannerbaum and Lord Beasley, were not that far away, with their consonance. “I must agree, with Lord Rutherford also!” “I as well!” It was only, the dissatisfaction of Lord Carlton, who stood adamantly against, the extension of the services of Mr. Singh. In the end he was forced to acquiesce, for he was in the minority. “I see that you gentlemen, are bent on having this Mr. Singh escort us to Pokhara. Let it be stated I say, that I stood opposed this dreaded idea. But nevertheless, since I am a member of the dearest expedition as well, I must sacrifice my objections, for the sake of the expedition itself!” It was so fortunate to see, that Lord Carlton could be perrapted and conciliatory at times, than to be rather fastidious and churnful. “Now that we have settled that issue let us eat gentlemen, for I am quite the famish today!” Lord Tannerbaum emoted.

“Excellent idea my lord!” Lord Felix concurred. It was dear Mr. Singh, who had found us lodging in Kathmandu, that would help us find some food to digest, and some niece local tea to drink. Though the food was not English nor European for that matter, and the tea was British. It still was quite sufficient in taste, quantity; and more importantly, in consumption. Gluttony much I say, consumes a mind so ravaciously when there is hunger and thirst involved. “The tea I must say gentlemen, is quite pleasant and delightful. For it bears the taste, of a familiar tea I once had the liberty of tasting, in the West Indies!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. “Lord Tannerbaum, surely you are overexaggerating, when you state such a frivolous statement my lord. For you see there is no better taste than that of English tea. To be comparable to it, would be almost impossible!” It was as to wonted, another perpetual diatribe sprewed, by our good compeer Lord Carlton. If I did not know him personally, I would have thought of his antics, to be more than so trite, and mere banal ill-miff! We were able to fill up our paunches with food, and our gullets with water. As but aforementioned our sleeping arrangements, were less to be so desirable. They were as Mr. Singh had informed us to be, much more better than those that laid ahead for us, in Gurkha and in the town of Pokhara. We did manage to catch a rather strange local ritual which was called, the dear Dunjee by some of the locals who were mainly Sherpa visitors, from the areas of dear Gurkha and of Pokhara as well. To describe the nature of the ritual, was of utmost intricacy. The ritual I was stood, was used to scare off the dreaded yeti itself. Yes, the very same yeti the creature of which, we had come to search for along with searching for Bunbury and Wellington. It was an odd occurrence, and the main attraction, was a man dressed in a bizarre, primitive mask that was representing in the end the daunting image, of the creature itself. “The features are rather remarkable, my good gentlemen!” said a bewildered Lord Tannerbaum. “What is the importance of the mask, dear Mr. Singh?” Mr. Singh happened to be wonted to the customary ritual, that he found it proper of him to elaborate about, “Lord Rutherford, from my experience with the Sherpas, the mask is to show the gruesome image of a yeti. That my lord, is the reason for it’s usage!” “Sherpa’s you say, are they the local people of this region Mr. Singh?” I asked. “Sherpas my lord, are found in this area, but where we will be heading toward next Gorkha and in particular Pokhara, we will encounter the stronghold of these people!” “I am afraid, that I don’t understand your words Mr. Singh!”

He then, proceeded to elaborate, “I’m simply referring to the fact that from here on, the Sherpas are the ones, who populate this region!” I then queried, an eerie question anent the issue of the yetis. “I must inquire to Mr. Singh, about a rather odd question but yet, one pivotal to our cause. What exactly do you know about, the so-called creature called the yeti?” I did not want to seem so overt, and direct with my inquiry; but he did not take offence to my candour. It was he who was so subtle about his candour, “Lord Rutherford, perhaps it is the Sherpas, who shall be best befitting, to answer that inquiry of yours. They are the people whom you need, to speak to my lord!” I found his answer, to be rather proper and adequate. “I shall try to do that, Mr. Singh!” Tarik had received some bad news that from back home. A letter written by Lord Guntry had informed him, that his beloved brother Jamal, had been wounded in the dear skirmishes affecting Patna where he had been living for years. I was sadden with the fact, that I was to lose his services though they were now best utilised, for the adventure still laid ahead. I did express my regrets to him for he was to leave early in the morning, back to Patna. The night so befell, and we all found ourselves tired, careworn, and languished. We all decided to retire for the night, and awaken in the morning whereupon, we could indulge ourselves, with what laid ahead as far as the preparations for Gurkha, and Pokhara where concerned. But I yet despite my fatigue and weariness, I found it somewhat difficult, to slumber in for the night. I spent my time musing about, the preparations that laid ahead for this foray. It happened to be that whilst I was standing outside, Lord Tannerbaum spotted me, and approached me. “My good Lord Rutherford again, pondering my lord?” I was mildly startled, to see him behind me, “I must say my good Lord Tannerbaum, isn’t it a lovely night to breathe truly some good fresh air!” “You have not answer my question my lord?” he said. “If you must know my lord, I was thinking about truly the preparations that laid ahead, for this good expedition!” I said. “Lord Rutherford I must confess, that you are seeming more and more, pessimistic about this expedition; more and more my good lord. Is there a motive, a reason behind this?” I did not think, that my strange and odd behaviour and uncertainty, was rather clear to detect. But, I underestimated the abilities of my dear fellow compeers, especially the wits of Lord Tannerbaum. “My good Lord Tannerbaum, I see that I can not deceive you my lord! I have not mention this to any of the others, during this expedition. But there is something that is troubling me about this foray!” “What are you my lord, alluding to?” he asked me. “I am alluding to the strange premonition, that I do share!” “Strange premonition you say my lord?” “Precisely my lord!” I replied. I could tell, that he was to be still baffled by my words.

I elaborated, “I don’t know how to explain this my lord, but I have this feeling in me that there is much uncertainty, pertaining to this good expedition of ours. I have been up late at night, pondering about the dear fate of the other expedition indeed. And, I can not but wonder, what delays, obstacles, dangers that faced during their very own expedition, my lord!” My good Lord Tannerbaum, appeared to sense my worries, whole-heartedly, “I must confess my lord, that it is something that at times, does pass through my thoughts but I repeat we must stay, optimistic in this endeavour. Not only for our sakes, but for the sakes of Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury!” We left as ere our thoughts, our notions of the previous expedition, for the nonce. I did so enjoy my conversations with Lord Tannerbaum, and the others for it did help me pass the time. I had but yearned to reach Nepal, and now that I had arrived in Kathmandu, I was yearning to reach it’s greatest unknown gem, the Himalayas! I made my way back to my quarters and retired for the night eager, for the journey ahead.

11 April-We said our farewell to Mr. Singh, who regrettably due to the turmoil back in Patna, had to return at once. I was fond of his services, and though he did ask a high price for his dear services, he did accomplish what he had promised he would do. Thus for that, I did not have any reason to argue nor to defame him. As we stood outside of our lodging, I personally said my old farewell to him in person, “Well, good luck Mr. Singh, you were truly a worthy guide and escort for us sir!” “It was nothing my lord for I did, what you asked of me to do. For my services shall always, be welcome to you and the others my lord!” Mr. Singh said his goodbyes to the others even including Lord Carlton, who did not exactly, welcome him with such warmth. Although he did see him off Lord Carlton was somewhat deceitful, with his so apparent amiability. My dear position, was not to indulge myself, with senseless whims. But instead, with the task that was to be awaiting us in Pokhara! “I do suppose that we wouldn’t be seeing that chap again gentlemen!” Lord Felix commented. “I strongly doubt that, gentlemen!” Lord Carlton emoted. “I would not be so confident if I was you Lord Carlton, for let us hope that we won’t be needing his service again. And let us pray, that once we return to Patna, the violence will have abated my lord!” He seemed to understand my point, and the thought of going through another hectic incident as that of before that occurred in Patna, was not one could say rather pleasant to the likes of my good Lord Carlton. “The dilemma now my dear gentlemen, is how are we going to get from Kathmandu, to Gurkha, and then onto Pokhara, without a guide?” Lord Tannerbaum inquired. “Why that is so easy to respond to my lord, we shall obtain the services of another guide, and a local perhaps. It is often much prudent, to have a local who knows the area quite well, to serve as one’s, own guide do you not think so gentlemen?” Lord Carlton, interjected. I then interrupted him, with a good basic question of my own, “Pardon me Lord Carlton, but if I may say, what we need is merely a guide who knows the area well but much more importantly, a guide who can speak English!” My good Lord Carlton, did not take it well to being corrected especially when his dear unweetingness, had took the better judgement of his thoughts. “I must agree, with dearest Lord Rutherford’s point gentlemen for his point, is a valid point indeed!” said Lord Beasley. It did not take long, for the others to say their agreement as well. Sensing he was outnumbered as before, Lord Carlton, reluctantly came to accept my suggestion and notion, “Yes Lord Rutherford, we would not like to employ a guide who after all, did not even speak proper English! It would not be wise my lord! Do you not think so?”

“Proper English humbug, for what do we care if he spoke proper English. For he could be American, or bloody Canadian. A peasant from Yorkshire, for that matter. What we do need is for him, to know a few words of English enough to escort us to Gurkha, and Pokhara my good gentlemen!” Good Lord Tannerbaum emoted. He then added, “It would be indeed excellent, if we were able to find a rather proficient English speaker but if we must do with something less than that then it is all, that shall be afforded to us gentlemen!” I did not see Lord Tannerbaum forceful mien to be rather incomprehensible, for it did not eschew much at all, the discourse of any other member of this expedition. But I could surmise from the expression of Lord Carlton, he was not that amused at all, by the sturdy reprimand of Lord Tannerbaum. We left the good arguments for latter, and came to so discuss our immediate need; another needed guide for this expedition. “Well gentlemen, what shall we do, about our present dilemma?” Lord Tannerbaum queried.

At the point, we all started to ponder; and cudgel in the depths of our minds, the options that were bestowed upon us and more importantly, where were we to so obtain our next guide! There was a pensive, and reflective keen observation seen in the eyes, and gestures of each of us. After ten full minutes, the silence thus was broken. Fortunately I would be the one, to elicit the needed answer, to our dearest and difficult dilemma. As I was bethinking mightily, I stumbled across the presence of an old Sherpa monk. A Buddhist monk for that matter! And fortunately for me, he happened to be speaking in English to an Indian man from India. Though he dressed in his traditional garment, it did not make much of difference in my eyes. For the fact that he spoke good English, was enough to sway me in a dear heartbeat! I made my discovery known to the others, and they were somewhat hesitant at first but in the end, they were compelled to agree with my notion. “I do hope that you are able, to sway the good monk for I hope that once he hears of our predicament, he shall be fain to assist us my dear gentlemen!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. “Let us hope that be the case, my lord!” I reiterated. Lord Carlton was not that keen from his looks about utilising the services of a monk, but on the other hand, there was no other great option bestowed to us for the nonce.

Thus I made my way toward the Buddhist monk, and I cordially introduced myself to him whilst the others, remained from afar at the time. I waited until, he had finished his conversation with the Indian man, before I approached him rather whistedly. “Pardon me sir, but if you could indulge me a minute, I wish to speak to you so, about a matter much important to me, and my dear colleagues as well!” The Buddhist monk, smiled and though I was a stranger to him, he treated me with kindness, and cordiality above all, “Yes, what can I do for you sir?” I could tell, that he was not well introduced in the mannerisms of the ways and customs of European for he did not address me, as my lord. But on the other hand, it was perhaps rather much to do about nothing after all who was he to I, and I to him? I went forth, “I wish to asked you my dear sir, about an interesting proposal, that I have my good sir!” “You said a proposal sir, what proposal may I ask, do you refer to?” His English was impeccable, though he had a slight brogue attached to it. I sought to be candid, and direct with him at that point, “I wish to ask sir whether or not, you would be willing to serve, as a guide for us. For my name is Lord Rutherford, and I along with other good fellow scientists from the Academy of Science back in England, are on an expedition sir. And hitherto, we are in need of a guide to escort us to the dear towns of Gurkha then, Pokhara our final destination!” It was a risk indeed to take, but I felt that it was one in the end, that was well justifiable. He was slightly throwback by my question, for I could sense that he was musing and mulling over thoroughly, that particular challenge imposed on him.

He then said, “It is by mere coincidence sir, that I shall be heading tomorrow morning for Gurkha; for I must return there, to visit my brothers!” Was it a mere coincidence I thought, or the gratitude of God? Nevertheless it did not matter, for as long as he could escort us to Gurkha and perhaps even to Pokhara, that was all that was of extreme significance, to the expedition! I soon made the tidings known to the others who like myself, were much relieved, to hear that the good Buddhist monk would be kind enough, to assist us in our endeavour. The other members of the good Academy, were soon introduced to the dear Buddhist monk who’s name though odd, was rather traditional amongst his people, Pema. Infact he would offer us, a personal escortation to his dear temple which was a but, at the other side of the city of Kathmandu. Naturally, we were quite content, and anxious to be bestowed, by the pleasure of this temple of his. Oddly enough, it was Lord Carlton, who was more than eager of all of us, to see this strange Buddhist temple that the monk had invited us to witness. Once we arrived there there was this admiration, and as well indeed, this fascinating presentiment that befell over us, especially myself.

Lord Beasley, was the first to react and comment, “Incredible!” Lord Tannerbaum then replied, “Fascinating!” But we were all instored, for an even more greater surprise. Once inside the temple, we were introduced thus, to what appeared to be a surreptitious odd looking object which was kept in what did seem to be, a container of some sort. The place from inside was glended, decorated with religious inscriptions and symbols but truly much more different, than a mosque or a cathedral for that matter. The other monks present, were abreast in prayers it seemed. The container was a glass container, and the object was as murky and opaque as the darkness of the room in which, it was in. It was glassy and eerie was the atmosphere, but yet, the most telling story above all was the mystery, behind the obscure object. Eager to know I thence inquired, “What exactly is it sir, that you have there, in that glass container?” I felt that it was better, instead of imposing inquiries from the start, to allow him to proceed, with his dearest explanation of the object. “Gentlemen, what you are about to see my friends, is something truly of which, I have not showed to any Europeans!” Eagerness and anxiety then, prevailed over the rest of the members of the expedition. He then proceeded to lift up the veil which covered it then he said to us, “Gentlemen, there it is my friends!” “What is it sir?” I queried. There was a rather gloomy silence, in the room where then the monk proceeded to utter, “It is my friends, the hand of a yeti!” Our reaction was to be expected, and there was this odd expression, seen on the faces of the others. Lord Tannerbaum’s eyebrows curled upwards, whilst Lord Beasley’s heart throbbed. Lord Felix’s mouth dropped, and good Lord Carlton, was mightily stumped by the admission. As for myself, I was just as bemused as they. “Yeti you say sir! But what are you saying?” I said. He on the other hand the Buddhist monk, was quick to retort, “It is indeed the hand of a yeti, sir!” It was such an indellible admission to accept and believe, but notwithstanding, we were quite eager to investigate his claim of validity. We all huddled in conference, attempting to surmise the good words of the Buddhist monk. “Incredible it may seem gentlemen, but what are we to make, out of this dear claim of the monk?” Lord Tannerbaum, queried. “Could it be a forgery so, my lord?” asked Lord Beasley. “It would be a remarkable discovery, if it was so proven true my lord!” Lord Felix said. But Lord Carlton, was not that easily convinced that the object was actually, the hand of a dear yeti, “Nay gentlemen, for in my esteemed opinion it is nothing but a fraud; a mere old forgery my good gentlemen!” I was asked about my personal opinion, “And what do you think, Lord Rutherford?”

Lord Tannerbaum inquired. I sighed for a moment, as I stood gawking at the object from afar. Then I replied the following, “I am just as bemused and baffled as the rest of you are good gentlemen, but in my personal insight I must concur, that unless we can truly study the object in the end gentlemen, we shall only be at the mercy of suppositions and uncertainties!” All agreed in the end, even the grumpy and doubtful Lord Carlton as well. I tried to approach the claim of the Buddhist monk with much cordiality but yet, with much thorough thought, attached to it. “I must inquire sir, would it be possible for either one of us, to actually make a thorough study and examination of this so-called yeti hand?” I was not certain of what was to be, the kind reply by the noble monk. His hesitance did not make it easy for me, to surmise his reaction. After awhile, he came to give his answer, and it was to be wonted, “I am afraid sir, that I can not allow that. It would be sacrilege, even in our religion sir! Do not mistake me sir, I say it for the sake truly of our humble temple!” “But why then show it to me thence, sir?” “I merely wanted to show it from afar and tell you, about our great secret. You see sir, something in me tells me, that you are truly indeed, a good man of science. And your intentions, are of good will!” I quickly saw his point. I also, understood his intentions as well. I did not see to belabour the point or issue, but yet I had wished to explore, to study the so-called hand of the yeti. I saw in the guise of the Buddhist monk, the guise of a man who was genuine and above all, benevolent. He was a worthy man indeed, and despite his humble origin or background, he was a man full of wisdom of which, it did not eschew my impression of him. I thus said to him, “Although, I must say candidly, that I do not agree with your analysis sir, I truly respect it and your intentions as well!” We soon shook hands and flashed, a token grin of duly respect, toward each other. Soon I returned to the others, and conferred with them about what the monk has informed me, anent the opportunity to examine, the decrepit hand of an old creature. All in consonance, agreed that though it was regrettable, there was not much to do except thole and hope that the good Buddhist monk, would change his opinion. All except naturally of course one Lord Carlton, who did not seem quite so easily convinced, that there was nothing that could be done, “I suggest gentlemen, that do whatever must be done, to sway this Buddhist monk. For a chance like this, is a golden one to lorn so easily gentlemen!” “What do you suggest we do then Lord Carlton?” I anxiously inquired. He seemed to have a rather inquisitive but yet surreptitious stare, in him. It was more of a gleam of luster that reflected from his bold expression. “My dear gentlemen, let me say that with a little more swaying in the form of money, we could change the kind opinion of the good monk gentlemen!” “How do you suggest Lord Carlton, we accomplish that by bribery my lord?” Lord Tannerbaum queried. “Why of course my lord, for I am certain that we could grant the monk and this temple, some money. Money of which, could as you see, repair some of the old dilapidated walls or floors, inside this temple!” I then interjected, “Have you forgotten Lord Carlton that you once tried bribery before, it did not measured upto nothing good my lord?” He found my words to be sarcastic, more than prudent, “Always leave it up to you Lord Rutherford, to point out the most forgotten obscurities of mine! Nay I have not forgotten, but let me say that this situation, is much different than the previous, my lord!” I could tell, that I had roiled and churned his anger, his dander! “Lord Carlton, it is not my intention, nor was it to defame nor to be witty, in my dear words at all. What I sought merely, was to remind you, that bribery is not the way to go about this!” He then retorted, “Then how would the good Lord Rutherford recommend, that we handle this dear quandary of ours my lord?” I then retorted, “I believe that we ought to do nothing Lord Carlton!” Lord Carlton found my rebuttal, to be amusing and wry in the end.

“Nothing, that is what you suggest we do Lord Rutherford. But we must at least attempt to sway him, even if by the means of bribery my lord!” “But we must not impose the method of bribery, to achieve our objective! For it would be against the principles of our society!” “If thus so then, what purpose is it as a scientist then to not endeavour himself, to seek beyond the good simplicities of argument?” His point was valid, and the others thought so as well, “I must confess Lord Rutherford that I too, agree with Lord Carlton!” Lord Tannerbaum emoted. “I too!” Lord Beasley, and Lord Felix concurred. I found myself, on the other end of the argument and thus, I was at the lenity of the will of the others. Though, I was in charge of this dear foray. I could have easily had invoked or elicited my status as the head member of this expedition. And my authority could have been, utilised at whatever cost. But, I had much respect for my fellow compeers of which, I esteemed with much worth and importance. I had so swallowed, my own reasoning of thought, and so I did with much humbleness. “I see that I am outnumbered here, but if that be the case then I ask what amount of money, shall we offer the good monk?” “Whatever cost be thus necessary!” Lord Carlton interrupted. “I must surmise the same conclusion!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. There was not much I could object to, except in the spirit of argument. “I must state this for purposes of my principles, that I object strongly to bribery but yet, I can not go against the judgement of others, especially when they are all in agreement!” I said to the other dear members!” I paused for a moment before, I allowed myself to comment, “Since I am the one in charge of this foray thus, I shall be the one to attempt, to persuade the decision of the Buddhist monk!” I soon approached him, and attempted to convince him, to let us study and examine the object in which, was kept in a glass container. When I found him, he was busy and occupied, with prayer. I felt leath to interrupt him, so I waited until he finished. And when at last he finished, I then proceeded to talk to him about the pending matter of the supposed hand of the yeti. When I mustered enough courage, to discuss the issue of the yeti being examined he truly, did not seem to be baffled nor that surprised. His mien was mild, and his guise was calm, as if he did not have a single preoccupation in him. He hawed then, he kindly remarked, “I would be so remiss sir, if I did not expect you to proceed, in your wish to see the hand of the yeti. But I am a bit sad to see that a great man like you, compromises his heart. Discipline sir, is what keep us the Buddhists, in tact with the centre of the spirit, of our deeper inner thoughts!” I failed at first, to realise the significance of his words for I was not much a religious, or a righteous man. But instead a man dedicated completely, to the field of science. I did not seek for that, to be so overtly known to the monk but yet, neither did I seek to thwart off that suspicious tendency of the mind of a roaming scientist! I compromised instead, neither crass, nor obvious. I was but in between, “I do say sir, that I fully understand your train of thoughts but nevertheless I must ask anon, “Would you be so kind sir, to let us examine the hand of the yeti for it would be in the end, only the duration of a day? That I can promise you sir!”

In the end, there was no need at all, for the incentive of money. For, it was my honesty and candour, that seemed to change his previous opinion. His smile posed no concern of a worried man for he simply came, to utter only the following to me, “I shall allow you and the others to examine it, but only for a day. It can not be taken out of the temple, that I can not compromise so. For it is a shrine of ours, much like the Big Ben, is to your beloved London sir!” Savvy and charming, was the monk. For one could not say besoldefully, that he lacked the perrapted charm, and grace of a statesman. I sought it to grin myself at that moment for the more that I converse with the old monk, the more that I found him to be rather amiable and delightful to talk with. Much like a pair of old codgers I suppose two old men, with much in differences but yet a common trait to bear, wisdom! It was fascinating to see, he from the Orient, and I from West. I would have found himself, delightful and pleasant to talk to him, back at the Academy. Though I could witness, that he was a man who, wore only the clothing of simpletons a long red robe, and a pair of saddles, I could attest indeed that he was a thewed, and a scholar beneath that plain and peasant façade of his. I would have even swore, that if he was not a Buddhist monk then, indeed he could have been, a good worldly diplomat. Since the sun was setting, and the moon soon thus approaching in a matter of time, I quickly informed the others of this golden opportunity. Indeed, we did not waste, nor dawdle our time in senseless minuatias but instead, on the concentration of examining the object, with concise observation. “We must be thorough gentlemen, and know what objective we are to accomplish, with this examination of ours!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. “

”Let us not forget my lord, that we are limited in time and restrained from damaging the object in which, we are to examine!” I commented. “I suggest that we stop chatting, and begin with in earnest, with our examination of the creature’s hand gentlemen!” Lord Carlton vociferated. How rare it was that I would find myself so, in accordance with Lord Carlton on any issue. But he was correct on this one, and I acknowledged his sagacity, “Yes indeed, you are correct Lord Carlton I should say!” Thus, we proceeded to endeavour ourselves, with the task at hand examining the hand of the yeti! The examination or study, lasted the duration of the rest of the day though we were to be leaving, in the early morning off to Gurkha then, to Pokhara afterwards. We were all together crammed up, in this small little room of which, the object was kept in. Though we were allowed to examine the hand, we were not allowed to move it, from the glass container that it was kept in always. “It is rather difficult, to study this object if we are not allowed, to take it out of it’s old glass container!” Lord Tannerbaum, ejaculated. The frustration, was apparent in all of us indeed including dear Lord Carlton, who then suggested, “I recommend gentlemen, that we confiscate this object, and take it back to England!” “Confiscate the object, and what about the fact, that we shall be truly needing the services of the dear Buddhist monk, my lord?” “We could take the old object now, and leave at once this very night my lord!” “But what about, the need of having an escort take us, to Gurkha Lord Carlton!” Lord Beasley inquired, as he was baffled by the words of Lord Carlton himself. “We could always find, a poor chap here in Kathmandu, who would be interested to take us to Gurkha, and then to Pokhara if needed!” So selfish and so greedy was Lord Carlton, that I detected, this repugnant avaricity in his eyes. “Lord Carlton, I dare not fathom the consequences of this action for it would be fatal, to our expedition!” “Expedition, forget the expedition if what the monk has said is true then, we will have in our possession, the greatest discovery in the good ninetieth century gentlemen!” “I shall not go against my word so. I promised the Buddhist monk, that I would not take advantage of the situation! And, I shall adhere to my word. I suggest Lord Carlton, that you do likewise and adhere to your pledge you made, back at the Academy!”

My words, seem to thirl the conscience of Lord Carlton. For he did not offer much in the way, of a rebuttal but instead, a token acknowledgement, “You are correct Lord Rutherford, one can not go against his word even it be given, to a primitive man such as the monk!” It was not my good position, to argue with him about faddities and stupidities. Lord Felix then, came up with a good and brilliant idea, “Since we have brought microscopes, we do have the liberty of examining the hand, under the scope of a microscope!” “What are you suggesting, Lord Felix?” Lord Beasley queried.

“Simple my lord, what I am suggesting is that we be pratical here. All we need, is but a single hair of the creature’s hand, to put it under the eye of a microscope; and determined in the end whether or not, it is the hand of the yeti indeed!” “Excellent idea indeed Lord Beasley, for I must commend you, for your ingenuity!” It was the most incredible idea, that we had on this dear expedition, since we departed from London. Since we were not removing the object at all, from the glass container which contained it, I was not breaking my promise to the monk. Once we did remove a fibber hair, from the so-called yeti hand we then proceeded, to do what Lord Beasley had suggested that we do, examine the fibber from the creature’s hand. We spent the entirety of the night thence, observing the fibber texture of hair of the creature. There was no doubt indeed whatsoever, that the hand belonged to a creature. But the thing was, was it a hand that had once belonged to a dear yeti? Once we began in earnest, to examine the fibber hair of the hand, we abated, with no real conclusion at all! I was the one who examined the hair under the acumen of the microscope. “Tell me Lord Rutherford, what exactly have you found hitherto?” “I truly don’t know, for it is quite inconclusive for me, to make a good opinion my lord!” I said to dear Lord Tannerbaum. “What do you mean by that, Lord Rutherford?” It was startling, was the admission that I concluded, “What I mean is that indeed so, the hair is that of an animal; but the question is, of what kind of animal?” My response perplexed the good Lord Tannerbaum, and the others as well, “What do you mean my lord, when you ask what kind of animal?” “Let me explain myself my lord, I have seen the likes of all type of animals and creatures, from all corners of the earth. But never have I seen so, such an ambiguous thing as this ere my lord. If one is to narrow it down, it is a primate indeed in nature!” “An ape, could it be a dear monkey or better yet, an unknown species of gorillas my lord?” “Perhaps, but there is truly indeed something, that I failed to mention to you before Lord Tannerbaum. And that is, that the structure of the hair does resemble that of a man as well as, the structure of it’s composition. I managed whilst back at the temple, the measurements of the hand and indeed so, it was rather proportionate, to those of a man my lord!” Lord Tannerbaum’s eyes, looked to jump out of it’s sockets, as his dear eyebrows curled up in such astonishment. “Good God, what are you indeed insinuating my lord?” I thus paused for a moment, for I did not know, how to explain the rather eerieness, attached to my dear words. “Please believe me indeed my lord, when I say to you, that I am as baffled and bemuddled, as you are to this analogy of mine!” “You said that the hairs and the measurements of the hand, belong to a primate but one of which, you claim is neither ape nor monkey, but more aligned to man. Thence, what are we to surmise from this analogy of yours my lord?” I felt abashed to not have a proper response toward his question, “I don’t know my lord, I have never seen the likes of something of this nature. Until we have actually found the whole torso of this creature then I am afraid, that we will never truly know. For any conclusion hitherto, would be nothing more, than a supposition my lord the best!” Lord Carlton then, jumped into the fray figuratively speaking, “My good gentlemen, if what good Lord Rutherford claims is true then, we have a dear duty to the Academy and more importantly, to science itself to take this object, back with us to England at once!” “Are you suggesting, that we abandon this expedition, when we have at last arrived in Nepal; and mind me saying, not yet arrived at Pokhara for that matter Lord Carlton?” Lord Carlton, was not that eager to see me put modesty into the argument; but he was always quite debonairing, and conciliatory in humbleness indeed. I could sense and feel, that there was something brewing about, in the mind of my good Lord Carlton.

“Not necessarily my good Lord Rutherford, but if it be so thence, is it not better that we return to England, with the artefact that we have examined. Think my lord, of what it would thus mean, for the sake of science and for the sake of the Academy as well!” Again, his selfish and greedy manners, proceeded his actions. As always it was left up to me to rectify, correct him in his ways, “Lord Carlton, for the benefit of this argument, I shall concede your analogy pertaining to the sake of science and the dear Academy; but I will not I repeat, forsake this dear expedition merely because, we have perhaps stumble onto a rare and yet, chilling discovery. You see Lord Carlton, have you forgotten that the principal reason in which, this expedition was launched in the first place, was to search for the whereabouts of our fellow members of the Academy, Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury my lord?” He did not like as wontedly, my reprimanding him; for he did not frolic much in being indeed humiliated and to have his authority, questioned neither also. “Deuce be the devil my lord, but you are correct in the end, we did launch this expedition in the first place back in London, to search for our fellow compeers!” I could tell, that he was not much appreciative of my churning him. Notwithstanding that, he was at least submissive in his sublime conciliation. That at least so, was to be thankful. For the nonce, I shall attempt to not pass such harsh judgement upon him. I was just as puzzled as the others, when it came to this eerie mystery of which, was thus discovered. I had come with a sense of liberal thinking of me, that perhaps the creature did exist? But I would be amiss if I did not confess, that I had come to Nepal, in the search for the others. It was this shocking revelation anent the mysterious hand, that paltered my previous thought. There was now, the matter of solving the mystery behind the identity of the so-called yeti. The thought of the members of the previous expedition did not escape me, nor was of second importance but yet, I was curiously eager, to see upon our arrival to the Himalayas of whether or not, the dearest yeti, existed after all! Anon we huddled together, and although we did not come to conclude that the hand, was that of the infamous yeti, we at least abated one clear thought, it was a possibility one quite so feasible, to fathom in the end. “I suggest gentlemen that we get some sleep, for the trip to Gurkha, shall be arduous indeed!” I replied. “I agree Lord Rutherford, the jaunt shall be quite harsh upon us!”

12 April-We all awoke with the feeze and excitement, of the day’s journey. The morning was quite chilly, despite the fact that it was spring already. The effect of the atmosphere here in this region of the world, is much different, than that of England. And, it has so quickly daunted onto me, that the mountains near Pokhara, shall not be much kind to us at all! I was startled to see my good friend, the Buddhist monk up and about, quite earlier than expected. But what I had failed to recall, was the fact that he was a Buddhist monk in the first place. Though I was no expert nor connoisseur of Buddhism, I had quickly surmised that the monks in the temple, were truly mired in religion, and righteousness. What I had found refreshing about the monks, was the fact that to me, they were all simple living people, who did not beckon nor fancy, the usage of any modern means much; except the occasional necessity of travel in carriage I imagine. But I was soon to be errant. For in the end, it was not a carriage in which, we were to travel from Kathmandu to dear Gurkha but instead on the back, of some strong mares of which were Asian in origin perhaps? It was not the most heeded method of transportation, nor of travelling throughout these parts of the world; but nevertheless, it was better than travelling by foot. The reality was of the situation was the more, that we travelled inward into this mountainous region of Nepal, the more the reality of the harsh and difficult turrain and limited resources, became a bitter reality to bear.

“Good God, are we travel from the distance of Kathmandu to this Gurkha, upon a pair of horses? Good God, that is mad gentlemen!” Lord Carlton emoted. The others, were not that so pleased about the arrangements but in the end, they came to accept it, much more easily than the good Lord Carlton. “I suppose that we must concede to the notion, that from here on the manner of travelling, shall be on the back of a horse, or even a donkey for that matter gentlemen!” Lord Tannerbaum the most wisest, and sagacious member of this expedition. Lord Carlton, still was so adamant about his objection and he was rather, boastful in vociferating it, “Surely, we could find a carriage to escort us from Kathmandu to Gurkha!” I then interrupted, “I must point out to you Lord Carlton, that we are not at the liberty of choosing our environs nor for that matter, of transportation my lord. For certainly you understood when the preparations of this foray of ours was planned, that we would be limited in our resources of transportation. Or, am I mistakened in my words my lord?” Again, I could see the snickering expression, expressed on the countenance of dear Lord Carlton. He was not fain nor content, to say the least! He smiled then said, “I must thank you my lord, for recalling our predicament!” “Now is not the time, to bicker gentlemen. Let us be cohesive as a unit, for the sake of this expedition. We can not allow ourselves, to mired in opposition against each other. We must stay steadfast to the course!” Lord Tannerbaum the dear arbitrator as always replied, as he so chided us for our intolerance toward each other. We gathered up all our necessities, and thus joined the monks on their journey from Kathmandu to Gurkha! I do not know what laids ahead of us in Gurkha nor in Pokhara, but I pray that it not be as awful and unkind to us, as it has been to those who dared, to explore this vast unknown region of Asia before!

(Sir Bunbury’s Journal)

4 April-It is somewhat of a mild but chilling day of cold, for the wonted birds, seem to be thus returning from their winter departure. I can not believe, that it has been nearly four months, since we left good old jolly England to come here and still, be trapped in this barred wasteland which we are stranded, in this rigid oasis within it’s coiling grasp! A day does not transpire, that I come not to long, the once hectic rambles of dear London. I fancy much, that unless we are to find our much needed exit from here, I shall not be seeing the likes of dearest London anon! At least with the coming of the fowls, and that of the hares, there was at least bestowed upon us, the supply of food and basic nourishment that hitherto, are bodies so badly craved for. The day was spent on still the usual course of activity, trying to figure out a way in which we could leave, the grasp of the devil as I termed it to be! Lord Whitmore, and I had suggested that do what I had suggested to do, travel westward in hope of finding the border between Nepal and China. “From what I was told by dear Professor Kham, there was a remote village nearby the Alps of Annapurna near the border with China. Perhaps we could find it? Kusma, is but behind us now!” Professor Hansen still disagreed for he durst, to recommend something on the contrary, “Nej, we must stay here instead gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore, was not that amused by his suggestion, “Stay here By Jove, are you mad professor? That would mean, instant death to be certain!” “You must explain yourself professor indeed?” I exhorted upon him. Professor Hansen then, proceeded to explain himself to us, and to elucidate his point of view as well. “If my words were misunderstood then, let me apologise my good gentlemen. But what I meant what merely the fact, that it would be better if stayed put here in this area; where we could be spotted by perhaps somebody.” “Are you suggesting that we wait here until some Sherpas find us, or worse a yeti professor?” I eagerly inquired. He was hasty to give me his reply, “Nej, not a yeti professor, but a Sherpa instead!” Lord Whitmore then jumped into the conversation, “Good God, how could we expect to thole, for any wandering nomad of a Sherpa to locate us professor, for we haven’t seen one hitherto?”

