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Tehk Khatt
Tehk Khatt

Name: Tehk Khatt
Full Name: Scott and Katherine
Nicknames: Kate, Katie, Khatt, Dragon Lady, Kitten and a few others
Scott- You'll have to ask him that one
Birthday: Scott= May 7, Kate= Nov.8
Zodiac Sign: Scott-Taurus, Kate-Scorpio
Location: Cleveland, Ohio in America (The ONLY lake too EVER catch on FIRE!!!! I think the Cuyahoga River caught on fire too. Isn't that just so cool!!!) Cleveland is also the home of the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame.
Current G/F or B/F: Hell yeah (Scott and I are dating heck we live together too!)

Favorite Movie: Legend, The Last Unicorn, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Goonies, Labyrinth, and many more
Favorite TV Show: We don't watch much tv. Favorite
Anime: Kate-Loves it all!!!! Scott- Goldenboy, Guyver and Cutey Honey
Favorite Character: Kate- the villain and anti-hero. Scott- Cutey Honey and Kintaro Oei (I hope I spelled that right from Golden Boy)
Favorite Color: Kate=Red and Black!!!! Scott=Mint Green Favorite
Obsessions: Kate-Chocolate, pretty sparklies, learning and so many more. Both - anime,sentai, tokusatsu, and what we want to do to the EVIL Saban for what they have done to sentai and poor Kamen Rider Black RX (We are very vindictive sometime). Scott- what ever he's fixated on at the time.
Favorite Food: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!! MINT!!!!!!!!!! Sushi and Tempura Soba
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! and Mint. Sushi and Tempura. Soba and those YUMMY luna bars They may be nutrition bars but they taste just like candy and flavoured rice crispy treats! Mega Jolt (cola) and Pixie Sticks (Gotta get all that energy somewhere)
Favorite Magazine: Both- Uchesan Quarterly (It's a fan magazine for Sentai and Tokusatsu) (Hope I spelled that right!)
Favorite Book: Kate-Any book in which the story invokes powerful emotions while reading a story that
Favorite Music Artist: Don't have just one
Favorite Song: Don't have JUST one
Favourite Candy: Chocolate and Chocolate mints!
Favourite to Eat a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup: We just eat them.
Favourite Smell(s): Kate=Jasmine, Lotus, Pikaki, All the incense we have too!!!!!! Dove's Blood and Bat's Blood ink, Damballah, Abramelin, Frangi-Pangi (Not that Kate is into Black Magick/Majik but she does know a few spells *wicked laughter*), Scott- Mint mint MIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNT !!!!!!!!!!!! Cookies, cakes and brownies that Kate is baking at the time
Red Rose, Bleeding Rose, Black Rose or White Rose: Kate= Bleeding & Black Rose! Scott- White and Red rose

Ethnicity: Kate- Half Native American (1/4 Cherokee and 1/4 Mayan) The other half you'll just have to guess! (English really is just Kate's SECOND language people) Scott-Part Cherokee, Irish, Scottish, German and a few other things
What is the 7th Wonder of the World: When we find it we'll let you know
Song Describes You best: Not sure wanna guess What do you like most about the Digi-Place: Board: Just guess!!!!!!
Give us a quote: When you stop learning you start dying. The universe never ended because SOMEONE had to wait just ONE second! With out Love, hope, faith and dreams you may as well be dead.

And finally, as to your status on the Digi-Place board, what would you describe yourself as?: Just a crazy fan fic writer