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Welcome to my Homepage

Welcome to my Homepage.
This homepage I hope to use as a growing base for all sorts of useful information to do with the things that I love (mainly roleplay related), helpfully all put in one place so that you have an instant on-line reference to a lot of much needed information.
This homepage details several of the loves of my life, firstly living, secondly music and probably most importantly... roleplaying.
Roleplaying is possibly the foremost love of my life, and along with the normal kinds of roleplaying games that are done with dice and tables, I also partake of live roleplay, a hobby most interesting indeed...
Live roleplaying involves running round castles and acres of woodland and other forms of terrain, hitting your friends (and others; but mainly friends) with magical spells, latex-foam swords and other such weapons in a fantasy situation. Something that I would recomend anyone with an imagination and a love for fantasy to try at least once in their lives. (Especially if you are male and love beautiful women running around in gorgeous clothing and pointy ears). ;0)

Also, I intend to get round to putting some photographs of my friends on this site as well... but if I ever manage to get round to doing this; only time will tell.

My Favorite Web Sites

The Jhereg Homepage
Wolf Pictures
useful graphics page for World of Darkness
Playwell Martial Arts Homepage
The Dragons Faction Homepage
Fircruthen Homepage
BG2 page of useful stuff
Jhereg Beastman lrp Page
Song of Steel LRP