Professor Hansen, had it would seem, something up his sleeve, “There is something that I have failed to mention to you, my dear gentlemen. And that is before I left Europe to come here, I made arrangements for an expedition to find us exactly around this time I calculate!” What are you saying, professor?” The eager earl inquired to the Danishman. “There is an assistant of mine, a Professor Bjørksson back in Denmark, who I left orders to look for us around this vicinity. And I imagine, that they are on their way!” His admission was truly bewildering, and quite so startling as well, “Good God, did you say Professor Hansen, that there is a crew of an expedition on their way here, to search for us?” Hansen was quite calm and remarkably imperturbable, about the admission that he revealed to us. “Indeed so my good lord; for I would not be merely saying something to appease you my lord, nor the good professor as well!” I stood there, studying and observing the words bespoken by the good Danish professor; whilst he and Lord Whitmore, conversed. I tried to recall during their talk, whether or not I had been told along with Professor Walters and Sir Wellington, about this so-called expedition that the good Danishman was mentioning. “Professor Hansen as I recalled, I don’t quite remember you mentioning, about any so-called expedition of yours coming to our rescue or coming thence, to search for us! I could be wrong, but I don’t recall you mentioning anything, about that ere!”

Professor Hansen, was swift to answer my question, “My good Professor Bunbury, do forgive me for it was not your fault, but my own. For I failed to mention to you, and the previous members of the former expedition professor!” I felt he was at least, gracious and honest about what he said. But yet I sensed, that there was a mystery behind those intrepid words of his. It was as if, there was chicanery beyond the simplicity of his admission. Professor Hansen I felt as well, was rather a bit presumptuous, brassbound, cheeky to the core. “Professor Hansen, how can you be so confident, so sanguine that this supposed expedition that you speak of is near or has even commenced, on this expedition at all?” Once again, I felt this rather haughty look, in the eyes of the good Danish professor, “Sir Bunbury, I understand your concern and preoccupation; but let me rest your uncertainty, your doubt, by saying that it is perhaps, the only hope that we do have hitherto.” I then retorted, “Bloody be it, but I do agree with you sir. I believe in the depth of my heart, that the only way to get out of this bloody hell that surround us, is to search indeed for it’s dear exit professor!” Hansen, was so quick to offer his rebuttal, “My good English professor, I comprehend your anxiety and your counsel, is to be commended. But let me say professor, that it would be suicide to go out there in the open mountainous area, when the beats are roaming in the rear, in the front from the side abreast, from everywhere the naked eye could see professor!” “But surely professor, it would be suicide as well, to stay here where we would be indeed at the mercy or lenity, of those devils lurking about these cursed mountains!”

I vociferated. Back and forth, we argue with each other about whether or not, it was prudent and wise to stay where we were at or to leave and search, for our way out of this cursed Hades! Lord Whitmore soon then abruptly, interrupted our heated discussion, “My good gentlemen, must we be coarse and crass, with each other. My good gentlemen, nothing will or ever be accomplish, if we only truly indulge ourselves, in feckless bickering with each other!” It did not take long before dear civility itself, returned to us, “I apologise my lord, you are correct. Arguing shall not accomplish indeed nothing, except to bring a bitter rift between us. And, that is not propitious to our present fate, or situation!” Thus, I soon followed in my acquiescent manner, “I agree my lord, we must not feud with other for the enemy is the creature, and our surroundings than us!” It was a double edge sword, that I felt I was bearing. For on one hand, there was the danger of the yeti outside but on the other hand inside, there was the unkent behaviour of the good Danish professor. Though I see him as a friend and not a foe, I can not help but felt leery about him. There is this suspicion about him, that billows by the day. Somehow, his story did not fit the sequence of events, that he described happening. Though I did not care much about, the likes of the Texan Austin Fuller, I felt that his odd disappearance along with the Cree Indian and the others who I was told by him accompanied him at the time, just did not add up in the end. I was quite discreet and surreptitious, about my skulking doubt and uncertainty. I was wary, to not let Hansen assume that I was becoming suspicious, of his behaviour or enacture. I reested considerably, from being too confrontative with Hansen. Instead I employed restraint and whistedihood. In the end, Lord Whitmore suggested that we give Professor Hansen the benefit of the doubt, and remained amid the danger and uncertainty, that dwelled within the vicinity in the form of the yeti! Even though I was adamantly opposed to the idea, I knew that I could not go at it alone.

For I needed to have Lord Whitmore’s support and abutment, and not his distance! But I felt, that he was gradually thence becoming more and more, under the heavy influence of Professor Hansen. I pray that my doubts toward him are not genuine, nor shall they bear a fettle with costly consequences to pay in the end! I suppose that if that is to befall then, death shall be eminent than before. “Since we are to thole here then, let us make the best of the situation gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore uttered. We looked at each other, for the moment was so surreal then, we began to realise that we had to be patient and forbear until, this so-called expedition led by a Professor Bjørksson, was to find us within this area. “I suggest that we go about finding some food, perhaps a hare, or a good yak even my friends.” Lord Whitmore suggested. Although we ventured to hunt for food and for water as well, we did not forget about, the lurking menace of the dreaded creatures themselves. I felt more confident abreast the good Lord Whitmore, when it came to hunting and the good trait of his precious marksmanship. Professor Hansen volunteered, to stay behind. We had not had a dear encounter with the creatures, in some time now. But it did not thwart off the possibility of a yeti, returning to the hovel in which, we were dwelling in. The thought of one of those creatures returning anon to the hovel, was not quite an amenable thought to fathom but notwithstanding, it was the reality that we bore. At least, the comfort of a hardened rifle, was some measure of good comfort and security. Oddly enough the good Danishman, was not that easily fearful of meeting the likes of the yeti afresh. He wished us well and told us to return soon, for the creatures were usually gadding about thus soon after the sun set.

Whilst, Hansen remained behind the good Lord Whitmore and myself headed off to hunt for food, and look for a stream nearby. We dared not to venture far away, from the hovel. Our perimeter was well designed, and kept to the distance around the hovel. Fortunately for us, we did not have to linger much in the duration of the hunt. The hunt itself, lasted only but an hour, much to our pleasure. To say that we were fortunate enough, to stumble onto a pair of hares, was a bloody understatement to say the least. Although it was not a sumptuous plate of roasted ham; nor some tender lambchops it was nevertheless, better than nothing! Eerie was the imperturbable calm, that accompanied us on this endeavour. For there was no sign of a yeti near or within the vicinity or so we thought. As we were reaching the hovel anon, we could hear the moans, and groans of the creatures who were encroaching nearer, it would seem. Once we made it back to the hovel, we informed Hansen of the occurrence. He was, not that startled by the dear news. But nor was he, that wonted in his expression. What he offered in his reply, was a token response to say the least, “What an odd thing gentlemen, for it would appear that our unwelcome guests, refuse to leave indeed!” “I would hope for our sake professor, we do not find ourselves, hunted down by any of those wretched creatures!” Lord Whitmore, exclaimed. How apropos and befitting it was, that the uncertainty of the yeti, skulked about near us thence. Thereforth, we stood wary of it’s haunting presence as Dr. Frankenstein, did of his ugly monster Frankenstein! We stood whisted, attentive as ever. For the night was looming, and with it meant that dangers and perils around us, were billowing by the day. As the food was concern, it was something of which, we could fill the paunches of one with. We had gathered about near the fire the three of us, and had a friendly parley, involving an array of topics. But the dear topic of the yeti, was what consumed the conversation in the end. Though we did speak about to an extent, to the prospects of being retrieved by this supposed expedition, that Hansen had told us aforementioned. “It is rather remarkable Professor Hansen, how you were able to cope and able to sustain yourself; not only amidst the wretched conditions that you found yourself in, but also, the hazard with those bloody creatures lurking about the area. I must commend you indeed, for being able to survive under, such wretchedness professor!” said Lord Whitmore. Hansen was not one to shy away from storytelling in this case, his own version account of what transpired to him when he was presumed lost or worse dead, along with the others Sir Wellington and Professor Walters. “If you must know my good Lord Whitmore, it was difficult indeed to have managed in the time that I had to bear!”

He paused for a moment, as if to recollect his memories and thoughts allowing him thus, to envisioned the past in which, he dwelled in momentarily. “I had struggled mightily for indeed the storm was hectic, and the weather was as torbulent and fierce than storms previously that had brooded about the mountains!” Anon he paused, before he continued. “As I was saying, it was a stormy day and there seemed to be a midst approaching, for so strong was the snowstorm, that it came to awry us. There was I, Austin Fuller, the Cree Indian along with some other Sherpas. It was mere coincidence that we decided to part from each other, divide ourselves into two groups. I along with the Sherpas and Fuller, and the Cree. It was my suggestion that we stayed together, but Fuller adamantly oppose that idea for he was like a madman, gentleman. He took control over the expedition, and superseded my authority!” “Did he threaten you professor?” I asked him. He was swift to give me his answer, “By all means, professor. For you yourself, know what Fuller is capable of!” “Thus what happened next professor?” Lord Whitmore eagerly inquired. “We had separated as I told you, it was Fuller’s intent to find the damnable creature, that truly consumed his madness gentlemen!” “Am I to believe professor, that you had found the creature’s den?” I once again queried. Hansen appeared to me, to occulting something beneath his words. It almost seemed, that he was embellishing his story, even more as it went on, “The creature’s den no, but another good encounter with the creature yes!” I could tell, that he was adamant about that one specific detail about his tale. He then proceeded, but he seemed to stumble, and contradict himself somewhat I felt when he talked, about the part of Fuller’s and the Indian’s perdition or strayness. Enough so, that I had to query about that sudden disparity and incongruity, in his account, “Pardon my dear indulgence professor but if I may inquire, how was it that you survived all this time and not the others? But more importantly, how is it that Fuller along with the Cree Indian simply vanished at the hands of the yeti, and for not one of them, to have made it back? It would seem indeed highly unlikely to me, that knowing Fuller as remarkable as a hunter as he was, and knowing Toot also, that none of them would return!” Hansen then interjected, “But the good storm professor, have you forgotten the fact that there was a heavy storm, brooding about on that day?” I hawed for a whee bit, before I came to say the following to Hansen, “But you said that storm did not begin in earnest, until pass midday. And what I find inconsistent is the fact, that a snowstorm especially in the time of spring, would take effect. Why the conditions would be propitious to a snowstorm, if it had taken place in the span of two weeks, as you stated!”

“Are you forgetting professor that this place, is the Great Himalayas? I see, that you did not do your research on this area!” Perhaps in the end, he was correct. It was after all, not that improbable to transpire. But something in me, told me that he was lying. Another inconsistency was the fact, that he had said once we found him, that it had only been a week since Fuller and the Cree Indian had perished. He also mentioned another thing of which, bewilder me. That was that Fuller amid the storm’s brunt force, would risk it all, for the sake of the hunt. I knew that the good Texan hunter would not be that mad, to pursuit the creature under those conditions, and be outnumbered. It was conceivable that Fuller’s madness consumed him in the end, along with the fate of the Cree Indian but under those harsh conditions of weather, was highly unlikely. I could fathom his death at the hands of the yeti, but not under the circumstances that Hansen, described them to be. Moreover, Fuller was an experienced hunter, and thus was the Cree. So, I could not fathom the concept, that Fuller knowing that his resources and men were limited, would separate the men into two groups. It would be suicide if he did! I kept my reservations for the nonce to myself. I did not see the need to be blatant and overt, with my uncertainty toward his tale of inconsistencies. In the end I allowed Hansen, to continue with his tale. I was not as well complacent, with the fact that Hansen had not mentioned the fate of the Sherpas, who were with him. When he was asked by my good Lord Whitmore, he chuckled as if to overcome his slight amiss of thought, “The good Sherpas, you say my lord. Do forgive me for not mentioning, their fate. You see, after Fuller and the Indian did not so return, the Sherpas abandoned me and left me to tend for myself!” Again another inconsistency I felt. But the greatest inconsistency was how was it, if this one occurrence befell upon the good Fuller and his companion the Cree Indian at the hands of the creature then, how could it be, that there was no trace found by either Lord Whitmore or myself, around the general vicinity in which, we were situated in? It was feasible that the creatures, had dragged off the body somewhere else? But it did not seem quite likely because in the previous attacks, the remnants of the creature’s attack were always at least, left behind however grotesque the sight was to bear. But again I did not have any proof, nothing more but mere suppositions in this case. I thought it best as before to think of the present, and not the past. But yet, I can not escape this lingering suspicion in me, about Hansen’s comportment.

6 April-Two days had transpired since Fuller had mentioned to us, that this expedition was to approach. But yet, there was no eminent sign of their presence, nearby. But Hansen was swift to point out, that we had to be patient. For to expect otherwise, would be truly disingenuous, to the effort or diligence presented, by this expedition of Hansen’s. Lord Whitmore’s patience, is but still aligned with Hansen and thus so is mine. But yet the thought of whether or not, Hansen was forboding the truth, did not shirk me at all! We had concentrated this day, on surveillance of the area for the incident with the howling echoes of the yeti, did not go unnoticed by us. But neither was our presence skulking about, go unnoticed by the creatures as well. We had gone out of the hovel and did some surveillance on this day, hoping to spot perhaps the whereabouts of the foray that was supposed to be searching for us.

The weather was kind on this day, and the conditions were pleasant as well. Hansen had joined us on this endeavour. Despite the fact that we were to be leaving the hovel unman, we had determined that it was best, to be together as a unit then to split up. Moreover, we had grown leery of the presence of the creatures, and it was not rational of one, to be apart or apiece for it was not wise to do much at all! As we made our way, around the general vicinity of the hovel, we came across another hovel of which apparently, was one truly in which, we had no real awareness of. Apparently the hovel had been ransacked, and looted also. I along with Hansen and Lord Whitmore, whistedly began to enter the lorn hovel. Indeed so, with much caution, we entered not knowing of what, laid ahead of us. Lord Whitmore was infront, I Hansen in the middle and I in the rear. Though it was midday, and the light from the sun, was so evident from it’s glint. But nevertheless, the hovel was dark and opaque not allowing any clear cut view, of the insides of the hovel. “Mighty dark indeed, gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore uttered to us both Hansen and myself. “What do you see ahead, my lord?” Hansen inquired from behind. I was as anxious to know and weet as well. The studious earl, approached further and further with much anxiety of his own. “Patience, gentlemen!” While Lord Whitmore carried so steady abreast to him his rifle, Hansen carried a lantern with him to so serve, as our guiding light. The more opaque and dark it was, as we went forth.

It was then that a flock of nomadic birds, soon thirled at us from infront of us. Naturally, we ducked to the side, and were able to escape the brunt of the bird’s attack, as they dispersed and headed out of the cave, “By Jove, we were fortunate enough to not have our eyes, pecked out, by those bloody birds!” Lord Whitmore emoted. After the flustering, with the birds we thus encroached more forward. And as we did we finally arrived, at what could be seen, as a vivid reminder of what transpired here, before. There were things thrown all around the place, traces as well, that it was once inhabited by somebody else. But the question was, was it a yeti or was a human being? That would be answered, in a matter of minutes. Whilst, we skirmished about in the hovel, we stumbled upon evidence that there had been a human being, once dwelling inside this very same hovel. The clues would then lead to the strange connection to lo in behold, Austin Fuller, the Great Texas hunter! What would be that shred of evidence, that would conclude that finding. No other, than Fuller’s good southern hat of his, which boasted to the tee of vanity. We were all startled and stunned, to find the hat of Fuller’s left behind, dusty and torn. It was I felt, evidence to what betided to him. “Good God, poor Mr. Fuller! For, he did not deserve a death so hideous!” Hansen, sullenly stated. “You seem confident Hansen, that Fuller is dead already without knowing truly whether or not, he is dead along with the Indian!” I sartiscally muttered, to Hansen infront of the presence of Lord Whitmore. Hansen was not amused, by my wry comment, “Let me just say professor that indeed, the evidence is there the hat and one only has to look around this place to know truly in the end, what transpired here professor!” Lord Whitmore, soon then interjected his thoughts into the conversation, “I must so confess my good Sir Bunbury, that I agree with Professor Hansen!” Once again, I found myself at the other side of another argument.

This time, I did have not the reason nor inducement, to seek a quarrel with them. Thus, I put my querulous mind to rest, for the nonce. After we searched the fragments of evidences that was left behind, we so decided to head back to the hovel, with what we had stumbled onto to. The sight that we encountered back there at that hovel, was such an eerie and creepy effect, of what the creatures were quite capable of achieving; under such massive power. But as we were returning back to our hovel, we began to feel, that we were being watched. And that someone was following us. Perhaps a yeti. Lord Whitmore naturally being a hunter, was the first to detect the eerieness. He hawed for a moment as to listen more closely, to the strange clamour that he was hearing, “Wait, do not move but stay silent!” “What is it my lord, what did you hear?” I inquired. Lord Whitmore was quick, too hasty in his words, “I don’t know quite yet, but.....” He paused again. “Hush!” he repeated twice. Then he seemed to know who was following, “It is those bloody creatures. I can sense them, behind us!” I quickly then queried, “Mitt Gud, I believe that you are right my lord!” Hansen vociferated. I was the only one who had failed to sense their lingering presence, “But from where behind us?” I did ask the earl. He only remained aloof, and much studious to the issue of the creatures. It was then, that the footsteps and clamour seize to exist, and to be heard more importantly. “I believe that the creatures have left!” Hansen chuntered. But the good earl, did not concede so willingly. And in the end his caution, would come to safe us truly, “Nay, I have the eerie feeling, that they have not left at all!” Lord Whitmore’s premonition, would become a haunting reality to bear! As the birds flew across the sky, it seemed to accompany the ease of the day but suddenly, a loud and stentorian noise, could be heard roaring through the mountains. And it was safe to say, that it did appear to be closer than afar. If that was not enough to spook it then, what came after it was indeed enough, to gally our dear souls to the marrow! The bevy or gaggle of birds, had passed us by; but not without cackling a warning sound as they flew by of eminent danger, the yeti! The creatures soon then came from one side of our view onto another, though they were experts at camouflaging their stealth bodies, with the snow and icy mountainous ridges. The clamour soon billowed, and our anxiety did as well. “I suggest gentlemen, that we return at once to the hovel. If gentlemen, we are to be attacked by any of the creatures then, I suggest you be hasty in your reaction to pull the trigger!” Lord Whitmore urged us.

Since we all had rifles at our hand, we were ready, procinct as well, to use them if be needed. We did not run, nor scurry. For instead, we walked quickly but yet whistedly knowing, that the creatures were lurking about our vicinity. The distance from the proximity of where we were at, and where the hovel was located at, was but a mile yet afar. Perhaps the best thing to do, was to run back to the hovel at once. But yet the wisdom was, that it was not prudent. Because, there was the strong possibility that in a rash, the creatures would attack us without mercy. Our tactic was fruitful, and one in which, though was risky, was the best to implement. “Were almost there gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore drawled, as he held his rifle sturdy to his hand, with his index finger at the trigger. We all were fritting with our fingers but still, we encroached and encroached. The noise was still loud, and obstreperous. The anxiety was still spry within us, and thus as well, we felt splay and ackward as we treaded forward. Nevertheless, this was the only viable option presented onto us. The other was of course, to go in search for the creatures. Even Lord Whitmore, was not that so knave to go on a hunt for the creatures, especially when the outcome was to be surely death! Apparently for some strange reason, the creatures did not attack, nor advance toward us. Instead, they only howled, growled in threat! When we reached the hovel, there were signs that intruders were trying to penetrate into the hovel, with but malignant intent. Thankfully, we had lit a fire back at the entrance over a rummage of broken twigs, that we used for lighting our fires in the camp. There was a big relief in our hearts to know, that the creatures did not ransack the hovel as they had did, with the one we had discovered earlier in the day. “I must compliment you Professor Hansen for devising, such a good deterrence to the creatures!” Hansen ingenuity at times, overshadowed his miscreant tendencies of deception. “I must applaud Professor Hansen, for your candid wit!” “Always best to be prudent, gentlemen!” Hansen then remarked. That night we dared not to venture outside of the hovel, as every night for to do that would mean instant ambush, by the wretched creatures.

11 April-A whole week had passed and betided and there was still, no sight of hide or hare of Bjørksson’s expedition to be found. Time was of course of the issue, as it was before. Though the conditions were not as cursed, and bedevilled as the harsh winter that preceded us along this wretched foray. Notwithstanding that, the thought of staying within this area, was besoldefully, a horror in itself. Hansen and Lord Whitmore, still afasted to their patience whilst I felt, that it was better to instead search for our way out of here. My patience was running out but yet, as along as the good earl sided with Hansen, I was compelled to be so silent in my adamant objection. The only thing that was afforded to me, was that in lieu of the quandary we were in, to thole and give this rescue expedition of Hansen’s an opportunity to befold. Unfortunately it thus meant, maybe another week to betide. The creatures had yielded their advance toward the hovel. Off and on they would advance, but be so thwarted by the fire, that we left blazing infront of the hovel. But at nights, the howling echoes of their clamouring howls! “I wonder at times gentlemen, how long will it take before, the creatures will get bold to by pass the fire?” I posed the question, onto the others.

The earl appeared to be mummed, whilst the good Danishman, seemed to be much more upfront than the earl, “I believe that those scoundrels of devils, shall soon be much more curious than afraid, gentlemen!” I then interjected, “Professor Hansen, perhaps if we lit a flare, we could be spotted by Professor Bjørksson and his men.” Lord Whitmore was impressed, and he then immediately agreed, “By Jove, I believe you’re right my boy!” But Hansen, was not amenable in the end with that suggestion of mine. “I believe that it would be better gentlemen if we wait, and stay the course in which, we presently find ourselves in!” This time Lord Whitmore, would be on my side of the argument. “I must disagree with you Professor Hansen for I must agree, with the good professor in this argument. I strongly believe, that if we are to be found, the only way that I feel that could be achieved, is to catch the attention of this search party of yours!” Hansen truly, was not that surprised about the earl’s opposition to his discontent, “I do understand where you and Professor Bunbury are coming from my lord, but let me just say, that by shooting a flare into the sky as you suggest, would cause even more commotion by the creatures!” Hansen was quite manipulative in his words. Although he had a good point, amidst this wretchedness that we were in, the danger or peril of the creatures, was secondary when it came to the chance of being saved or best rescued! “My good professor at this point, is it not moot the fact of whether or not we are, at the peril or danger of the creatures?” I queried upon Hansen. Hansen tried to be reasonable, “I truly understand your point of view, Sir Bunbury. But let me say as well, that you must come to but understand mine professor!” He did not seem to be convincing in his argument, and it was truly a shallow argument he was insisting. “I respect your authority Professor Hansen, but for how long are we to thole professor?” Lord Whitmore inquired. Hansen attempted again, to be persuasive in his argument, “I repeat, I understand that patience and forbearance is much to impose upon one, but you must entrust your confidence in me, gentlemen. I have been there for I bear indeed, the experience of this area. Have you not forgotten gentlemen, that amongst us three, only I am the only person, who has come to experience this sort of endeavour?” I could see in his eyes, a rather telling sign of his conviction. Lord Whitmore seemed to be more swayed, by the argument that was imposed this time, by Hansen. He looked into my eyes, and then he bespoke, “I must confess Professor Bunbury, Professor Hansen, makes a good point. Only he is the only one to have been in these mountains, before!” It was futile to pother or to insist, when the earl found it to his fancy to be a contricant, and not a supporter. Subtle, perspicacious, shrewd, was Hansen for I had underestimated his acumen so keen. Hansen had suggested that we give it at least another week. I came to submit to his dear demand. But what he would say next, would so startle and contradict himself as well, “Now that we have settled that, let us concentrate on perhaps gentlemen, apprehending a yeti!”

Lord Whitmore seemed to receptive of that idea, unbeknowningly to me at time it had appeared that, they had all forgotten about the issue of the rescue expedition that was to find us. “Dear gentlemen truly, with much regards to the both of you, it would seem rather odd, to be on one hand awaiting a party of whom, we relied to rescue us. And on the other hand to be, out there searching for a creature that most likely sees us as a prey, than as a predator!” I meant for my words to be eloquent, and to be as well reflective. The Englishman in the earl understood my thorough words but the hunter in him, did not! “If I may interject here Professor Bunbury, since the good Professor Hansen has mentioned already, about a rescue expedition searching for us. And since we are in the centre of these bedevilled devils I suggest, that we reverse the roles here. Let them be the prey, and us the predators. Let them feel the fire, of our rifles gentlemen!”

There was this gleam and glint, seen in the eyes of Whitmore. And I attest, that it was his familiar look of ere, the look of a madman. That very same look, that Fuller once beheld. It was a dastardly, and unscrupulous guise that any man could bear. I had thought to object, and thus to vociferate my objection and discontent for this sudden shift of plan, that Hansen had boasted but yet, I felt that it was not proper to vociferate my objections, at least for the nonce. Hansen sought to seek my assurance in this new suggestion of his, “Sir Bunbury, I will not feel assured til you have professor, concord with us whole-heartedly!” Hansen had put me in corner, at the brink of accepting without disgruntleness on my part. I smiled as to overshadow my indubitable doubt indeed. “Of course professor, since the objective of this expedition, was to apprehend and bring back with us to London a living yeti then, let us not disappoint our mentors back in London!” It was exactly was I feared would transpire, the cursed continual search, for the bedevilled one. At the most drastic and dramatic point of this expedition, the feeze of the hunt, was to begin anew! I thought of something that Sir Wellington had once said to me back in Geneva, before the dear expedition, started in earnest. He said emphatically to me the words of, “We must forget good professor, that whatever shall transpire in the expedition we must never forget, that we are scientists even if it forsakes our lives in the end, my dear boy!” For the nonce, the spirit of adventure and search, overrid my urge to exit this wasteland of hell. The question was thence, how were we to arrive at finding the yeti? For it was not going, to welcome us with open arms, like lords from the manor? Thus there was a plan to be designed in the end, if we were to proceed with this risky endeavour. It had to be much well thought and a much thorough plan, if we were to succeed. At last, we came to manifest a plan in which was to serve us. Here, was where the combination of Lord Whitmore’s expertise in hunting, along with the expertise of Hansen’s knowledge of the creature and slightly about these mountains, came to serve us well! At around midday we left the hovel, and commenced with our search for the yeti. I was hoping as well that, perhaps we would either find a route in which was not detected; or we would, encounter a nomadic Sherpa? As we treaded and strided, through the mountain area, we walked whistedly, and observed thoroughly. With our rifles in our hands, and with our ears wary of the environs, we went forth. “I wonder over there near that knoll covered with snow, perhaps it would be better since it is high, to do our surveillance from gentlemen.” Lord Whitmore said. Hansen and I, agreed with Lord Whitmore. After all, he was the expert in this field than either of us scholarly professors. “Good idea!” Hansen answered.

Thus, we headed toward the slope of a knoll, that we were to catch vigilance of the creatures from. Lord Whitmore, had made certain that the knoll of the proclivity of it’s precipice, was not hazardous nor risky to our benefit much. We had the advantage it would seem the view, the weaponry, and the diligence. But the question was simply, was it much of an advantage than that of the creatures? “Do you suppose I wonder my lord it seems to irk me somewhat?” I paused allowing Hansen to grow suspicious of me, “What is it professor, do you detect a flaw in this plan?” I did not remain lull for long, “Nay I was merely wondering if, we are not at a disadvantage with this endeavour?” “What exactly are you trying to say my good professor?” Lord Whitmore inquired. I tried to explain my words more clearly and effectively to the good earl, “I wonder my lord, have we not underestimated the will, and the dexterity of the creatures?” “Are you referring to their intellect and intelligence professor if I may ask?” Hansen queried. “Indeed so professor, Indeed so!” I solemnly responded. “I don’t know much about science gentlemen, but what I do know is, that we are much more adroit and much more clever, than the prey gentlemen. In my years of hunting, I have never had yet hitherto in my life, been outwitted by any cursed devil!”

I saw the face of Fuller manifest itself, in the guise of the good earl’s selfish egotism, and boastful arrogance. I did not see the need nor propensity, to argue with him about matters of his previous endeavours as a hunter. Instead I concentrated on the present, the expedition itself. “My good lord, I am not insinuating, that your intelligence is inferior to an animal. What I was saying my lord was simply, that if the creature is proven to be a primate then, we must assume it has so, a fully developed brain!” Hansen then interjected, for this was a grievance of science and not of hunting, “Pardon me Lord Whitmore, but since this is much closer to my field. Let me make the argument!” He sighed for a moment, as if to decipher in what manner, he was to quarrel with me about my exclamation. “Sir Bunbury, I applaud your analogy, and I commend your thesis as well professor. But let me point out, that you are basing your hypothesis and conjecture, on a fact, that has not been proved accurately!” “Perhaps so, but what would you say professor if I told you, that I know about the physiognomy of the creature somewhat.” Hansen was startled and much bemused by my admission, “What do you mean by that statement, professor?” I thought of but mentioning the specimen but instead I kept quiet about that sensing, that it would bring, more so intrigue onto the Danishman. I instead hearkened back, to the incident in which the dead cadaver however momentarily it was, was discovered when both Sir Wellington and Professor Walters were living. Hansen on one hand, was startled by my revelation and on the other hand he was not. For, I had mentioned to Hansen before, about the incident. “Apparently, I have forgotten about that incident my good professor!” “What are you two good men, talking about?” Lord Whitmore anxiously inquired. It was I who proceeded to answer the eager earl’s inquiry, “My lord, do pardon our impudence; for I and the good professor were conversing about, an incident in which Sir Wellington, Professor Walters and myself, stumbled early in the expedition, on a dead corpse of a yeti!” The earl was even more anxious, to know the details of the story. Though it was not the most appropriate time to indulge in tales notwithstanding, I told him in brevity about the incident abridging the dearest minutiaes. Once I had finished informing him of the occurrence, we thus proceeded to forget the heated conversation that we had previously and instead, put our resources in tracking the bloody creatures. We tholed, waiting for the first glimpse of the creature or creatures, for that matter. It was both Hansen and myself, who through our binoculars, began to survey the landscape of the mountainous region. Minutes and soon hours passed by, and no visible sign of the creature. It was then that a cold breeze of wind, thrusted upon us. A mist of fog then covered the skies for it appeared, that rain was on the horizon. It managed to inhibit our view quite considerably, “Good God, I can not see through the patch of fog, quite clearly!” I emoted. “Terrible fog it is indeed, gentlemen. I am afraid, that he shall thwart our search, quite considerably!” said Lord Whitmore. But just when it seemed, that fate was not to be our companion for the day, Hansen would then utter outloud, “I see something gentlemen!” I quickly then took a glance through the binoculars myself. What was it that I saw at the end of the binoculars, a yeti! “Egad, if I am not mistakened, it is a yeti indeed gentlemen!” I ejaculated. Lord Whitmore then demanded to see the sight of the creature, “Let me see gentlemen!” I handed over my binoculars to him, allowing him to glance at the creature. My dear Hansen then suggested, that we act swiftly, “Now is the time to apprehend the creature!” He seemed to be suggesting, that we react at once to the sight of the creature.

But Hansen soon then thwarted that idea of the agog earl, “Nej, we must now be patient, and not hasty my lord!” I then found myself, in agreement with the Danishman. “I must agree with Professor Hansen, my lord!” Lord Whitmore, still insisted that we act accordingly. “Nay gentlemen, they are in my range!” But as he was adjusting his aim, and with his thumb near the trigger, a sudden occurrence then, befell upon the eerie landscape. Suddenly, the mist of the fog, began to become much hazy over the landscape of the region, impeding the good aim of the earl. “The cursed fog!” he thence emoted. “What is it?” I asked the earl. His expression was, “Deuce be the devil!” He was right, for deuce be the devil that the creatures were gone. No longer, visible. It was as if they had come to disappear, into the mist of the fog. Swept up from the earth, it would seem! “But where would the creatures have disappeared so quickly?” I inquired. “Perhaps, back to their den professor.” Hansen replied. “To their den you say professor, but where in heaven’s name, would that den be professor?” The earl inquired, upon the Danishman. “I don’t really know, but perhaps they went to?” he then paused permitting the anxiety; and eagerness in both Lord Whitmore and myself to billow, increment as well! “What is it professor?” Lord Whitmore asked him. “Perhaps it is there at that abandoned, and lorn hovel that we encountered a couple of days ago.” “Do you believe that really professor?” I asked Hansen. “Yes I believe that!” Hansen acknowledged. “Then it is there, that we should sally toward next to!” I thought that they were both mad, and had lost their reasoning, “But gentlemen, out here in the mist of the fog where it is cloudy and dense, you both believe that we could find this bloody abandon hovel? And if we did, what proof do we have that the creatures are there?” “Perhaps they are not there, but yet, perhaps they are Professor Bunbury.” Hansen said. Lord Whitmore agreed, “I suggest that we do as the good Professor Hansen saids, professor!” I did not have much of a choice, for I was compelled to accept the inevitability. “I suppose that if we are to proceed then, we do it at once for the fog thus becomes, a drizzle of heavy rain!” Thus then, we headed in the vicinity of the lorn hovel in which Fuller’s hat, was discovered. But anew the problem was how in the bloody hell, were we to locate this hovel amidst the fog which was becoming more heavy and viscous, by the minute? Despite the obstacle of the fog, we proceeded ahead. But as we found our way to the hovel, the fog had gotten thicker. And it would soon be an omen that we were too unweeting, to adhere before. We were cautious as we entered, sensing it would appear to be perhaps, the lingering presence of the creatures. But in the end, there was no sign of the creatures inside the hovel at all. “Well I truly suppose, that I was wrong gentlemen!” Hansen said.

Lord Whitmore was somewhat disappointed, whilst I was more concerned, with the tactics that were employed by Hansen. One moment he would be rational, whilst another moment, he would be irrational! From thenceforth, I grew leery even more of his erratic indecision. I grew weary of the uncertainty, of this skulking foray in which, I had in the duration of months, become an unwilling prisoner of. It was soon thereafter, that we were lost. For as we departed from the hovel, we soon were to be confronted with the reality, that the fog had become thicker. Though the rain did not encroach at the time, nevertheless the impediment of the fog which was somewhat eerie, did thwart any good thought of sojourning much longer in the area. Why even the good Sherlock Holmes, would not have been able to design, such a hasty retreat in this case. “Well gentlemen I fancy, that we are lost; for the thick and heavy fog shall hover over us, like the grim reaper itself!” One quandary over another. One more hellish day to forbear, and one more devilish reminder of the hell, that I had come to sink myself within. “I recommend we head in that direction eastward, for I believe that the hovel is in that direction!” Hansen responded. “How can you be certain professor?” Lord Whitmore inquired upon the Danishman. He then took out his compass, and he said, “The good compass my lord for I remember that it was pointing, in the other direction!”

