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Heavens Monument New Page 1 My Art
Welcome to my Sanctum stuff New Page 1

My homepage.. Click here for updates, and information on my site, and what it's about.
Here you will see all my drawings that I felt were worthwhile to post.
Just a bunch of stuff about me, not like half of it you want to know..
Email me for feedback..and such
You can check out my online gallery.. on Elfwood. It's an easier way to leave a comment.  Check it out.  In progress.
This isn't done yet..I am working on a way to post my magic decks, so you can see them, and judge them.
Here I can just post a bunch of crap that is bothering me..and, if I learn how, or something, I'll get a message board that is hosted by someone..smarter than me
Music is here.. just a bunch of ff midis so far.. maybe I can be a redneck and make like 15 accounts with mp3s on them.. heehee.

Visit Elfwood


This site is done with. Updated to a new server, owned and managed by an online friend of mine. It's here, this site will no longer be worked on. Goodbye.


Look at that.. another month gone bye. Now only a matter of days before my life becomes another cycle of sleep, wake, school, home, sleep. I can't farking wait.
Anyhoo... Another picture is done.. More or less a collage from all the things I've put together in my spare, bored time over the past many months. With a little more time and effort put into the theme..Here.
PS: I've got a new website design coming up to celebrate the whole passing of a year since I gathered enough will to do it. Hurrah.


Wow. It's been... about 3 months since I've worked on this website, and I've made a few minor changes... It's been three months since I've made that song in the last post, which is done, and I don't feel like posting. Wow. Time sure flies when you're bored off your ass, doesn't it? Just thought I'd add another milestone in the progress of my website, I hope none of you mind. I don't have much of interest to say, at all. Wait. The first thing I said after I recovered my website is going on a year old now.. wow. That's something new, isn't it? Mmf..


Also, I finished a first track, which is less than impressive, but considering it's my first, I have to post it. It will probably be deleted once I create a new one. Click Here for a decent quality sample, or Here for the whole track... in less quality. Enjoy. Email me for critism, ideas, suggestions... etc. But that's assuming you'll even listen to it.


Another possible CD cover for a different project...Here


Ahh.. another thing. Recent digital art has been inspired by Sho Izami! He's a uber-cool shuper dude. His art is also uber-niftay! Go to To see his shtuff!!!!!

A possible CD cover Here


Another two pictures have come into existance. I haven't posted them in the gallery yet... but ohh well.
Soluble Dreams [Nebula]
Loslik Trauma
[untitled] Band
Eye Thing

Another thing.. which is in my gallery, I tried [attempted] to "remix" a earlier drawing of mine in photoshop.. it didn't turn out that bad. See it Here


Dream Noise Modules[ s o m e t h i n g to work for]:
Kawai R-100
Moog Minimoog
Yamaha TG-33/Yamaha SY-22
Sequencial Circuts Prophet 600/Prophet VS
Roland DR10/DR20 Microphone
Sony Cassette Handheld TCM-20DV Recorder
Waldorf Micro-Q rackmount

I made yet another one.. I only have one copy of this one, though, due to the large ammount of space they take up. Click on the link to access it.
Soluble Dreams[flora]
Soluble Dreams[flora] - Negative

I finished another picture... this one is slightly non-complicated, but simple, elegant, and I liked the way it turned out..
Soluble Dreams IV
Soluble Dreams IV [Negative]

I did another one.. I spent a little more time on this one, and I think it looks considerably better. Again, Soluble Dreams is the "theme". Made with Adobe Photoshop.

I was working on a picture with photoshop today.. meant to be a wallpaper. It's entitled "Soluble Dreams" which should become a big part of my website sometime.. anyway. It's my first, I hope that this becomes something that I can work at. Click on the links to load the picture [right click - save as...] Made with Photoshop

I'm going to start adding to the list because I can, and it looks short. I still need to get my elfwood, music, and "myself" page up... This will take a while. Hey, something for me to work on! Yey, I'm such an optimist. 

2 minutes after last comment 12:19 am, 10/15/02

Yeah..... When I was updating my neat little side buttons, and header, I accidentally replaced all the html codings for all my pages with my MESSAGE BOARD HTML!!! So.. essentially, I lost most my html data. I'm in the process of replacing it. And I can't for the life of me figure out why there is such a huge space between what I'm typing now, and the header... And yes, all my previous updates were lost as well. Life sucks. Boo-hoo.

12:19 am, 10/15/02


Copyright © 2000-2002 © Alexander J. Greene 2001. All Rights Reserved.

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