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We serve as the professional organization to represent natural healers, lay health ministers, alternative therapist, and professional holistic health practitioners. We are an auxillary of God's House and Meditation Garden, a holistic healing church based in Alabama.We recently received 501(c)(3)non-profit status. Our mission is to assist individuals to attain an optimum state of holistic wellness. Harmony of body, mind and spirit. Our mission shall be accomplished through:


The topic for this site shall be dedicated to the sharing of paranormal experiences. The artwork on this page is a true example that many things have no scientific basis. This creates fear for many individuals who have such encounters. The artist is Linda Lee Anthony. She is a registered nurse specializing in psychiatry, nursing education and holistic health. Her experience with the paranormal was almost non existant until ten years. Then a few "little things" started happening. Suddenly after making a trip to Atlanta her life became bombarded with a series of paranoraml events. Some of the happenings were so traumatic that it lead to the destruction of her marriage and brought her to a state of emotional dispair. At this time she has chosen to share only what she considers to be the "constructive paranormal events" that lead to her receiving the gift of healing.

Our research has shown that many times mental health counselors lack empathy when it comes to the supernatural. Clients feel intimidated and fearful they will be diagnosed as being psychotic simply by telling their unusual stories.


We have placed this creation in the catagory of "etheric art". An image of an angel does not actually exist in the painting. The angel appeared with along other "spirits" when polaroid photos were made. If you will look closely at the mirror in the back ground you can see "lights" floating. We cannot identfy the source other than to say the room lighting included floursecent fixtures and two standard hanging lamps, one which is visible in the mirror. The reflection does not show evidence that a camera flash was used. What makes this artwork interesting is it was not intentionally designed. The artist created this unusal artwork from information that she received from three of her associates and a vision that she received from a Higher Power. This is only one of the many parananormal stories that she has shared with us. We now share it with you.


Up until a few years ago I didn't put much faith in miricles or paranormal events. I just thought they had to be for publicity or hoax of a prankster that had nothing better to do. I seemed to need a scientific principal for everything. That's what creating fifty page care plans in nursing school will do for you. However I know now that not everything can be placed in a catagory as being black or white. There are many gray areas that have no explanation.

One of the supernatural events came as a result of marital discord. My husband had said something ver hurtful to me. I felt as if my heart had been riped from my chest. In anger I picked up a pot containing a beautiful Easter lily and threw it at the den window. Glass and dirt went everywhere. This is the only time in my life that I really remember being angry with God. In fact more than angry. I simply wanted to deny that he even existed. I wanted to hate him for the painful circumstances in my life. I thought I had been blessed by Him with this marriage that was made in heaven. However that changed quickly when it was becoming clear that my husband was deceitful and far from being a good example of a man of God and Christian.

A few weeks went by and I forgave my husband and accepted God back as my friend. After all true friends are hard to find and I had learned that to be forgiven I too must forgive those who had wronged me.

In mid May God gave me a vision for a holistic health church. First it would begin with the preparing of health education videos that would be available to churches. The programs that I would design would focus on promotion of wellness and not the treatment of disease.

Nurses are contantly observing, assessing, planning and evaluationing everything! They could serve as liaisons to the traditional churches. I had no idea that God was giving me the vision for a Parish Nurse Program which is basically a holistic health ministry. A copy of the Alabama Baptist arrived at my home. It described how nurses were making differences by serving as Parish Nurses. Having a name for what I wanted to do allowed me to began research of Parish Nursing. A call came to my home the last of July to tell me of a Parish Nurse program. I registered for the class the same day and within one week was officially recognized as being a Parish Nurse. This would be the educational credentials needed for the development of a unique holistic health church.

August was a hot month and even the grass was dying. But one thing was not being affected by the near 100 degree heat wave and draught. The pot containing the Easter lily showed signs of life after setting for months unattended in the scorching sun without watering. Now how could this be. We know Easter lilies only come up during the Easter season. Besides the scientiful principal here is that bulbs must go through a dormant period for several weeks before they will be able to bloom again. Even nurseries must have a controled climate for their survival.

Having difficulty believing it was an Easter lily, the plant was taken to a horticulturist. It was an easter lily. I interpreted this to be a sign from God that despite the circumstances in my life that He was still there watching over me.

During Sepetember I had a conversation with a friend. She said that she had an unusual dream and gave the following account. She said she was in an area that had a circular concrete area in the center. Around this area there were four "pie shaped wedged" areas that created the seating pattern in the grass. She then found herself at a "store". She told the man they wouldn't listen to her. He said go back they will listen. She had no understanding of what the dream meant and it had no significance for me at that time. I told my husband about her dream and he said the pie shaped wedge seating pattern sounded like the shape of a Maltese cross.

A few weeks later I was out in a neighborhood gathering data about the community. I crossed over to the park. In the center there was a round concrete area with twelve posts surrounding it. Now there were bike trails along this area. Taking one look made me realize the area was like what my friend saw in her dream. The grassy areas between the bike trails was shaped much like a Maltese cross. I could hardly wait to tell my friend. When we returned to the park with her and the children they said "mama, it's just like you saw in your dream". She was not excited and I didn't understand why. I know now that the information was not intended for her but that she merely served as a messenger.