“Thank God for the compass gentlemen, but yet that might not be sufficient in the end to assist us. For if we are blinded by the thick fog then, it will not be of great service to us. But it is better than being at the lenity of our suppositions!” I so replied. This is where, Lord Whitmore’s good hunting skills and traits, took effect. “Lord Whitmore, since you are well thewed as a good hunter, what would you suggest we do my lord?” I asked the good earl. He became studious, and pensive did the earl then, he replied, “I believe, that Professor Bunbury is correct. We should, go eastward!” “And the fog my lord?” I inquired. After a few minutes, Lord Whitmore suggested to me, that we wait at least until the fog cleared up a bit. I agreed. Hansen was in consonance also. How odd was it that at least for this occasion, we were all in full agreement. During our stay, we managed to stumble onto a rather interesting revelation indeed. One in which, would serve to be a clew; or at least an inkling of a clew. There on one of the walls, were what appeared to be, a form of drawing. And attached to it lo in behold, appeared a primitive orthography of what was written language. “Good God, what a sight of heaven!” I exclaimed. We all began to observe the markings on the wall, thoroughly. “Amazing is it, Professor Bunbury!” “What do you suppose it is Professor Hansen?” I inquired. “I believe that what we are seeing gentlemen, is an orthography indeed!” “Can it be some form of runic or cuneiform writing, professor?” I asked Hansen. He became much more quixotic and mindful in his thoughts, “Not really professor, for I believe that the drawings are much more aligned to the nature of prehistoric origin!” “Prehistoric origin, what do you mean professor?” I asked him. He then proceeded to explain himself, “What I truly mean Sir Bunbury is that these carvings on the wall, seem to imply prehistoric relevance!” “Indeed so! Do you believe, that we are looking at the Neanderthalistic period, Professor Hansen?” Hansen’s intrigue as well as mine began to increase by the minute. We became more observant as well studious, and diligent with our intent. “The details of the writing, seem to imply the art of primitive writing!” I rejoined. “It is quite startling, but yet, it is real Sir Bunbury. The outline of the drawings, demonstrates that it is roughly, around that period of time. But yet, until we can make a much more, thorough study of these drawings, we shall not know at all professor!” “Are you suggesting professor, that we return to this hovel?” Hansen’s reply was, “By all means!” “What are you professors talking about?” Lord Whitmore, interrupted. “We were merely conversing, about the meaning of the drawings my lord!” I rejoined. I thought if fitting of me to elaborate to the earl, about what both Hansen and myself, were talking to each other about. We were all marvelled by the stunning revelation, but in the end, to stay in the hovel at night, meant being at the mercy, and ruth of the creatures themselves! “With all due respects gentlemen, I suggest we get out of here, the sooner the better. For sunset, shall soon be nearing!” Indeed sunset was approaching, and encroaching as well was the danger of nightfall of which, consisted the menace of the yeti. Fortunately for us, the thick heavy fog, had somewhat subsided and clear; allowing us to proceed. Though the mist of the fog, was much more cleared by then, the threat of the skulking presence of the creatures, was still quite feasible. By the grace of God, we were able to find our way back to the hovel but when we returned, we would find an even more shocking revelation. When we returned, we discovered that the hovel had come to be ransacked. What that meant, was that the creatures, were no longer fearful of the fire that we had left in the entrance of the cave, as a deterrence. Fortunately for us, nothing of our valuables were takened; except only the remnants of some left over meat, that we had cooked by the campfire nearby one of the edges of the walls. “I am afraid gentlemen, we must seek for another way thus to deter the creatures or simply, look for another hovel!” Hansen, languishly admitted.

(Sir Bunbury’s Journal)-Continued

14 April-Several days thenceforth have passed, and yet again the mystery of this foray of which Hansen described has not materialised, nor reached fruition! But the incident at the hovel with the pillaging by the creatures, was pressing upon our thoughts daily. And the writings which we discovered at the other distant hovel was as well, consuming our thoughts. For the nonce, it was what fuelled our passion and desires. Since the discovery back at that hovel, I had thought at length, about the perhaps possibility, that we were nearer to the den of the creatures. Or perhaps even more startling, reached it already. I sensed that perhaps as well, Hansen knew well about this strong possibility. I was slightly, quite uncertain in how to approach him with that particular inquiry of mine. I made the conscious decision, to wait a bit on my inquiry; and let it arrive when it was best suited to be interjected. In other words, I waited for Hansen to indulge me with that endeavour. It did not take long before, we headed back to the hovel but whistedly. But we did not leave until, we settled the issue with which hovel, were we to stay at. In the end, it was then decided that we were to now thus, move into the other cave. Though this one was no bigger than that of which, we dwelled in ere. It was perhaps risky, and much perilous to indulge one in. But yet notwithstanding the danger of the creature, there was very few options bestowed to us thence. Once we made our way to the distant hovel, Hansen and myself, began so to examine the drawings; whilst the good earl, stood at the front of the hovel, as a guard. He was not that keen of dawdling his time, on waiting. But nevertheless, he knew as well as both Hansen and myself that, there was a very good possibility that the creatures, were lurking about nearby the vicinity as to be wonted. Assiduous, studious, attentive was Hansen’s and mine’s attention and diligence. We made the most out of this opportunity, by not only studying the drawings but as well, as an insurance policy, carving out a portion of the wall in case, that we were to so depart the hovel in haste. Lord Whitmore knew that in order to find the creature, we had to truly find it’s den. But in order to so achieve that effectively, we had to study whatever origins the creature derived from. Though the earl had the killer mentality such as Fuller was innated with, he was much more of a scholarly and thewed man, who’s background was that afasted to royalty. I was at least indeed appreciative of that, and I was forlorning glad as well, that I was dealing with him and not with the austere Mr. Fuller. I gave an old thought to the fate of Fuller and the Cree Indian at times, for there was this rather eerie and very murky forefeeling in me that suggested that perhaps, they had not perished at all, under the wrath of the creatures. But instead, were somewhere out there truly amongst us, in this forsakened traphole, that surrounded us at will. It almost felt that we the humans, were the shiftless ones whilst the good creatures, were the shifty ones.

It was such a shilly-shally whilomly, that often I found myself astray within what I thought was logical and unlogical. “What have you surmised so far professor?” Hansen queried upon my knowledge. “Eccentric, amazing, astonishing but yet from my scientific point of view I must say that there is much too equivocally and cryptically, to make a concise analogy. Hitherto, I can only apotheosise, thereafter!” I answered. “Fair enough professor, but I don’t believe that these drawings, are either an alphabet of some sort nor that of a constructive orthography but instead, some pattern of language and speech, that is quite primitive and forn!” Hansen was just as stifled as I was in the end. Though we were both knurled and reputable scientists, this was not akin to our primal studies which was biology. In this case, anthropology was what was ascribed. “It is rather thus orphic is it not professor? But you are right, it is inconclusive! If we only had the services of the good Lord Felix; the greatest anthropologist back at the Academy, or my dear Sir Cromwell!” “How can we be so accurate to know, what time period this writing derived from Professor Hansen? Though we can examine these stone carvings as long as we want, until it is deciphered truly, we are lost my dear professor!” Hansen was just as frustrated and churned as I was. The situation was a quite mind the expression, unpredictable as ever! Despite, the dearest obstacles and impediments, that we were facing with, we did attempt to do our best, to come to finally decipher the meaning of the drawings, since we could not translate it so much. The hours would be consumed in this study day to night. It was close to midnight when we decided to quick at least for the reminder of the night. If we thought that we were going to so slumber peacefully within the calm of the night, we would be wrong. As we were about to retreat, a clamour from outside of the hovel, could be heard audibly. “I suppose that we should retire for the night truly professor!” “I too, have grown weary!” I responded. Suddenly, Lord Whitmore who was curling himself near the campfire then, heard the noise of what seemed to be the grunting and the deep breathing of a what sounded like a beast or an animal of some sort. “What the hell can that be?” I inquired. Lord Whitmore was whisted and pished, for he knew what lurked about outside of the hovel, “Gentlemen, I believe that we have a stranger who is approaching; an unwelcomed guest!” The earl then told us to be hushed, and have our fingers ready at the trigger; for the creatures were truly unpredictable. We stood there tholing, for about several minutes; as the hullabaloo billowed. We had decided, that it was feckless to put a fire in the front of the hovel to thwart off the creatures, since it was proven that the creatures indeed, no longer were fearful of the fire. But that theory was circumstantial for what would so betide next, would leave that theory unanswered. “Do you think that we are looking, at one creature only or several my lord?” I queried. Lord Whitmore, mused over that question, “I believe it is more than one professor!” “Perhaps it is wiser to bring a torch my lord.” Hansen interjected. “Nay, not just yet!” “You are not suggesting my lord, that we let the creature enter willingly and voluntarily?” I waited for his response, “Of course not, but if they shall enter, we shall be ready, to pounce on one; like a bloody tiger professor!” Hansen understood the mentality, and the philosophy of the good earl. “Yes indeed, I understand now Lord Whitmore!” Hansen emoted. But I was dumbstruck, not weeting to what scheme the two had designed. It would not take long before, I would indeed understand completely their ploy. As the minutes and seconds passed, thus did the plausible and advancing encroachment of the creatures. The earl was in the forefront, whilst we stayed behind him. “Steady now gentlemen for I believe, that our unwelcomed guests, are but approaching our dear mansion!” The sound, the clamour seem to insinuate that there was a group of the creatures; and it was the most frightful experience ever betided upon me, since the foray was launched. It was eerie, and literally gally as well.

For the first time, I felt my heartbeat even more faster for it was feasible that just as the haughty Fuller met his fate here in this hovel, so were we to meet our fate here also. Soon, the creatures amidst the darkness of the hovel, began to enter. The good earl had ordered that we extinguish as much light from the entrance of the hovel as possible. Indeed I had had my share of bizarre encounters with the creatures, to bring chills down my spine. There was no sound made by us for we were pished and quiet, as it was recommended to be. We kept our distance hiding behind one of the walls, which shaded the entrance from afar. It allowed us to catch a glimpse of the creatures without them knowing, that we were staring at them from the direction that we were in. We whispered to each other but not that loud, for we were wary of the fact that our good voices could resonate an echo, or a clang that could be heard by the creatures. The darkness of the cave, did so hamper our glance somewhat but as they got closer, we were able to see from aloof and distinguish, their visibility. From afar their guise or their appearance, was still slightly vague, and shadowy. The only noticeable thing of the creature was that it was white, but not that snowy or blanched white but instead closer to gray, it would appear. Perhaps it was because the season had changed from winter to spring, and it’s pure white colour, was now dingy and soily. We did not move for we held our breath in tact, amazed by the sight of the beastly, and swinish one. It is at these times that to a scientist, his urge to so explore mostly overcomes, his fear! And with me it was to be, no different at all. With much trepidation we sought to welcome, our kind guests. They did advanced much thorough into the hovel, but suddenly they stopped, yielded for some strange and odd reason. “Why are they stopping?” I whispered into the ears of the earl. He seemed to be rather perplexed, at first. But then his hunter instincts, ran through his encephalon. “One moment professor. If I am not so mistakened, I believe that the creatures are so observing something that has caught, their attention!” The question was, what were they observing feverishly. “What is it my lord?” I asked the earl. He hawed for an eyeblink, before he whispered back to me, “Our food I believe professor!” Apparently, we had left a smell of our food. To the creatures, it was an easy trail to follow. With such a bait to sniff, it was apparent not only to them but to us more importantly, that the end of the trail, would lead to our campfire, and ultimately toward us! The earl was swift to sense, that that was to betide next. “Keep you fingers ready at the trigger gentlemen, for I believe our good friends, shall be heading in this direction in no time!” At that moment, it was not the time to be a man fallow, and unprepared. The earl stood in the front whilst Hansen and myself, waited in our position behind. Since he was the hunter and the marksmen, it was only natural, that he was our best shot indeed! We had made certain that the light of the campfire was extinguished, but what we had failed to known was the keen sense of smell of the creatures for they could smell indeed, a smoke from miles away. That was the drawback to our scheme, but yet at the same time truly, if there was to be a situation in which we could best capture one of the creatures then, this was to be, that precise moment. Eventually the creatures, made their way pass us as we hid even further behind the wall. It was perhaps a stroke of luck, that they did not see nor sense us with their sophisticated sense of smell. But perhaps, it was more attributed to the inducement of the food, that had caught their senses and their urges as well. In lieu of the quandary Lord Whitmore, was truly a patient and a calm man amidst the adversity that we had found ourselves within.

As for Hansen and myself we were both, a bit more edgy and aflutter with apprehension. The creatures at last made their way toward the extinguished campfire, and happened to stumble upon, our much needed cooked food that was left behind. Soon two became three, and the question was then afterwards, how many of the creatures were lurking near the entrance or hanging around the vicinity? That did pose before us the difficulty, how were we to approach the situation? If we took action then, what was to be the consequences of our hasty action? By attempting to seize one of the creatures, it surely meant jeopardising indeed first our identity but more importantly, are safety! It was a two-edge sword or a sabre, that we were dealt with. Pensive, contemplative we quickly became. We confabulated soon to each other, whispering about what was to be our next move, and our reaction toward the tidings of more creatures dwelling, about the hovel. “What are we going to do next?” I asked the good earl.

He then replied, “We shall wait for the appropriate moment gentlemen, before we react!” Once again, the hunter instinct and mentality, strove mightily within the good earl. I felt helpless at that moment, not knowing what the good earl, was scheming. The question was, was he just thinking for the betterment of the expedition? Or was he musing the thought of relishing with the creature’s head to serve, as a trophy to be put up? I was at the lenity, of Lord Whitmore’s hasty judgement. The creature’s ingenuity thence, began to study the campfire and the area itself. We tried to disguise not only our presence, but our materials and goods as well. But one of the good creatures, happened to discover the goods whilst the others started to leave from the hovel, as they took the food with them. To the creatures, materialistic goods apart from food or water, was of no significance to the beasts. For some odd reason, this one particular creature, stayed behind for the stuff that was laying about the campfire, had fascinated and intrigued the creature. It gave us the chance, that we needed. The other creatures, seemed to be outside of the hovel by then; only with this one creature left behind. Though our chance was bestowed upon us, there was the dear dilemma of how to capture the creature. We could have simply shot the creature wounding it, but the problem with that was it would sindrickly, cause an uproar that the others could easily come to hear. Even the good earl, mused and mulled over that difficult task.

The unfortunate thing that was presented to us, was that time was of the essence. We had to react swiftly, for the behaviour of the creature, was erratic and unbeknown to us. Nothing was certain when it came to the good enacture of the creature, except one thing. And that was, that it was ferocious and deadly above all! As we were hiding behind the shade of the wall in which sheltered our presence, my dearest Hansen apparently, made a crackling noise as he step over a loosen rock. The clamour was loud enough, to catch the attention of the creature. We were now, in an even more arduous quandary than before. I could sense that the earl, was going to kill the creature at whatever cost even if it meant, being discovered by the other creatures. But as the creature stood there listening, and as he was standing but a distance away from us, he then for no apparent reason left the hovel. There was a call by the others to him I imagined. It sounded like a muttering call. The creatures quickly then left the hovel, as fast they came. After we made certain that the creatures had all left, we all then took a huge gasp of air of relief; before we began to converse to each other, about the ordeal with the creatures. “Cursed it be!” The earl emoted. For, there was no disguising his disappointment and his anger. Hansen seemed to be on the contrary much more pacified about the result of the quandary itself. It almost seemed, that he felt that we were to be afforded, another better opportunity thus, to capture the creature. There was mix feelings in me, for on one hand, I was disappointed much like the earl, that we could not capture the creature when we had a possible chance to. Yet at the same time I was relieved, that we were not discovered or so I was led to believe. “Let us indeed be thankful gentlemen, that we are still alive and in tact!” I responded. “But we had those bloody devils, at our mercy professor!” The earl rebutted. “Perhaps indeed my lord, but we were playing with fire and dealt, with an unfair hand as well my lord. Surely if we came to shoot the creature, the others, would have retaliated by trying to kill us all!” The earl still raved on about the chance that was lost, “Never mind that professor, why we could kill them all if was needed!” “But surely my lord, others would have heard the commotion and came anyway! And then what?” I rejoined. “And then what indeed, is the question gentlemen! Surely you must know by now, that there is a good possibility, that the creatures will return knowing that there was food, found here. And not to say the least the rest of the stuff, that was discovered!” Hansen, imposed the question.

“Perhaps not professor, for although the creatures are indeed intelligent to distinguish the campfire, and the cooked food, they as when we stumbled upon this hovel before, did not come to return, after they ransacked the area. Goods and materials, are of no use to them!” “Perhaps so professor! But that is if the creatures can not distinguish between the time that, the fire was lit!” It was exactly what I feared. For if the creatures had sufficient knowledge to know, that the fire of the campfire had been recently lit then, they surely knew that there were inhabitants inside in the cave. Henceforth, the dilemma was not knowing whether or not, the creatures would return or not indeed. Hansen then brought up, another good point, “What if as well, the creatures had so spotted us entering the cave at one time, and so decided to investigate for themselves?” “Good point indeed professor!” I answered. But to the good earl, he was more interested, in capturing the creature in the end, that was his prime objective. “I realise the consequences gentlemen, but let us come to think, how we are to approach this endeavour of capturing the creature!” He thus paused before he replied, “Let us thole here, and await the creature’s return. I believe that good Professor Hansen truly, has a good point there indeed. The creature will return, and we shall be awaiting it with open arms indeed!” “But there is yet the question, how shall we capture the dear creature?” I asked, the earl. The earl seemed to be slightly bemused, by my inquiry. But in the end, he did offer me a worthy reply, “We shall capture it by using a net, gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore’s plan, did have truly, a logical and interesting twist to it. “I believe your plan is worthy indeed so, my lord!” I emoted.

But Hansen wondered about how, could the creature be captured without taking into consideration I felt, the masses of the creatures. “But what if, we encountered as we did on this day, numerous creatures and not one? Who is to say, that we will be lucky, fortunate the next time?” “That will be a risk professor, that we must be so willing to take!” uttered the noble earl. Hansen came to interject, “I must say Professor Bunbury, I too agree with the earl. We must be willing to take a chance, any chance whosoever!” Though, I was reluctant at first to concede to the notion it was scientifically, quite logical indeed. “I do suppose, that it is the most frugal, and chary plan bestowed onto us!” “Now that we have settled that warling, let us proceed to design this entrapment which we are to be dependent upon, gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore, ejaculated. “Let us start at once, and not dawdle our time, in senseless talk gentlemen!” Hansen iterated.

17 April-A couple of days have thence passed, since the infamous encounter with the creatures. In the three days that have elapsed, there has been no sight at all, of the creatures near the hovel. We had the three days that had betided, awaiting the creature’s eminent return, but we were left to be pondering in the end. “Three days have passed gentlemen, and I wonder what has kept the creatures from returning?” I asked. Hansen seemed to be pragmatic, and utilitarian with his dear words after I spoke mine, “Perhaps we underestimated the creature’s capacity of thinking my dear gentlemen.” “I don’t believe so professor!” “What are you alluding to professor?” I asked. “You must dwell long with the creatures, to know them well professor! You see gentlemen, the question should not be when shall the creatures return, but how to make the creature return?” It was Hansen who at the end of the day, had the most intriguing reply ever. What exactly was dear Hansen referring to? Simple, he suggested that we bait the creature into the hovel hoping that it would allure the creature enough, to enter the cave and thus being at our mercy. The earl seemed to marvel and delight in that plan, for his eyes rose in a swollen feeze. Though I agreed it was to be, the most appropriate course to take nevertheless, it was a very dangerous one to employ. But I fancy that at this point in time of the expedition, risk and danger must be overshadowed in one!

It took several hours before the trap was set, and it was midday. We had awakened thus at the crack of dawn, and of the forenoon where we indulged ourselves tremendously, within our task itself. This was to be our plan. The net which had belonged to the earl, was set up by him; as Hansen and myself, so designed the manner in which we were to partake in this endeavour. The hare’s meat, accordingly to the plan devised by the earl, were to serve as the bait. However odd that might imply, it was the only option bestowed to us at the time. Since the creatures had come to take our leftovers, there were no more yak to be utilised. They were craven beasts who sought flesh, meat for that matter! We had been fortunate to have stashed away some hare meat that we had hunted several days ago. It was at least, good enough to fill our paunches for the nonce but soon, we would have to go out hunting anew. But our concern and preoccupation at the moment, was in capturing the creature then, worrying about our next meal. As the day passed, our stroke of luck, would occur. One lonely straggler, would be heard nearing the cave but it was growing dark outside and our light from inside, was dimmed faintly for the purpose of concealing our old presence from within. “Gentlemen, I indeed believe that we got ourselves a familiar guest!” Lord Whitmore, said to us. With the trap set in place, we scurried to our positions whisted and mindful of the good intruder, who was nearing the hovel. “It seems to be getting closer, gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore replied. As before, he was in charge of seeing the plan executed. The grunting expression of the creature, could be heard from aloof. The heavy breathing of the creature, thus was became much audible to our ear as well. We waited, tholed until the opportunity was afforded. We had to make certain also, that there was but only one creature and not more than that. Unless that was to be accomplished then, the plan was feckless. We remained quiet and stilly as well, hoping for what was to become, to be propitious toward us. Thus the creature persisted, and it entered within the hovel; unbeknown to our lingering presence. But much more importantly, to the trap that we had set in preparation, for the creature’s entrance. A couple of minutes then passed, and the creature at last, entered willingly into the hovel; but slovenly, languishly. As ere, the shade of darkness it was to be our greatest asset, in this endeavour. “Just a few meters now!” Lord Whitmore uttered to us, in a chuntering fashion. The creature then spotted the hare’s meat, ahead of it’s view. Was it enough, to attract the creature? Was it enough as well, to fill the creature’s ferocious appetite? We were soon to know the reply, to our inquiry. As we stood so as eager onlookers, there the creature approached the meat of the hare, and then began to consume it. But a curious, and an odd thing then befell next. The creature stopped, yielded for a moment as he was consuming the hare’s meat. He happened to noticed that there was something wrong, according to his smell and his other senses. Was it us that he was sniffing from afar? Did the creature at last, detect our dear presence nearby? If so then, what was to betide afterwards? Would the creature thence, attack us in the end? Or would the creature simply, just walk away, and not further his intrigue?

The beast was the main actor, while we were only the secondary actors. In order to trap the old creature, it meant that the creature had to get closer to us, but not that closer. It grew wary, and it continued to grow suspicious of us as well. We tholed eagerly and anxiously, wondering what was to be the next move employed, by the yeti. Time was of the essence for though we had to be aware of our participation, we could not afford to be anything but less, than expedient at that moment. What I along with the others feared, was the possibility, that the creature’s apprehension to comply with the plan, could attract the presence of others of his breed and kind. “Come on now, just a meter more my boy!” The earl whispered, in the background. We were all eager and agog, to capture the creature but the good earl, were much more zealous, than both Hansen and myself.

The creature’s intrigue, for some unknown reason or inducement, abated for good. The creature’s attention, was much more drawned to finishing the consumption of the hare than us. It was now right in the heart of the trap itself and it meant, that our gumption and mettle, was each bold and daring as can be. “We’ve got that bloody creature right, were we want it gentlemen!” It was the earl who came, to resonate the sentiment of the moment. Suddenly the trap, feel down on the creature trapping it. Quickly we sprouted from our hiding place, and sought to administer an injection to subdue the creature. But we had failed to take to account the brute strength of the creature. As we scurried to the creature it began to battle, attempting to free itself from the dear grasp of the hold of the net. The creature from all looks, was not seeming to comply at all. Infact it was bent, on stirring a feeze. We knew that we had to subdue the creature, as swiftly as much possible; for the cries and yells of the creature, would surely alert the wandering ears of his other brethren. It was a dire and hectic situation indeed. “Go around the creature, and tame it with an injection, my dear professors!” The earl ejaculated. It was truly so dangerous, and perilous to attempt to appease the creature but nevertheless, it had to be done. But how were we to truly encroach upon the creature, subduing it in the end? Our hesitance would cost us in the end, for as Hansen and myself, thought of a way in which we could administer the injection onto the beast, the creature would launch out at us, and by doing that, it was able to put itself in the position of freeing itself, from the grasp of the net. It was much too perilous then, to try to subdue the creature with the injection. What would happen next was utterly, amazing but yet at the same time, chilling and agueing as well! Whilst we tried to handle the creature with the injection, it started to lash out at us thrashing and swaggering in it’s brawn, and muscle. Finally, despite the firm and steady sturdiness of the net, it was to be of no manacle to bear to the creature’s, powerful force. After finding itself somewhat confined, it tore the shred of the net into pieces as if it was simply papier-mâché, or a string of yard! Indeed so strong and massive was the brute strength of the beast, that it’s strong frame overshadowed our pathetic, human physiognomies. He stared at us, with his fiery opaque eyes which seemed to the devilish eyes of the devil himself. It’s teeth it grinded, as it then flared out at us, like pointed fangs of a vampire it would seem.

There was anger in the eyes of the beast, but yet there was this rather odd sense feeling I felt, that the creature was obfuscated confused, by what was occurring to him. It almost appeared to me that it wanted to be left alone, and like a wounded animal when cornered, it would definitely lash out in self-defence. And thus, this is what the creature I felt in me, was attempting to do. Despite this ferocious posturing threat, it did not attack us at once. It could have easily thence, killed us if it wanted. But something unbeknowingly to us, Hansen and myself, was thwarting the creature’s advance toward us. How eerie and yet bizarre it was, that in the most terrifying moment that I found myself within, it was the most humane moment, that had betided to me. Thus what happened thence next, would be something of which the consequences that were taken, would resonate a cloud of doubt and uncertainty. While the creature, but stood there with a doubtful, and uncertain expression on his countenance, there was a scream to fire then, made by Hansen who felt that the creature, was about to attack us. When instead, the dear creature was doing the opposite. Yes it did walked toward us so but not to attack us I felt, but instead, to study us as we had done of it. But to Whitmore, it was the chance that he was stowing in; for it was after all, his chance to shoot the creature point blank! Whitmore, did not hesitate so for a dear moment at all. Instead, his finger was swift to pull the trigger! What would betide then next would be simple the creature would fall to the ground, but not before he roared like a lion.

The clamour or uproar itself, would soon cause an uproar within the hovel and amongst us good men. The creature was shot three times, twice in the chest, and once in the head. It soon fell to the ground, in a haste. It shivered and doddered whilst, it was on the ground. It was such a surreal moment to attest for me, that I wanted to turn my head around in disgust. But the instinct of my scientific nature, prevented me from executing that desire of me. Therefore, I stood there gawking at it, like a hawkish bird of prey. I was helpless to do anything for the creature. I could not scamper to it’s side, for I was afraid of my own safety at the time. Though it was not the way of a Christian, I was a coward who was trapped as I stood there watching, within my own good cowardice! I could see what appeared to be, a tear rolling down the eye of the creature as it thus stared at me, in it’s final gasp of air. It was such a morbid and eerie sight to bear witness toward. I would have never prayed a death so tragic so horrible upon any pour soul, not to say the least, this wretched creature. Lord Whitmore quickly scurried to our side and stood himself, infront of what had become then, the dead corpse of the yeti. “Incredible, but yet I did it! I was able so, to bring down this mammoth giant, with the precision gentlemen!” I was shocked to hear the dear earl, brag and boast about his accomplishment, that it sickened me to hear his words. Though Hansen did not say much, his silence told it all for me. What I saw in his eyes at the exact moment that the creature died, and Lord Whitmore sprewed those harsh words of his, was an austere look, of murkiness. “My lord, with all due candour and respect, we have done a mighty great travesty, and injustice here!” I said. At first the earl, was not that amenable to my admission; for he was still gloating amidst his success. “My good Sir Bunbury, you are a rather admirable man but with all due respect professor, if I had not shot the creature so, you along with the good Professor Hansen, would be most likely dead by now! It was either you or the creature professor!” Hansen then interjected, “I must concur with the earl professor; for it was either our lives, or the creature’s life!” I could thus understand somewhat his point of view, for perhaps he thought, the creature was preceding to attack? But yet, I was troubled with the idea, that the creature had to be shot to death. Hansen tried to assuage my concern, “Good Professor Bunbury, I understand your concern for the chance to study a living creature. Your intent indeed is rather noble professor, but yet, look at the creature professor, we still have the opportunity of examining the creature! My God professor at last we have a chance, at studying the creature. It is a chance of a lifetime, that any great scientist in the world, would die to have professor!”

As a human being, I did not want to listen to Hansen’s ridiculous statement, but yet as a dear scientist, I understood his point quite clearly. Amidst this adversity that I found myself in, I had to be on the side of the others amongst their presence, for the sake of the expedition indeed. I thought it best to confine my strong objection toward the killing of the creature, and instead for the nonce, concentrated on being a scientist foremost. There was a pressing issue that was to be of our concern, and that was, the consequences that to come after killing the creature. “We must be prepared, for what is to come next gentlemen!” I said to both Hansen, and Lord Whitmore. The earl was still mired, in his grandiose trophy, whilst Hansen was so busy observing the dead cadaver of the beast. But the consequences of our action, were soon to have reprisal. Thus, the question was thence what was to be the vengeance or wrath of the creatures, upon us? While we were gathered about inside the hovel, a loud obstreperous clamour, could be so heard over the horizon; beyond the visage of the mountains. It was audible to our ears and it caused us, to stay still for a good minute or two. Each had their different reaction, Lord Whitmore’s was one rather excited and eager. Whilst Hansen’s expression was one wary and yet, mindful of the danger. As for my own reaction, it was much more aligned to Hansen’s own expression.

Quickly then, our attention turned to the issue of the consequences, that were to happen afterwards. “I believe gentlemen, we shall be visited by more than a few old friends my boys!” It was such a poignant statement said by the earl, but yet one so real and so daring as well. “What are we to do then my lord, if the creatures will in masses, attack us with retaliation?” All athwart the mountains, the clang of the creature’s vociferous cry, could be heard even miles away there past yonder. “I suggest we not be fallow gentlemen!” Lord Whitmore exclaimed. “I fear that this was to betide next gentlemen!” I vociferated. “Regrettably Professor Bunbury, at least this time, I must agree with you!” Though Lord Whitmore realised the impact of his shot, nevertheless he did not eschew from being, indifferent and detached from our worry. “Let us not jump to hasty conclusions, professors!” The earl non-chalantly responded. I could not help, but rebut and also refute his haughty mien, “My lord with all due respects, surely you must know, that it shall take long before the wretched creatures, will soon be at our hides!” Despite my warning, the earl did not appear to be so easily impressed, nor swayed. Instead he was rather debonairing, and suave in his enacture, “Let the creatures come, for we shall be awaiting them professor, with the end of our barrels!” I felt I was staring at, the dreaded image of Fuller, as I stood erect to the good earl. The good Danishman, seemed to be acquiescent to the thinking and mindframe of the earl. But yet at a much more wary pace. “How do you suppose my lord, that we shall come to defeat an army or a legion of these creatures? Surely you must understand that we are outnumbered, and indeed at the lenity, of those skulking creatures!” It did not matter it seemed to the earl, or for that matter to dear Hansen as well but nathless they did in the end, realise the significance of our action. It was at least gratifying to heard them, see the senses of the ramifications of our quandary. “I truly suggest gentlemen, that we keep the trigger of our rifles in place. For if the cursed creatures, are to attack us with a conviction gentlemen then let them come for we shall not disappoint them at all!” I sought reason, but I saw that I could not find it with the earl, thus I approached Hansen in the hope that I would at least, find common ground with him. I took him to the side, and tried to speak to him about the matter. “Professor Hansen, may I speak to you for a minute sir?” Hansen obliged me, “Why of course professor! What it is, that is troubling much professor?” I then said the following to him, “I am concerned about the mien of the good earl, for we must be prudent with our actions!” Hansen was not that concerned as I was, toward the behaviour of the earl. Instead, he was just as eager, and anxious to quarrel with the creatures.

“My good Professor Bunbury, you should be excited for the challenge for is this not what, you came here to Nepal, to thrive for?” He was so blatant with his admission, that I so almost felt compelled to snide at his incredulous remarks. But yet if they had not be so true then, I would had retorted his claim with a fury. “How odd it is that amongst these wretched mountains, those words said by you, were the exact same ones that I did come to utter and bespeak ere, professor!” “Come on professor, there is old saying, when a cat is cornered, he shall do anything to escape. Even if it means, the certainty of death!” I indeed wondered in the end, what was he trying to imply with that adage of his? I didn’t quite truly I felt understand it, at first. It was thence afterwards, that after a thorough thought given, I realised that if he was talking about the fact that we were barren and lost then, his words resonated meaning to me. At this point I am at a lost to know, what my good fellow companions, are compelled to do next! I could only scratch my head and pull out some hairs, in this so heavy tousle of thinking. My dear conscious was eating at me, for there was on one hand logic and ethics, and on the other hand, there was duty and survival.

Unfortunately, I was not in the position to invoke ethics nor logic in this predicament. It was Hansen who best epitomised this endeavour, chicanery and mystery. For some reason he was the key to this expedition, not only in the formation of it. But also I felt behind this rune, or this mystery of which we are continuously involved within. I am much afraid, that the good Professor Hansen along with the earl are much more interested, in capturing the creature then, departing from this wretched Hades! We spent the whole day, in anticipation of the creature’s arrival but at least for the nonce, they were not to come. We were consumed with the creature, that we had forgotten the plight of our escape or should I say, the arrival of Hansen’s so-called expedition. It was unpredictable was this situation for one does not find himself, fond of being in such a bold and less than auspicious situation. There was another dilemma, and that was food. Since we used up our meat in entrapping the creature, we were confronted with the harsh reality, that if we did not go out and hunt for food or search for water, we were so certainly going to either starve to death, or die of thirst! Neither option, was one which I was so much looking forward to. I have found myself hearkening back to the words of my old friend, and compeer. My old friend, my old mentor, how I come to miss you daily. For if I had the option, of never coming here in the first place, I would have never came in the first place. I long for the old trysts back, in the rowdy halls of the Academy. I long for the ardent and perfervid interlocutions betwixt my compeers. I long for the justification of this expedition, since it has only led to death and deprivation. I long for the simplicities of life, amid it’s hardened, and harsh reality! If it was just so simple to wish my woes away, and to reconstruct this foray again from the start. There is so much of this expedition that I regret, and wished to change.

Hitherto it was impossible. But amid my regrets laid the most heart-felt one, the dear death of my good Sir Wellington! When I mentioned that night that we tholed for the coming of the creatures, the kind reflection of my fellow mentor, Hansen seemed to be somewhat crass, and insensitive when I did mention the parting of Sir Wellington the greatest modern scientist, ever known in modern jolly old England. Infact his words if I recall were exactly these, “He shall be miss; for he was a great scientist but nevertheless, scientists come and go professor. But science remains forever indeed! That is what so fuels the passion of a scientist, my friend!” How could I fault him, when myself I was no different to him, a scientist as well. Harbour a crook, and you become a thief in the end; as dear Father once said to me as a lad once. But I was worser; for I was a huckster! Enough of lamentations, and onto the story at hand. Aside from my complaints, there laid the impossibility of the dead creature at our disposal. Despite it being dead, it was indeed such a startling reality. For we at last achieved in killing the creature, what we had sought to accomplish. Though it was at the cost of the creature’s existence in the end. Like Jeckyll and Hyde, I struggled within me to deal with double identities that I bore within me at that time. As aforementioned on one hand, I was appal to see the creature killed for the sake of our mere pleasure. But yet on the other hand, I was mildly excited for the chance of a lifetime, observe the legendary yeti! What any other scientist, would do truly in my place to have a chance to study what to most people, was the very own missing link! This was the moment of which, I had yearned feverishly to find myself in. But at the most revolting interlude of shame. “I can’t quite fathom the fact that we are observing professor, the greatest unknown living creature ever in the history of mankind or for that matter, the history of creation itself!” Hansen rejoined. I thought he was mad but yet, as I stood hovering over the dead cadaver of the creature, I saw depth to the words of Hansen and I despised that with vile and discontempt. It was best for my sake, that I came to be amenable toward his conversation.

