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Introducing: Spazmatasticle

Spazmatastical: I do have prom pics somewhere though
DJjazzzyDrew: are you cute in them?
Spazmatastical: of course...I wonder if you'd be able to tell who was who
DJjazzzyDrew: hmmm I wonder
DJjazzzyDrew: the attractive one would always be Coleen even if she appeared to be in your dress
Spazmatastical: AH!
Spazmatastical: what?!?!?
DJjazzzyDrew: hahaha
DJjazzzyDrew: I am just kidding
Spazmatastical: no you're not!
Spazmatastical: that's the sick thing
DJjazzzyDrew: how would I even be able to tell
DJjazzzyDrew: the two of you appart
DJjazzzyDrew: I have never met either of you
Spazmatastical: we look different
DJjazzzyDrew: oh, how different
Spazmatastical: well,(EDIT: insert intimate details here, hehehe)

Later that same night...

DJjazzzyDrew: you should go identicle with your sister and have a little fun with that before anybody knows you
Spazmatastical: that could get interesting...
DJjazzzyDrew: when are you ever going to get the chance again?
Spazmatastical: never
Spazmatastical: perhaps we'll do it
DJjazzzyDrew: yeah it would be fun
DJjazzzyDrew: ofcourse I was never a twin so you may be sick of it by now
Spazmatastical: I am kinda sick of it
DJjazzzyDrew: yeah but the look of those poor boys faces
DJjazzzyDrew: priceless
Spazmatastical: yes

DJjazzzyDrew: matching hair color, 20 dollars; matching outfits, 100 dollars; look on hot studs face as he is teased into bewilderment and submission, priceless.

Spazmatastical: haha, good times
DJjazzzyDrew: you will have fun either way
Spazmatastical: I hope so