In January the second source of information for the design of the artwork came from a man who was a member of another ministry. He said he had a vision when he was driving back from Atlanta. A large bright light appeared with little lights flying back and forth to the big light. He didn't undersand it's significance.

The third source of information came from another spiritual person. She described a dream that involved the rainbow forming a complete circle around God's throne. Another part of her dream included the designing of the American flag. The color red representing the blood shed for our sins and the white representing purity and forgiveness of sins.

Our worked continued at a slow pace at the building that we had selected to begin our outreach work. To make matters worse we learned we could not use the building for a ministry as it was not zoned for such. We could not put up a sign for that would involve going before the zoning board. I thought perhaps what was needed was artwork to identify the ministry instead of a sign.

I tossed several thoughts around in my head and they included a star to represent the light and love of God, circles of color to represent the rainbow encircling God's throne and a Malese cross that would represent people from all directions of the earth. However my mind was blank when it came to incorporating red and white into this artwork. The problem was solved as I was taking a shower. A vision of the star in the center surrounded by a rainbow and connected with a blue Maltese cross became imposed upon a background of red and white stripes. Later that day I began my first sketch. When I had finished I didn't think it pretty at all. It was too bold, too dramatic, too shocking and certainly was far from my preference of pastels.

The next morning when I got up I began to review my sketch. I shouted "what happened to my Maltese cross, it's gone". My husband came to look at the sketch. He said "it's right here. You didn't see it because you have created an optical illusion." For the next couple of weeks I spent hours with buckets of paint of every color in the rainbow. I used a 4x8 sheet of plywood that had been primed with a sealer. When it was finished it remained at the outreach center that we called the "church store".

A wonderful surprise came when my Easter Lily plant produced two blooms during the Easter season. This was my sign that God wanted me to continue His work despite the fact that our savings were dwendling,the conflict with my husband was increasing and there was more to do than people to do the work.

Considering that I may want to use my artwork on a letterhead or other stationary, I asked my husband to make photos of my painting. I thought he said the first picture was speckeled. He said "no, it's special". As I looked at the photo I could see the image of an angel in the top portion of the maltese cross. I said don't make any more photos until I set up the movie camera as no one will ever believe this. I set up the video and he continued to make polaroid shots. As he got to the fourth photo the image began to change to the image of a man's face much resembling artwork of Jesus.

We shared our unusual photos with others and one day I was describing my creation to an evangelist. He said it sounds like you have created some satanic artwork referring to the Maltese cross. He said it was used on German planes during the war. What is amazaing about his comment is that if you turn the painting upside down, the five pointed star does become the symbol to represent the church of satan. During my research of the Maltese cross many astoninishing facts were revealed.

I The Maltese cross was the symbol used by a religious crusading order that helped care for the sick and needy.

Since that time I have learned that this honored symbol came from eleventh century knights who were serving in a Jerusalem hospital. They became known as the Order of Knights Hospitaller and later became the Knights of St. John This charitable organization cared for the ill with great compassion. In 1530, the Island of Malta was given to the courageous knights. The symbol on their flag, the eight-pointed cross, became known as the "Maltese Cross". The cross, which had originally helped the knights distinguish between friend and foe, became the ultimate symbol of heroism and service. The cross which is considered sacred, represents the principals of charity,loyalty,chivalry, gallantry, generosity to friend and foe, protection of the weak and dexterity in service.

Now it would seem that this story would end here but it really just begins. In the summer of 1999 I attended the Riki Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. I had heard a little about energy healing and felt it had to be based on some form of magical practice.

However the more I read and the more people I connected with I began to change my view. My interest in alternative therapy and holistic healing increased. After all parish nursing was going no where. Ministers couldn't care less if they assisted in helping with the health care needs of their congregation. They would not listen to anything I tried to tell them about health minsitry. Almost like my friends dream when she told the man at the store they wouldn't listen to her.

In preparing for a holistic health conference,I went to a meeting of holistic healers. During the service a channeler gave me a message. She said it was from White Butterfly, a medicine lady. It was told that I would become a healer. I was given an imaginary white shawl, white quill for writing and imaginary broom to sweep the clutter from my life. At that time I thought I have really connected with a group of strange believers. Since that time the broom has been used frequently clearing the things stopping me from progressing to where God intends for me to be.

Within six weeks I had the ability to heal naturally with subtle energy. The healing technique developed from my use of the symbols that came from my artwork. My form of healing differs from Usi Reiki in that I do not touch the individual during the attunement. My healing involves prayer, meditaion and intense concentration.

During a holistic health conference in August of 1999 I took photos of "Seraph of Malta. When one of the presenters reviewed the pictures she said " I want to show you something" She pulled out a diagram that indicated that a principal of sound therapy included the use of symbols. Her diagram indicated that the five pointed star when used with music would draw in the healing angels known as Seraphrims. That is how I knew what I should call my healing. This is why my painting is called Seraphims of Malta and my natural healing is called Seraphims Touch.

I can say if you faith is wobbly have no fear. There is a power greater than man that exist. I truly beleive now that life does exist after death.We merely change the forms of our being.