“Look at it’s cranium; for it’s skull seems to be a primate indeed, almost human!” Good Hansen responded. He then continued, “Why it’s posture though is not perpendicular completely like we humans is nevertheless, almost identical professor. The texture of it’s hair, is somewhat similar to a hairy old man! And it’s symmetrical shape of bones, and muscle professor, seem to insinuate that it is within the period of the Neantherdal epoch professor. For it’s structure truly is from my calculations, only hundred of thousands years ago! But the question is until we can have more time to study the creature much more thoroughly, we shall only be guessing the most!” “It is so probable, feasible from my observation that professor, your analysis and assumptions of the creature, are accurate perhaps substantial. But you are correct, unless we can study the creature more thoroughly, we do not know what is tangible or not!” “The bad thing about this all, is that we are not back at a laboratory, where we could with much more efficient methods, could study this creature and thence dissect it, to know of it’s physiognomy and above all, it’s origins!” said Hansen. His eyes rose in a feeze for thence he even had the gall, to insinuate that we not wait to return to Europe to perform that endeavour, “Perhaps we need not wait, professor. We could dissect the creature now, and here!” I thought of him mad, younkers as they say in Northern England. If it had been under the circumstances completely different than those presently, I would easily had seen indeed his point of view. But under these particular conditions, it was highly unethical, “Professor Hansen, please you must understand, that it would not be advisable professor! Is it not better professor, to wait off on that idea and instead concentrate on preserving the creature, so we could take it back to Europe. God’s sake professor, this might be the only chance we have at bringing back with us to civilisation, a yeti!” “Perhaps so, but I believe that a living yeti, is better than a dead one! If we are to know the creature thoroughly then, we must dissect it from the inside to know, whether it is a true primate, professor!” There is where I detested, and abhorred my field of expertise, my cursed profession for it always forsook, my human compassion.

“Though I must abject to your notion notwithstanding that as a scientist, I must agree somewhat! Let us just hope, that you are right when you say a living yeti, is better than a dead one! I would hate to bethink what a living yeti would be like to examine, than a dead yeti professor.” “Thus let us proceed then, and hope, that we shall discover what we are seeking, professor!” Hansen replied. We proceeded in the endeavour of dissecting the creature, and studying it’s organs. This was Hansen’s field, though he was an anthropologist as well, he was much more of a biologist in the end. I let Hansen lead in this endeavour, whilst I served as his assistant. As for the good earl, he stood infront of the hovel, watching and waiting for the creature’s eminent arrival. He seemed to be emboldened and uplifted, by the success of his kill. He was eager like any other hunter, to hunt afresh! Amazed, stunned, bemused, were synonyms of the expressions expressed upon our guises. The hours passed by, and we continued with our study, whilst the creatures still remained aloof. We did not have time to think about the creatures, and the consequences of our action for we let the earl, handle that part of the predicament. Hansen was much more amazed than I was; for he appeared to be enamoured with his discoveries each and every time, that he stumbled onto them. “Incredible professor, the organs of this creature are like a primate but yet!” He paused for a moment before he came to say, “I dare not dread to utter this, but these organs, are much like human organs so professor!” “What do you mean. professor?” “Look for yourself professor, see what I mean!” I then looked at what the good Danishman was pointing to. And when I did, I was just as startled as Hansen but yet, I had done my share of dissecting monkeys, that I was not so certain just yet, to attach myself to Hansen’s theory.

“Perhaps we are jumping to conclusions here, Professor Hansen. We must not abate to our final suppositions just yet. There is still much to study here, before we can truly, come to say my dear professor that what we have here, is much more than a primate!” Sunset was nearing by the hour. And the image of the moon, was thus soon to be encroaching a shadowy lineament to again hover over, the darkened shade of the cave. With the quandary of the dead creature, we could not afford ourselves even, the leisure of hunting! Quickly we were like a pack of sardines or worse, a group of scoundrelish miscreants. The danger and peril of the lurking creatures, did impede us. It was a consequence, that we had to embrace ourselves toward. There was a point, where our need for hunger and thirst soon came to override, our need to study the creature more. We were lucky to find a stream nearby, only a few meters from the cave. And, we were as well forlorning fortunate as well, to stumble onto a few lonely straggling hares. Though, I would have preferred, a hufty and well rounded yak to eat nevertheless, food was food. And at this period in time any type of dear food, was enough to fill the quench of our hunger. And any kind of water, was enough also, to quench our needed thirst! As night-time thus approached the question, was what was to betide next? Eager and agog awaiting were we all, not knowing what lurked with the coming, of the dim darkness!

(Lord Rutherford’s Journal)

24 April-At last we have arrived in Pokhara, after a gruelling and harsh journey by horse, over the hardened landscape of the mountains region of the Himalayas. I fear that at my old age, I shall not be much rigid nor primed for the occasion. But I can not abandon the expedition, with my agonies of thought. I believe my body is still feeling the effects of the bumps and bruises that I encountered along the way, from Kathmandu to Pokhara. Our good tour guide Pema, the dear Buddhist monk was good enough to find us, some old-fashioned Sherpa lodging, along with a bit of cordial hospitality as well. The monk was early and up, and about at the crack of dawn for it was accustomed, and wonted of him. For the Buddhists monks, praying before the crack of dear dawn, was as wonted as an Englishman, drinking a cup of tea early in the morning. This ritual of the monks, I find rather refreshing and fascinating. The more that I come in contact with the dear people of this region, and my travels athwart Nepal I become much more enamoured, with the furtive and undiscovered treasures, wealth of culture, language and above all, it’s pelf of unique landscape. I must attest as well, that I am a strong admirer of the adventure that I find myself in day and night. These travails and toils, are much to be chronicled and written. I have made truly certain, that the endeavour is being endeavoured. I found him outside when I was arisened, and just happened to be oddly enough, that I found him meditating and praying, as he was knelt to the ground.

I stood there from afar, and felt that it was not appropriate to interrupt him. But yet, he felt my presence from behind him, with his instinctive intuition. “Tashi delek! Good morning Lord Rutherford!” said the monk to me, as he sensed my presence perhaps out of the corner of his eye? Or perhaps, attributed to this six sense that was attached, to the lore of the Buddhist monks, themselves? “Tashi delek!” I said back to him, in his native Sherpa tongue. Though the monk was a Buddhist, he was beforehand, a Sherpa from the Solu tribe of which, there was also the Helambu tribe as well. “How was your sleep last night, my lord? Were you able to slumber quite nicely my lord?” The monk asked me. “I have to say my lord, that I slept like a log for the first time. There is much tranquillity, within this place of yours indeed!” “Much different, than your beloved London my lord?” “Yes indeed my lord, it is rather much appeasing, than the hectic rambles of London itself. Though, I must so attest, I am much wonted to the dreary effects of good old London!” He then rose to his feet, and then pointed to the impressive mountains infront and around us. Then he said to me, as I stood there marvelled by the impressive mountains that laid past yonder but a distance away, “There my lord, is the home of the Great Himalayas. You see thee Great Gautama Budda our teacher taught his followers, that there was a perfect enlightenment to be sought in Buddhism. And that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental, and moral self-purification my lord!” “What do you call, this state of enlightenment my lord?” I inquired. He then looked into my eyes, and then uttered, “Bodhi, which is in Sanskrit the word, enlightenment!” I never thought that I could learn so much, from a old monk which I must confess from the tattery garment, that covered his frail and gaunt frame, did not seem to be a man of much wisdom nor forbearance. But yet he was an admirable to so admire, and I must acknowledge, learn something of wisdom from him. Whilst the others slumbered still, I sat down on the ground outside the hut that so looked more like a good wigwam, of the Indians of the Great Lakes region, in North America. “Tell me something my lord, what is the true meaning of the message, that your teacher Buddha, taught to his followers?” The monk appeared to be, astonished and intrigued to know how interested I was in inquiring about Buddhism itself. “I must say my lord, that I have talked at length to Europeans such as yourself, about our practice of Buddhism; and upon the mystic of our religion. And I do swear to you my lord, that I have never grown so weary of talking about my religion, each and every time I am asked about it!” I could see in his eyes, this gleam of which betold the secret of his devotion to Buddhism and the pith of which served, as the veichle to his good enlightenment. “You see my lord, the key word is enlightenment in Buddhism. Without it, it is effectively truly useless to describe! Our purpose as men is to find within ourselves, the answers to our very own dear questions. Wisdom and knowledge is attained not so much as from books, but from the mind and heart of one. You see my lord, there is where enlightenment, is found from whence it is thus innated from all along!”

I truly felt at that moment, that as I looked into his weary eyes, and toward the vast mountains itself, that his words resonated a deep clang of harmony within me. I dared to ask, “Do you truly my lord, believe that in this modern world of ours, that we could achieve, that perfect harmony? Do you believe as well that in the years to come, with the dawn of a new century before us, that we men who covet materialistic things, could apply such a concept of yours in this world?” I had underestimated the potential of his mind, and the power of his words. “Even in this modern world of ours, and in the centuries that will come. Our teacher’s words, will come to live and endure forever professor. You see my lord, even in eternal life or as you Europeans say death of the body, the spirit of the message of Buddha lives on. For you see my lord, it is the spirit of man that is eternal and not the flesh. We Buddhist indeed believe that one leaves not this world in spirit, but instead makes a endless journey, into the process of what is called in English I believe, reincarnation. It is there my lord, where the spirit we call the good Karma, is reached and ascertained!” To a common English Christian, it would be much hard to understand, this concept of reincarnation. For I am afraid, that to the likes of us scientists it is a thought to ponder indeed! But I must inquire upon you my lord, is it possible that a creature such like the yeti could have outlived the others; who lived during the period of the Neanderthals?”

I hawed for a moment, as if to definite my speech more efficaciously, “What I am trying to say here my lord is, could a creature such as the yeti have been able under the harshen and the difficult conditions of the time, survived when other human species such as the Neanderthals and the Homo erectus and others, faded and became extinct?” I sought in him, answers of which he perhaps, could endeavour me with. He was quite so reflective and mindful, of the significance of my inquiry, “It is a good question to impose upon the mind of one my lord, but if you are asking my expertise in the yeti, than you might be disappointed with my response!” “What are you thus saying my lord?” He then, proceeded to elucidate, “Forgive me my lord, what I was trying to say to you was simply, that the yeti the creature that you are seeking and searching for, is not there where you are seeking, and searching for!” His reply was deceptive, and illusive. But yet, I felt at the same time, that there was depth and meaning attached, to his words. “Pardon me my lord if I persist in my inquiry, but I must know what do you mean by your last statement?” I was so eager, and anxious to hear his answer. He took to account of my plead and foremost, my unweetingness in not being keen on the study of Buddhism itself. “My friend!” he paused then he pointed to the edge of the mountains, that laid infront of our view.

Then he said, “There, if it is there where you plan to search for the creature then, you will not find it with your very own eyes. But, if you seek the creature with your inner spirit then there, you will find the creature my lord!” Still I asked myself, what was he attempting to say to me, in the end? “Puzzled, still are you not my good friend from England?” The wary monk said to me. I did not want, to seem ignorant amidst him. Thus I eschewed from demonstrating my lack of field of expertise when it came to Buddhism, and the mystics of the orient, “Not really, I only wished that I fully understood the meaning of your words!” He nodded his head then, he said. “Perhaps one day soon, you will truly understand, the meaning of my words, my English friend.” “Perhaps one day, I will my lord!” Our parley continued somewhat before we were confronted, with the others awaiting, for the expedition to commence. Lord Tannerbaum happened to spot us, whilst the others joined him. At that moment the conversation that was shared between the good monk and myself, had pretty much abated and run it’s course. “Lord Rutherford, I see that you woke up with spirit, and with feeze my lord!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. “Yes indeed my lord, but I am grateful, that I had a chance to speak to our good friend here. For, I have gained wisdom and I have gained as well, a wealth of knowledge!” “Are the others up, and about my lord?” I asked Lord Tannerbaum. “I do believe so, we are all up and about; and eager to start this great expedition of ours!” said my good friend. It was the day that we most sought, and were feverishly modblyssend to initiate this expedition at once indeed! “Let us then, have a sip of tea; before we get ourselves about on this expedition my good lord!” I said, to Lord Tannerbaum. “Will you join us, with a cup of tea, my good monk?” “I shall be glad to join you gentlemen!” Thus we retreated back to the lodging in which, we were staying out for the nonce. After our cup of tea, the setting was soon ready. Midday have thence arrived, and it was the time in which we were to at last, launch this great foray of ours in earnest. With it, meant that it was time to finally say goodbye to the good Buddhist monk, and my good friend as well. We stood outside the hut, ready to depart and begin our great endeavour, “I believe that this is goodbye, my good friend!” I said to the monk. He only smiled flashing a benign smile, quite so reflective of his passive enacture, “Goodbye my good English friend. May you find what you are searching for!” I had learn a few words of his tongue, and I found the most befitting word of all to express to him, as I shook his hand in farewell, “Thuchi chea!” Anew he smiled, as he was amused by my thanks that he kindly uttered, “Your welcome my friend!” As I shook his hand, I felt the warmth of true honesty in his shake; for he was indeed a worthy man to admire.

There were so many people along the way to thank; Lord Guntry, Tarik, Mr. Singh, and then there was the good Buddhist monk. Perhaps there were others along the way as well, but if I had forgotten them then, do forgive my impudence. But before we were about to embark on our waiting expedition, we were introduced to the one man of whom, the salvation of dear Professor Bunbury and Sir Wellington’s fate laid in the hands of. The man of whom I speak of, is a local Sherpa doctor by name of Professor Kham. “Gentlemen there is a gentlemen that I must introduce to you before you leave for I believe, that he could assist you!” “Assist us you say my good friend, but in what?” I inquired. “Assist you in knowing what perhaps happened to your good friends, Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington!” “Nonsense, how can you believe the good words of this man? For all we know, he could be inventing what we want to hear. I bet you that he truly didn’t meet the good Professor Bunbury and Sir Wellington?” Lord Carlton, emoted. It was then that the good Professor Kham, introduced himself, “Strong accusations indeed so my lord! But I assure you, I met the good Sir Bunbury and Sir Wellington!” “With all due respects my lord, I have nothing to gain by lying my lord!”

I then interrupted, “Do forgive my fellow compeer, professor. But since I am the one of whom, you need to speak to, let us converse inside!” Inside, we were able to talk at length about the information that Professor Kham, knew about the expedition of Professor Bunbury. We were forced, to delay the commencement of the expedition, at least for another day. What it meant in the end was, that tomorrow was to be the day in which the foray of ours, was to begin! All of the members of the expedition had no quarrel with that but as to be expected, there was to be one of whom, objection was to be an extemporaneous plight of his. Naturally I was referring to the dear Lord Carlton. His argument this time, was that by delaying the foray, we were perhaps not only dawdling our time but also, forsaking the lives of both Professor Bunbury, and Sir Wellington? It was a respectable argument, but one so feckless and fruitless. Yes it meant delay the foray for a day, but it was much more vital and important, to know the fate of my good fellow compeers. It was after all the major objective that had brought us here to Nepal, in the first place. Everything including the yeti, had to be secondary compared to the fate of both Bunbury and Sir Wellington indeed! Lord Carlton did not seem to agree for he was certain, that the fate of our good compeers had met their death already. He made his discontent known to me in privacy, “My good Lord Rutherford, with all due respects my lord, I must voice my objection to this delay; for we must stay to the course of what the expedition was planned in the first place!” I did not intend to get in another quarrel with dear Lord Carlton himself but he was truly, a hard and stubborn man to simply assuage with kindness. “Lord Carlton, certainly I understand your objection, and your concern my lord. But at the same time, you must understand as well, my point of view to thole until morrow! You see my lord, our main concern as I have stated to you before is and has been, the well-being of our colleagues of which, the principal of this expedition, was founded upon! Or am I mistaken anew my lord?” I saw in his eyes, the malice of a man who was defeated again. Yet, he was admirable in defeat, “I do suppose that in the end, you are correct my lord!” He could not resist the temptation, to prong me with a steely reminder of his poisonous sarcasm, “Let us hope for our sake, and for the sake of Professor Bunbury and Sir Wellington that a delay in a day, shall not be to late for them!” It was not something favourable to me to hear but nevertheless, I had grown wonted of his dry and witty sarcasm. I thought it was better, to let Lord Carlton, rave his fury of the day upon me at once then, to wait for it to arrive much later. On to the subject of Professor Kham. I headed back inside the hut, and began to converse more at length, about what he knew about Professor Bunbury and the good Sir Wellington. Naturally, we were all gathered around not around a table, but instead the surface of the very floor that we treaded upon. Let me attest, that it was truly such an odd and a strange thing to bear witness to. This hut was like no other ordinary European lodging, for it is so like the North American Indian small and confine, restricted and quarter of furniture, and other type of things, common within even the most quaint English house. They are so much akin to the Arabs, in the form of their simplistic way of life, and customs as well. But the Sherpas, are much more backward; and their way of living. Perhaps it is because they are wayward people, who do not fancy the whims of us Europeans much at all. From what I can surmise about these people, they are rather banal, and ordinary folks, who bear a much darker skin colour, than the typical Asian. Though, their eyes are slanted like a true Asian, they are more aligned to the Tibetans or more, the Great Mongols who once roamed the earth, with such great vengeance and power.

It was remarkable, was the simplistic lifestyle that these people lived in and yet, their culture much so hoary and ancient, is truly one to admire and bewonder. “Professor Kham, you must tell me again, the reason that Professor Bunbury, returned to Nepal as you say after he had decided to return to England, with this specimen that the professor, had discovered whilst he was on his expedition here in Nepal?” Professor Kham, was a man who was thorough in his mien, and well educated in his thingy thew. He did not eschew to answer my question, nor any other questions, that I would impose upon him. I quickly see him to be an ally, and a friend. For what matter, was simply what pertinent information could he give to us, that could so solve at least the mystery, behind Bunbury and Wellington’s whereabouts. I knew that whatever the good professor could reveal to us, could steer and guide as well, on our expedition as well. “From what I so recall the good Professor Bunbury telling me my lord, he came back to Nepal I believe to once again, find the illusive creature, as he said!” “What indeed perplexes me professor, is the fact that after leaving here with this supposed specimen, he would once again, return anew to the one place in which, he almost lost his life at!” I replied curiously. “I do not really have a clear answer to that question of yours my lord, but if I may say it was probably the yeti itself! You see he was so driven by the need to find the creature and also to find, his good friend, Sir Wellington!” I could not help but ponder, and wonder the truth behind his words. Nay, did I doubt his words much at all for I knew that he was a genuine man to trust, and most of all, to believe. “It is rather remarkable indeed professor that the good Professor Kham, would leave the good foray in which he was in then, return as you say he did! What could have been in his mind at that time, thinking whether or not to return, after his once departure in the first place?” I exclaimed. It was an intrigue, that fascinated the others as well. But Lord Carlton was a bit suspectful, and quite so suspicious of what was transpiring in the mind of Professor Bunbury, to have made him leave in the first place and then return, “I still must confess gentlemen, that I am rather puzzled, and quite bewildered, with this explanation. I find it quite unlikely, and improbable that Professor Bunbury would leave the expedition and thence return anew, especially after he was at the point of death indeed!” Lord Tannerbaum then, made his own comments, “I disagree with you Lord Carlton for I must say, that it is unlikely yet at the same time, it is believable. Lord Carlton you must take to account, the circumstances in which, he left and then returned! I myself, under those so unusual circumstances, would return in a heartbeat!” Lord Beasley, soon second that argument, “I must admit as well, that I would agree with Lord Tannerbaum. Any great scientist, would marvel at the opportunity to return, but I think that we are forgetting the point in which truly, caused him to return. And that, was the fate of his dear fellow compeers!” “That is the key here gentlemen, Lord Beasley is correct, the fate of our good fellow scientists!” I interjected.

Lord Carlton was mummed; for once again, he had come to lose other round of fruitless warling. “I must ask you something Professor Kham of which so troubles me! And that is, you mentioned that when Professor Bunbury, returned along with Sir Cromwell, you told them that it was probably a more viable route, to head northeasternly. Because, you felt that it was the only route in which, they Professor Bunbury and Sir Cromwell, could have a good opportunity, to perhaps locate the others Professor Walters, Hansen and the others who were on the expedition with them. But yet you stated, that the main reason that Professor Bunbury had no real objection toward that suggestion was because, he had stumbled at last, onto the perhaps den of the creature. Is that not accurate professor?” I queried. He did not eschew my inquiry, nor did he seek to be evasive neither. I never felt once, that he was trying to employ deceit nor chicanery upon us. For instead, I felt that he was much like the Buddhist monk a very worthy man indeed; and one of whom, I knew I could trust and rely upon.

Instead, he sought to answer my question with the truth, “I can see how that contradiction in a way, could obfuscate one’s own thinking, but I believe that I can avow and much aver in the behalf of the professor that he felt, that with all honesty that he would locate the creature indeed; and the others, mainly Sir Wellington and Professor Walters all, within the same good vicinity!” His heart-felt confession, seemed to indicate to me that truly, Professor Bunbury believed in his heart, that he had found the den of the creatures. But what was so troubling was the fact, that I sensed in the voice of Professor Kham, that Professor Bunbury believed that Professor Walters, was dead already or to say, he had met his maker. I got the impression as well, that Professor Bunbury believed that the fate of Sir Wellington, was as murky as the others. I did not insist, in knowing whether or not my impression, was to be as so accurate in the end. Instead, I left that uncertainty for latter and let the Nepalese professor, give more information about, what betided to Professor Bunbury when he met him. “Professor Kham if I may query, why such a great man like yourself, did not seek to join the good professor in the last expedition of his? I am speaking to the scientific nature of you my dear professor, when I ask that particular question.” Professor Kham, did not seem to eschew my question, with much disinterest. Infact I found his reply, to be much humble, and worthy of his character, “To be honest with you my lord, there is a part of me that would have loved to have gone with the professor but yet at the same time, there is a major part of me so, that knows my duty to my people; the Sherpa people my lord! It is my duty to them that comes first above all!” I found admiration in his words indeed; for his devotion to his people, was something seldom so seen, back in our good western civilisation. I dread to imagine, what the scholars of the Academy would deem the mien of such a simplistic, and rural man though highly educated in England. Perhaps to them, to forsake that of which he took an oath as a scientist toward adventure, for the mere simplicity of being only a common praticising doctor, was not highly ethical in their point of view? But to me, he did earn indeed, my trust and my laudation. He was an incredible and indelible man, was this one Sherpa doctor; for he possessed the charisma of an Englishman, and the passionate fervour of a Florence Nightingale.

As for the others, their impression of Professor Kham I felt, was equally the same as mine. But as to be wonted throughout this great expedition, there was to be at least indeed, one dissenter; and that was the haughty Lord Carlton himself. “You must know alot then, about English culture, literature, and history my dear Sherpa professor!” he asked. Professor Kham indulged the whim of Lord Carlton, “Though I am not a connoisseur of your beloved country, I have come to know and appreciate it for it’s many dear wonders my lord!” “What is your concept of Darwin’s evolution? Do you believe that Darwin’s analogy of evolution, is correct Professor Kham?” Lord Carlton inquired. I would take offence to the inquiry of our good Lord Carlton for it almost seem to me, that he was attempting to outwit or humiliate the noble Sherpa professor. But yet I was to be amazed and surprised, by the way in which Professor Kham, would handle the daring and bold haughtiness of Lord Carlton. “I must confess my lord that I believe that scientifically, Darwin meant to portray in his words, that there is a cycle of evolution in which all form of life, concurs with my lord!” He then went on to use the example of Linnaeus the Swedish botanist, who spoke of the evolution of the plant itself. I was just as the others, mightily impressed by the good professor’s statement and knowledge of Linnaeus. Infact it left Lord Carlton speechless, for he immediately seized with his inquiry, and he did not invoke to question the intellect, nor the intelligence of Professor Kham. “Bravo, bravo my dear Professor Kham, your analogy of Linnaeus and of Darwin, was fabulous and quite so intriguing as well, professor!” said Lord Tannerbaum.

The others were just as well, marvelled and astonished by the scibility, and wisdom that was interjected, by Professor Kham. “What exactly do you know professor, about the creature that is called, the yeti?” Lord Beasley the anthropologist, and archaeologist of the group asked. I like the others waited eagerly, for the professor’s response. He hawed at first, as if to absorbed his question, much thoroughly. He then proceeded to say the following, “If you are asking me, as a scientist then, I will say that perhaps it is possible. But if you are asking me as a Sherpa then, it is believable!” “What do you mean, professor?” I asked him. He then replied, “What I mean to say gentlemen is, that from a scientific point of view the yeti, is a mystical creature so unproved yet; but from my non-scientific point of view, it is real as can be!” “Good God professor, what in heaven’s name are you implying?” Lord Carlton emoted. Professor Kham, was not aspersed nor effected by Lord Carlton’s audacity. “Lord Carlton, you are out of line. There is no need, to be so pompous, and coarse in your mien!” But the Nepalese professor, was not effected whatsoever by the upright Londoner. “You must come so to understand the way of thinking, in these parts of the world my dear Lord Carlton. In order to achieve that, you must come to spend time here. For there is an old local adage that saids, “Once one is surrounded in the Eden of this place, he truly becomes then enamoured by it’s beauty. But if he dares to stray too far, he will find himself such within the grasp of the yeti!”

I wondered as I listened to him whether or not, his adage was much more than the use of it’s words. I had to know the truth behind those words of him, that old adage of his as well, “It is rather a prophetic omen is it not professor? But my curiosity compels me to ask, do you believe that the creature called the yeti, does exist scientifically or non-scientifically?” It was indeed, a much difficult answer to reply then what it seemed, “With all due honesty, let me just say indeed my lord, that it is easy for one such like myself a Nepalese to believe in the yeti, when it is thus hard for an Englishman like yourself, to believe in the creature when it is easy to believe, that it is a myth or a legend!” “What do you mean by that professor?” Lord Tannerbaum inquired. I too, was eager to know at first what he was alluding to, but in the end it hit me, with such a grace of thought that was more prophetic and enigmatic. “I believe that what the good professor is trying to say gentlemen, is that to someone such as the Sherpas who have dwelled out their lives in this place, the creature is much more than legend. Perhaps this analogy shall clear up things truly in a much more efficacious manner.” I paused for a moment, before I proceeded, “If we equate this story, to that of the great mystical King Arthur then surely, we can learn that as Englishman, it is much more indeed, than simple lore itself! But I posed this question, what would the credibility of a King Arthur mean, to a dear Sherpa gentlemen?” Perhaps my analogy was ineffacacious and lethargic. But I felt that in the end, it did make my point understandable. “I believe I understand your point, although it is much to desire!”

Lord Carlton did not find my analogy, rather acquainted to his thoughts. “I do not take kindly to your analogy my lord, for I find it rather insufficient to say the least!” Let it up to the good Lord Carlton, to stir up an objection toward me. I sought to appease him, “Perhaps so Lord Carlton, but I was simply attempting to prove Professor Kham’s point.” “And what point is that my lord?” Lord Carlton interrupted. I stared into his eyes thence, I replied, “That to a man of whom a legend is more than myth but real, it is so possible that the legend or myth is beyond the realm of reality, my lord!” Everyone had understood my analogy, but Lord Carlton was stubborn to accept it, “Are we to assume from your statement given Lord Rutherford, that we are to thence believe that the creature called the yeti, is much more than a myth or a legend itself my lord?” I felt that it was a losing cause to battle, especially when it came to quarrelling so, with my most bitter foe, in the halls of the Academy. I took a deep breath, knowing truly, that I had found myself anon in another senseless argument, with the most intolerable member of the good Academy. It was as if, I was back at the Academy, arguing with him; amidst the other members present. It was something of which, I did not fancy much in relieving. But yet as back in the dear foyer and halls of the Academy, I had to repudiate his words anew, “Lord Carlton, I admire your sincerity, and your candour but it is not for me to prove whether or not the creature exists, but for you to thus prove, that it does not exists at all!” Lord Carlton chuckled, and chortled outloud, “Come now Lord Rutherford, first you are the philanthropist and now, your are the philosopher. Surely you could present your argument, in a better fashion my lord!” “Perhaps so Lord Carlton, but I dare you to present one much more better, my lord!” Lord Carlton’s jestering and japeness then, subsided. For he felt challenged by me. It was just like being back at the dear Academy. It was my intellect, pitted against his. If duels by pistols had not been outlawed, and much gone out of it’s usage then I do swear that at that very moment Lord Carlton and myself, would have been jousting at each other, with our pistols in our hands each. “Why I believe so!” so haughtily he boasted. He then proceeded to offer his presentation, “I believe that the analogy of Atlantis, is best applied here gentleman. We all know the story too well, a fabled island in the Atlantic that according so to legend, sank beneath the sea!” “What are you trying to get at Lord Carlton?” Lord Tannerbaum, suddenly inquired. The others were just as bemused, and uncertain as Lord Tannerbaum was. I merely remained whisted of the words of my good Lord Carlton. It would have been improper of me, to interrupt the austere lord. “Why I was merely only attempting, to demonstrate that what was once a simply Greek tale, became a dreary obsession for many including scientists, such as us my gentlemen! If we are to justify the beast’s existence then we must do much better, to hypothesise. We must find the creature, or else we must exclaim to the world that the creature called the yeti never existed at all, except within the tales of foolish legends!” I had found myself at the losing end of this argument I felt for my dear contricant back at the Academy, had managed to outshine me quite considerably. And from his grin, he seemed to gloat in his success. But it was not to be, for I was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

“I must commend you on your argument my lord, but nevertheless it is futile; for to truly denote that the creature does not exist, would naturally be going against the most basic principle of science and that is, never disprove thus of what does not exist, but prove what in the minds of some, does exists! You see once again Lord Carlton, the question is not whether or not, I believe or you believe that the creature exists but that somewhere out there, according to the laws of our nature regardless of our acknowledgement of it, the creature exists just as we exist in their world indeed. Why should we human beings believe that nature is so beneath us, and we are much so above it! It is the task of us scientists as it was of Harvey, Jenner, Pasteur, Spallanzani, Bacon, Galileo, Newton, Huygens, Dalton, Faraday, Kelvin, Linnaeus etc, etc, to seek not what needs to be disproved but instead to be discovered, not proven to man for that matter Lord Carlton!” My dear contricant, was ready to offer a rebuttal, when Lord Tannerbaum then rose to his feet and began, to clap his hands in applaud as if I was a grand actor back, at the theatre in London. “You are to be congratulated for your speech my lord, for there is no doubt in my mind as well as the others, that you speak for all of us when you say that it is our task and duty, to seek not so what needs to be disproved but instead, to be discovered!” Lord Felix and then Lord Beasley, rose to their feet as well, in vociferated the same as Lord Tannerbaum, did likewise. As for Lord Carlton, he reluctantly and bitterly I felt, did likewise. But I knew, that there were still, many arguments to be bitterly argued and many opportunities for them to arrive. I had gained the confidence as always of my dearest friends Lord Felix, Lord Beasley and naturally, Lord Tannerbaum. But as for Lord Carlton, let me so say that his confidence in me, was on shaky grounds indeed. It was not because I was a lesser man than he was, but instead because he was a lesser man than me! Professor Kham, quickly became an admirer of mine, whilst I had become a good admirer of him as well. The night thence was soon abating, and the coming of morrow was but approaching. Our parley soon tired, and we grew so weary of conversing, thus we felt it was time to retire for the evening. But I still had some vigour in me, thus I soon found myself there at edge of the hut outside, glancing at the impressive and majestical mountains, that laid past yon. I can only describe them as being, incredible. For they could enthral any man’s, deepest interest. I was so amazed, and so impressed by everything that this area consisted of. The hospitality of the Sherpas, the beauty of the whitish tall steep mountains, the ambience of the small village. It was such a prolific, and teeming impression that was afforded to me. From what Professor Kham had told me aside from us, and from the previous expedition, there was little contact with the west. That night there was a Sherpa ritual performed in our behalf, it was called the Dunjee! It was from what I was told by Professor Kham, a local ritual performed by the locals, to extradite the evil spirit of the yeti! What was odd was, that as the dancers danced, there was a man, who so wore a scalp to represent the beast. Glancing at the scalp, it resembled those wore by African Chieftains, back in Africa. Backward people perhaps were these Sherpas? But they were truly a mighty civilisation indeed comparable to that I felt of the Incas of Peru, and the Great Aztecs of Mexico. Not much in great wealth, but in the structure of their civilisation. There were indeed no pyramids here nor were there any great chieftains, to be glorified. But as I stared at these people I felt I knew at the moment, what the mighty Conquistadors would have so felt, upon discovering Machu Picchu, or thee Tenochtitlán. Though I detested the cruelty of Pizarro and Cortez and the others, I had envied the adventure, that they had achieved. As I looked up at the mountains, I thought of what adventure was I along with the others, to encounter on our expedition.

I felt for a moment, that I found my great Troy, Atlantis, and Crete! I had so found a great unknown place. Though it was a small village in size, it was a grand discovery. Could this place forbear indeed, a concept of Utopia in a way? “You are rather pensive my lord! What is troubling you at the moment?” Professor Kham inquired, as he spotted me standing outside. “Professor Kham, I did not see you standing there!” “I happened to be up as well Lord Rutherford!” “As far as what is troubling me professor, it is a thing of which, I found myself in awl of the professor!” “What do you mean my lord?” I tried to explain to him of what, I was trying to convey, “I was merely pondering about the thought truly, of how impressive are these great mountains of yours professor. I must confess, that I am rather enthralled as well, with all that is Pokhara itself!” “That is an admirable thing indeed to confess to my lord, for I myself come to be enamoured by Pokhara and it’s ambience!” the professor said. “If I can inquire professor, what brings you back here to this Pokhara, when you have the good education of a well thewed man and London, offers you much work and recognition? After all, you are a great man of science!” My question brought out a slight smile on the thrifty guise of the good Sherpa professor, “Your question is a noble one to ask my lord, but it humbles me to say, that what brings me back to Pokhara, is my people Lord Rutherford!” His answer although was mundane, it was his humbleness that I admired. I patted him on the shoulder to acknowledge his candour, “You know my boy, you are a man who speaks from the heart, such eloquence!”

