Views of Life

I'm dedicating this website to something entirely different now. Because of that, and the fact that no one knew about it before, I'm not expecting to get any hits now either. I don't plan to update on a daily weekly, monthly schedule. I don't plan on apologizing to anyone for any content that I put on this site. And I don't think that many people will notice anyway. This is basically a place for me to rant and let loose on the world as I see fit. If you have any problems, questions, compliments, or credit card numbers you want to send as a result you can mail me at

2/12/02: Dave - Looks like we actually DO have a new writer on the scene this time. Everyone warmly welcome Peter Wood. Hey, drop him a line if you like what he wrote.

1/29/02: Dave - Eh... less comical, more angry. What can ya do?

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