Dark Perceptions


[updated: June 23rd, 2002]

Ev'ry time I do something on this damned page, it dinnae work! I finished all the graphics, but they aren't working correctly. grrr, I need to brush up on my tables and imaging html, and my css. I had to take css down bc i couldn't remember how to fix it!!! grr... well, hopefully it'll be up soon, I'm off to brush up on my html...

[updated: May 29, 2002]

Well, I am horrible at web-based editors my golive trial is out and my pagemill is scratched to hell, so publication will be slow until I can get things running... just letting anyone who might have actually stumbled onto this before it's official publication know that i'm still here... i only have 5 days left on my golive trial, but i'll find something

[updated: march 29, 2002]

Frames Pissed the hell out of me... let's try something new, eh?

[updated: march 28, 2002]

set up the frames system [I'm making sure you don't get stuck in them]. The new interface Will be up... that old 'just starting stuff' Will hopefully be gone by the end of the Weekend!

[© 2002 Bri. all rights reserved]