“Professor Kham, will you join us on this endeavour? The truth be told professor, you are or you would be, a great asset to our cause. I would be in debt to you, if you decided to join us on this expedition of ours professor!” I was uncertain of what, the good professor would reply to my good offer. But eventually, he came to give me his reply, “My lord, it would be an honour for me indeed!” I knew that he had rejected an offer to join an expedition before, so I was uncertain of what he would say to my offer. But in the end, I was fain and much fortunate to be able, to have him on board, “I am glad to hear that professor, and I speak in behalf of the others, we shall be in need, of your expertise of this region!” “Does that appreciation extend as well, to our good Lord Carlton my lord?” His comments, brought me to a guffaw, “I certainly hope so, but nevertheless I would not worry about Lord Carlton professor; for I am in charge of this expedition and not our good Lord Carlton!” We found ourselves laughing amongst each other for our wry humour, was quite refreshing to hear indeed. “You know professor, I must confess truly, that I do not know of what shall be awaiting for us tomorrow. Although I am a man with much experience in science it is compelling for me to say, that nothing has prepared me, for this journey!” “If it is of any great comfort to you my lord, I too must say that nothing has prepared me, for this journey!” We stood there laughing at each other; chortling away at our frank and candid mien. “Let us go inside professor and rest up, so we could be ready for tomorrow!” I said to the professor. He seem to agree with me, “That is a good idea indeed my lord!” Thus we headed inside the hut, and we sought to slumber for the night. But as I was in my quarters writing my entry for the day, I suddenly heard a loud obstreperous noise, coming from afar. It appeared to be thus coming in the direction, of the mountains. I was startled and stunned, by the eerie and strange sound, that it compelled me to head toward the window to investigate. As I stood there, the gall of the wind it did seem to be so forceful, and thrusted mightily on that night. I heard I swore, that I had seen a creature of incredible proportion pass by my window, and head toward the vicinity of the edge of the mountains. It was murky and yet opaque was the darkness of the night, but still the shadowy figure did not eschew my flinty eyesight. I was hesitant at first, but swiftly the urge to know, was prevailing upon me. Whilst the others slumbered like a log, I on the other hand was restless for I sought to investigate the strange occurrence, the stranger walking about for that matter. Perhaps it was wiser to inform the others. But I was uncertain of whether or not, it was of importance to awaken the others. I proceeded with my intrigue, and thus I did with a whisted eye, wary of what I had seen with my very own eyes.

When I made myself outside the perimeters of the hut, I then proceeded to do the unthinkable walked toward the entrance of the mountains as if to seek the mysterious one of whom, I had casted sight upon. There was slight apprehension, and reluctance in me to go forth any more. Perhaps I sensed, that it was mad, to go and chase a wild hunch of mine. After all who was I to determine whether it was more than mere mortal man, or a creature? But soon I would get my answer, or a hint of one. As I made the determination, to head back to the lodge, I was confronted with another clamour of roar that this time, seemed to be nearer and not distant as ere. Was it a snow leopard, a yak, a wolf as is wonted of this region? But the uproar, seem to be much more different though it was difficult truly, to actually pin point it’s origin. I swore, that if I had not attested to it’s might in sound, I would have not dared to utter, that it was indeed the cry of a beast. Like a roaring lion or a vociferous gorilla, the noise clamoured so into my ears. I stood there in awl, but then suddenly, I felt that I was being watched from nearby. My heart and my hands, began to dodder and to fret. I did not know what to expect, nor what to surmise out of the situation in which, I was in.

The thrust of the wind began to blow more, but it was not, the eerieness of the wind that interested me but instead, the clamour that I so heard audibly. I swear that five minutes that had passed me by, were the most hectic five minutes of my entire life. What was to betide next, I did ask myself? But just as I was wondering, the clamour had attracted the ears of the others as well, including Lord Carlton himself. “What in heaven’s name was that sound Lord Rutherford?” Lord Tannerbaum inquired. I stood there in a staid mode. I was still startled by the noise, that I could not think of answering at that moment. “Lord Rutherford, are you all right?” Lord Felix asked. It was then, that I composed myself to respond, “Of course I am all right! Good God, did you good gentlemen, hear what I heard?” “Yes indeed so!” Lord Tannerbaum, emoted. “What could have it been? Was it an animal?” Lord Felix queried. “Of course, it was an animal Lord Felix but the question is, what kind of beast is it gentlemen?” I looked at Professor Kham and asked him, “My dear Professor Kham, in your most esteemed opinion, what would suggest the creature to be?” I waited for his answer, “In my own opinion my lord, I can not say definitively, that the creature or the animal we heard, was either a mountain leopard, a wolf or a yak. But from what I know..” he paused then, thought of what to say next. It was then, that a voice from behind us was heard, raving on in a gibberish manner; but in the tongue of the Sherpas. He seem to be suggesting something, for his eyes were wide open and there was terror seen in his eyes. Professor Kham, tried to converse with the man trying to assuage his hysteria. “What is it professor, what is he raving on about?” I asked the professor. He was leath to give me a reply at first, but then he proceeded to say, “He was saying that the call of the beast that we heard, was that of a yeti!” “Egad, what are you saying indeed professor?” asked Lord Carlton. Anew, leave it up to the insipid Lord Carlton, to be so boastful, in his swagger. I sought to restrain, or swaddle his attempt at badgering the old Sherpa, “Please Lord Carlton, let our dear Professor Kham, handle the situation. Unless that is, you speak Sherpa my lord!” He did not say nor utter a word more. “Are you certain of that professor? How can we be certain that the old man is telling us the truth?” I inquired upon the professor. “To be so honest my lord, I do not know; except to say that what he heard, resembled the clamour of a yeti!” “But how can this be proven in the end professor?” I asked him. “Perhaps not scientifically my lord. To be honest, I really don’t know exactly, but I do trust the judgement of my people!” “But that is not proper enough inducement, to base a sound judgement upon gentlemen!” Lord Carlton interrupted. “I agree Lord Carlton! But nevertheless, we can not disregard the word of locals since after all, we not sufficient ourselves to know whether or not, it was a yeti or not!” Lord Tannerbaum replied. “May I interject here, since I have recently been on a safari in Africa, I believe I can attest, that the sound that we heard, was not that of an ordinary mountain leopard; or that of a wolf. A yak, neither for I have heard the call of the yak, during our stay here and it does not seem to be identical, to that of what we heard!” Lord Beasley exclaimed. “Tell me then Lord Beasley in your scientific opinion, is there a possibility that what we heard, was the call of the beast known, as the yeti?”

He hawed for an eyeblink, before he said to me, “In my opinion, though I admit, that I do not know the creature sufficient enough to comment, I believe that there is a possibility that what we heard, could have been a yeti gentlemen!” “Have you all gone mad gentlemen, we are speculating on a matter of which, we know nothing about except that an old man saids, that the clamour was that of a superstitious creature. By Jove, have we been reduced to this pondering and clamouring for whatsoever, we believe it to be aligned to the beast?” Lord Carlton, ejaculated. Though I did not appreciate his mannerism, he did have a good point, “I must agree with you Lord Carlton on one point, and disagree with you on another. I agree we ought not to fancy ourselves, with mere speculation. But on the other hand, I must disagree when you say that, the creature, is mere superstition. I believe that all great myths, have their origin my lord!” My good Lord Carlton, was not much for chivalry for he was much of a phlegmatic man, who’s mean of emotion, was his haughty bravura. “Always the poet are you not, my lord?” “Since we can not investigate this mystery due to the darkness of the night, I suggest that we go back inside, and get our much needed sleep!” Lord Tannerbaum, urged. “But what about this so-called creature, this yeti?” Lord Carlton inquired. “It will have to await until tomorrow, when we begin this foray in earnest!” I emoted. “I agree with Lord Rutherford!” Lord Tannerbaum responded. The others in the end, agreed as well. We left the mystery of the unknown identity of the creature, for morrow. Though we left the mystery behind for the night, I was still occupied with the eerie incident; and with the haunting shrilling sound, that we heard stentorianly. I grappled, with the thought behind the mask of the creature. I rest now; for the night is growing weary, and it abridges as the break of dawn seems to be encroaching, in a matter of hours! 25 April-At last, the expedition began in earnest. It is close to midday, and I must be brief with my entry for the day for time is, but of great essence to us. Hitherto, I shall attempt to write what is pertinent, and what is necessary for the readers of this journal to know. We had all come to be awakened early pass the crack of dawn; though some of us weary, and leery than others. I do not know of what result or benefit this expedition, shall lead toward fruition. I am fortunate to have the services of Professor Kham to so assist in this endeavour for I felt, that his inducement was worthy, and admirable in trying to locate the whereabouts of our compeers both, Sir Wellington and Sir Bunbury. But on the other hand I felt, that I had lost a worthy friend in Pema the good Buddhist monk of Kathmandu.

“Well gentlemen, I believe that the Himalayas are awaiting us!” I replied. “Let us hope for our sake gentlemen, that we find our good friends truly, Wellington and dear Bunbury alive. Who knows even truly perhaps, we shall stumble onto a living yeti for that matter.” It was Lord Tannerbaum’s prophetic words, that invoked the passion in all of us. But at the same time, it was eerieness that would be attached to those words. We took one final toast, a glass of sherry, before we went on our way, “To the expedition, gentlemen!” Lord Tannerbaum emoted. “To the well being of our dear compeers each, Bunbury and Wellington!” Lord Beasley ejaculated. It was thus Lord Carlton’s turn, to invoke bravura, “To the yeti!” We paused all of us for his words, did bring startleness into us. But in the end, we all took up the toast, “To the yeti!” “May God be with us, gentlemen!” was the last toast.

(Professor Bunbury’s Journal)

21 April-It has been nearly four days whole, since our preoccupation with the creatures. I do not know how to express the situation hitherto so, I shall only thenceforth, say that I feel truly as if, I was dead already for so wonted of misery, and madness am I, that it does not even phase me much, nor numb me like, the bitter effects of the wintry cold of ere. It is incredible, and indeed a miracle it would seem, that the creatures have not approach our dwelling. Although I along with the others, have no idea at all except mere speculation, about the absence of the creatures. Our dilemma was so billowing by the day, for there was much more important concerns, than merely the creature. We had not be able to hunt in days, for fear of retribution. And the dear reality was basically, that we were running out of food and water also. The uncertainty indeed of this hellish quandary in which, we are intertwined and enmeshed in, is so quickly eating us from inside. This so-called foray of which Hansen bragged and boasted about, has not arrived at all. It is with the deep conviction of my heart that leads me to believe, that this supposed expedition of which our salvation indeed shall be dependent upon, is nothing more than a hoax, a dear fabrication of the Danish professor. I do not dare to voice out my doubt to Hansen, just yet. For I will regrettably still, give him the benefit of the doubt! As for our mien Lord Whitmore, was still eagerly awaiting with his dear rifle, the arrival of the creatures whilst Hansen was occupied with the details of the creature’s physiognomy, or either scientific research on the dead corpse. It seemed, that I was the only one concerned with the expectation of being saved by, Hansen’s aforementioned grand expedition. I could scratch my head, and wonder of what shall betide us next. I attest, that I detest and abhor the magnitude of this situation. This unnerveness tingles the edge of my sanity, for we are like seating ducks for the beasts. The morning was spent anon, studying the creature writing our own thesis, about the creature itself.

Perhaps they shall serve more than a mere hypothesis. For Hansen said, that they are attentive assumptions! I do not argue his statement for hitherto, there not much one can do truly, except assume. “Professor, pardon the expression but what in the cursed hell, are we to do next?” I asked the Danishman. He seemed to be much more occupied with his study of the dead cadaver of the creature, than to find an exit out of this hellhole we were in. I was forced to repeat my question again, and this time after raising my voice, I was able to attract his attention, “What were you saying, Sir Bunbury?” “I was inquiring about, what are we going to do next, Professor Hansen?” Hansen looked into my eyes then he replied, something rather odd for my comprehension, “Fascinating indeed, is the creature professor!” He sighed for a moment, as if he was marvelled by the second of what information, he had stumbled upon. “Back to your question professor, I believe that we must do what only we can do uptil now, professor. And that is simply, to wait!” I thought him to be rather braggadocio in his response, for he did not eschew to present to me a façade of a man who did not seem to want to leave, until he had reached his objective, “Wait professor but for how long must we thole? Is not better, to take back a portion of this creature a hand or leg, whatever part of the creature?” Hansen did not agree with my suggestion, “Indeed not professor; for what dear purpose would it be, to bring back only a portion of the creature when we could bring back, a living yeti with us, to Europe professor? Think professor, what it would mean to bring back the creature alive with us for the Academy would beckon, at our feet professor!” I saw the madness in his eyes, and I realised that at that very moment, my dear Professor Hansen, had lost his dear reasoning. Yet, I did not want to be so blatant with my analysis of him. Thus, I sought to appease him for the nonce, “I understand your point professor, but surely what I am elucidating, is much more important professor!” “Just what are you elucidating to me, dear professor?” Hansen inquired. I reiterated my concern to him yet, trying not to be so confrontative nor quarrelsome with him, “I was merely saying professor, that with the grim situation which we find ourselves within, should we not concern ourselves with the necessity of eating, drinking but more importantly with trying to find a way in which, we could exit this forsaken place of hell?” I sought to be cordial with him, but what Hansen would thence say to me next, would leave me to break that vow of mine. “Sir Bunbury, I admire your conviction, but have you indeed forgotten professor, that there is already an expedition searching for us? And besides, with the creatures all out there waiting for us to present ourselves to them, like a plate of succulent pork!”

“But good professor do you expect us, to spend the entirety of our life here, trapped in this hovel for the rest of our lives? Or until, we are to be found by this expedition of yours?” Hansen was quick to offer a reply, “You must not burden yourself, with so much uncertainty professor. You must have dear patience and trust me!” I wanted to trust his words, and confide in his confidence but nevertheless, he seemed so impervious to the dangers in which, was unfolding by each and every passing day. I thought that I could find reason with Lord Whitmore, but he too, was also much more occupied with the dear thought of the creature. I wondered, who was I to rely upon the good earl, or the good Danish professor? When I asked him about my concerns for food and water, he simply nodded his head non-chalantly and replied, “I would not worry about that professor, for we must be ready for the creature’s arrival! That professor, must overcome all other concerns I am afraid!” I swallowed as I tried to digest the words of the earl. But, it was hard to do it, “Lord Whitmore, surely you can’t be suggesting with all due respects my lord, that it takes precedence even over, food or water?” I eagerly awaited, his response. “I understand your preoccupation professor but once again, I must reiterate, that the creature overcomes all. What do you think, will happen professor, if we decide to go and search for water and food? Do you not believe professor, that we will not be attacked by those wretched creatures?” His point was reasonable and justifiable, but nevertheless I had to say my peace, “I must say to you my lord, that although I agree with you somewhat, still the necessity of food and water must be attended to, regardless of the threat of the creature. Simply put, if we do not eat or drink, we shall surely die my lord, all of us!” It appeared that my emphatic plead, penetrated him with a conviction as I had beseeched. Though, his expression was one warranted of regret, “You have a point professor!” Hansen in the end was able to put off his intrigue with the creature, and thence concentrate on the need to find, food and water. Midday had passed, and we thus made our bold and daring adventure to seek food and water two things, which we were badly in need of. With our backs to the wall, and with the lurking menace and retaliation of the creatures, we headed off like a pair of nomadic tribesmen seeking for their daily bread, and to fill their parched throats. It was dangerous but yet, it was either living or dying! Leaving the cave, meant that it would mean in the end, leaving behind the creature. Something of which Hansen was not fond of, but nathless it had to be. The plan was to look for water and food, but yet at the same time, stay within the proximity of the cave. Though that was the objective, nevertheless that was not guaranteed to us at all. With or without our knowledge, the creatures were certainly to be skulking about and thus more importantly, watching and observing us.

There was a slight gall of wind thrusting about, and brushing our foreheads all. We past by, and yet there was no sign nor sight of a clumsy hare, or a roaming ram. It was pointless it did seem to be. What was my hope was that perhaps, a roaming clan of Sherpas, would be within the area and spot us. But that was not to be, at least for the nonce. “I believe gentlemen that we shall go hungry or thirsty this night unless, by the grace of God we can so find, an animal to eat. There was another problem as well, when we arrived to our wonted nearby ravine, we would soon thus encounter the reality, that the stream had run a draught. In other words it was listless, without no water in it, except a few dew drops of past rain. “I believe gentlemen, that unless we find a good stream or ravine nearby, we shall surely go parched this night as well!” “Perhaps there is a good stream nearby of which, we have no knowledge of gentlemen.” I insisted. “Perhaps professor!” Lord Whitmore exclaimed. “What you do you think Professor Hansen? It is feasible? After all, out of the three of us, you would be the most indicated one, to know this area much better than us!” It was a question of which Hansen, did not shirk or gee, “To be honest, I do not know truly gentlemen!” If Hansen did not know then surely, neither the earl, or myself would know. “We must search for there is no other option bestowed upon us, gentlemen!” I sullenly emoted. Indeed there was no other option bestowed upon us, except the dauting one of searching for this much needed resource of food, and water. But unfortunately for us, there was no nearby stream of which, we could drench our thirst with. As far as food, there was nothing to be found except, some rare type of berries, behind a shrubbery of some sort. Though it was not the flesh of a hare, nor that of a yak nevertheless, it was something so edible and eatable. But if we thought truly, that our only shock was having to consume berries, and having to drink our sweat then that truly in the end, would pale in comparison to the shock of which, was instored for us, upon our arrival back to the hovel. When we so returned to the hovel, we would discover, that the dead cadaver once within our possession, had vanished into thin air. Or simply said, it was no longer inside of the hovel not to say the least, within the position it was last emplaced. Our expressions were to be expected. Hansen was the first to react, “Min Gud, Jeg tror inte detta!” Indeed also Lord Whitmore and myself, could not believe the absence of the creature’s dead corpse. “Where could the creature’s dead body, have gone to? Who could have takened the dead body?” I thus ejaculated. Lord Whitmore, seemed to have an inkling, “Why the creatures naturally, professor!” “It had slipped my mind my lord!” I replied.

Hansen seemed to be, fuming at the edge of his fury, for his ragery was evidently seen so naturally. He put his index finger, to his upper lip as if to ponder the ramifications of the actions imposed, by the creatures perhaps involvement. So, he started to pace around the hovel, trying to think of what to do next. He started to mumble in his native tongue of Danish to himself the same words over and over of which, I was not able to comprehend entirely. But he seemed to be insinuating, his displeasure. He repeated the words I believe of, “Jeg vil finder løvet! Jeg vil finder løvet! Ja, Ja!” I did not attempt to ask Hansen of what he was angrily sprewing about. Instead I left him to sulk, within his dander. “If the creature is the culprit here gentlemen, I suggest that we prepare ourselves for the creature’s return that is of course, that it decides to return!” Hansen then approached Lord Whitmore and myself, before he uttered, “It will professor, you can count on that!” It was then, that the devil had return anew in flesh himself, in the form of a familiar character, Austin Fuller! “Yes indeed, the darn varmint will, return again I tell you all. Hansen is right!” “By Jove, it is you Mr. Fuller. But truly how in heaven’s name, were you able to survive? We were led to believe, that you were dead?” “My dear Hansen would best be fitting, to answer that question of yours!” If I was baffled by his good miraculous survival then what he uttered, was even more baffling to me thence.

He was standing infront of the cave’s entrance, staring deeply into the eyes of Hansen; as if there was spite and hatred for Hansen. Standing there behind him was incredibly Toot, for he had survived just as well. I looked over at Hansen and asked, “What is he talking about Professor Hansen?” Hansen at first, was speechless for to say that he was shock, was an understatement to say the least. “A cat got your tongue, Danishman?” Fuller iterated. There was a gaunt, ashen-pale expression, seen on the countenance of the dear Professor Hansen. I was just eager as Fuller, to hear Hansen’s reply. Hansen seemed to come out of his shock for a moment, “Fuller what a dear surprise to see you, again!” He kindly smiled. Hansen approached the Texan, and extended what seemed to be, a handshake. But Fuller, was in no mood for kind gestures. Instead, he pulled out his sharp whetted Bowie knife, and put it to the throat of the Danish professor. “You rascal of a varmint, why I should skin you alive, for what you did to me Danishman!” There was fire, and a stern and flinty expression seen in the eyes of Fuller, which permeated a glint of deep reflection. I tried to separate the two, “Mr. Fuller, what are you doing?” Fuller looked at me, with the look of the devil then he replied, “I see you don’t a know about what this varmint, did to me my good Englishman!” “What are you referring to Mr. Fuller?” I inquired bemusely. It was then, that Fuller said to me a most daunting confession. A shrive of which, would leave me speechless. “This varmint, left me and Toot, at the mercy of those critters out there! He tricked us, and deceived us. In the end, he walked out away from us, like a hasty racoon!” “Is that true Professor Hansen?” I asked Hansen. Hansen was mummed at first but thence, he mustered enough courage to say, “My dear Professor Bunbury, surely I would not do such a cold-blooded thing! You must understand I was just at the mercy of the creatures as well. I had to save, my own life so! I did what any other man would have done, in my place!” I still was bewildered to what Hansen and Fuller, were raving on about, “I am afraid, that I still do not fully understand what the both of you, are talking about!”

It was Fuller who then proceeded to tell me of what, I was unweeting to not know. “This varmint I tell you left me, for the mercy of those critters as I told you. There was an avalanche on that day, and I do admit that I was greedy. But you see Hansen knew that the avalanche was a coming. My boy here, knew where the den of the creatures was it all along, since the beginning. And he truly wanted to use me for the purpose, of capturing the creature then afterwards, he was to have me killed; or be killed by those varmints! It was his plan all along, to have others do his dirty work; and then for him to profit, from some other’s misery!” I could not come to believe his words, but after a thorough thought, it all made sense to me thereafter. Everything strange that was happening with Hansen, soon began to make sense to me. But yet, I thought I give Hansen a chance to defend himself, “Is that true Professor Hansen? I hope for not only your sake, but for our sake; and those including those who have passed away such as Sir Wellington, Professor Walters, Sir Cromwell, and all the others!” Hansen attempted to employ his charm and wit upon the situation, “There is a logical explanation, professor! It is true, that I knew aforehand that the creature’s den, was here or nearby. But I swear that I had nothing to do, with the accident involving Fuller. I did not see the avalanche in time, and Fuller was mad as well for he wanted to continue, when it was impossible to continue!” I believed the part of him not knowing about the oncoming avalanche; for I knew Fuller all too well. His greed, was of familiarence to me. But what disturbed me, and billowed my intrigue was that if Hansen knew of the exact place of the den of the creatures beforehand, than why did he proceed to truly involve Sir Wellington and myself, in the first place? Could it be so, that Fuller was correct when he said that his intent, was to use us all for the behalf of his fame and worldly recognition? And if so, was he was the devil in guise capable of sacrificing the lives of others, at the chance of fame and fortunate? Another daunting question, was did he sacrifice the lives of those who were on the previous expedition with him, Björklund and Niedenbürger? If so then that did mean, that Sir Wellington, Professor Walters, along with the others who perished in this foray in the end, were sacrificed indeed like guinea pigs by Hansen! I dared not to accept that, but with Hansen’s good journal; and compound with his erratic behaviour, the pieces started to fall into their dear place. I sighed, and put my hands on my face in disbelief, “I understand all now, the journal, this behaviour of yours! It all makes sense to me! But why Professor Hansen, why did you sacrifice the others, for the sake of only achieving, notoriety throughout the world?” Hansen himself, was indeed the devil in disguise. “I did what any other scientist would do, even you too professor! Could you look into my eyes, and deny it?” Although the truth had now been thence discovered, it had taken four months and the cost of the lives of many including, such dearest friends and compeers for all of this, to finally come out into the open. I wanted to grab Fuller’s sharp Bowie knife, and skin Hansen for myself, for what he had admitted doing. But Hansen was right in one regard, I would have loved to ascertain the fame and fortunate from capturing a yeti. But what separated he from me, was that I would never in a millions a years have the capacity, to sacrifice the lives of others indeed, just for the sake of my fancy! I wanted to spit at him for what he did, and thus, I did into his face, “Professor Hansen, you forsook the lives of Sir Wellington, and Professor Walters and others. How could you, you bastard?” There was fury now seen in my eyes, for the memory of Sir Wellington’s harsh death did hearken me.

But soon my good ethics as a professor, brought back the restraint in me. Lord Whitmore then interjected, “We must not so attack each other, but instead work with each other. Yes what our good Professor Hansen did was detestable and deplorable, but notwithstanding, it does not so serve the purpose of our present predicament gentlemen!” It was then, that the two haughty hunters met each other, “Lord Whitmore, the Earl of Kensington! I reckon, I never see the likes of you, here my good Lord Whitmore. What rattler got under your skin, to make you, come out here?” Fuller asked the earl. The earl responded with supreme courtesy and amiability, according to his rank and his position. “Austin Fuller, the Great Texas hunter, why I must say that it is a pleasure to at last, meet you sir. As far my reasoning in coming here, it was of course, to hunt the yeti! And if I may inquire sir, what has brought you out here?” There was a devilish familiar grin, expressed on Fuller’s countenance, “I reckon the very same reason, that you tickled your fancy to come my lord!” There was this rather odd but yet this studious comportment between, the two noble hunters of the west. As they shook hands, they both resembled the bravura, and guise of two formal predators. I saw this austere look of good competitors, studying each other as if, they were the last two gladiators, in the Roman arena. “It is as well Lord Whitmore, a good pleasure I reckon, to meet you likewise!” The problem or the dilemma now facing us thus, was what to do with Hansen now. There was on one hand, the need for his expertise of this area, or what information he knew. But on the other hand, there was that rather compelling evidence against him, and it could not so easily be forgotten, when it came to the lost and perditions of others including my dearest friend and mentor, Sir Wellington. “What do you suppose, we ought to do with Professor Hansen?” I queried. Lord Whitmore, seemed to be sympathetic to Hansen, perhaps because he shared as well, the same desire to capture a good living yeti. As for Fuller, he still was vent with rage and birse. It did not appear, that he was any mood to accept anything else, but harsh punishment for Hansen, possibly death in the end!

“We best be served, to skin this rascal alive while we can my friends. For, as my daddy once said to me, never get a varmint another chance to escape, once you got him in a snare. For if you do, you might find that varmint one day snapping at him from behind, with his sharp teeth. You see a dearest varmint like Hansen doesn’t deserve, to be let gone free out of his snare. Why a darn varmint like Hansen I reckon, deserves nothing more, than a good Texas beating!” There was no doubt whatsoever that in Fuller’s eyes, there was deep contempt and hatred for Hansen. That, could not be denied. But despite his hatred, and my outrage toward him, it would be Lord Whitmore’s heedful words, that would resonate a cord in me. “I can understand your contempt for Professor Hansen, and I do not condone his acts of betrayal; but on the other hand, we must put that aside, and concentrate on getting out of here. After all, Professor Hansen, is the only one amongst us, who know perhaps, how to truly get out of this place alive. Is that not the objective in the end gentlemen, aside from capturing the creature of course?” I sighed, before I conceded to the words of the earl, “I believe your point is well justified my lord!” Fuller did not greet that suggestion of ours so amenably, “You’ll two, could think what you want about Hansen but I do not find it kind, to that suggestion of yours!” It was obvious that Fuller, was still adamant about his anger toward Hansen. “What do you then, suggest we do with Hansen Mr. Fuller?” I queried. Fuller, was swift to make his own suggestion, “I mighty suggest, that we done do what needs to be here. I reckon as my daddy use to say, the only way to keep a varmint from causing mischief, is to keep it within the grasp of a good snare!” Through his Texan talk, I understood what he was attempting to convey, “Are you suggesting Mr. Fuller, that we quart our good Professor Hansen, as a prisoner?”

“Exactamente professor!” The thought of shacking Hansen as a prisoner, with manacles attached to him, under other much different circumstances, would have been apropos. But this situation, was entirely a different matter, a different situation. I had to think and react swiftly, for time was of the essence here. And naturally, there was not much of it, allocated nor afforded to us. I tried to put weight to both Lord Whitmore’s and Fuller’s argument, and it was that in the end, that I decided that what was best for the sake of the expedition, was to gyve nor fetter Hansen like a prisoner but instead, try to implement his assistance but yet, he had to be supervised, “I understand your point of view Mr. Fuller!” “I knew you would!” He interjected. But then I interjected, “You did not let me finish. As I said before, I understand your point of view but nevertheless I believe that it would be indeed, to our advantage, if we did not bond Professor Hansen. I agree that what he has done, is rather abhorable and sickening but nevertheless, we must depend on his knowledge. If he was good enough to bring us here then, he shall be good enough, to take us out of this hellhole! Is that not right Professor Hansen?” Hansen was relieved, that he was not going to feel the brunt of our rage toward him. Yet, he attempted to persuade us, to overcome his defects, “Professor Bunbury, I am glad to hear that. And let me explain that though I am to blame for everything, I can assist you!” I thought that at last, our salvation was coming but I was afur, “Excellent then, you know how to exit this place Professor Hansen!” There was this sullen expression seen on the face of Hansen, “Yes, but to be honest, I don’t really know for sure!” The thought then entered my mind, about the supposed so-called expedition, that Hansen raved about. Was that a lie as well? “Professor Hansen, I must know the truth when I ask, is there truly an expedition that is searching for us, as you have mentioned before?” I awaited eagerly for Hansen’s dear reply for in it, would contain the direction of this dilemma in which, we had found ourselves truly mired within.

Hansen was silent for a moment, before he uttered, “To be honest I am afraid, that there is no so-called expedition, searching for us professor! It was just, a ploy that I used, in order to keep you here! You see professor, we have found at last the den of the beasts indeed!” His dear eyes, swelled up in a feeze for they appeared passionate, with much fervour as well. There was no doubt in me, that Hansen was mad. But was he, any much more mad, than both the earl and the Texan; who despite the harsh quandary in which we were in, were still insinuating much, that we continue the hunt for the creature? “I can not believe professor, that such an worthy man as yourself, such a great scientist as you professor, would steep to all of this. But should I be thus in the end, much amazed by your comportment I wonder?” My main concern was survival, and to exit this forsakened Hades of which, I have been within in for months. “Hitherto I my concern of which most so concerns me, is to get out of this hellhole. The hunt for the beast, does no longer, concern me!” I emoted. “I agree with you professor, but surely faced with our predicament, we must be prepared even with the thought of confronting the creature!” Lord Whitmore, replied. I heard his explanation, and thence Fuller interjected the following, “I reckon I too, agree with the good Lord Whitmore!” “I agree as well, but nevertheless, if we stay here any longer then, we are assured most definitely, of certain death gentlemen!” I replied. It was a reality in which, we all knew. It led us to be wary; for the circumstances in which we were in, were quite dire to say the least. And the good path that laid ahead for us, was a dreary, and uncertain one indeed. What was to be our next action, that was the question? “How are we to approach this predicament gentlemen?” Thus I queried. Hansen was the diplomat, whilst as for the earl and the Texan, they were the opposite of that; like branded sheriffs from the wild west. The earl was the first to comment, “We should at least, for time the being remain here, until we muster enough wisdom, to know where to go from here next!” The Texan was likewise, receptive to that idea as well. “I reckon that the good earl, does have a good point there!” Was I to lose this argument, I thought?

In the end for the moment, there was nothing much that I could offer, in the way of another option, “I agree, that we must at least for the nonce stay here until, we get design a plan to exit here!” Thus it was settled for the time being that we would remain here, until we could devise a plan to exit from this hell. It was my intent as the others, to leave this forsaken place. But the problem was where were we to find, this exit from? But if we thought there was to be tranquillity upon that night, we were surely wrong for it was the creatures who’s actions, were to be right. The night had instored for us, a mighty rude awakening indeed! As we had gathered about the campfire, with Fuller’s Colt 45 pointed much indiscreetingly at Hansen, and Lord Whitmore and I chatting about old times back in England and as well, about a manner in which, we would be able to exit from this place at once. It was the Cree Indian good Toot, who’s alertness was so wary to the trait of the wolf. He was the one who happened to suspect a strange clamour nearing. How impressive was his sense of hearing, and smell as well, as his taste and vision. He had been sitting down near us, and yet, he was the only one to notice and detect, the oncoming encroachment of unwanted guests! He was staid, silent for a moment, and Fuller seemed to detect this silence in the Cree Indian, “What is it Toot old boy, what done ruffle your feathers my boy?” He remained so quiet and hushed. Whisted, attentive, was he. But then after a minute he replied, “White eagle, white spirit is so near. I can feel his presence!” “Where is he coming from Toot old boy?” The Cree simply put his finger onto his ear, and sought to hear the echoes or reverberations of the creature’s footsteps. He remained quiet, and it was then that he rose to his feet, and shouted as the creature’s roar could be heard entering the entrance of the cave, “It is white spirit!” His voice clamoured in a stentorian manner. The reaction of Lord Whitmore, Fuller and myself, was to be wonted. We rose to our feet, grabbed our rifles and alertly, awaited the arrival of the creatures. “We’s a got ourselves, as my daddy once used a brood of rattlers ready, to spring under out feet gentlemen!” Fuller emoted. He cocked his Colt 45, as he rifled it up to his waist, like the old gunslingers used to do, back in the Old West.

Meanwhile Toot had his tomahawk at his side, and his ready bow and arrow abreast to him as well. As for Hansen and myself, we had our good rifles abreast to us also. There we were like a pair of characters from one of Sherlock Holmes mysteries. The noise continued, and then the noise, stopped for a moment. Then it was, that Fuller took action into his hands. Unbeknowingly and swiftly, he cocked back his Colt 45, and pulled the trigger, in a hasty fashion. The commotion caused afterwards was a wounded yeti, and a loud roar that came from them. It was enough, to spook the creature’s advance for the nonce. But was it enough in the end, to spook them entirely? “Mr. Fuller why did you shoot at the creature?” I asked him. Hansen was much more critical, “You fool, we could have capture one of those wretched creatures, alive!” Fuller, did not take it to his likening as he would say, to the threat of Hansen of whom, he had the most begrudging spite for, “After what you done to me you rascal, you’ve a got the nerve Danishman, to try to impose your will on me!” The anger, that was once seen in the eyes of good Fuller, reappeared again in him. I swear, that if Lord Whitmore and myself, were not present, he would have certainly skinned Hansen alive! It was not to my advantage indeed, to have Fuller kill Hansen since after all, he was to be our saviour in escaping this wretched place, “Enough is enough, we must work together, instead of being enemies. What is done is done!” Fuller looked into my eye then, he queried in a much serious tone, “You really believe in this rascal’s words, that he got’s the ability to lead us away from here!” “It is not relevant to me, whether or not I confide in him or not. The point here Mr. Fuller is though I not think highly of Professor Hansen anymore, and what he did is truly not to be forgiven nevertheless, if we are to seek to escape from this awful place, than we must rely on Hansen’s ability, to lead us out of here regardless of our discontempt toward him Mr. Fuller!” It appeared for the moment, to halt Fuller’s aggressive enacture toward Hansen. But he did not yield without, making a sarcastic remark, “You know something my good Englishman, there is an old Texas saying, never trust a scoundrel who has turned his back on you once before. Cause if a one does, he surely shall find a knife stuck in his back, or worse a bullet Englishman!” Often I found Fuller’s adages and analogies, to be rustic and backward. But there was truly some great measure of credence, in those words spoken by Fuller. “Perhaps so my dear Mr. Fuller, but notwithstanding that, unless you want to stay here indefinitely then, I suggest that you work with us!” Fuller was compelled for the moment to swallow his pride, and dignity when it came to this issue, with Hansen. “You’ve a got alot of guts there Englishman, and I do admire that in you at least!”

Lord Whitmore, was eager as well as Fuller, to search to find the wounded creature, “If my interjection is of any significance, I suggest that we go out, and find this creature of whom, Mr. Fuller shot and wounded!” Fuller was in full agreement, “I suggest we go and do what, my good earl has suggested!” It was obvious that their passion, was overshadowing them at that moment. “With all due respect gentlemen, it would be mad, to go out there and search for the wounded creature when, it would be impossible to find in this darkness. Think it would mean truly indeed, we would be at the mercy of the creatures!” Thankfully, my words resonated truly a deep clang, within the both of them.

“I supposed, that you are right in your point professor!” Lord Whitmore exclaimed. Mr. Fuller, likewise conceded, “I reckon, that your words Englishman, ring some sense with me so!” That was something of which I could sigh, and be thankful for. “I wonder if the terrible creatures will return, anew this night gentlemen?” I posed the question onto the others. “I do not believe so my dear professor for the taste of a rifle or gun, did not please them much. Let us hope that for our good sake, that it shall be like that tomorrow!” “Let us pray Lord Whitmore for our sake, that it shall be like that tomorrow!” Whilst we talked, Hansen appeared to be scheming something I felt. “Tell me something Professor Hansen, what do you suggest we do with the dear wounded creature?” Hansen hawed for moment, musing somewhat his response. After a minute he replied, “I believe that it would be best, to do what you have suggested professor!” We thus headed back to the safety of our campfire where we were pleased to know, that Fuller had with him some dear food, and some water as well. Fuller’s survival as well as the Cree Indian was remarkable as well as the fact of how he along with Toot, were so able to find some needed food, and water. Fuller proceeded to tale us all, of his incredible tale. I thought, that never in a million years, I would be appreciative of Fuller much at all. But when one carries a hungry belly and dry throat, he soons forsakes his pride swiftly!

22 April-The Alpenglow of the glint of the sun, permeates somewhat from above but yet, the morrow that we so awaited, was one which was mired with uncertainty as the night before. It was a little bit pass midday, when the plan was finally organised. The plan indeed, was to go and search for this path of which, we could find our escape from within. The ultimate goal was in the end to either stumble onto a nearby Sherpa village, or even a Chinese village on the other side of which, was the country of China itself. Though it was agreed by all, the good earl and the Texan, wanted still to explore the idea of hunting down, the wounded creature of yesterday. Naturally, it was not what I most wanted to hear, for it meant instant delay in the plan. There was the thought of having some of us stay behind, whilst the others went out in search for this way out. But under the present circumstances in which we found ourselves within, it was obviously insane to suggest that suggestion. Perhaps my thought of that was aligned, to the salvation of this expedition which Hansen, had aforementioned. But now that that was scraped, there was no basic necessity indeed to wait for that expedition. I attempted to dissuade the noble earl and Texan, though I was able in the end, I felt that I would not able to dissuade them for long. It was difficult to devise a plan, even though the idea was genuine there was still the reality, that there was no guarantee; nor was there any sufficient knowledge of where we were to truly head toward. Unfortunately the only reliable source or dear information we could depend on, was Hansen himself. And that was like depending on the devil to steer you away from the land of Hades. Northwesternly, was where we were to steer ourselves toward. Hansen still opposed that idea, “I tell you Sir Bunbury, that it would be wrong to head northwesternly!” “Then, what do you suggest we do instead Professor Hansen?” “I suggest that we head back, and retrace our steps toward the prior expedition!”

Hansen had a point there, but he was mad to suggest that we try to return from whence, we began this expedition outside of Pokhara itself. I could not accept that fate, thus I had to impose the question onto him as I looked onto his eyes, “Professor Hansen, if there is a decent backbone in you, you will answer this dear question of mine. Is there a strong possibility, that if we head in the direction of which I had said before, we could truly find a way out of here, possibly a Sherpa village or the border to China?” I had no idea at all to whether or not Hansen would give me, an honest response. If there was ever a time in which Hansen despite his betrayal, could truly redeem himself with honesty and sincerity then, it was at that precise moment in time. “Perhaps professor, but I really don’t know.” I felt that truly, he was telling me the truth although there was the chance, that he was once again, lying and trying to cover his hide using one of Fuller’s expressions. “My dear Englishman, I tell you, that I wouldn’t trust that varmint’s words, for they don’t mount to a spill of beans in a frying pan!” The earl was not too enthusiastic, about entrusting in the words of Hansen neither. The thought of heading back toward Pokhara was mad, since we first, did not even known, where we were exactly at. Moreover, it was suicide to endeavour ourselves in. It was indeed much to my advantage, to have Fuller and Hansen on my side on this. Though they had the intent, of hunting the creature down still, they were more resigned to the thought of thus heading forth then, heading backwards.

Perhaps it was because, they did not have fond memories of what laid behind them in the past. To have to deal with Hansen, was as risky and as perilous as a proposition to endure but notwithstanding that, there was of little comfort to me afforded. I had to rely on his knowledge of the area, but yet be wary of his intents underneath. “It shall then in the direction of which I have mentioned, we shall indulge ourselves toward!” There infront of us, stood the massive vast mountains of which, we had found ourselves way deeper than we wanted. It stood as a testimony to, the daunting taut grasp upon us. There was not certainty at all upon leaving the hovel that sheltered us for the nonce, we were hoping to find, another nearby hovel. Time was of the essence as well; for though we were to tread through the rigid landscape of the mountains area, we had to locate another nearby cave to spend the dear night inside of. We had treaded for at least several hours in the harsh, austere landscape of which we walked upon. Not only was there the problem of the unyielding punishment imposed upon us, especially onto our feet there was also, the problem of hunger and thirst. We had been so much starved last night, that we had eaten like an ox. Basically put, we had run of water and food upon the course of this trek. Oddly enough, the greatest problem of which we felt threatened by, was of course the skulking presence of the creatures. Hansen I could tell, did not seem joyeous to be leaving the so-called den of the creatures. But then again, was it really the den of the creatures in the end I wondered? Wary of the creatures, we were indeed. “We must find some food and water gentlemen, or else we shall starve to death!” “I agree with you professor!” Lord Whitmore interrupted. “But where shall we search?” I asked him.

He suggested, that we go a bit over pass the knoll, that laid ahead of us. Fuller was in agreement, however odd that was to see. “I too reckon, that we’s a go a hunting over there past yonder!” “But what shall, we find?” I queried. “Perhaps a hare or two, or even I might say a dear roaming yak!” They were both strange, and odd characters were the earl and the Texan for they weren’t exactly the type of men of whom, I would share the liberty of discoursing parleys with. It was not that they lack the scientific grasp of science, it was simply that their mentalities indeed it seemed, were more geared toward destruction, than preservation and conservation. We reached the knoll and when we did, we were fortunate enough to find a hare but there were unwelcomed guests nearby, awaiting us. And that was a mountain leopard who had on the prowl, for the hare. It had been unbeknowingly to us, observing us from afar. Fuller was the one, who fired the shot that killed the creature instantaneously. “Done kill that critter now, gentlemen!” he then emoted. “You do have a remarkable shot there Mr. Fuller, but I wonder, if it is better than mine?” Lord Whitmore then sensed the presence of the mountain leopard, out of the back of his right eye. The animal leaped toward us, springing with the conviction to attack us.

But the quickness of the earl’s reaction on the trigger, struck the creature in the heart thus killing it so with one single shot, one single bullet! “That is how a critter as you say, is killed Mr. Fuller!” He said as he smiled at Fuller. Fuller seemed to be amused, but underneath that devilish guise of his laid a cunning, and shrewd man of which the devil could not afford to underestimate much at all! Soon what started out as an insignificance of bold men, then feuded into a bold feud between two men, “I reckon, you’s a got a good shot too my good earl. But I reckon if we had to throw a few whiskey bottles up in the air, like we’s a do back in Texas!” “Am I to assume indeed Mr. Fuller, that you are offering up a good challenge my boy?” There was this rather haughty and conceited gaze seen, within the eyes of the two prolific hunters. It was a duel befitting, of a great clash of two men similar to that of Alexander Hamilton, and Aaron Burr. But for me so, it was stupidity. I swiftly interjected, “Enough of that gentlemen, we don’t have the time to dawdle nor waste time, in egos. With respect, we must work together, if we are to get out of this bloody and wretched place!” Hansen who was quiet, also agreed, “If my opinion means anything, I too think, that do not have time to waste on a senseless duel!”

Though I was not counting on the support of Hansen to embolden my position, I was at least grateful, that he sided with me on this matter. The earl and Fuller, were content for the nonce, to put aside their bickering feud. “I do suppose, that you have a point there professor!” “I reckon as well, you speak the truth my dear Englishman!” “Now that we have settled that predicament gentlemen, let us be thankful, that we are all alive; and most importantly, that we have found some food!” The water soon came, thus afterwards in the form of a nearby gulch. But when we reached the gulch, and had ascertained our needed water there was a dead carcass, but not that of an animal but instead, of a human being! It was Toot the Cree Indian, who would stumble onto the dead corpse; for his sense of smell, was impeccable. “Óte!” The Cree said in his native tongue, which meant over here! When we arrived to where the Indian was standing, “What is it Toot, old boy?” Fuller anxiously asked. It was then, that the Cree the pointed to the dead body which, was buried in a mound of soil with only, a limb sticking out. At first there was no certainty to us except the Cree, of who’s body had been laying underneath. After digging up the body, it was determined, that it was the corpse of a man indeed, and not an animal. Who was this man, and what came to happen to him, was one of the many questions we were confronted with? Immediately, the man was identified as a Sherpa; while the cause to his death so, was but many. But after a thorough study and examination, it could only be precluded, that the cause of this man’s unfortunate death, was at the hands of the wretched creature. To me, it was but truly a familiar reminiscence. To Hansen I felt, it was a familiar reminiscence. A deep sigh was then felt and expressed, by all of us. The sight brought back, the disturbing memory of discovering there I saw with my eyes, the dead body of my dearest mentor, Sir Wellington. “Poor wretch, he must have died a painful death!” Lord Whitmore chuntered. “To say that he died a painful death, is a bloody understatement my lord!” I muttered in return. “Chucks I reckon, that no man at all, does deserve a death so undeserving!” But the discovery of the dead body, did enter a thought within me. And that was simply, that if there was a Sherpa found although be it dead, it meant that there was the faint possibility, that there was a nearby village of theirs. I quickly told the others of that assumption of mine after Lord Whitmore noticed, that I was pensive, “What is it professor?” “I am not at present moment certain, but perhaps just perhaps there is a blessing amongst this death my lord.” He was baffled and bewildered by my statement, “What are you saying professor?” I then proceeded to put clarity behind my words, “Pardon me my lord, but what I was attempting to convey, was that perhaps we are much closer, to a closeby Sherpa village.”

“Yes I understand now professor!” the earl replied. I looked at Hansen, and asked, “Is that possible Professor Hansen?” Once again, I was relying upon, the knowledge and awareness of Hansen. Hansen was quiet at first, but then he shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t really know Sir Bunbury. It is a possibility!” As Hansen and myself, mulled over that good possibility betwixt each other, we would be interrupted by the words of the Cree, “Anite, nete ayaw, nete ayaw!” He was standing there, pointing at something as he uttered in his native tongue, “What is he saying Mr. Fuller?” I asked the Texan. Fuller who had through their travails together, learned the Cree language, “Taniwa, taniwa?” Fuller uttered. He pointed up then said, “Takoc, takoc!” Once again, I asked the Texan of what the Indian was raving on about. Fuller then uttered, “Up there, up there, he’s talking about Englishman!” There was a glint in the sun that afternoon, and it did impede slightly our vision. “I don’t see anything Mr. Fuller!” Mr. Fuller was obfuscated at first but then, he saw clearly there on top of a ridge nearby, what I along with the others came to be bestowed with, the daunting image of the yeti himself. So impressive, and much indelible was this sight of the creature. We were speechless for a good full minute, as we glanced at it’s robust and stealthy guise.

(Professor Bunbury’s Journal)-Continued

There it was standing like a Trojan horse, but yet it shone the reflection of man, perhaps many many years ago. “Good God, the devil does not shun his face, much in isolation does he?” I poetically chuntered. “By Jove, we’ve got the creature?” Lord Whitmore said, as he pointed his rifle toward the direction of the creature. Fuller did the same, “I reckon, I’ll be a singing Dixie or the Yellow Rose of Texas old boys!” “No, we can’t shoot the creature just yet!” Hansen uttered. “What in cotton picking hell, are you talking about Danishman?” I realised that Hansen was right indeed; for to shoot the creature, could incite a mutiny of backlash against us, brought on by the creatures themselves. Simply put, it was not wise of us to antagonist the creatures, when indeed there were more of them, than there were more of us! “Hansen is right, if we shot the creature it would cause the creatures to attack us. Let us not forget, that we are few, and they are many!” It was more than analogy of mine, that I sought to impose onto the minds of both the earl, and the good Texan. What I had sought to achieve was to have Fuller, and Lord Whitmore both, more occupied with the task of departure, than the task of hunting down the creature. Though it would have been niece, to retreat back to England with a living yeti, I was willing to forsake indeed all, for the chance of departing from this wretched place, with all my faculties in tact! Fuller and the earl, were bent so on hunting down the creature at whatever cost; for they could not fathom the thought, of losing such a golden chance to shoot the creature. But yet in the end, they reluctantly conceded to my plead. Fuller was much more stubborn to concede than the good earl. Infact there was a grumbling in his words as he drawled, “I reckon you’ve got a hide’s hare of fancy, know it all Englishman!” Sometimes I was left baffled by Fuller’s words, for there were times in which, I did not know whether or not Fuller’s words, were more than a threat than the usual bravura. But just as quick at the image of the creature came, it would soon disappear as fast as he came. There was ragery and dander, seen in the eyes of Fuller for to have to swallow his pride, was utterly an incredible feat for him to accomplish. But my preoccupation indeed for the time being, was not on hunting down the creature but instead, on seeking a way out of what I knew to be hell! The discovery of the dead Sherpa, had given me hope, that there was indeed a perhaps nearby Sherpa village of some sort. “I suggest gentlemen, that instead of searching and seeking for the creature, we should search for the possibility of a nearby Sherpa village! You see gentlemen, if we stumbled upon this man then surely, he must have an origin! And let us pray for our sake, that that be the case!” It was the objective from now us and hitherto, the thought of going on a wild goose chase for the creature, was of secondary inducement now. The trick therefore, was to convince or sway both Fuller and the earl, to forsake completely the need for the hunt. But something within me so deeply I felt told me, that it was to be a tall task to overcome. My intent though noble, was alot to beseech; especially to two proud and reputable hunters as Fuller, and Lord Whitmore. For the nonce, I had them abreast to me as allies instead of foes. But anew the question, was but for how long was that to last?

The lingering question, was in what direction were we to find this so-called Sherpa village. Though to find a nearby village, was of top priority, it did not supersede the need to stay on course. Thus, what that meant, was that if we were to search for the village, we would have to achieve that within the direction or lead of which we were heading toward, and that was northwesternly! Several hours had elapsed, since we continued with our journey or trek. It had been truly, a mighty arduous, and harsh task to endeavour. The situation now, was that the sun was close to setting by that time; and darkness was soon to be encroaching, looming over the horizon. We had decided to make our camp for the night. We had travelled so quite a considerable path, in lieu of the adversity we were in, our feet graciously were able to withstand the toil and travail of the day indeed. We had gathered about enough nearby twigs, that were laying about the area, and made our campfire for the night. By the mercy of God as well, we had enough food and water, to feed our paunches, and quench our parched thirst. But yet, as we camped around the fire, and ate and drank there was of course, the skulking menacing presence of the creatures. We were not, that fortunate at all to find nor locate the perhaps village of the Sherpas; but nevertheless there was a hope still maintained, that perhaps tomorrow or the follow morrow, we would locate this village, and perhaps our needed salvation.

It was just the five of us who thus remained, who had thence survived the wrath of the Himalayas! The Cree Toot who was like a hawk with his eyes, and like a wolf with his ears stood on guard whilst we gathered about, talking about the predicament of which, we had found ourselves within. There were studious and wary eyes, seen in the eyes of all of us. “Good night for a good sip of some Tequila!” Fuller emoted. “I prefer some sherry instead, Mr. Fuller!” Lord Whitmore retorted. “I think, that if we somehow are able to leave this wretched place then, I shall indeed, be looking forward to a glass of Scottish whiskey!” “I much prefer, some Danish rum!” Hansen interjected. “Rum, how rummy indeed!” I replied. We began to prate amongst each other, and we found ourselves, chortling amongst each other’s commentary. For that period of time, there was this comity quite so comfy between all of us. It seemed that our dislike, and distrust toward each other, was forgotten for that moment. Perhaps if was simply because, amidst the forsakened place in which we were engulfed and entrapped in, cordiality was a source of which, many easily crave and yearn for. If there was validity to be attached to it then, let me attest, that I myself am one of those, who hankered conversation even that of Fuller’s as well. “I wonder my good and dear gentlemen!” Fuller paused. “Wonder about what, Mr. Fuller?” I queried.

He then proceeded, “I reckon that at times, a man is at a lost with words. Chucks I reckon, as my daddy once said to me, boy unless you speak quick, you’ll find your teeth gnawing at your tongue boy! I reckon, that my daddy was right. You see gentlemen, I was just a thinking here!” “Thinking about what Mr. Fuller?” Lord Whitmore, inquired. The earl, also as the rest of us, were eager to hear his reply. He chuckled slightly, as if he found the question to be somewhat amusing to him, “I was, a thinking if at the end of the day, instead of hunting down the critters, it would be us the critters, who would be hunting us down like with a fury!” There was a hush and silence, heard throughout the campfire for that minute. It was as almost as, those words of Fuller, were presented as an omen, hovering above us. “For our sake Mr. Fuller, let us hope not. For if that was to happen then, we would never find ourselves out of this hell, alive!” “So what do you think Danishman? Do you think, the critters by the end of the day, shall be hunting us down like a pack of wolves Danishman?” Hansen was quiet at first, but soon he gave his response, “To be honest Mr. Fuller, does what I say matter to you anymore?” Fuller chuckled, as if he expected to hear that reply coming out of Hansen. Perhaps it was through Fuller’s sarcasm, that Hansen still realised, the vivid anger still seen in the eyes of Fuller. And it would not take time, before Fuller vented his rage against him. And it would not take time before, Hansen would return to being, a hated man again, “Not really I reckon, Danishman. You see my old boy, another saying of my old daddy was, that you can be kind to a varmint but you never forget, that it is a varmint!” Hansen once smiled, thus then became a slight frown. “Perhaps it shall be better to speak about another matter, like how our day shall be tomorrow, once we commence tomorrow.” Our conversation then became in earnest, a serious one. “I wonder gentlemen, if we are truly heading in the right direction!” “What do you mean, by that professor?” asked the earl. “Not so much, in our present direction; but instead more in the way, of locating our presumed destination!” “What in cotting picking hell, are you talking about Englishman?”

Hansen then interjected, just as I was about to reply, “I believe what the good professor is trying to say, is that he is not certain at all, if we are heading in the right direction!” He then stared into my eyes, “Is that not so professor?” I was caught at a disadvantage for I had forgotten, about Hansen’s deceptive chicanery. Though I was thrown off at first, I regained my faculties in time, to offer more than a token reply, “I must say Professor Hansen, that I am the first to admit, that I am not one-hundred percent certain, that we are heading in the right direction. Let me just say, that I am quite confident, that truly we are heading in the right direction, in my estimation!” Hansen was beginning, to put a wedge between I and the others. He was a mastermind of deceit, but yet there was the situation, that was much hard to overcome. And that was, that as much as I needed him, he needed me!

24 April-It has been several days now, since we attempted to search, for our escape and yet at the same time, for this perhaps nearby Sherpa village. Although we treaded forth, not far behind us, was the lurking presence of the creatures. When it was morning, the guise of their reflection thus could be seen. When it was night, their hollering call could be heard. When we indeed ganged, they did follow. When we then rested, they retreated into the vastness of the mountains. Whilst we were quite visible, the creatures were invisible. They had a good knack, to vanish and blend into the horizon and landscape of the mountains. We had travelled so many miles on foot, and though there was no hardened ice nor a blizzard to thwart us, nathless, the hardened ground, was not very quite so, receptive to our feet! By this time so, blisters and sores, were starting to truly cover our feet and our faces, were beginning to became reddish, by the pressure of the altitude. Whilst our hands were becoming rigid, by the grasp of it’s hold. It was an odd feeling I felt, for the echoing wind could be heard, whistling through the air. One moment, our eyes were focused on what laid infront of us and yet another moment, they were peeking at what laid behind us. Our bodies were growing weary and fatigue, not so much from the weather but instead, of the wretched Himalayas themselves. Fuller was just as determined as the earl, to have his dear encounter anew, with the creatures. From what he had told us of his tale, he had despite his good encounters with the creatures, survived. But I wondered truly, how much of his tale was accurate and true; and not mere bravura of his part? After all, it was easy to embellish or embolden a story with much, heightened gaff. We had quittened a bit pass by sun set, and we had found, sheltered by a nearby ridge. Finding shelter, and locating such a warm cozy environs to settle in was truly, of much burden and a millstone of which, neither of us were pleased about. Pots and pans, were naturally of much usage to us. But it was the compass of Fuller’s that in the end, was of our most greatest worth and value.

It was indeed a testy, and irksome time for all of us. The occurrence of this day was the Cree Indian, stumbling onto a dead cadaver of a yeti. It was infact, the body of the very same yeti of which, Fuller had wounded several days ago. It was not something at first, that would enter into our minds but soon afterwards, it was Fuller himself, who would come to acknowledge that reality. “I wonder, what could have happened, to this wretched creature?” I said. “Perhaps it is the darn critter, that I killed some days ago!” Fuller emoted. “Do you really believe Mr. Fuller that this dead yeti, is the very same yeti, that you shot that very night?” Just as Fuller was ribald, and bold to make his suggestion, he was equally, as austere in his reply, “Because you see Englishman, a good hunter always knows his kill!” Fuller’s strange eyebrows curled up, and he so looked like a greedy grinch. What I did next was idiotic for I dared, to defy Fuller’s daring statement. And when I did, he proceeded to tell me with accuracy and with much poignancy, that the creature’s wound, was located in the womb of the creature, by his Colt 45 of which, he shared tremendous pride of. When I asked him, about his pin-point accuracy he then simply said, “Look at the open wound, at the gash there Englishman, if you look really close my friend, you will,” he proceeded to pull out the bullet out of the womb of the dead yeti then he replied, “I reckon, this bullet belongs to a Colt 45, if I am not much mistaken Englishman. Perhaps my good Lord Whitmore, would concur with that Englishman?” The earl, was reluctant to reply, but he did concede in the end, “I believe so Mr. Fuller!”

Fuller, seemed to notice that the earl was somewhat leath to offer kudos, and Fuller appeared to be chaffed by the earl’s impudence. I meanwhile, I could only swallow my ignorance, and unweetingness. “I must apologise Mr. Fuller, for I am the first to admit, my own errant ways!” Fuller seemed to be quite lavishing, in my admission. I often feel, that the only thing that he lives for, is for his selfish ego! I suppose, that I must withstand his antics and bravura, in order to achieve my objective, which is to find an escape out of this misery. Whilst Fuller and the earl, were occupied with the chance of the hunt, Hansen himself was occupied, with the chance of examining the dead corpse of the yeti. I wondered truly more and more, as the days lingered, was I the only one truly, who was consumed with the necessity to leave this forsaken place? Unfortunately for Hansen, there was very little information to be gained, from what he had already studied about the creature. As for Fuller and the earl, their need to hunt, was but pervasive and urgent it would seem. Infact it could be said that both of them, had that killer instinct instilled within them. Our time spent with the cadaver, was soon thus to be abridged, by the appearance of two strangers, who stood from afar. The question was at first, were they two yetis of which we were seeing, or were they men instead? Quickly the fainting image from afar, thus became clearer. And in the end, the two great images of which we casted eye upon, were indeed two men, two Sherpa men! There was great joy seen in my eyes at least as for the others, they were less ebullient it would seem. I began to wave at them calling them, forgetting the presence of the nearby creatures. When the two men heard and then spotted us, they came to our dear assistance. But the trouble to be, was that neither of the two spoke English much and neither of us, indeed spoke Sherpa their native tongue, except Hansen perhaps? I left Hansen to speak to the Sherpa men, whilst I along with Fuller and the earl, awaited Fuller’s apparent translation. I truly did not trust Hansen, and it was to my disadvantage, to not know the Sherpa tongue. Although, I did not know the tongue of the Sherpa that well, I was well wary of Hansen’s gestures.

The only thing that was important in my eyes, was to hear from Hansen, that there was a nearby Sherpa village. Once Hansen returned to us, he told us when asked about the nearby Sherpa village of the men, that there was not at all, a near Sherpa village. For in Hansen’s words, the men had be walking about the area for days and nights, and they had come from the nearby border with Tibet, and not that of north-eastern China. It was a harsh blow to our chances of escaping these mountains. Though I saw the depth of sincerity in the eyes of the Sherpas each I could not help, but wonder deep down whether or not Hansen, was telling me the truth? It was such a most precarious, and much difficult predicament, that I had found myself in. To Fuller and the earl Hansen’s words, did not make much of an impression. Again I found myself, alone within my urgency to depart. If there were ever a pair of men who would I felt, forsake me to a pack of wolves, it was them.

However harsh that thought appeared to be, it was something of which, I knew I had to deal with sooner or later. We continued the course, but now, there were to more able men added to this expedition. Though we walked quite a considerable distance, there was not much indeed, achieved. The problem was thus becoming, the more that we ganged so, the more the mountains seemed to be more hectic, and hard to overcome. We strode and strode, until we came again to our place of encampment. I wondered truly as the day went by how long, were the Sherpas to remain with us? Though it was obvious, that they were starving and thirsty, what was to transpire next or afterwards, once they were fed and given water to drink? There was this deep feeling in me that told me, that they once they were fed or given water, they would leave us as fast as they appeared. It almost felt, that Hansen had promised them otherwise. What I mean by that, is that he must have offered the Sherpa men, some incentive to be loyal and entrust their troth to him. It was more so, than just mere presumptuous of me to suggest, when it came to Hansen’s very own allegiance of which, was more than shady to say the least. Food and water, was beginning to be an issue; and with two more mouths to feed and give water to, it was becoming drastic and much hectic above all by the day. As nightfall befell, there was the issue as always, observing the presence of the creatures who certainly, were not that far away! But I felt that the night was to hold, another adventure of which, was awaiting us truly. Nothing was certain as far as our trek was concerned, for though we had a compass of Fuller’s at our disposal, still it did not secure our path to liberation. I come to wonder and speculate as well, the outcome of this eternal plight of which, condemns me daily. I am a scholarly and thewed man, but what does my reputation or intellect serve up here so many miles far away from England so, if it does not serve the purpose of allowing the path to retreat? That my friends, is the moral of this story for the nonce. The semantics of Fuller’s jargon, along with Lord Whitmore’s tales of royalty was enough to treat someone, with an earful of talkative conversation indeed. All was going smoothly, under the conditions and circumstances, that we were in. But just as all was going well, the whistling sounds of the creature’s echoes, were heard from afar.

It was enough, to catch the audible ears of all of us, including the two Sherpa men, who we have given shelter to. The two Sherpa men, appeared to be rather daunted and fearful of the dear creatures for it could be seen in their eyes, and in their utterance of the creature’s name. As ere we stood erect so, and gazing around the mountainous ridge, searching with our roving eyes in what direction were the echoes coming from. “I reckon, that until we slay the lion, we shall hear, the beast’s roar!” replied Fuller. “If the mountain, does not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad, must come to the mountain!” Lord Whitmore, uttered. “I wonder gentlemen, when will it be, that these wretched creatures, will finally stop tormenting us? If they are to kill us then I ask, what are they waiting for?” It was then, that Hansen interjected, “Perhaps they are awaiting Professor Bunbury, for the right time to attack? But the question now is, when shall they attack? Although I must admit, I find myself within conflict of thoughts!” “What exactly do you mean by that professor?” He looked into my eyes, puzzled at first but then confident. Thence he said, “It is very simple Professor Bunbury. You see we forget, that the creatures are not much different in nature, than we are professor!” The earl who stood there, with his open eyes quite so ajar emoted, “Bosh I say, that is quite an absurd analogy Professor Hansen! But surely, you can’t expect me, to come to believe that?” Fuller neither was one to share Hansen’s point of view, “I reckon, that you’s a got a mighty nerve indeed Danishman, to suggest that we men, are inferior to those varmints! Why I should put a bullet in your head, for saying such a foul thing like that!” Since I was a scholar like Hansen, I did not put much credence to their words.

Instead, I concentrated on knowing just exactly, what Hansen was insinuating. Now was the time if ever, to utilise my intellect as a scientist. I put Hansen to the side, and queried to him to tell me in privacy, of what he meant. When he answered he replied, “What I was trying to say back there professor, was something that the pseudo intellect of those brutes couldn’t understand much. Only another scientist such as yourself, could truly understand my words completely!” He then proceeded to elaborate, “Tell me something professor, as a scientist, do you believe in your heart from what you had learned about the creatures, that Darwin was right, when he said that in the end, we involved from the apes themselves?” His admission was shocking and yet believable, that it caused a commotion of thoughts in me, “By Jove, do you understand, the implications of your words?” “Yes I do, but do you Professor Bunbury?” His statement was meant, to drive a point through me and in the end, he succeeded so. For what I came to realise, was that he right from all that we had learned about the creature, it’s behaviour and it’s physiognomy, was indeed aligned to that of man. Perhaps, not that of modern man in such find appearance so, but more to what could only be surmised as our ancestors. “Good God, you speak the truth there Professor Hansen. I did not put the correlation together, but now I do! How a palaeontologist, or a good paleozoologist, would love to get their hands, on the bones of a yeti!” “Not a yeti professor, but Gigantis Piticus, or should I say, Australopithecus robustus!” I was left bemused by Hansen’s shocking revelation. “Indeed professor for there is no doubt, that he can not be an Neanderthal; for his physiognomy after further study, is still much between the process, of ape to man. But if that be so then!” I hawed as to realise, the significance of that one admission. Hansen would do me the honours of uttering, what I dared not to fathom, “Ja my dear Professor Bunbury, the creature’s origin traces back so, to almost a million years ago!” “But how can that be? My God, we are taking about a creature that outlived Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and the Neanderthal; and somehow was capable to survive in all of these years, in complete and utmost unseen obscurity!” Hansen appeared to be just as marvelled as I was. But yet, it appeared to me, that there was much that he knew still, that he was telling me upto that point. “It is all true professor, the creature or the yeti or metoh kangmi, as some other Sherpas call it, has been able throughout all of these years, to survive professor. It is so easy to survive in obscurity, when you are surrounded, by the great mountains of the Himalayas. Do you not think so professor?” Hansen was starting to might make me a bit uncomfortable for his intellect, and the sheer capacity of it, appeared to overshadow mine at times. But yet what was more troubling was the fact, that he appeared to be mad at times as well for I could notice in his eyes, the deviltry of the good devil himself. “Yes professor, I do think likewise, that would be the case!” “You are the only intellect here professor, of whom I can share my analogies, suppositions with. Now you do understand, why you must help me so in capturing the creature, and bringing it back to Europe!” Now I knew that he was mad, or younkers mind the English expression. “You can’t be serious professor, why that would be mad!”

Hansen did not seem to be jestering, and not only would he be mad. But as well as the others, including Fuller and Lord Whitmore. They would soon side with Hansen, and what was more alarming was the fact, that they would stand all against me. All except one, Toot the Cree Indian! But at first his allegiance was to Fuller, and it took Fuller’s negligence toward me, for him to stand with me. It was my principle, against the other’s greed and cupidity. “Perhaps I shall pose the question to the others professor. Let us see who they shall stand with, once I tell them about the den of the creatures!” “Den of the creatures then it is true, we have found the den of the creatures?” “Yes professor!” Hansen responded. Hansen thence proceeded, to induct his dear threat against me. What he did, was what he provoked in doing. “Mr. Fuller and Lord Whitmore, if I was to tell you both that I know where, you could find the creature at, would you forsake it all at once, to hunt down the creature?” I tholed for their response each, and when they gave their response, I would be astonished but yet at the same time, much to be expected and wonted. “I reckon, that I would give my soul to the devil, if I could hunt down, those varmints Danishman! You just lead the way!” “And what about you, my dear earl?” “I suppose that I did not come out here, all the way from England, to return empty-handed!” It was the coup the état, that I had feared the most happening. There was little that I could do, but object. And that, was not much of an asset in the end for me, “I must bring reason onto you each Mr. Fuller, and Lord Whitmore. You can not be so gullible to Professor Hansen’s words. It would be suicide gentlemen, for the creatures would be awaiting you in ambush. Please stay the course! Is not leaving this wretched place, with our lives all in tact not much more urgent, than chasing down a creature of whom, could at any time, kill if wanted?” My supplication, my entreatment, was to fall on deaf ears for this was not the halls or foyer, of the Academy at all! “I reckon not Englishman!” Fuller responded. I expected more from the earl, but he only defrauded me with his words, “I too must agree, with Mr. Fuller Professor Bunbury!” It was the last straw; for I quickly had found myself, at odds with Fuller, Hansen and the earl. Though it was mad to go on a wild goose chase for the creature, there was little that I could do truly, to thwart or prevent them from pursuing the creature, on a senseless and trivial pursuit. Or was there this a lingering hope, that I could cling onto? But if I had afastened to that one dear thought then, I was surely to be gravely mistakened. “Surely gentlemen, I entreat upon you, to stay within the course that we agreed to!” “I think I speak for the good earl when I say, it don’t mean Jack Diggly my friend!”

I did not need for the earl to offer me a reply for his motion of his gesture in the end, was sufficient enough for me, to comprehend his reply. The burden was upon me, and the reality as well. What was I to do, go along with the others, in die at the hands of the creatures indeed? Or, was I to branch off and go at it alone in this never-ending plight of mine? That was the dilemma, that I was enmeshed in. It was not exactly the situation, that I most truly sought myself to be in. But nevertheless, that was the quandary that I had entered. I had to think fast, of my decision. What was I to do? What was I do? I kept on asking myself. “Well Professor Bunbury, what are you going to do? Are you going to join us, or are you simply, going to go at it by yourself professor?” He awaited my response. He put his hand on my shoulder, as if to try to sway me, “Come now professor, surely as a scientist you can not fault me indeed? And besides deep down within your soul, this is what you came to Nepal to seek for!” It was mad to hear Hansen talk so coldly and much heartless. I would have not passed it by him, to shoot on spot. Yet, there was a certain truth, to Hansen’s words. But to go along with his deadly charade, was insane and demented. “Well professor, what is it going to be?” Hansen asked. My time was up, and I had to give Hansen and the others my reply, “I shall return with you!” “Does that mean, you will join us on our hunt professor?” Perhaps because there was not conviction in my words, that caused Hansen to inquire anon. I sought to make my words into clarification to Hansen and the others thus I emoted bravura, as my means of chicanery, “Yes, I shall join you and the others!” “Just out of curiosity, what did bring you to change your mind so quickly, dear professor?” Hansen put me on the spot, and it had not been for my intellectual wit, and gracious intuition then surely Hansen would have detected, my flaw and uncertainty. It was something of which I could not allow to betide, especially at this exact moment in the expedition.

“I must confess my good Professor Hansen, that I am not a hundred percent convinced, that it is the right thing to do. But notwithstanding, to go at it alone would be suicidal! Moreover, you are right when you say, that I did come here, for the capture of a living yeti!” For the nonce, Hansen was convinced of my sincerity. He smiled a devilish grin, and he then said to me, “Good, that is good to hear from you, my dear professor! You will not be, disappointed at all in the end, Professor Bunbury!” As I gazed into his eyes I saw his madness, and the problem was how much of it, would be contagious onto the others? In my acceptance of Hansen’s offer, I took to strong consideration, the hope that Fuller and Lord Whitmore, would enter into reason in time. Though it was a precarious risk of mine to rely upon, I felt that I could in time sway them, to abandon the hunt, and search for the path out of these wretched mountains. My clause, was dependent on the condition, that there would be a scarcity of food and water and that itself, would compel Fuller and the earl, to align with reason. That was the only way I felt, that could cause them, to abandon the search for the creature in the end. I was taking a chance on that being their reaction. But yet at the same time, the question was simply, was I to be certain in my analogy? There wasn’t really much that I could do, but depend on the actions of Fuller and the earl. As far as the Sherpa were concern, they were a mystery and Hansen, was an even more mystery. Was he to abandon the search, once his plan backfired? Or was he to stay the course and forsake his own life, in the end? I was more fascinated and eager to know the reaction of the earl and that of Fuller, than I was in Hansen’s mien. Simply put, I had given up all hope on Hansen’s assistance. But the sad irony, was that I still needed his guidance! In conceding to Hansen’s dear demand, it meant going backwards instead of going forth, as we had been doing before. I did not dare to fathom that bitter reality, but there was no other option at hand at the present moment. It was then, that we starting to head back toward the previous hovel of which, we had left from in the first place. “Just imagine professor, we shall bring back with us indeed to Europe, one of the most unknown secret in the name of science, the missing link!” Hansen’s point, was not mad nor insane; for truly in bringing back a yeti, was indeed bringing back, the missing link. But the good question was hitherto, at what cost? There no was doubt in my mind, that Fuller and the earl had already sold, their souls to the devil. But something in me told me, that Hansen when faced with the dear choice of having to select life over death, would without a doubt in me, be a coward and choose to live! 28 April-Thus we continue to make our way back to the previous hovel, and as we tread along in our footsteps, we are overshadowed and followed from afar, by the roving eyes of the creatures; who do not eschew to hector us with their precise observation of us. Our first dilemma so arose, and that was the issue of searching for food and water. Fuller and the earl, were capable of but forsaking their hunger and thirst, for the chance to hunt down a flock or a gaggle of those bloody creatures. But Hansen was not that so bold and heroic as the others; for though he was a man of scruples at times, he was a coward and a bloody scaramouth indeed. He was human when it was mostly needed for him, to be human. There was a cold draft pulling in from the east, as the air of spring’s presence, could be felt with a brush of wind. Perhaps this was the moment, that I mostly needed, to sway the good earl and Fuller. But yet, I make the conscious decision, to let the dear situation unfold itself regardless of what, was to betide in the end. What came to pass, I write in my journal, with such awl and yet, such great impression. We had made a temporary campsite there in the open around a steep ridge of which, held a mighty daunting look from below. It was midday, when Fuller and the earl along with the two strangers, had accompanied them on the hunt. It was Hansen and myself who were to stay behind, but with our rifles at hand. To think that I had to be alone with Hansen was so appalling, but still, it was best as they say, to have one’s enemy, abreast to them always. “How ironic is it now professor, that not to long ago, you were entreating me back at your estate in London, about being a part of this expedition of mine!” Hansen’s sarcasm was gally to some extent, and he had the gall to make me recall and to remember, my poetic plead. “Yes indeed professor, you are right, I did entreat upon you to let me and Sir Wellington, join you on your expected foray; but perhaps I did wrong?”

“Come now professor, you are having regrets about coming out here? After all, I have brought you to the dear creatures, have I not?” “Yes, you do indeed achieve, that objective professor!” I was threading a thin line I felt with Hansen, in the sense that I was uncertain of how much, he sensed of my own deceit employed upon him. He did not seem to catch on to my chicanery for the nonce, but I did make certain, that I would not underestimate his intellect, nor his wit whatsoever. “If I told you I didn’t I would be lying would I not, professor? Thus, the truth be told, I regret the passing of my good mentor and friend, Sir Wellington. As far as I am concerned, I came on my own will!” “That is good to hear from you professor!” Hansen commented. “Since we are being so sincere toward each other Professor Hansen, just out mere curiosity, if I did not entreat upon you to allow Sir Wellington and myself to join your foray, would you have sought out, another good scientists, to be victimised by you?” “You have such a fond way with words, professor. But it is well pleasant to hear you be, so like yourself. If you hadn’t I would have suspected you were in the end, trying to hoodwink me professor!” He hawed for an eyeblink, before he proceeded to answer my inquiry, “As far your question is concerned professor, with all candour, I must say to you, that most likely. But I must admit as well, that I am honoured to have had you and the Great Sir Wellington, join me on this quest for the yeti!” If I did not find myself at the disadvantage, or the underhand of this situation, I would have judged him so, on more than his ethics and more on his sanity. “Since we are here out in no man’s land, and with the strong possibility of never ever returning anew to Europe, could I query upon this one question so?”

Hansen, did not eschew the need, to be so evasive in my inquiry but instead, he proceeded to answer my question, as if there was no real need for him to lie at all, “Go ahead professor, ask your question?” I asked, “What exactly happened to the faith of the Swede and the Austrian, on that foray of yours previously?” His response, would shock me indeed, “If you are referring to their deaths, and the manner in which they died, I will tell you professor. You see, they were indeed killed by the yeti, as I had mentioned to you before back in Geneva. But what I failed to mention, was the fact, that they died doing what they most loved doing, being scientists!” “Tell me something dear professor, I must known!” “Known what?” Hansen inquired. He seemed, to sense where I was going with my inquiry, “Ah, my good professor, you are wondering whether or not I willingly led them, to their death knowing that the creatures were around!” I did not see the need to avoid his question thenceforth, I proceeded to acknowledge my honesty to him, “Yes indeed!” “The truth my dear Sir Bunbury is, that!” It was then, that a round of shots could be heard from afar. It was enough to catch our attention, and rise to our feet. We ran toward the vicinity of the noise, and when we arrived there, we were to stumble upon, a startling occurrence. There laying in the dear ground, were the dead bodies of three men, the two Sherpas and regrettably, that of the earl my good Lord Whitmore. As for Fuller, he along with the Cree Indian, were not harmed nor were they injured. They both were standing, hovering over the dead bodies of the others. “Good God, what happened here, Mr. Fuller?” I asked.

Fuller appeared to be fuming with rage and anger, not so much it seemed from the cruel deaths of the others but instead, from the fact that he was not able, to get a chance to hunt down the creatures. “I reckon that the critters, got a hold of them all!” “Were you not there Mr. Fuller, when this butchery happened?” “No, I reckon not. You see Toot and I, were a roaming about on the other side there yonder, when we heard the clamour!” “Did you see the creatures Mr. Fuller at all?” I asked. He nodded and said afterwards, “A mighty yes indeed, Englishman!” “Then you must have seen in what direction, they departed Mr. Fuller?” Hansen anxiously queried. “Yes, I happened to see the direction, in which the darn critters went a scaddadling!” He then told Toot, to point out the direction, and he did. He was pointing in the direction, east of us. “East, then it is east that we shall go!” Hansen uttered. I attempted to put calm into the situation, and much more importantly, delay the search for the creatures. Since, I knew that it was mad, to go on the hunt for the creatures when we would be falling, under a trap of theirs. But Fuller, was eager to hunt down the creatures whilst Hansen, was not much reluctant, to go along with Fuller’s suggestion. “I tell you, that it would be mad to go on a wild chase for the creatures they would certainly, be awaiting us indeed!” Hansen seemed to disagree, and he felt that the hour had arrived, for his great triumph to be. I thought Hansen’s intellect and wisdom, would definitely prevail, over his urge to hunt down the creature. But I was wrong indeed, for Hansen’s madness was now beyond control. And he was a shell, of the great scientist that he was. No longer could I think to reason with Hansen, but I implored him to reason, “Professor Hansen, we must search for food, and water. The creature professor, can wait for the nonce!” If I had thought my entreatment, would reach Hansen then, I was afur for Hansen did not even, heed my heedful words. “I understand professor, but we have the bastards now and we will probably never have, another opportunity like this professor!”

He looked at Fuller and said, “You said east Mr. Fuller?” “I reckon so!” Fuller answered. Toot had been studying the footprints, and sniffing like a wolf, the direction of which the creatures were to be heading toward in retreat, “Toot my boy, where in the cotting picking hell, did the darn critter or critters, done a hit coattail at?” “Omisi!” this way said the Cree. “Tâniwâ?” where the Texan asked the Indian. The Cree then, pointed straight ahead. “Good boy Toot, I know I could count on him my boy!” he paused. “Gentlemen, I reckon that we start this search at once, before those darn critters, do get away now!” Fuller exclaimed. Fuller with the Indian abreast to him, led the search while Hansen and myself, followed behind them whistedly. Fuller’s Colt 45 was close at hand, and with Toot’s impeccable sense of smell and hearing, we went forward, in search of the beast himself. But just as we were heading forth with the search, a most than unusual thing would betide. The once thus impeccable smell and hearing of the Cree, came to a momentary halt! “What is it Toot old boy? What’s done tickle your feather my boy?” “Mola ninisi tohten!” “Âkayâsimo!” He tried to pick up the scent of the creatures again, but failed, “White Spirit, is gone!” “Gone you said my boy?” Fuller queried upon the good Cree. The Indian, simply nodded his head in concordance, “Yes, he is gone!” “But where? Tâniwâ?” Toot, did not offer any reply, “I do not know!” “What is it Mr. Fuller, I thought your Indian friend, could lead us to the creature!” Hansen ejaculated. Fuller did not find Hansen’s sarcasm to be much amusing, “Listen here Danishman, you best come to truly believe one thing here my boy. And that is without us, Toot and myself, you wouldn’t have a lick of a chance my boy, to get out of here, with your hide! Why Toot’s father, rode with the likes of Lucky man, and Little Pine!” There was friction between the two, and I was caught straight, in the middle. What was I to do? Had my moment arrived, to sway Fuller anew?

Instead, I acted as a peace-maker or an arbitrator, “Enough of bickering gentlemen, that will not solve anything. Since we have lost track of the creatures, is it not better to abate the hunt for the time being and instead concentrate, on trying to find food and water to survive?” Hansen and Fuller, appeared to be swayed by my words. Thenceforth, the hunt for the good yeti, abated until morrow. The rest of the day, was spent on searching for food, and water. But in the end, it was only a stray hare and some berries that were found to eat, whilst we were forced to dig up a ravine from the ground, and search for some potable water to drink. We had made our campfire near however macabre it was, the area in which Lord Whitmore and the two Sherpas, had been killed by the creatures presumably. Though I did not know the earl beyond this foray, his death I felt, was a terrible blow. Not only for the purpose of the expedition, but for his dear family back in jolly old England! Naturally as to be wonted, we buried the earl and the others; but not with the help of Fuller nor Hansen, who did not see the need of dawdling their time, in protocols. The only one who assisted me in this endeavour, was lo in behold, Toot the Cree Indian. He was the only pure soul out of all of us. He did not come here to seek fame and fortune but instead, duty of which he owed to Hansen for having taking him, out of the miserable reservation life that he along with his people the Nêhiyaw as they were called, found themselves under. I said my farewell, and gave the good earl and the Sherpas, their last rites. It was out of respect, and as duty as Englishman as well as a good Christian man, that I indulged myself with the task of burying the fallen men. Mercifully, the men had not be that mauled, nor torn to shreds as others ere in this forsaken expedition. I made certain, that if I had come to leave this wretched place, I would inform the families of Sir Wellington, Lord Whitmore, Sir Cromwell, and my dear Professor Walters, about their untimely deaths. I had seen troth, and an unswerving allegiance in all of those men even to a measure in Lord Whitmore, as well.

I said the Psalm of David, as was to be wonted and a few other verses from the small pocketbook bible, that I carried with me. It was at times, the only comfort that I had aside me, during this wretched time. Though the Indian did not understand these Christian rituals, he did at least respect the fact, that I was willing in the end to give these men, a proper interment each. I felt from that moment, that he had earned my respect, as well as I had earned his. Thereafter, we returned back to the encampment, where we joined the others. Fuller and Hansen had been going over their strategy, whilst the hare was being roasted. If I had not witnessed their act of cold blooded warmth then, I would have never believed it. But I could not just ignore their coarse impudence, for it was more than an egregious shunning. Shall I become like them, I wonder? Fuller was eager to resume the hunt, while Hansen was thoughtful and thinking, about the recognition and fame, that he would acquire if he came to bring back to dear Europe a living yeti! Hansen was more anxious to know, what was my input into his good scheme or plan, than the details of Lord Whitmore’s interment as well, as the two Sherpa men. “Professor, I see that you have returned, and in the nick of time! Fuller and myself, were indeed discussing the details of our new plan. What do you think about enticing the creature?” “What are you alluding to professor? I don’t understand!” He proceeded to elaborate himself, “Forgive me professor, for I should have been much more overt with my words. You see Fuller and myself have concluded, that we need a bait in order to entrap the creature. Henceforth, we shall be using a bait, to entice the creature professor!” Furthermore, I was perplexed by his words, “Bait, but what bait are you talking about, Professor Hansen. We don’t have anything to use as bait!” It was then that Hansen, dared to utter the unthinkable, “No professor you are wrong, we do have bait!” I saw a grin in Fuller, “What, I still don’t understand professor, what bait do we have?”

He then drawled, “Human bait, professor!” “Human bait, what human bait professor?” It was then that he said, “You professor. You shall serve, as our bait!” I was left speechless, in the end; for I could not believe Hansen’s utterance, “You can’t be serious now professor?” Hansen was as serious as ever, for I did not see any jestering in his eyes, nor in his mien. “I am serious as ever professor!” I knew then, that he was not japing at all. “You are not joking at all, aren’t you professor?” “No!” “How do you expect me to go along, with this charade of yours professor?” I waited for his response, and he proceeded to give it to me, “It is not I, who has to convince you professor!” He turned to Mr. Fuller, and with a nod of his head, gave him an order. Fuller would then raise his Colt 45, and pointed at me, “Now you see, that it is useless to resist professor!” It was seeming more and more by the second, that I was seeing my last days of living. But I could not just go along, without even attempting to resist; and thus I did. But, it was feckless! As I tried to reach for my rifle, which was but a foot away, I would be thwarted off by Fuller’s Colt 45. He then ensued to strike me on the back of my head, leaving a thump on me, that would leave me in the end unconscious. When I woke up, I found myself tied up, and staring into the eyes of both Hansen and Fuller. “It is good to see you awakened professor. Do forgive Mr. Fuller for being so cruel. But you see, you left us no other choice!” I had a bruise or contusion, on my forehead. It left me truly groggy and weak at first. I was able in a couple of minutes, to regain my faculties. “I do admire the fact professor, that you resisted. I would have been disappointed in the end, if you did not at least, attempt to resist!”

He chuckled slightly, as Fuller looked on. “You are mad professor. You have lost your mind, my God!” “Perhaps professor, but in the end, it was all worth it. Don’t you not think so Mr. Fuller?” Mr. Fuller flashed a devilish grin, “I reckon so Danishman!” “Professor Hansen I must know, were you in Fuller, always in cohort?” Fuller looked at Hansen, and thence allowed him, to answer that inquiry of mine, “Let me answer that question Mr. Fuller!” “I reckon I’ll do that Danishman!” Fuller answered. He told Fuller to leave him alone, and let him speak to me in privacy. Fuller did as Hansen had asked him to do. “Now that we have privacy to talk, let me just say professor, that Mr. Fuller and myself, have come to an arrangement!” “Arrangement you say, what sort of arrangement? How long has this arrangement, been made professor?” “That is a good question there, professor!” He paused for a moment, as to reflect on that question. He then give me his reply, “I do suppose not that long. You see professor, when you and the Indian were busy burying the dear others, I had a chance to sway Mr. Fuller to agree to my plan. And naturally with persuasion, this was achieved!” “Thus, you bribed him professor!” “Ja!” he responded. “If I can ask, how?” “It is rather easy professor. You see, what I offered Mr. Fuller, was what all idiots like him, seek that one trophy upon which, they could treasure professor. I admire that moment, for it is I must say, a rather exhilarating professor. Just think, what that moment feels like professor!” “You are mad indeed professor!” “Mad you say, not at all professor. You see, I am no different, than any other scientist. Why my good professor, I shall be included in the next great line of scientists so. I shall prove Darwin’s theory indeed. Evolution, shall become more than a just mere theory. It will I do promise you, shock the world of science. And the whole world for that matter!” “Don’t you think Professor Hansen, that once Mr. Fuller has his prize, he won’t kill you in the end?” Hansen was quick to confess, “I do not worry about Mr. Fuller, as far as he is concerned, once I achieve my objective, I shall have no need for him!” “But how shall you, accomplish that professor? Once Fuller has his prize, he will kill you before you get the chance to return back to Europe?” “You will see professor, you will see!”

Hansen then left me alone, to sulk in my worries and anguish, whilst he and Fuller started to finalise the details of their plan. There was not much I could do tied up, and alone in this dear plight of mine for salvation. Toot was in charge of giving me water. Perhaps he was my salvation I felt. As nightfall fell, the plan was to be effectuated tomorrow sometime, around midday. This was the time, that Hansen mostly felt, that the creature’s would be more abundant to see. I was made assured, that I was given some water and food. I tried to reason with the Cree, but it was only pointless; for his allegiance despite his fond sentiment of me, was first and so unbreakable. Hansen along with Fuller, were both well aware of the Indian’s fondness, for me. Hansen seemed to be much more so adept to that occurrence, than Mr. Fuller. That night, there were tales to be spoken; and it was one in particular of which, caught my attention. It was Toot who had been in charge of given me water and some rashents and more protecting me, that told me of this great tale of his, when I mentioned the yeti. “There was once a brave warrior, who lived off the land; for he hunted, and fertilised the land. His tribe was many, but soon there came an enemy, who came to hunt his prey, and to disrupt his land. His hunting ground like his homestead was taken away, as never before. This brave warrior, was forced like many great warriors of the past, to defend and to protect, his home!” There was no doubt in me, that he was referring, to the creature. I did not need for him to answer that certainty of mine. But yet, there was a troubling aspect to his words, “Then why did you come here? And even now, why do you take part in this insanity?” I asked the Cree. He was quite admiring of my question, and once again, it was his duty toward Mr. Fuller, that was of but significance to him, “It is my duty to White buffalo!” Just as I was to attempt to reach him, dear Mr. Fuller then interrupted, “That shall be enough talk for now Toot, akwa!” Fuller had told him to stand on guard. Anon on that night, the howling echoes of the beasts, could be heard. It was such an unbearable thing to hear, and yet I felt, it was only a precursor to what would betide on the day to follow. Was I to breathe my last breath of air this night, or was to be tortured enough, to have to withstand the tormenting death, that certainly would occur at the hands of the beasts? 28 April-Morrow had arrived, and the day started off, with a niece glint of the sun. But it was to be overshadowed by the fact, that I was to supposively, die on this day. Hansen had made certain that I was fed and given water. Then, he picked me up whereupon Mr. Fuller escorted me with his Colt 45, whilst Hansen treaded abreast, and Toot infront.

When we reached the area that was designed, the very same area, that Lord Whitmore and the two straggling Sherpas had been killed at, Fuller threw me to the ground, “I reckon this is good bye, my Englishman!” He walked away from me. Hansen then, said his farewell to me, “Parting is such sad sorrow, as you English say professor. How I would have loved for you to have shared my vision, but you did a good job, in trying to deceive me, with your belief. Goodbye, Professor Bunbury!” He walked away from me likewise, but not before he uttered, “If it is any consolation to you professor then, let me just say, that it was a dear pleasure to have known you!” I was left tied up to a tree that was but nearby. Hopeless and in despair I found myself within. It was to be, the hour I would come to fear, my death. But amidst it, I looked up in the heavens and prayed to God, for a single blessing. Hansen and Fuller, stood there from afar with their arms in tact, as Toot was not that far away. An hour had passed and tis, I found myself tied up to the tree, and helpless. It was then, that a sound of footsteps encroaching and a clamour approaching, could be heard as well. I knew as well as the others, that it was the creatures who were approaching. But just as my death seemed eminent, all hell would break loose. And it would be me in the end, who would come to see the death of the others, Fuller and Hansen. Just when the noise appeared to be coming toward me in my vicinity, there was an ambush laying in awaiting. Truly one in which, nobody including Fuller and Hansen would have anticipated. Infact it was Toot the Cree Indian, who would be the one to suspect the ambush; but unfortunately, it would be too late for Hansen and Fuller. Because just when they least expected it, it came! As aforementioned, the pair along with Toot, were observing from afar. Hansen had been looking out of his binoculars in order to ascertain a better view, whilst Fuller was awaiting with his branded arm. The Cree had begun, to sense something mysteriously, was transpiring, “Ke’kwa’ nipe’ht’en!” he kept on thus mumbling to himself. “Ke’kwa’nka’ pe’htaman?” said Fuller back in the tongue of the Cree. My good Hansen was occupied with me, that he did not have time to deal with minutiaes. But what he did not realise, was that the Cree had detected the presence, of the creatures.

“Mr. Fuller what is he raving on about?” “I reckon, I don’t know just yet Danishman!” It was then, that a bevy of birds, then passed over us above, “Natoh tawik anikik pinesisak! Listen to those birds!” Toot exclaimed. It was then, that Fuller realised the gravity of his words, “Darn it, those darn critters are on our hides!” “What did you say, Mr. Fuller?” Just Fuller was about to respond, the ambush of the creatures, had commenced. There was a spear lanced at Hansen, piercing his heart; knocking him to the ground, whilst Fuller began to shoot indiscreetingly, around him. Meanwhile the Cree, held onto his rifle. Out of the blue, there appeared one of the beast and Fuller was able to shoot it down from the ridge, knocking it down into the pit of hell, that laid so awaiting thousands of feet below. It was enough for the time being, to dissuade the creature’s attack. Fuller along with the Cree then, rushed to my side. “Those darn varmints, killed the Danishman, with a darn spear my Englishman!” Fuller was incoherent, “I’ll teach those darn varmints a lesson!” Though my hands were feeling the effects of being tied up, still I was at least quite conscious and wary, about what was going on around me. “Mr. Fuller, let me go! Release me! My God, you need me to survive I tell you!” Fuller was out of it, he was just as mad as Hansen. But for a brief moment, he was very much coherent, “Release you, need you!” His madness soon overcame him. “For God’s sake, I don’t need anyone, Englishman!” Fuller thence left me there tied up, whilst he set off in the midst of nowhere, for the good creature. It was Toot, who released me. “You are free now, go away now! Go before it is much too late professor!” The Cree instructed me. “What are you going to do?” I asked him. He only replied, “I must go now with white eagle!” “If you go with him Toot, you will be killed so!” This did not matter to him, “Kiyam, it does not matter!”

Soon, he went after Fuller. I saw him leave in the midst, like a great warrior of his people. I knew that it was so highly unlikely that I would see Fuller again. But as for Toot, something told me perhaps intuition and faith, that I was to see him anon. I was able to make my way to Hansen, and when I stumbled onto him, he was alive and he was breathing miraculously his last breath. He was spitting alot of blood, from the wound of the spear, which was set in his chest. How ironic it was, that it was Hansen who was to die on that day, instead of myself. Hansen happened to muster enough strength and vision to see me, and speak to me as well. He saw me from the corner of his right eye, “Professor Bunbury, please I ask of you, do not let my country and the rest of Europe, know of my madness. I only wanted, to be known, as a great scientist!” He entreated upon me, not to tell the sad circumstance of his death, and of his insanity. He kept on pleading me, until I finally relented, “Yes I swear, I shall not tell the world of your actions, professor!”

He then took a last gasp of air then, he passed away for good. In a matter of two days, I saw the death of four men, Lord Whitmore, the two Sherpas and now Hansen. To compound it, I was now left on my own. What was I to do next? Was I to follow both Fuller and the Cree? Or was I to abandon any hope for their return? In the end I decided that it was best, to walk away from them and head for some shelter, for the nonce. I struggled mightily, to reach a cave. And in the end, I was able to locate a small clandestine cave. Though it was not the Berkeley back there in London, nevertheless, it was home for the nonce. Nightfall had betided, and thus there was no sign of Fuller or the Cree. Therefore, I had found myself, all alone indeed. The shortage of food and water, was becoming bleaker by the minute. It was the first time truly, in this expedition that I was to find myself, all alone. As I gathered my thoughts there inside the cave, I began to write what seemed to be, my last entries into the journal. Henceforth, as I finish my writing indeed, I take to consideration upon this night whether or not, I shall live to see another day. Martha, my dearest Martha, I shall write you a letter and hope that by a miracle of God, someone shall find this letter attached to this journal and come to know, what happened here in the months, that I was here. I am fearful of what lays ahead for me once tomorrow comes, and then the next day if I be lucky to see it.

(Sir Bunbury’s Journal)-Continued

4 May-A week has passed and still, I am alive and kicking! It has been a week since the death of Hansen, and the disappearance of both Fuller, and Toot. I had grown a rather long and shaggy beard. I saw no need in shaving anymore, and my hygiene to say the least, is becoming a more than unbearable sight to attest to. I am waped much, and I have lost interest, in doing much but except writing. I often wonder, and grow leery of the creature’s presence nearby. But so often, I do find myself not caring at all. Death, is a more merciful thought than this affliction, that comes to haunts me daily. Starvation and thirst, is a damnable reality of which, I can’t avoid nor escape much at all. Though, I am occupied with my entries, my body is slowly wilting, and losing in the end, the will and strength to keep on going. I have begun so my thesis on my time here, and upon this expedition as well. I carry the photograph of my Martha abreast to me for it is at times, the only comfort that I have. Spring seems to be ending, and summer is but at the corner’s edge. The weather is not much to ado now, for it does not grow too cold much except in the nights, when a casual breeze blows about. Morning is usually accompanied by a glint from the sun, whilst night is shone with a white pure moon. My body is haggard and weary of all this wretchedness. I long for the simplicities of London, a niece warm bed, and a good sumptuous meal indeed. I wonder, if London as well as the Academy, has forgotten me so? I spend the days, much forlorn in my own drudgeries and toils of which, swink me thus more, mentally than physically. Berries are my diet, and the liquid that I squeeze out of them, are my water to drink. Although, I sporadically find some within the ground, after digging the root of the ground, to leak some water upwards. The times are growing grim indeed by the day, but yet I do not know how long, I shall forbear in this wretchedness? I have thought of leaving for good in the end this place, but where shall I go, and who shall find me? I must maintain my sanity, and it can not come to enmesh my thoughts completely. The more that I dwell here, I find myself in the end, becoming more of an admirer of this place, and a physiocrat as well. Perhaps indeed, I have lost my sanity. Or could it be more and more, I have become more comfortable with my dearest environs?

I came across, a startling revelation within the cave, another stone carving writing on the walls of the cave. It was enough to occupy my solitude and thenceforth, I started to become more of a philanthropist, than a mere scientist. I began to understand Darwin, and this once hell of place that I was found within was seeming to be, more of a homestead! Daily I walk outside to get fresh air, and become afresh. Whilst standing, I marvell at the patulous and viscous sights of the mountains that environ me. There is a paucity of serenity attached to these mountains. It is almost too palatial to describe them. Such bergs, such ridges, and such splendour to witness to.

12 May-Another week, and another day has passed by and yet, no sign of the creatures at all. Have they thought me dead, or have they forgotten me? I feel I am becoming more like them, in many ways. Am I regressing to my ancestry? Am I becoming like them truly? I know that they are out there watching me, awaiting me. But yet, they do not pursuit me, when I am out there in the search of food, and water. I can feel their presence, and at times, I can see them from afar up there standing above a nearby ridge. I have no longer maintained hope, in seeing Fuller and Toot again. It has been two weeks, since I last saw them. They are shrewd and pawky, are these dear creatures. I began to understand the plight of their nature, and the plight of their existence. Through the creatures, and the environs in which they dwell within, I began to develop more my thesis on the issue. I grow studious and wary not of my situation anymore, but instead of the task of which, I have endeavoured myself in. I am a vagabond, a troubadour of nature, and I have become in the time that has so elapsed, a naturalist. It is my journal that keeps record of my thoughts for if not indeed, nobody would ever come to known of my plight. Though I am relatively still young, and vibrant as ever in my age, my physiognomy attests, that I am an old man with such a harsh guise to bear. I have lost much weight for though the diet of berries, does serve as my nutrition, I grow somewhat malnutured by the day. But despite my physical flaws and frangibility, I still am alive! I do not know what my lord has instored for me. For I have bore five months of wretchedness here, and yet at the same time thence, I have grown to be a part of these mountains, just as the good creatures themselves have done for many years. I still cling onto the hope that one day, I shall be found by another human being. But the more that the days pass, the more that, that hope seems to fade or become faint. I have taken up the cause of the yeti, and in my journal and thesis, I shall attempt to truly explain the behaviour, and the nature of the creature to the outside world. There is something about the nature of the creature, which seems pacified and innocent; despite it’s barbaric acts. I began to think, that we have misinterpreted the creature, and we have done wrong in coming here. I think alot about Toot’s analogy about his brave warrior.

Perhaps, he is right, it is we who invaded, disrupted the creature’s life. Perhaps through our negligence of it’s existence, and our threat toward it, it did what any other creature or man would have done so amidst adversity, defend and protect itself. Like a wounded prey or a wound predator, ready at all cost, to make it’s last stand. Was this what the creature was doing, making his last stand amid the adversity we inflicted upon it? Thus if this be so then, we have committed the sin, in coming here; and encroaching our will, upon the creatures. Have we played the role of God here thence, having imposed our nature, upon the nature of the creature? Perhaps there will be those, who in the world, that shall find my words to be blasphemy. Yet, it is more of my own epiphany, that I dare to say, shall we cast off Adam a second time out of heaven? I am steadfast in writing, and I have compiled enough writing, to secure my passage into immortality thence, within the lorels of science itself. I have thought much about my companions past and present from the Academy, as well as this expedition. And I think much about their laughter and their riant smiles, and it drudges up in my mind, their once great memories. I fancy at times, the need to make certain, that their lives are not to be forgotten. And that their deaths, were not invain! How I deplore the fact that they had to die. But if there is any measure of comfort and dignity in their deaths, at least they died in what they most cherished, science itself! I have collected enough of their memories, to elaborate about, their contribution to the expedition. I have catalogued as well, my own personal analogies toward each of them. I have made it one of my top priorities, and I have also attached to one of my top priorities the need to categorise, the days that I have been here. I think much about the specimen, but with the new discoveries I have so obtained, there is much evidence to be shown. Today, I stumbled within the cave over some remnant fossils of what appeared to be, the dear creatures. I had found also, tools that resembled that of the Stone Age. But there was a most unique revelation I happened to stumble onto, and that was buried deep within the ground, were the remains of several bones of the creatures. It was such an amazing revelation for in one day, I would come to the the reality that these creatures, had a past much aligned to that of ours, man!

18 May-Though time passes by, I have failed to put much significance to me except only, within the confines of my journal. I went on my daily search for berries again and happened, to catch a hare of which I was able to kill, and then cook it. I was so forced to kill the hare, with this spear that I had made out of wood of which, I took from the bark of a tree nearby. I afasted to it, a sharp whetted stone of which, I put on the tip of the spear. I could have easily used my rifle but in the end, I was reduced simply to six bullets of which, I saved for later. I had learnt to hunt like a nomadic nomad, and I had gained the instinct of my ancestors, a savage and wild man. If per chance, it had not been true then, it would have been comical. I saw the creature anew, as he was standing from afar, on a ridge. I wonder why does he not attack me, if he can sense, and see my presence? Perhaps my dishevelled guise, puzzles and perplexes him indeed. Or he does not, find me so revolting, to look at? Either way, I remain bemused by his reluctance, to attack me. Any other sane man, would have ran away from the creatures, and attempted to find an escape. But yet I on the other hand, did not! Could it be because, I no longer feared the creatures, and much mundane, was this occurrence? How easily it is for man, to be fearful of the beast. But yet often it is the reverse, and the beast becomes so fearful of the man. But this, I did not sense at all, with the creatures. Instead I sensed that they had come to see me so, more as a part of nature, than a threat to it.

20 May-For the first time, I stumbled onto a crisis. The weather had become much too hot truly somewhat, that the heat had begun to dry up the berries. And to compound it, there were no more hares to be trapped. I had attempted to trap a mountain lion, but I was unsuccessful. Therefore, I was running out of sources to find food. The most dreadful notion had enter into my mind, and it was one in which, I dared not even fathom. But yet, it was the only option that was so afforded to me. What that was, was eating human flesh! To be exact, Hansen’s flesh! It was barbaric perhaps in the end. And it was inhuman, but yet, I had to survive. For death would have not been kind to me, if I had not! Yet, I was not guaranteed of nothing; for it had been several weeks since I had buried Hansen. It was most likely, that his body had been decomposed and absorbed already, by tapeworms or maggots. By the grace of God, I would have preferred another way indeed! I set off for the area in which, I buried Hansen at. Although, it was fairly quite some distance away, I managed to reach it. When I reached the place, I felt a pair of butterflies in my stomach, as I had begun to think of the act of which, I was to endeavour myself in. Much to my anguish, I discover that the tapeworms, had gotten the best of the body. It is at times when faced with deep crisis, that a man mostly come to terms, with the most harshest of predicaments than ever before. But there was still a portion of the body, still in tact. The legs and the arms of Hansen were still in tact, though the smell was unbearable. In eating the rotten flesh of Hansen, I was taking the risk, that in being bold to consume the putrid flesh, I would perhaps, obtain an ailment, such as malaria, or dysentery among others. Ailments stretched more beyond than the consequence of eating rotten flesh.

Hitherto, I was suffering under symptoms of dysuria, dyscrasia, dypsnoea, dystrophy, dyspepsia, dysphasia and sores of which, were attacking the soles of my feet, whilst blisters were attacking my hands. How odd it was, that a once great place of dystopia, had now transformed itself, into somewhat of an utopia. Have I become an utopian at heart, and had so forsakened my own scientific ethics, to a mere vagary? Had my imagination come to supersede my rationality, that I mused only in wool-gathering instead strictly only, than in scientific research? Perhaps it was not sphriguous to others that I make this point. But to me it did serve to be a rubric of my own perceptions, thoughts, forefeelings of what curtailed within my time here; my expressions entirely? I have surmised, that though the creatures are a cluster of how many, I do not know, I feel they are a sundry amount indeed. They act like a monolith within what does so appear to be, a coterminous area. Being that so, then the question is, is the creature stowed only within the haven of these mountains thence? Mountains so steep and stoss, a cromlech of crags so declivitous and mysterious. Though I find myself, deeply dwelled within them, I am still but a neophyte at times, when it comes to solving, it’s mysteries. I have tried to study the phonology, and the orthography of the creatures as well, as the phlegm of the creature. There is much about the pawl of the creature’s machinery that at times it interacts so, with the phenology of the area. Am I to run the course of Philemon, when he treated Zeus with hospitality, he was rewarded by him, with a splendid temple? My crass and priggish mien, had transformed me into a Philistine! I began to examine the small textures of the hair that I had still had, from the recent creature that we had studied. I had also some molecules from the organs of the creature as well.

Thus what I wanted to know, was what form of bacteria or lysogenic bacteria, was to be found truly within the physiognomy of the creature. I employed my suppositions, analogies, under the hand and guidance, of a microscope. It was the only method of which, I still held on to modern science. A modern science of which still, I try daily to understand completely, despite it’s intricacies and it’s complexities. If I am to truly ensue on this voyage of answers then, I must find the portal of it’s meaning. In this case, the yeti himself! It is the creature that I must fully understand, before I can proceed to some day let the world know of it’s miraculous existence. But the question is simply, shall I live to see that day? I have thrived and strived, upon a fiat of conscience. As aforesaid, the mystery or rune of the dear creatures, is much to be foreseen. Ipso facto, I take to consideration much, the daily occurrences of which I endure. The wind is at times favonian but yet, it is like a khamsin! I no longer much belabour, the point of my isolation and solitude; for I much find myself enmeshed within it’s full grasp that at times indeed, I become impervious to it’s effects. I cull some important facts and details about the creature already, from my previous study of it. Hitherto, I continue to learn as time goes by, more and more information about the creature it’s inhabitancy, behaviour, nature, and other such things accordingly.

22 May-I took my first bath in years it would seem. I happened to stumble onto a nearby gully of which, was several meters from the vicinity of the hovel. It was a stroke of luck, that I was able to locate it. Being up so high in altitude normally, would daze and befuddle one truly but I fear that my lungs, have been congested with the air of the altitude, and my encephalon has too but grown wonted, of the thin air of elevation. What seemed to most men, to be a condemnation to me, was exactly the opposite. Though the gully was rather small, and not much, it still served the purpose of cleansing not only my body, but my soul I felt. Caves, gullies, baths, were seldom and quite rare to be up, so high in altitude. Despite the bath, I retained the beard and moustache, that I bore. I suppose that in the end, I shall bear the guise of a prehistoric caveman! But it was much more than the much needed bath that was striking, it was instead a familiar foe of whom, I was becoming to sense, was more of an uninvited stranger. It was the first time, that the creature had dared, to encroach much closer to me. Though it was still upon the confine of a ridge, this time it was closer in vicinity. Yet it’s snowy blanched fur blended so, within the mountains themselves. Through the glint of the sun, I was able to spot the creature’s, shadowy presence.

I was startled by the creature’s presence, but something in me told me, that he wasn’t in the urge to attack me. Then my immediate question, was why did he dared, to draw nearer? Was it surveying me, waiting for my next move, like a pack of hounds? I had quickly reached for my one rifle. Within a matter of a minute, the creature would disappear anew as the sun’s reflection did blind me, for that moment in time. It was to be the last time, that I would be startled by the beast anon I swore, and at least I swore it to be! If it had been but a month ere, I would have felt fear and affluterness indeed. But however odd it may be to bothar, I however brief that moment was, felt no actual trepidation whatsoever. Much so gawky and ackward the situation was, but then again, the creature was canny and pawky as aforementioned. I returned to the hovel at once, and I kept the incident as the ones before, in the back of my mind. But for the time being, I then resumed my thorough study of the creature’s habits, and body structure. I was studying the good bacteria that I could truly find, from the surface of the creature’s physiognomy. After an arduous campaign of mine indeed, I realised that the creature’s body was immune to certain peritrichous, pernicious harsh bacterias. Was this pervious to reason I asked? However pettish or peevish man could be truly to resist this analogy, there was no quarrel in the facts that I attested to. Nor in this one journal of which, serves to be my witness and my oratory. I am afraid that I shall run out of pages, and ink, for I am down to my last few pages, and last drops of ink. I fear that I shall have to seek other measures, to substitute the scarcity of those things.

It is my writing that keeps me afire, and afresh. For through it, I withstand all obstacles be it, great or small! I absorb my capacities, as my journal absorbs my thoughts. I bethink, that there is much to still learn about man’s own struggle, and demons. Especially when one is so far away, from modern civilisation. To some so, I would be a prisoner entrapped within these never-ending mountains. But to others, who share the vision that I behold, I would be a philanthropist! A great man of science, equalled to the status of Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Haley, Linnaers, and other great scientists of the yore indeed! I shall not lay the burden on me entirely, to make a distinct correlation with those men. Instead, I shall endeavour to leave that cark upon others. It is my task much more to convey the story, than to be solely be a part of it, with much incident. I do foretell only of this admission, I shall come to die soon regardless of the nature of my death. For it does not matter, if it be at the hands of the creature or the hands of time itself.

24 May-A most terrifying ordeal transpired past forenoon, I stumbled onto a ditch full of bones; human bones of which, I could only surmise were those of nomadic folks. But it was but a little bit aloof, that I uncovered the bones of what appeared to be inhuman, and led me in the end to the conclusion, that the bones were that of the creature’s themselves. As a scientist, it was the pot of gold, that I had been searching for. In the bones, I could at least study them without any fear of contamination, nor decomposition. How they came to be left there, I did not know; nor the bones of the humans, that I found as well. Under the sturdy eye of a microscope, could I truly come to determine the age, the measurements, gender, and more importantly, whether or not the bones, were truly that of the yeti itself. I had trapped a hare on the way back, for I had learned to be a hunter. This was the only good trait that Mr. Fuller had, and in this case, it did serve me in my hunting. I never imagine, in all this complex quandary of which befell upon me, that I would find myself, at the edge of nowhere. In a dear place, where lays in the forefront of it’s visage the most harshest, and wretched conditions to be found. But yet, there lays a rather majestical guise that of which, to most men who are but a mere stranger, is nothing more than wretchedness!

But yet to a man who dwells within the boundaries of it’s grasp, he comes to be much so enamoured; and impressed by it’s great triumphant feat. There is but, a small measure of interest in what I say for if man did not dare to venture pass the great obstacles, that laid ahead in those once unknown places of the word then, man would have never been so enticed to venture at all! It is the lore of adventure, that makes a man strive to seek, that great adventure. But it is his duty, to uphold the duty of which commands him to venture in the first place, principle! I have learned my fair share of principle uphere, and my wisdom and better reflection, has allowed me the dear ability to nith. I shall indulge indeed within the ramifications of my dear thoughts, to come so to illustrate, this example of mine. In my time alone here, long since the deaths of the others, such as Sir Wellington, Hansen, Sir Cromwell, Lord Whitmore and Professor Walters, I have come to change my opinion and belief about the creature and the habitation of which, it dwells upon. In the course of the time that has passed recently, since the deaths of Hansen and Lord Whitmore; and presumably Fuller and the Cree, I have started to become one with the land, and thus I have begun to become one with the creature in thought and in habit. I do claim, that I know all about the creature; but yet I sense that I understand it, as it understands me. Could it be thence, that in the end we are much alike; one form of man gawking at each other, as brethren? If that be then so, who are we as man to impose our will and superiority, over the creature? A creature truly of which, we know only in myth!

26 May-These recent thoughts of mine, have started to perturb and to conflict, with my very own personal religious thoughts! If Darwin was right, and evolution was the origin of man so thence I ask, where is the origin of the creature, and that of man? Where does one follow the other? All of what I read about in his book The Origin of Species, have led me to draw my own concepts and conclusions anent the similarity or the distinction, between the creature and man. If truly indeed in Darwin’s theory, that the various types of animals, plants, and other forms of life, have their true origin in other pre-existing types; and that the distinguishable differences, are due mostly to modifications, in successive generations. Is then not so, man the great prototype of the yeti; and vice-versa so, could not man’s great ancestors have been, the prototype to the yeti? If naturalism, is a theory, that all great phenomenas in life are accounted within the margins of science then, is not the dear creature, to be a natural selection? Could the creature be not defined so, under the realm of natural theology? If God made man then, surely he must have made the yeti! But if one is to argue, for the sake of dear evolution then, certainly the humble origins of the good creature, must fall indeed, within the circle of evolution itself! However troubling it must be for me, I must interject the point of view of the scientist in me; for it is my duty to uphold and it would be unjust and unethical, if I suddenly depraved those of whom, I shared the honour of working abreast to. And to those great scientist of the past who in the name of science, gave their passion completely toward with conviction! There shall be the naysayers, and the zoiluses of whom shall criticise me, and those who shall applaud and praise me, for my work. I do not seek to play God, or change the contents of religion itself. But instead, I choose to endeavour myself, in the understanding of the process of the creature’s maturation; and that of man as well, in the sense of that of which I can explain when it comes to the dearest creature. I have made out sketches or drawings, to outline my theories and analogies. I do work arduously upon this endeavour, and it is my conviction and my determination, that compels me to adhere to it’s completion. I have employed a synopsis, as my form of introduction as wontedly used.

I have thought much about, those who shall come to criticise, or slate my words and that of my convictions. I have come to received my praise, as well as my diatribe quite well indeed. It was a tall endeavour to indulge myself in. For perhaps this form of criteria, was best suited for a man of whom I most admired, Sir Wellington? What is contained in this one journal of mine, is a interpretation a testimony, of one man I, William Bunbury. It is solely because of that, that what shall be known to the world, shall come to bare fruit of this toiling swink! 28 May-I have worked diligently day and night, to reach the completion of my thesis of the dear creature, and the study of it’s evolution. And what similarity and distinction, were to be made in the end, betwixt the two of them. I have finished my thesis, and the document itself, is one which is, fourteen pages in length. In endeavouring in this endeavour, I have reached a shortage of ink and paper. I have but only two full pages left, and the ink is down to those last few pages. Thus, I must be much more pratical and conservative, in my words. Just when it seemed, that there was no hope of being discovered, my day had finally arrived. And in the end, I would be greeted by a pair of familiar faces. But yet the circumstances, were quite so startling, incredible in the end. I was there searching, hunting for food within a mile from the hovel close to a ridge, when all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a wounded creature, who seemed to be hurt, wounded in the chest. It was bleeding profusely; for it seemed to be attacked by another animal. It was when I drew nearer with my rifle at hand, that I realised that the massive creature, was but a yeti at heart! It sensed my presence, even from a mile away. But yet, the creature did not stir to attack me, nor mind my presence. It simply stared into the depth of my eyes so, as I did likewise just as I approached. There was apprehension from aloof at first, but when I got closer to it, I felt no fear, nor trepidation at all! Instead, for the very first time in this foray, I felt compassion for it. It was a cold-blooded killer that I had learned to think of it as, but as I stood there before it, I found it to be a defenceless creature, that could have easily have been me in it’s place. The once great ferocity of the creature turned into, an unweeting uncertainty. The creature, did not growl nor did it howl at me at all but instead it simply looked at me, and reached out it’s hand as if, it was but seeking help, or my assistance. Was it a ploy perhaps. Nay, for the dripping blood was real, and the plight of the creature’s suffrage and anguish, was real as well.

There was no doubt in me, that it was dying of the infliction that was casted upon it. How odd it was, that it was now the hunter, who was before the huntee. But if we were to analyse it accordingly to Toot’s analogy then, it was us the predator of it’s species, who were the hunters and not the huntees! The murmuring sounds of the creature, and it’s deep breathing was much no different, than that of a human being. So vivid, graphic, was the sight of the creature’s anguish. It was as the Cree had said, we had come to encroach upon it’s existence. We had come to take away it’s habitation, food, water, means of existing! For what, our mere fancies of fame and that of recognition? Was this truly for the betterment of science? Was the creature’s mere existence, to serve as science’s advancement. I came in search of the creature, in the name of science. But it was in the end one aspect of it, that I most adhered to it, biology. What that meant, was that the creature’s perpetual biology, was to stay in tact. Who was man to encroach on the liberties and freedom, that we as man most invoked in our brethren? Was it not so better to let the ubiquitous one be just that, ubiquitous within the confines and accouchements of it’s own abode? It thence was that the creature, uttered a resemblance of some word pattern, that I can only express as being a language of some sort. Though it was only but two words, it sounded like a plead. It’s huge and massive hand, dwarfed that of mine.

Covered with white fur, and it’s opaque colouring hand. There was reluctance in my part at first, but more attributed to the shock that I was feeling. But then, I reached out my hand, and took a grasp of his. I felt the warmth of his hand, as if I had felt the warmth of a brother. It was then that a mountain leopard, which was standing on the ridge appeared from out of nowhere it would seem. I had my rifle at hand, but I was down to two bullets. But the question was, was I to be swift enough, to reach the trigger of my rifle, before the animal would attack me? The animal, was but several feet away from me. It was daunting in physicality, and it’s teeth were indeed as sharp and whetted, as the sharp blade of a sword. It was gawking at me, and I could sense that it was hungry, depraved of hares perhaps. Was this the one animal, that had attacked the massive creature? A minute and then, another minute passed by! I made the decision to shoot a bullet up in the air to frighten the animal, and it seemed to work. But in the end, I was wrong! The leopard flinched, and began to head off toward another direction. But just when my guard was down, and I had started to walk away, the animal would try to ambush me, by leaping from the mountain ridge up above onto me. But all of sudden, as the leopard sprung it’s claws toward me, it would be then interceded by a spear thrown, by lo in behold, a yeti itself. The spear had pierced, thirled the heart of the leopard killing it instantly, whilst I was on the floor. When I rose to my feet, I stood toe to the toe with the creature, for the very first time ever before. None of my wildest imaginatory thoughts, would have ever superseded this one true moment at all! There it was, standing but over ten feet tall or more. It’s massive physiognomy, or body came to overshadow me so easily, that I was a pathetic specie before it. It was but a foot away from me, and it could have at any given whim or minute, killed me if so wanted. For what I calculated two full minutes it stood before me, staring at me eye to eye. In them I saw truly, it’s hawkish madder eyes, that shone a complexion of grandeur in them. It did not grunt, nor did the creature, growl at me neither. Instead, it simply utter a word, that I made out to be, “Ka!” Was it trying to tell me something of which, I had no understanding of? Was it more truly than, a mere syllable? This was the syllogism of which, I thought best left for the lores of research. Thence in the end, the creature walked away from me and headed toward it’s wounded brethren, who had passed away in the melee. Along with the others, it came to take away the wounded comrade. I stood there, and watched them take away, their fallen brethren. As they slowly faded away, a fog or a midst of a fog began to spread through the full landscape of the mountains. And the clouds seem to shew rain, and thus the rain came pouring down as the creatures then, faded into the fog itself and never to be seen again. As I stood there watching as well, there was a momentary and brief temptation, to shoot one of the creatures in the back but something in me, had told me not to do that!

Perhaps it was humanitarianism, or perhaps it was simply, out of reverence for them. They who were perhaps the last remnants of the dinosaurs, the missing link! The greatest megalith so, of the Himalayas themselves! But what was to become of their legacy? Perhaps there in the petroglyph, fossils, bones of the mountains, laid their legacy awaiting to be discovered. But in the end, it was not for me, to discover their legacy but for others. Perhaps in a hundred years from now, or perhaps, never. As God sent Adam from the Garden of Eve, shall should I, not make that one mistake! For it is us men the serpent who commit the sin, and not the creature. They are but a part of life’s eternal cycle of living! I felt in me a certain sense of perdition for not so much, that I was leaving this place. But instead, that I was perhaps to be seeing the yeti, for the very last time? When I turned around, I found a dear old friend standing behind me, Toot the Cree Indian. I was shocked to see him, and he was slightly shocked to see me.

“Toot old boy! But how did you survive my friend?” I asked him. He simply smiled at me then said, “It was the Great Spirit in the sky, who served as my eyes, and my ears my friend!” It was then, that I asked him, “Toot, did you see them, as I saw them?” He shook his head, and then said, “Yes, I saw them! White spirit, is free now to be with Mother Earth. Their tribe is free of man; and that is how it must be so! This is their home, and this is where as their forefathers once came to live, shall they die as well!” I felt meaning in the words of the Cree; for he spoke with such magniloquence and eloquence, that not even an orator from the Academy, would have been able to emote. He then patted me on the back, and then said his farewell to me, “I must go now my friend, for I must go wherever, the Great Spirit tells me to go!” “Toot, but where will you go my friend, for you shall die alone!” He chuckled then he said, “Kiyâm, nitôtêm! It does not truly matter my good friend; for the sun shall guide me in the morning, and the moon in the night, as it has always done, for my people!” He then said his farewell, in his native tongue, “Ekoté ka wá pamitin nitôtêm!” He then left, as the white spirit did. The Great Nêhiyaw Toot, I was not to see him again; but my memory of him and the others, were to be forever immortalised indeed, in the confines of my journal! Before he left, I yelled back to him goodbye in his native tongue of Cree, “Ekoté ka wá pamitin, nitôtêm!” My commotion had detected a passing expedition of men of which, I had no idea at all, of it’s existence. There coming from the rear of my view, I spotted through the dense midst of fog and the deluge of rain, the sight of my old compeers back from the Academy. And there in the forefront leading them, was a Sherpa and good old Lord Rutherford, my most loyal friend.

It was he, who had spotted me. Trudging abreast and besides him, were the likes of Lord Beasley indeed, Lord Felix, Lord Tannerbaum and in the rear, the fastidious Lord Carlton. There was of extreme jubilation when they had at last reached me, “Sir Bunbury, By Jove, it is good to see you my boy. You look bloody horrible my boy!” Lord Rutherford ejaculated. Despite all of my soily looks, wear and tear, I was indeed happy to see him, “Lord Rutherford good God, it is good to see you, my lord!” There were tears of jubilation, flowing down both of our eyes; whilst the dear others looked on. “How did you find me my lord so? And what brought you all the way, to this Nepal my lord?” “When we didn’t hear any news from you the others, naturally my dear boy, we came and search for you!” “But how were you able, to convince the Academy my lord?” I asked him. Abreast to Lord Rutherford, was a battalion of Gurkhas, who had accompanied him also. “It was much hard to be achieved but yet, in the end it was achieved. I was able to sway the members of the Academy in particular Lord Thacker, to authorise an expedition to find you and the others professor. As well, as finding the creature called the yeti! Have you stumbled onto the creature professor?” Lord Rutherford inquired. Amid the felicity of our reunion, laid the odd question of the creature itself. I had never been so dishonest to Lord Rutherford before, I dared for the sake of not only the creature, but man as well. “I am afraid not my lord, but I have seen a yak, mountain leopard, hare, bird, and even, a shrew like rodent!” “Are you certain professor, that you did not see a yeti?” Lord Carlton interjected. Though I was not fond of Lord Carlton, I was somewhat ebullient despite all this time that had so elapsed, to see him also. As for his good question,

I did not deviate from my course of response, “Nay Lord Carlton, unfortunately, I can not with one-hundred percent clarity say, that I have seen a yeti alive or dead!” “But the noises we have heard, the footprints we have seen, and the stories we have been told truly by the locals. What then professor, are we to make out all of this?” I looked into his eyes truly, and for a brief moment I had wanted to tell him the truth, that the noises that he had heard the footprints that he had seen, the stories that he had been told by the locals, were attributed to the yeti indeed.

But in the end, I kept my mouth close and all that I knew was to be, a secret that only I hitherto, was the only one who knew of it’s revelence. “Oh yes indeed professor!” “Then it is all true, the creature exists!” Lord Carlton interrupted. I had the pleasure indeed, of putting a frown upon his countenance, “Oh yes indeed, the yak exists, as well as the mountain lion; and even the mighty hare my lord!” It was an effrontery in my part, but Lord Carlton did not understand it to be, like that. Though he was truly disappointed and upset with my response, that he curled his upper lip, and then exclaimed, “Well professor, what a pity indeed then!” He then turned to the others, “Now you see this so-called yeti, was nothing more, than mere superstition, as I had said before it to be! Now do you believe me, gentlemen?” He seemed to frolic within his ownself, as if he was right from the beginning. “Are you sure about that professor?” Lord Tannerbaum asked me. “Certainly indeed!” “I suppose gentlemen then, there is not much need, for us here at all!” It was Lord Rutherford, who made that exclamation. “I suppose not!” Lord Felix professed. “If I can say something here gentlemen, let us get the hell out of here at once!” I emoted. All agreed, but before we left, I returned back to the journal and picked up my journal, and since I was the only one who had entered, I had destroyed the evidence that I had anent the creature, making certain, that nobody would discover the truth, behind the creature’s very existence. What I kept was only minor, the bones of the creature that I had put within my bag. That of which, I took with me back to England. Of course there was another testimony to the creature, and it’s existence, my journal! Only there laid the truth, and only with me so, laid the bones, that I had discovered. But as I was proceeding to destroy the last remnants of the creature, I would be discovered by Professor Kham, who I had failed to mentioned before, as part of the expedition that had found me. “It is so hard to let go, is it not professor!” Professor Kham, uttered. I turned around and when I did, I was startled to find him standing behind me. But notwithstanding, I did know that I could afford to entrust so, my secrets to him. And in this case, the remnants of the creature’s very existence. “I shall not attempt to disguise my attempt professor, but I know that what I am doing professor, is something that you approve of. Or am I wrong?” I asked him. He nodded his head then, he said to me, “No, you are right indeed professor!” It was then, that I thought of him; and of preserving this ancient relics, “Professor Kham, the others would not so understand. Nor would they do just to the creature. But you would!” “What are you referring to professor?” The Sherpa professor asked me. “What I am referring to professor, is all that is here buried under the ground. There you shall find all the proof you need, of the creature’s existence. Preserve it professor, for you are the only one who could preserve, the mystic of the creature. And prevent the outside world professor, from profiting mightily from your beautiful country! I entreat upon you, this one request professor!” At first he was staid and silent; for the gravity of my words, did impress him. But shortly, he conceded to my demand, whole-heartedly, “I shall be glad to do that Professor Bunbury. I will make certain, that once we have reach Pokhara, I shall return back for the material that you talk of professor!” It was now time to go, for the others were awaiting eagerly our return. Once inside of the cave, we joined the others, “Are you ready to go now my boy?” Lord Rutherford inquired. I put my hand on his shoulder then replied, “By all means my lord!” “What exactly professor, did you retrieve from the hovel?” Lord Carlton would ask then, “Nothing of extreme importance my lord!” I responded. “I suggest, that we get on our way for the trip to back to Pokhara, shall be a long one indeed gentlemen!” Lord Rutherford professed. Thus, we left for good the so-called den of the yeti, and headed back toward Pokhara.

After nearly five months or so, entrapped within a cromlechs of mountains called the Old Himalayas it would seem, that it was time to bid a final farewell to the mysterious wonder which Asia beheld. I felt a twinge of melancholy, for a methlilandth forefeeling entered into me as thus we began to depart, from the majestical mountains. I was leaving behind, the heaven that much I sought in the way of liberation but yet at the same time, I was returning anew to England, with a new sense of thought, and more important belief!

Several weeks passed so, before we reached Pokhara at last. We had stumbled onto a nearby Sherpa village of which, I had no recollection at all. We spent several days there recuperating, and then at the crack of dawn, we left for the city of Pokhara. My fellow members of the Academy had grown weary of the expedition, and were quite eager, to return anon back to jolly Old England for the matter. In Pokhara, we stayed with the same familiar Sherpas, that gave all of us shelter during our stay there in Pokhara. I decided to join the others, in paying a final visit to the temple of the old Buddhist monk Pema. He was so kind and benign a man, for he bid us a farewell, with such a humble conciliatory farewell. Lord Carlton was foolish enough, to steal this supposed object of which the monks cherished most, the hand of a yeti. Apparently, I was the only one to observe this thievery but unbeknown to my good Lord Carlton, he was instored for a mighty startling surprise, once back in London.

4 June-At last, we have returned to England and London, with some of us disappointed, whilst others satisfied. Though nothing was much achieved by this expedition of Lord Rutherford that of which pertained to the yeti, nevertheless, he was content to have me back anew, at the good Academy. Again, I am at my home in, Berkeley St. And, I have resumed my duties as well, back at the Academy. Though the expedition was seen as a failure, nobody was tarnished except, Lord Carlton. Lord Carlton upon on return, had showcased a familiar presentation to that of Professor Hansen in London. The media from the world, locally and abroad had assembled all together at the Great British Museum where, this great presentation of Lord Carlton, was to take place at. It was talk of the town, Lord Carlton’s supposed startling finding. He had told the media and also, the other members of the Academy, that he brought back with him, an important discovery anent the creature. Even Lord Thacker the head member of the Academy was present, abreast by the queen herself Queen Victoria, who was cordially invited. All of England were there, as well as I and Lord Rutherford.

As the veil that was covering the case in which the supposed object was in was lifted, the crowd of onlookers, were be shocked to see, that what was in the case, was no other but a chicken foot. There was a gasp of disbelief, and a burst of laughter that was heard so audibly, throughout the halls and chambers of the museum. In the end it was Lord Carlton, who was left to be standing like a buffoon! He would endlessly try to explain, that despite the chicken foot that was inside of the case he had indeed, found proof of the creature’s existence. “I beg of you all, to hear me. I found a hand that belonged to the creature. It was given to me, by an old Buddhist monk back in Nepal I swear! Why even my fellow members, Lord Felix, Lord Beasley, Lord Tannerbaum, Lord Rutherford, and Lord Bunbury, would attest for me truly. Is that not so, gentlemen?” The crowd looked on, awaiting a response. There was silence at first then, Lord Rutherford rose to his feet and exclaimed, “I am afraid, that I do not know what you are talking about Lord Carlton!” Soon, the others vociferated the same, one by one. The frenzy then broke out, and there was a hullabaloo within the halls. All were calling the importune lord a fraud, and clamouring for his head. Even his most staunch supporter Lord Philips, would in the end, turn his back against him. “You do believe me, don’t you my lord?” Lord Philips rebutted, “A charlatan and a huckster you are, my lord!”

After the clamour Lord Carlton, rushed toward us in a rash, “You did this to me did you not Lord Rutherford?” We had been gathered around in the foyer conversing, but just before my good friend Lord Rutherford was about to respond, I then interjected, “Nay, it was I professor! I was the one, who changed the object in the case!” Lord Carlton filled with dander then emoted, “You, but why, revenge for my opposition toward you back at the Academy?” “Nay!” I said back to him. He then durst to threaten me, “If you do not go before the media and the others, and say at once what you did then I will tell them, that you confessed to changing the creature’s hand, for a chicken’s foot professor!” “Go ahead and I shall tell them, that you stole it, from a temple of a Buddhist monk! Shall I let the world know professor, of your deed?” He swallowed his pride, and then walked away accepting defeat, “Humbug!” “Well gentlemen, now that that is all over, let us forget about the yeti, and the Himalayas for the nonce. I do invite all of you, to join me this night for dinner!” “I think that I speak for the others, I shall be glad to accept your dear invitation Sir Bunbury!” Lord Carlton, would never regain the stature or prominence among the Academy itself, for he was relegated to secondary status of which, he truly resented. I suppose, that it was only fitting that it abated, with his chicanery backfiring on him!

8 July, 1900-A full year had passed, since my return to London, and all was back to normal. On this certain occasion, we had all gathered for a festivity in Sotheby’s. A new century had thence been ushered in, and the start of the twentieth century, had commenced with the great intrigue of which the nineteenth century, had abated with. Lord Thacker had regrettably passed away, and Lord Rutherford, had become the new head member of the Academy despite the protestations of Lord Carlton and Lord Philips. Lord Tannerbaum, had been given the Nobel Peace Prize, for his discovery of the Inca mummies in Peru. Lord Felix, had been so acclimated by the Academy of Science in Europe, for his work and thesis on the biology of human anatomy. Whilst as for Lord Beasley, he was bestowed the honourable Peabody’s award, for his work on the physic of the human mind. As for myself, I had continued on at Oxford as a prominent professor, and still a major part of the Academy. There were other good news, I had married Martha, the love of my life. I went to Brussels to find her, and I had rekindled the flaming fire, that once burned for the both of us before. Just as I had promised to do back in Nepal, I sent word of the passing of each and every person that passed away in that awful expedition, that led to their untiming and doleful deaths.

To Professor Walters, I sent my regards to San Francisco. To Lord Whitmore, I sent my regards, to his immediate family in Kent. To Sir Cromwell, I sent my regards to Wolverhampton in western England, for he had a daughter there. To Sir Wellington, my most greatest of friends, I gave my regards, to his family in London in person. As for the others, I let my good old friend Professor Kham, tell their families of their unfortunate deaths. I sent a telegram to the country of Kenya, and an address that I stumbled onto, informing them of the passing of the brave young Swahili warrior, who died also. As far as Fuller was concerned, I best left his fate back in Nepal, at the hands of the mountains. I stayed quiet about Fuller’s fate; for in all actuality I did not truly know, what became of him. Legend says, that he fell to his death whilst others say, that he was killed by a ferocious yeti. Either way to me I left Fuller, to the lore of legends itself. And in the end, it was befitting of his stature. As for Toot the Cree, I never heard another word about him, or saw him ever. But I feel, that somewhere back there in the those mountains, that is the dear Himalayas, he dwells amongst the inhabitants there. Whilst as for the yeti, he was to stay indeed forever hidden within the confines of my journal, and that of the mountains themselves, as it thus should be! As the weeks pass, and I find myself finishing the last touches to my journal, as I sit here in my escritoire with my spectacles on, I can reflect back to my time spent in Nepal; and in the Great Himalayas, with such a fond but yet bitter taste. For I had achieved my goal in finding the creature, but it came at the prize of so many deaths including my dearest friend and mentor, Sir Wellington. We had commenced Walters, Sir Wellington and myself on a wild foray, in search of the mysterious and legendary creature called the yeti and in the end, it was only I, who was left to attest this journey of which despite it all, I shall forever be in debt for it’s lore, and for it’s majesty. As I shall grow old, I shall never forget at all, the incredible journey that I partook in; for even now as I sit here and reflect upon those grand memories, I can still envision them all, as if they had passed but only yesterday. And there in the back of my mind, I can still see the face of the creature, and hear the vociferating cry of the creature, as if it was calling on me to return anew, to return back afresh! Perhaps in a hundred years from now, the world will soon come to know of the yeti. And perhaps down the road, I shall entreasure my journal, to a love one of whom, I could entrust all my inner thoughts. But for now, the creature called the yeti, shall remain confined within my journal!

As for the fossils that I had brought back, I still kept them by my side. Professor Kham had headed back to retrieve the fossils, and other objects that I had buried so, and entrusted in him. He sent me a telegram from Bombay informing me, that he would keep likewise the creature, a secret and that only the most loyal and sanguine Sherpas, knew of his discovery. To make so certain, that they would be protected he handed them over, to the Buddhist monks back in Kathmandu. After all, it was where the objects, were best to be kept at. The talk of the yeti had subsided for nonce, and there was more interest in studying scientific issues of more relevancy, such as new theories of scientific laws, and new discoveries in medicine. Searching for unknown creatures in the wild, or in the jungle, was soon wearing out it’s welcome when it came to science. Such odd creatures like the yeti, were passing away in the midst of the past. The old Wertherian nostalgia of science, had become lorel and absolute. But much to my amazement, the talk of going off anew on but another wild search for a missing link, would be introduced to me by no other than the dear Lord Rutherford. He had stopped over the mansion to speak to me, about another great expedition of his. He found me in my chambers writing. I opened the door, and found him standing before me.

“Lord Rutherford, what a pleasant surprise indeed! What brings you here my lord?” He smiled at me, and then emoted, “I came to speak to you my dear boy!” “About what my lord if I can ask?” He then ejaculated, “But another expedition my boy!” “Another expedition you say my lord?” “Yes indeed!” “But to where!” He then put his hand on my shoulder and said, “But to the great jungles of Malaysia, my boy!” “But for what reason, my lord?” “To go on a search, for the great mystical ape of Malaysia my boy. There is talk, that he has been spotted in the viscous and thick jungles of the island itself!” The idea of another wild search for a creature, did not seem an enticing proposition to me. It had been a year ago, that I had gone in search of another quite so mysterious creature, the yeti. I had had my fair share amount of adventure already, and I wasn’t ready for another, “I must regrettably, pass on your offer my lord. I have had all the adventure that I need for the moment!” He sighed, “What a pity my boy!” As he started to walk away, I then told him to wait, “Wait a moment sir, I’ll be back!” I headed toward my top drawer, where I retrieved from there, the relics or bones of the creature that I had brought back with me.

Thence, I handed the objects to him, which was covered in a leather strap. But before I could do that, he Lord Rutherford would ask me, “Tell me something my boy, and all the time, that you were up there in the mountains, did you not once see nor stumble onto the creature?” It was now my turn to flash a smile, “Perhaps, just perhaps these relics, can solve your question my lord!” He then unsealed the ribbon, and uncovered the leather strap and then casted eye, upon a pair of bones that bemused him, “Who’s bones, are these professor?” The thought of the bones, being that of the yeti, entered into his mind, “By Jove, the creature does exist after all my boy!” He then stared at me and queried, “But why are you giving them to me, for there are priceless?” It was then that I amusingly said, “Perhaps in a hundred years from now my lord, the world will be indeed ready, to accept the very existence of the creature. But for now, it is better that it remains a secret just between the two of us! Do you not believe so, Lord Rutherford?” He nodded his head, “Indeed so my boy! Indeed so!” Thus this great adventure is over, but who knows perhaps, there is but still another, great adventure awaiting! The End!

Niles Bunbury’s Journal 5 October, 1938-It is close to dawn now, and the rain continues; for I have at last finished, the last page of my grandfather’s fascinating journal, and account of what took place on that one expedition of his, back in the years of 1898 and 1899. I have found myself what I have read, to be literally but breath-taking to say the least. Though it has been over nearly forty years since pass, it is but still, such an incredible tale to read. I shall be leaving London, and returning to Cambridge. I shall be leaving London, with the journal of my grandfather; and with the great satisfaction, that he was able to entrust in me, his dearest journal of which, he cherished with all his heart! Perhaps, grandfather was right, in a hundred years from now, there will be a climate in which the creature could be thus proven, to be real. But for the meantime, I shall not disclose the contents of this journal not until, I can find a trustworthy person of whom, I could truly confide whole-heartedly in. I can not help but think about the fact, that according to this journal, there is a such creature called the yeti that is indeed living, somewhere in those Great Himalayas, that grandfather bespoke of.

Perhaps in another century from now, science shall stumble onto the existence of the creature. And if so, what shall then become of the creature? Shall it be indeed persecuted, or shall it be embraced? Hitherto, I suppose that in the end, I shall leave that in the hands of those who come after me! In a matter of weeks, I would begin to read the other dear journals, that belonged to my dearest grandfather himself, the Great Sir Bunbury himself! The jornals that he was able to entrust in me, his many adventures!